Veil of mist uses up a meter and locks meter gain. You want that stuff also on 3C?
I think what really has to happen is that there needs to be an additional benefit to using the root feature. Like meter loss over time, health drained over time, loss of red health.
I am just throwing out ideas here... We can make this work I know we can!
The changelog for Nova's red health mechanic stuff would look like this:
*LVL1 Gravimetric special moves can be used by inputting QCF + L/M/H + S which will not drain red health. LVL3 Gravimetric moves will not drain more than 400K red health.
I know you're throwing out ideas; that's what I tried to do and everyone made fun of me.
You just have to ask yourself, after thinking up any 0D3C suggestion:
"What does this do for Dormammu that 1D2C, 2D1C, and 3D0C don't, and would a Dormammu player really consider using this over other options?"
Thus far, I haven't seen any suggestions outside my own that make me say "yes" to the above.
I worded the Nova change like this:
*Air throw range reduced considerably.
*Timing for comboing off of throws made more strict.
*j.H hitbox reduced slightly.
*Human Rocket blockstun reduced (hitstun unchanged).
*Red health boosts only occur when S is inputted along with the normal command input; red health lost capped at 400,000.
*c.L is now +1 on block.
*Energy Javelin (assist) causes a soft knockdown.
Assists: Energy Javelin, Centurion Rush M, Gravimetric Pulse H
Iron Fist:
*Crescent Heel assist startup time reduced to 37 frames.
*Volanic Roar causes a soft knockdown on all but the last hit.
*Iron Fist now has enough time to OTG opponents following Dragon’s Prey.
*Wall of Kun Lun and Rising Fang can be performed without the Rekka series
*Crescent Heel overhead does not bounce a standing opponent
*Canceling Volanic Roar before the final hit causes soft knockdown state
*Cr.L hits low now
*Launcher can hit in an anti air and juggle situation
*Can now double jump
*More untechable time after air throws so you have more time to pick up with Crescent Heel
*Invincibility on Iron Rage increased on start up; travels further for first hit
*Chi system reworked
Every Chi activation now also activates a specific counter
Every Chi now has an additional Rekka passive component
Attack Chi - Gains 20% damage, Rekkas now do 40% chip on block (up from the standard 35%), on counters to Low attacks instantly activates Dragons' Touch
Defense Chi - Gains 20% health, all Rekkas have 1 hit of armor, on counter to High attacks instantly activates Wall of Kun Lun.
Meter Chi - Gains 20% more meter, All Rekkas negate push block, on counter to Projectile attacks instantly activates Rising Fang
Assists: Rising Fang, Crescent Heel, Wall of K’un-Lun
I won't have time to read the Iron Fist changes and think about them until later.