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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


What's a typical rocket raccoon grounded hit confirm? All of his normals end up unsafe on block, so do get to the H and cancel into a safe special, or do you rapid fire l's to confirm before going into a combo?

Zissou, I'm just learning how to play Rocket Raccoon myself. But I do know that you can cancel any normals into rocket skates. So something like LMH f.H Rocket Skates(Away from opponent) should work, I don't know what the frame data on rocket skates is but it seems like this should be safe-ish. After the rocket skates you could also do a quick air spitfire L to maintain pressure.

This video shows what I'm talking about at 3:08.

You could also confirm with rapid L's, its gonna scale pretty bad, but RR's damage isn't great to begin with...

My apologies if this was all obvious to you already.
I have no RR advice, sorry.

I just got a PS3 and this game. Is this the place to get beat up on? I'm on East Coast.
PSN: GGoodMorning
PSN: Karsticles. Add me and make sure you're wired. There's a spreadsheet at the opening of this thread to add yourself to.

Wolverine Origins got a lot of deserved and undeserved hate.
What piece of hate is undeserved?

It's not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination. It's easily the worst X men movie out of all the ones released.

X Men 2 >>>> First Class > X Men 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X Men 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Booty Butt Cheeks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wolverine Origins

All the other X Men at least had special effects that looked like they passed the alpha stage.
I'm cool with this ordering. I might even put First Class higher because of the epic bromance.

The only good thing that came out of X-Men origins was the game.

Also I need to play more PSN gaffers. Some people add me. SlasherMcGirk
Make sure you're on the spreadsheet!


wait wait wait

X-men first class was decent? I saw it in theaters and wanted to walk out. Shit was so garbage. They totally threw away everything xmen out, even the previous movies.

As an action movie it was fine, as an x-men movie it was complete assssss. It was X3 ass.
I believe that true focus lies somewhere between rage and serenity.

Anyways, I really liked First Class, I would agree with the sentiment that it's a good action movie and not a great X-men movie, but it was a step above X-men overall besides X2.

Magneto with the knife was badass AS FUCK though. Also that part where Magneto / Banshee combo, all i could think of was DAT DHC.

I think they messed with continuity in a bad way though with Havoc, that was dumb.
The only good thing that came out of X-Men origins was the game.

Also I need to play more PSN gaffers. Some people add me. SlasherMcGirk
Add me too: Sollune
I'm trying out a new team, trying to challenge myself.

Thinking Felicia/Skrull/Strider.

Dipped into training mode for about an hour.

Why would I do this to myself. T_T
That seems really cool since both characters get full combos off Vajra and can make some cool combo extensions for Skrull.
I've been meaning watch First Class for some time now. Hated X3 though; think I'll just avoid Origins.

It's been a while since you and I've played; you up for a couple?
I think you'll like First Class if you liked X2.
I don't know if I'll be able to play tonight but I'll add you.

I don't have you yet onionfrog, your matches with Karst sound interesting so if you want to play someone who's worse than him add me!


tagged by Blackace
It's not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination. It's easily the worst X men movie out of all the ones released.

X Men 2 >>>> First Class > X Men 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X Men 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Booty Butt Cheeks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wolverine Origins

All the other X Men at least had special effects that looked like they passed the alpha stage.
lol @ putting X-men 3 above anything, comic movies or otherwise.
Damn, I never got the final email.

I got the survey one, but didn't finish it because I'm not sure about the specs and because I REALLY didn't feel like doing the writing portion >__>

Zissou, I'm just learning how to play Rocket Raccoon myself. But I do know that you can cancel any normals into rocket skates. So something like LMH f.H Rocket Skates(Away from opponent) should work, I don't know what the frame data on rocket skates is but it seems like this should be safe-ish. After the rocket skates you could also do a quick air spitfire L to maintain pressure.

