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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Azure J

Your Strider is really nice, you know how to open ppl up with his ass lol. Viper is just a hard to play char in general IMO so when u mess up, I'm just like. Hey it's viper plus lag too. you got good tools with her too. like the focus attack BS. Your Dante is good too but whenever vajra hits me, u do volcano, that guitar ball thing and then try to do that dive move and most of the time it drops, I say stop doing that and just do like volcano, H then the dive move cause that'll hit most of the time.

I don't even get it when I drop Volcano pickups with Dante online. I see others do it without issue and this is something almost intrinsically me because I need dat max damage confirm as often as I can have it. It's always right when I have to do the second j.H too. 9 out of 10 times if you see me get to bolt and then just fall, I have hit myself with the controller thinking "how in the hell does that keep happening?"

The worst part about it is Dante is quite easily my most powerful character. If I have him alone I feel like I can win anything with the right approach. But when I'm dropping things that are this ingrained into myself, it wears down the morale and then I start second guessing everything. Notice the distinct lack of welcome setups or all those dropped dash under Ryan Hunters I confirmed later on in the matches.

Note: For visual's sake, this is what I was going for with those dash under s.Ms with Dante:


Viper is pretty much my anti-Marvel character. I like that if she has Jam Session or Vajra, she essentially makes the game two choices on incoming, get Focus Attacked for guaranteed damage or push block trying to ruin the setup only to get counter grabbed anyway. I just need to learn how to leverage her above average rush down potential and grind a few more combos out with her and I'll feel ok. I notice you didn't say anything about Seismo - Laser or Seismo - FADCs that I try to use and mix things up.

Strider however, I like to play as more than just comeback factor. I like to play until I have 5 meters to mess with that way I hve one bail out card to play in Ragnarok for either safety or to clean up a problem character before the main problem character. After that, I build one meter doing anything with Strider and its Cheerios everywhere. I feel like he's potent even without X-Factor because he can easily dictate how things are going to go down as long as he isn't caged himself. My problem again comes from not going up to engage when necessary. Animals are great, but their startups are a pain. I wish if they were out on first frame sometimes... :lol

Azure J

What tips do you have for the neutral game with Strider Azure?

Really, you just have to play the match ups. Make patterns of animals with Tiger always leading the way. This sets up his "block once, get vortex'd" kinda play on hit and can condition people to jump expecting something as they either come towards or escape away from you.

Bird Bomb is what you use when you want to cordon off some space for you to do something, either a super or raw Wall Clings. It's also your best bet for getting teleporters that get over your head since the Bomb combo breaks and comes from off screen delayed enough to connect with them.

Kara Cancelling s.H/c.H/f.H Formation B Summons & Shots cuts the overall time spent firing them one after the other considerably while also making you cover ground space at a quick clip. You can also Kara the other Formations (animals), but remember that the startup on them isn't decreased.

I think that's all I can give you without you getting specific though.
CPU Iron Man is a god damned demon.

Really, you just have to play the match ups. Make patterns of animals with Tiger always leading the way. This sets up his "block once, get vortex'd" kinda play on hit and can condition people to jump expecting something as they either come towards or escape away from you.

Bird Bomb is what you use when you want to cordon off some space for you to do something, either a super or raw Wall Clings. It's also your best bet for getting teleporters that get over your head since the Bomb combo breaks and comes from off screen delayed enough to connect with them.

Kara Cancelling s.H/c.H/f.H Formation B Summons & Shots cuts the overall time spent firing them one after the other considerably while also making you cover ground space at a quick clip. You can also Kara the other Formations (animals), but remember that the startup on them isn't decreased.

I think that's all I can give you without you getting specific though.

Cool, I didn't know karas shortened the firing time. I'm pretty much running Strider with EMD assist and just going nuts.

Azure J

Strider/Disrupter is some shit I never want to experience in my life ever, especially with how easy he can make left-rights using it. Anything - EMD + Wall Cling = I pretty much just lost my orientation instantly.
Strider/Disrupter is some shit I never want to experience in my life ever, especially with how easy he can make left-rights using it. Anything - EMD + Wall Cling = I pretty much just lost my orientation instantly.

