ChrisG plays every character in the game... except for the one he got beat against. Probably will not happen again once he learns the character better.
I would love to see ChrisG pick up an Iron Man team.
karst i still don't understand how you play this game without a neutral assist. Like if you're sitting with Vergil on point against Hulk/Wolverine/Rushdown whatever, are you just praying an H hits when they come at you? How are you getting space?
Well, it depends on my point character. I made a pretty sizable list of point characters I mess with, but I think Vergil is technically the most well-suited for the role. I'll answer for Vergil, though.
Vergil isn't Doom, but he has some really solid anti-rushdown tools:
1) Helm Breaker. Against Wolverine at the start of the match, I just up-back and push down-back+H. It's not perfect, but it protects me from an air throw at the start of the round. If it's blocked, I call Dark Hole and Trick Down for a mix-up, and the game is now to my advantage.
2) Back up at the start of the round and just hit s.H or Stinger. If it hits, combo. If it whiffs, cancel into Devil Trigger. I'll get the bar back in a few seconds.
3) Judgment Cut is like a crappy Dark Hole, but it's worth using on Vergil because people are afraid of approaching him and his huge hitboxes. So when Vergil zones, people just kind of dance around, not wanting to approach.
None of these are ways to win in themselves, but they buy time for Dark Harmonizer calls, which lets me throw Rapid Slash into Spiral Swords around whenever I want. I get 2 Dark Harmonizer calls off per Spiral Swords, which means I only have to make one more call outside of Spiral Swords to get another one off. If I get 3 bars of meter with Vergil, I never need to do anything but Spiral Swords.
Hulk scares the hell out of me with Vergil. It's extremely hard to deal with Hulk+drones without any backup. So, I do one of two things:
1) s.H into Round Trip at the start of the round, cancel Round Trip into Devil Trigger ASAP and raw tag Dormammu in. Zone Hulk with Dormammu's usual game + buffed Rapid Slash calls.
2) Start Morrigan on point. Morrigan has a 1 frame command grab, she can keep Hulk out for a while (he'll have to get in via superjump), her most basic approaches all multi-hit to break armor, and her c.L both recovers fast enough to be immune to Hulk's frame traps, hits twice to break armor very quickly, and has such a tiny hitbox that drones pass over her.
I think, in an ideal world, I would start Morrigan against Wolverine and Hulk, though. One of the virtues of the team that I love is Dormammu, Morrigan, and Vergil all have bad matchups that don't overlap very much, and I can't think of any characters that counter all three, so I can start whoever is appropriate (ideally through Round Trip -> Devil Trigger).
I also blow X-Factor based on matchups. If my opponent is using something like Wolverine/Taskmaster/Doom, I'll burn X-Factor on a Helm Breaker kill because Taskmaster and Doom are both 100% free to Stalking Flare spam. Vergil's first and foremost goal is to eliminate characters that cause problems for Dormammu.
GB Speaks the truth. Karsticles Always has meter for spiral swords..
Well, to be fair, I played Ultimate since release until...what, a month or two ago?, without using Vergil.