Yeah, if you want to you can go

blockstring xx rocket skates xx special xx spring super if you feel you REALLY need it

...or what you would be better off doing if you can
blockstring->lockdown assist during blockstring->dash/skates/teleport whatever you need->unblockabe setup


Yeah, if you want to you can go

blockstring xx rocket skates xx special xx spring super if you feel you REALLY need it

...or what you would be better off doing if you can
blockstring->lockdown assist during blockstring->dash/skates/teleport whatever you need->unblockabe setup
Thanks for this SolarKnight. I'm trying to get better with RR since I tried out his spitfire assist and loved it.

Add me too: Sollune
I don't have you yet onionfrog, your matches with Karst sound interesting so if you want to play someone who's worse than him add me!
I think I got confused and assumed the two l's in your psn name was a typo. I'll send you a friend request soon. And karst is way better than me too! I think I've been averaging a 20% win rate against him. (btw karst I'm not complaining, it's still loads of fun!)
A couple hours in training mode I guess. Wouldn't hurt to see how high the barrier is :)
Hmm. My wife is practicing her violin right now, so I won't be able to presently. Maybe Friday?

Thanks for this SolarKnight. I'm trying to get better with RR since I tried out his spitfire assist and loved it.
It's very difficult to deal with!

I think I got confused and assumed the two l's in your psn name was a typo. I'll send you a friend request soon. And karst is way better than me too! I think I've been averaging a 20% win rate against him. (btw karst I'm not complaining, it's still loads of fun!)
You all flatter me too much!
Provided it's late-ish Friday, after 1900 EST should be great.
Hmm. We'll see.

Honest question, how? I don't think I've ever really tried that assist since spitfire is not really a durable projectile.
It's not a true blockstring (I think), and the projectiles are slow. So, firstly, it gives you this awkward in-between moment. Secondly, the projectiles keep you on the defensive for a long time.

wait what the fuck pr rog won canada cup and he used wolv/doom/vergil? aw;eofijwaio;efjo;aiwejfoi;waejfo;iawjef;oiawefj
Why upset?
So I already asked but this thread moved so fast over the past 6 hours and I can't find my last post... is this avail as a digital game on live yet?


wait what the fuck pr rog won canada cup and he used wolv/doom/vergil? aw;eofijwaio;efjo;aiwejfoi;waejfo;iawjef;oiawefj
What is so shocking about this? He has cleaned up his play a lot as of late and he has tapped into the true dark power that is Devil Trigger Vergil. I posted in the Canada Cup thread that I expected him to win it because of how he had been playing at the tournament.


get some go again
why oh why haven't i been tac'ing into haggar from hawkeye? since hawkeye always ends up in the corner with his combos i can then try haggars corner reset. just tried it out now against a good player and it worked. :)
No needed DLC. Shuma Gorath and Jill from Resident Evil are the only DLC characters. There are costumes for every character except Magneto.

Is online as active as it sounds? I bought TTT2 and Doa5 this week.. TTT2 is a rehashed pos that I sent back to Amazon for a refund.. Doa5 is actually fun with real life friends but online seems pretty dead... I'm looking for something with an active online comunity =\


Zissou, I'm just learning how to play Rocket Raccoon myself. But I do know that you can cancel any normals into rocket skates. So something like LMH f.H Rocket Skates(Away from opponent) should work, I don't know what the frame data on rocket skates is but it seems like this should be safe-ish. After the rocket skates you could also do a quick air spitfire L to maintain pressure.

This video shows what I'm talking about at 3:08.

You could also confirm with rapid L's, its gonna scale pretty bad, but RR's damage isn't great to begin with...

My apologies if this was all obvious to you already.

Thanks for the response. I hadn't thought of canceling into rocket skates. I'll have to experiment with its safety and ability to maintain pressure afterwards. I wonder he has a way to do a true blockstring which ends with a safe on block trap...
Thanks for the response. I hadn't thought of canceling into rocket skates. I'll have to experiment with its safety and ability to maintain pressure afterwards. I wonder he has a way to do a true blockstring which ends with a safe on block trap...