  1. Do some random maniac shit with Strider
  2. Do a random-direction TAC with a 67% chance of success
  3. Dirt Nap for 100% chance of death on remaining two characters

I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.
How do you think he would work with Joe?
The only synergy that exists between them is Desperado -> Chaotic Flame works a lot like other buffer DHCs and does huge damage to assists it catches. It's also likely helpful that Joe doesn't use meter, saving more for Dormammu. Really, you'll need a great assist to bind the two of them together.
Or you could make a separate team with Dorm. You don't have to use Joe you know.

Joe is pretty much the only reason I payed attention to Marvel in the first place. Other characters being fun to use was just icing on the cake. I'll make a separate team for Dorm only if I can't make him and Joe work on a team.
Crazy fact: Dark Harmonizer builds 3 bars of meter before Arthur's Gold Armor runs out. Arthur's armor also won't break if he's in the middle of a hyper...maybe I'll try Arthur/Morrigan/Dormammu sometime.


Crazy fact: Dark Harmonizer builds 3 bars of meter before Arthur's Gold Armor runs out. Arthur's armor also won't break if he's in the middle of a hyper...maybe I'll try Arthur/Morrigan/Dormammu sometime.

After getting into Arthur and having Dark Arthur on my team I cannot encourage people enough to start using the guy. Also when you do use him don't forget the two most slept on things with the guy. He has a sword that is useful in gold armor since it causes a soft knockdown and is always COMPLETELY unaffected by hitstun scaling (loops in Dark Arthur mode!)and a stun move involving his shield. Most people forget to use them and even though most avoid his shield counter due to its recovery making it hard to convert the stun it causes they are missing out on a neat trick...during the counter he has no vulnerable hitbox behind the shield. Little dude can't be crossed up during this thing.

If you are packing an assist that comes out fast and from behind you can use it to keep people in block stun long enough to avoid the mixup and then go for something. Rising Dragon assist from Iron Fist has let me use this once or twice to avoid some BS crossups and a few times I managed to get the stun state but it was pretty hard and still hard to convert, so do what I did and just say to hell with it and cancel into goddess bracelet if you end up with the stun.

Arthur is a guy you can spend a long time just reading up on and watching tech vids for because he has a lot of cool surprises. I keep wanting to see some stuff with the air scythe tosses pull in effect and hellbound slash's hard knockdown outside of the normal combos. Guy feels like he should have some trickier stuff with those tools.

OH one more thing. Cancel jumping S with Dagger and you can do whatever you want to get some loops with jump S. Like Heavy S dagger hop Heavy S dagger works. I think you can loop that maybe 3 times before you start doing heavenly slash or something to keep juggling them. It also works on jumping dudes since they got to be in the air to pull this off.
Random question to the vergil players. So I've been learning him for the hell of it (Zero/Dante needs a BFF TOO!). And on the spiral sword loop the only way I can get it is if I walk backwards, but I notice Yipes just stands there.

How long do you stand there? 2 seconds? 3 seconds? The problem with my way is that walking backwards sometime the sword miss on the 2nd/3rd loop.

Edit: NVM... forget what I just said. Apparently I just have to do that washing machine move shit asap and it connects regardless. This guy so much easier than I thought!


My first strider team was strider/magneto/Dante. I thought EMD would be the best but I don't know how to combo off of it, shit is too fast, that's why I went with plasma beam.

I didn't say anything about seismos or lasers cause I forgot lol. I like your use of lasers, I keep forgetting she has that and it's actually really good too. Seismo use is good too, I keep thinking she can't spam it but LOL THAT'S NOT TRUE.

Also that Dante stuff, I was wondering why u kept snapping lol. Now I know! And now I must learn that!
Whaaaat. Strider gets full combos off of Vajra H when you back him with Plasma Beam, Unibeam, or Dagger Toss. What is this nonsense! Give Dormammu a beam assist so I can put this guy on my team.
That would not be a good idea.

Random question to the vergil players. So I've been learning him for the hell of it (Zero/Dante needs a BFF TOO!). And on the spiral sword loop the only way I can get it is if I walk backwards, but I notice Yipes just stands there.

How long do you stand there? 2 seconds? 3 seconds? The problem with my way is that walking backwards sometime the sword miss on the 2nd/3rd loop.

Edit: NVM... forget what I just said. Apparently I just have to do that washing machine move shit asap and it connects regardless. This guy so much easier than I thought!
After you do Lunar Phase, people stand for a minute to let Spiral Swords run out so every hit of Round Trip generates meter.


Whaaaat. Strider gets full combos off of Vajra H when you back him with Plasma Beam, Unibeam, or Dagger Toss. What is this nonsense! Give Dormammu a beam assist so I can put this guy on my team.
That would not be a good idea.
He gets full combos off it anyways if you hit them with s.L. Although that depends somewhat on character height, but it's guaranteed on a counter hit, and really the only time you're going to genuinely land a Vajra H on a standing opponent is on a counter hit.

I do like the beams' ability to let Strider combo off his slide, though.
Alright. I spent about 4 hours in training mode playing with Ghost Rider team combinations, and I am fairly confident when I say that Vajra is his best anti-air assist.

Of all the anti-air assists in the game, Vajra is the only one that can actually lead to decent damage. As a bonus, if you call Vajra slightly before jumping into j.S, it leads to full combos. If it's blocked, your opponent is in enough blockstun for you to go for another j.S or go for a c.H.

Vajra is also solid at extending Ghost Rider's combos, netting him about an extra fourth of a bar when you chain two Hellfire L OTGs together. Ghost Rider doesn't use the meter he generates unless he goes for Penance Stare, and Strider needs a lot of meter.

I think that none of this thus far is particularly special, but something else is. Ghost Rider's j.H seems truly awful. He can't chain out of it, and he can't combo out of it. On the other hand, j.H has a fricken massive hitbox on it - it's like Vergil's s.S and s.H combined in terms of height and width, but in the air. It's so big that if you just jump and perform j.H, your chain is literally a pixel or two away from hitting maximum superjump height.

It also turns out that if you call Vajra before you leave the ground and hit your opponent with j.H, Vajra combos off of the j.H. Ghost Rider lands with enough time to OTG into a hyper for about 500K damage. It's not big damage, but it's damage that will make aerial characters much more careful around Ghost Rider. You can always XFC into a full combo too, of course.

So, I think I'm set on Ghost Rider / Strider.

The only question left is whether to use Iron Man (Unibeam), Doom (Plasma Beam), or Arthur (Dagger Toss). I think these are Ghost Rider's best horizontal assists because they have three important traits that he needs:
1) Ability to combo off of a j.S instant overhead from anywhere.
2) Ability to hit the opposing point character and any assists on the screen.
3) A pinning quality that allows him to do something after j.S and the assist are blocked.

Number 2 is my reason for deciding not to use Hawkeye with Ghost Rider any more. During my few hundred matches with him, I have lost a lot of happy birthday opportunities because Hawkeye's arrows only comboed one of the two characters on the screen. I think that Ghost Rider's pressure and ability to catch assists is a boon in his game, and a team should be organized to take advantage of this.

So, what are your thoughts, GAF? I figure team order will have Strider last regardless.

He gets full combos off it anyways if you hit them with s.L. Although that depends somewhat on character height, but it's guaranteed on a counter hit, and really the only time you're going to genuinely land a Vajra H on a standing opponent is on a counter hit.

I do like the beams' ability to let Strider combo off his slide, though.
EMD is the only beam assist for Strider that isn't garbage. Everything else is too slow, Strider is a lunatic. He doesn't have time to wait for these character's bullshit.

Random question to the vergil players. So I've been learning him for the hell of it (Zero/Dante needs a BFF TOO!). And on the spiral sword loop the only way I can get it is if I walk backwards, but I notice Yipes just stands there.

How long do you stand there? 2 seconds? 3 seconds? The problem with my way is that walking backwards sometime the sword miss on the 2nd/3rd loop.

Edit: NVM... forget what I just said. Apparently I just have to do that washing machine move shit asap and it connects regardless. This guy so much easier than I thought!

Fuck Vergil, Zero/Dante/X-23 is the best team in the game. I'll post everything I know about that team if you want.
EMD is the only beam assist for Strider that isn't garbage. Everything else is too slow, Strider is a lunatic. He doesn't have time to wait for these character's bullshit.
Translation: "I really like Magneto and put him on all my teams."

I thought dante's tac infinites were hella impractical?
This is like talking to a conspiracy theorist about the Illuminati.

I watched PR Rog try Dante's infinite for like an hour, and he seemed to find it pretty difficult...


Of all the anti-air assists in the game, Vajra is the only one that can actually lead to decent damage. As a bonus, if you call Vajra slightly before jumping into j.S, it leads to full combos. If it's blocked, your opponent is in enough blockstun for you to go for another j.S or go for a c.H.

So, I think I'm set on Ghost Rider / Strider.

The only question left is whether to use Iron Man (Unibeam), Doom (Plasma Beam), or Arthur (Dagger Toss). I think these are Ghost Rider's best horizontal assists because .....
So, what are your thoughts, GAF? I figure team order will have Strider last regardless.
I would go with Ghost Rider/Arthur/Strider:
For gr you would have a good anti air with vajra, and full combos off j.S + daggers.

You can probably afford to blow xf on penance stares, and still have Arthur + vajra and potential oroboros comeback.

The strider/ Arthur combo will let you get full combos off h vajra, and nice mixups.

It seems like it should be pretty solid, and I already know your Arthur is solid from playing your ghost rider/haggar/Arthur team.

If you want to test it out today, I'll be on psn later this afternoon.

EDIT: I like EMD assist being as fast as it is now, but it wouldn't be a bad thing if they made it the H version.
It'd be a VERY BAD THING >:-|

It's a disruptor! It has to be fast! It doesn't have high durability or a bunch of active frames, and it doesn't have a ton of hitstun either. It's defined by being fast and having a wide hitbox. Slow it down and it's basically a crappy plasma beam.

Ironically, EMD assist has about the same startup frames as on-point Plasma Beam.
It'd be a VERY BAD THING >:-|

It's a disruptor! It has to be fast! It doesn't have high durability or a bunch of active frames, and it doesn't have a ton of hitstun either. It's defined by being fast and having a wide hitbox. Slow it down and it's basically a crappy plasma beam.

Ironically, EMD assist has about the same startup frames as on-point Plasma Beam.
I don't like that it is both the fastest beam and the beam that causes the least amount of damage decay. It makes me feel like one of those properties should belong to another assist.

Plus, Magneto is undoubtedly one of the best point characters in the game. Should he also have arguably the best beam assist?

I would go with Ghost Rider/Arthur/Strider:
For gr you would have a good anti air with vajra, and full combos off j.S + daggers.

You can probably afford to blow xf on penance stares, and still have Arthur + vajra and potential oroboros comeback.

The strider/ Arthur combo will let you get full combos off h vajra, and nice mixups.

It seems like it should be pretty solid, and I already know your Arthur is solid from playing your ghost rider/haggar/Arthur team.

If you want to test it out today, I'll be on psn later this afternoon.

EDIT: I like EMD assist being as fast as it is now, but it wouldn't be a bad thing if they made it the H version.
I'd love to play some matches with you. I'll fumble with the three setups and see what I like, but I'm leaning toward Arthur just for the novelty of it. It bothers me a bit that Iron Man doesn't have a safe hyper to DHC into, also.

How long from now would you want to play?


The hitbox is also pretty crazy on it.

Plus, Magneto is undoubtedly one of the best point characters in the game. Should he also have arguably the best beam assist?
Everyone knows the best beam assist is Unibeam.
Everyone knows the best beam assist is Unibeam.
In terms of the screen control it provides, and having the unique feature of leaving the opponent standing, yes. However, it scales combos horribly, takes a comparatively long time to come out, and Iron Man appears on your character instead of behind your character like Doom does. Personally, I generally only choose Iron Man when it's really important for my opponent to be left standing after the beam hits, as with Dr. Strange, or if Captain America is being used. Those are the two characters that just scream "must have Unibeam" to me.


I thought dante's tac infinites were hella impractical?
It's not impractical, but it's not easy by any means. It's very timing based, and you have to keep roughly the exact same speed the entire time, otherwise the other character will hit the ground or a normal will whiff and you've messed it up. Ammy's infinite is pretty hard, too, since it's not just j.HHH, it's j.H..H...H, and you might have to adjust one of the Hs to keep the character at the right height to be juggled properly. Input wise, yes, they're very simple, but you have to be aware of the timing of the infinite, the height of the other character, and the weight and size of the other character also plays a huge role in juggling them properly.

If we're talking about easiest infinite, I think that title belongs to Trish. I've been learning it, and I have to have a serious lapse in thought to mess it up.
lol Unibeam

I don't like that it is both the fastest beam and the beam that causes the least amount of damage decay. It makes me feel like one of those properties should belong to another assist.

Plus, Magneto is undoubtedly one of the best point characters in the game. Should he also have arguably the best beam assist?

The damage thing is a function of it not having a lot of active frames, though. Would you be happier if it was still as fast but also hit 8 times? Then it's fast, has one of the biggest beam hitboxes and as much screen control as plasma beam while being able to hit confirm more easily with a wider variety of moves. It'd only be something else to complain about.

Also, didn't you use to argue with me that there shouldn't be point characters and assist characters, that there was no reason for everybody not to have a good assist? Well, let me tell you about Magneto's dream for this world.

Azure J

I feel like getting some matches in before Sandy comes and fucks things up for me. At the same time, I'm weirdly off my usual game lately. Anyone want to play in like the next 6 hour window, just send me an invite and if I'm not away from the console I'll indulge.


Its been a while since i posted here. Been in that Zero vortex for a while. Still strugling to decide what to pair him with. Not really convicned ZMC is the best option.


Its been a while since i posted here. Been in that Zero vortex for a while. Still strugling to decide what to pair him with. Not really convicned ZMC is the best option.
Zero/Vergil/Strider? Zero/Doom/Strider? Zero/Hawkete/Strider?


I wanted to go with Zero/Dante/Magneto but tbh ill probably end up with Zero Vergil STrider....

I just dont love the Vergil/Strider Shell tbh


Good Games Karst.
That Ghost Rider/Arthur/Strider team has my seal of approval.
Its very annoying to fight against...
Which means it is working great!
I feel like the team does a very good job of covering Ghost Rider's weaknesses.
God, even if I took out arthur, you still had anchor strider. Or vice versa...

I ended up picking alot of different characters. Even ones that I don't know how to use, just because I was getting tired of losing almost the exact same way each match.

Also I couldn't combo off of spencer's command grab to save my life tonight...

I'll post some more about our matches later.
lThe damage thing is a function of it not having a lot of active frames, though. Would you be happier if it was still as fast but also hit 8 times? Then it's fast, has one of the biggest beam hitboxes and as much screen control as plasma beam while being able to hit confirm more easily with a wider variety of moves. It'd only be something else to complain about.
No it's not. Capcom can make one attack hit 8 times if they want. Make it hit 8 times, but keep the speed and priority. Now it makes sense.

Also, didn't you use to argue with me that there shouldn't be point characters and assist characters, that there was no reason for everybody not to have a good assist? Well, let me tell you about Magneto's dream for this world.
I still do think that, but that doesn't have anything to do with a discussion about whether some assists are too good.

Its been a while since i posted here. Been in that Zero vortex for a while. Still strugling to decide what to pair him with. Not really convicned ZMC is the best option.
I think the team isn't meant to be the best Zero team, just the best anchor and best point in the game while the point is backed by his best assist.

Good Games Karst.
That Ghost Rider/Arthur/Strider team has my seal of approval.
Its very annoying to fight against...
Which means it is working great!
God, even if I took out arthur, you still had anchor strider. Or vice versa...

I ended up picking alot of different characters. Even ones that I don't know how to use, just because I was getting tired of losing almost the exact same way each match.

Also I couldn't combo off of spencer's command grab to save my life tonight...

I'll post some more about our matches later.
GGs! It has been a while since someone played a hundred matches with me in a row. I am seriously digging this team, it's a ton of fun to play. I never thought I would enjoy Arthur, but I am. The pressure is just so good. I noticed you started to pick characters that you didn't really know how to play after a while. I think you should focus on Felicia - she's by far your best character. I really hate Spencer. He was a overpowered shithead in Vanilla, and he's even better in Ultimate. Drives me nuts. The Spitfire assist was really hard to deal with.

If I were to give you one piece of advice, it would be to play things slower. I notice you push buttons sometimes when you shouldn't be, and the fact is my team isn't going to open anyone up unless you let me. Play to the team's weakness.

Man, there were so many dropped XFCs into Penance Stare. I was saving it for Felicia almost every time, but half the time the damn thing didn't come out!

Yeah, having both Arthur and Strider anchor possibilities is really nice. They both did their jobs very well. Dagger Toss with Gold Armor on was just...wow. So much damage added, so much screen control and blockstun. I loved it, and it provides just enough blockstun for me to wavedash in after getting pushblocked from j.S to go for that c.H.

I thought I would miss Double Lariat, but when I did training mode last night I learned about Ghost Rider's j.M, which is a horrendously underloved move. Instant overheads, crosses up, has a big hitbox beneath it - it's very good.

I still don't know any combos with Strider or Arthur, and I don't know most of Arthur's inputs. He has some stuff that would really help against Felicia. j.S was working overtime, haha. It's kind of weird using Vajra with Arthur because it's like there are dive kicks all over the screen. Keeping people out with Arthur + Vajra proved even more effective than I thought it would be, I just need a gameplan for when someone gets in and I have frame advantage. I didn't really know what the proper blockstring was to make you want to pushblock me out eventually.

I also love the flavor of the team's DHCs. Legion -> Spirit of Vengeance is like...Ghost Rider is leading the pack of robotic animals on his motorcycle. Feels very satisfying. I also loved ending matches with For the Princess. I know this team has a lot more juice in it, and you could probably tell that I was starting to learn that I can combo off of Arthur's daggers in a lot of weird situations you wouldn't think I could. I need to explore that stuff more, because there were times when I called daggers and did dp.H as an anti-air, and you landed in the daggers. I just didn't know what to do - I mean, it's obvious what I should do, but I as stunned.

I also noticed that one, I was able to get a full combo off of a throw with Ghost Rider in mid-screen with Dagger Toss. I don't know what I did right there, but if I figure it out that would be amazing for him. I get so many throws, and I hate burning meter just for a little damage.


GGs! It has been a while since someone played a hundred matches with me in a row. I am seriously digging this team, it's a ton of fun to play. I never thought I would enjoy Arthur, but I am. The pressure is just so good. I noticed you started to pick characters that you didn't really know how to play after a while. I think you should focus on Felicia - she's by far your best character. I really hate Spencer. He was a overpowered shithead in Vanilla, and he's even better in Ultimate. Drives me nuts. The Spitfire assist was really hard to deal with.

If I were to give you one piece of advice, it would be to play things slower. I notice you push buttons sometimes when you shouldn't be, and the fact is my team isn't going to open anyone up unless you let me. Play to the team's weakness.

Man, there were so many dropped XFCs into Penance Stare. I was saving it for Felicia almost every time, but half the time the damn thing didn't come out.

I still don't know any combos with Strider or Arthur, and I don't know most of Arthur's inputs.

I also love the flavor of the team's DHCs. Legion -> Spirit of Vengeance is like...Ghost Rider is leading the pack of robotic animals on his motorcycle. Feels very satisfying. I also loved ending matches with For the Princess. I know this team has a lot more juice in it, and you could probably tell that I was starting to learn that I can combo off of Arthur's daggers in a lot of weird situations you wouldn't think I could. I need to explore that stuff more, because there were times when I called daggers and did dp.H as an anti-air, and you landed in the daggers. I just didn't know what to do - I mean, it's obvious what I should do, but I as stunned.

I also noticed that one, I was able to get a full combo off of a throw with Ghost Rider in mid-screen with Dagger Toss. I don't know what I did right there, but if I figure it out that would be amazing for him. I get so many throws, and I hate burning meter just for a little damage.

Good Games Karst.

In regards to your comments:

1. I probably do press buttons too much, but I also feel things go really bad if I have to go on the defensive.

2. I don't believe you when you say you don't know combos with Arthur or strider. :) Aside from dropped fire bottles in corner combos in gold armor, I felt like your combos were fine. You even had the xf3 strider relaunches with air gram + formation b.

3. It was pretty amazing that you were able to get a full combo off a throw with daggers assist.


It was pretty difficult to get in against your team. And super jump approaches weren't viable thanks to vajra. Between that and ghost rider's hell spike, a lot of characters with bad mobility dont really stand a chance. (she-hulk).

Captain America worked fairly well as a semi-counterpick against that team. With cap I didn't get viciously zoned out nearly as much.

I feel like my Felicia is getting a bit better, my approach with her is not as brain dead as it used to be. How did you like that simple reset with Spencer's slant shot assist?

Thor/hawkeye/Felicia worked pretty well. A lot better than with sentinel since I could actually protect my assist.

I've got a ton to learn with RR, but I loved spitfire assist on every team that I tried it on today.

I'm glad i was able to pull of the she- hulk relaunches a few times.

Moments I liked:

1. how often penance stare didn't land on RR due to his small size. Especially when I landed his level 3 after penance stare whiffed.

2. Me forgetting how invincible Arthur's level 3 was and trying to hyper charging star through it.

3. When you tried to keep Felicia out with repeated hell spikes, I just sat back and charged meter while calling hawkeye assist.

4. Landing she-hulks level 3 on strider to take the match.

EDIT: I liked bolts of balthakk assist too, but I obviously have no ideas how to use dr strange.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Was hoping something like Akuma/Frank/xx would work but I can only get Down TAC off Fireballs in the corner. Then again it's not like every Akuma combo ends in the corner.
Good Games Karst.

In regards to your comments:

1. I probably do press buttons too much, but I also feel things go really bad if I have to go on the defensive.
Even when you're already on the defensive, I notice that you get caught by Strider's c.L mashing a lot. Part of it might be that you have a very strong tendency to up-back when you are offensively overwhelmed, which I often take advantage of with Strider and Ghost Rider.

2. I don't believe you when you say you don't know combos with Arthur or strider. :) Aside from dropped fire bottles in corner combos in good armor, I felt like your combos were fine. You even had the xf3 strider relaunches with air gram + formation b.
Well yeah, I have ABC combos, but I should be able to do a lot more with these guys. Especially Arthur.

3. It was pretty amazing that you were able to get a full combo off a throw with daggers assist.
The daggers! When powered up, maybe the best assist in the game?


It was pretty difficult to get in against your team. And super jump approaches weren't viable thanks to vajra. Between that and ghost rider's hell spike, a lot of characters with bad mobility dont really stand a chance. (she-hulk).

Captain America worked fairly well as a counterpick against that team. With cap I didn't get viciously zoned out nearly as much.
Captain America is one of my banes. I think I can do better against him, but I need to approach the matchup differently. Ghost Rider has to close it out, since Arthur can't.

I feel like my Felicia is getting a bit better, my approach with her is not as brain dead as it used to be. How did you like that simple reset with Spencer's slant shot assist?
Your Felicia is getting very impressive! I think it's a contender for the best I've faced, though I think you are overreliant on Delta Kick. The slant shot reset is good, but you need to figure out an instant overhead setup or something with Felicia. Right now, now that I know it's coming, I'm going to mash out b.H for a throw or mash out Penance Stare.

Thor/hawkeye/Felicia worked pretty well. A lot better than with sentinel since I could actually protect my assist.
Definitely better than Sentinel, but I don't think Hawkeye gives Thor the support he needs. He needs horizontal assist that provides a lot of hitstun, like Gun Fire, Dagger Toss, or Unibeam.

I've got a ton to learn with RR, but I loved spitfire assist on every team that I tried it on today.
It's the first time I've faced it, and I definitely respect it. The gap is hard to deal with.

I'm glad i was able to pull of the she- hulk relaunches a few times.
You did it pretty consistently. Are you on pad or stick?

Moments I liked:

1. how often penance stare didn't land on RR due to his small size. Especially when I landed his level 3 after penance stare whiffed.

2. Me forgetting how invincible Arthur's level 3 was and trying to hyper charging star through it.

3. When you tried to keep Felicia out with repeated hell spikes, I just sat back and charged meter while calling hawkeye assist.

4. Landing she-hulks level 3 on strider to take the match.

EDIT: I liked bolts of balthakk assist too, but I obviously have no ideas how to use dr strange.
Haha, I was loving every match. Except for when I would drop the Strider extension on Ghost Rider's combo and get happy birthday'd...not jovial about those.

Your Strange was clearly a struggle for you to play. Bolts of Balthakk is very good but Strange is very vulnerable.


GGs, Azure. I did notice you seemed a bit off your game today. I was on my game at the start, then I started getting hungry and my brain wasn't working too great.

My main critique is that you seemed to have been pushing buttons a lot during my pressure. Not sure if it was you trying to attack through my blockstrings, or if it was mistimed pushblock, but you should just chill and block, then pushblock really obvious hits.

I can't really think of anything else right now, but I'll think about it as I eat.
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