Boulder takes a while to hit, Shrapnel has an unsafe startup but depending on the situation and character it can possibly take one hit for you (too situational), and let's not even mention net trap.

Only time traps are going to be safe in a blockstring is when they're locked down with an assist, and at that moment there's no reason to use any trap other than boulder.


Boulder takes a while to hit, Shrapnel has an unsafe startup but depending on the situation and character it can possibly take one hit for you (too situational), and let's not even mention net trap.

Only time traps are going to be safe in a blockstring is when they're locked down with an assist, and at that moment there's no reason to use any trap other than boulder.

That kind of dashes my hopes of finding ways to put traps on both side of my opponent, lol. Maybe with a really long pinning assist like cold star, it'd be possible.

Though my point raccoon is still utter ass at this point, I messed around a bit with log trap assist online and it has been AMAZING. I just tossed him on my regular team in place of dante, so I've been running doom/RR/strider (team latverian rodent ninja?). Feels a bit like zero may cry in that it's strong starting out, feels week once your first character dies, but then your anchor has that S tier comeback potential. Log trap helps control the neutral and force respect at normal jump height, and strider protects the skies. Good fun.

mr. puppy

What is so shocking about this? He has cleaned up his play a lot as of late and he has tapped into the true dark power that is Devil Trigger Vergil. I posted in the Canada Cup thread that I expected him to win it because of how he had been playing at the tournament.

Why upset?

its not surprising. i didn't realize their was a huge tourney this weekend, i didn't realize that was pr rog's team nowadays, and i can't find the stupid archives.

also i've never really seen wovlerine with a beam assist


its not surprising. i didn't realize their was a huge tourney this weekend, i didn't realize that was pr rog's team nowadays, and i can't find the stupid archives.

also i've never really seen wovlerine with a beam assist
Yeah it was Canada Cup. It wasn't really too big for Marvel although the MMs were insane. You can't find the archives because it's 8.95'd... they will be made free after 2 weeks.
That kind of dashes my hopes of finding ways to put traps on both side of my opponent, lol. Maybe with a really long pinning assist like cold star, it'd be possible.

But what's the point of doing so in that case? If you're going to place traps while your opponent is locked down you might as well go for the guaranteed damage with the boulder unblockable.


But what's the point of doing so in that case? If you're going to place traps while your opponent is locked down you might as well go for the guaranteed damage with the boulder unblockable.

It was just a dumb idea I had being incredibly new to the character, while being almost completely unaware of his capabilities (like self-unblockables) due to his incredibly (and unfortunately) minimal tournament visibility. There is most likely a TON of obvious RR stuff I don't know, so I would greatly appreciate any advice anybody could offer.
God damn this game was a pain in the ass to find this morning. Had to settle for gamestop's last opened but new copy.. Now to figure out wtf I'm doing.
Are there any good X-23 teams?



Vergil best character in the game... hurdling that "broke" territory.

Ghost Rider unranked. He is still in the left column so I guess he just forgot to rank him.

Deadpool in High tier as he should be.

Doom tied with Zero in tier (basically in top 3).

Nova #4 in ranking followed by Magneto and Phoenix.

Strange better than Viper, Dormammu and Dante. Joe as good as those characters.

Spider Man and Felicia ranked at the bottom half of Mid tier. Should be higher. Jill even lower than them. Shuma over them all.

Arthur, Hsien Ko and PW worst 3 characters in the game.

Difference in meta game. They don't have Vipers and Felicia there to run havok otherwise those characters would be ranked higher.
God damn this game was a pain in the ass to find this morning. Had to settle for gamestop's last opened but new copy.. Now to figure out wtf I'm doing.
Are there any good X-23 teams?
My personal favorite X-23 point team is X-23 / Frank West (Shopping Cart) / Rocket Raccoon (Pendulum).

In general, any kind of projectile or tatsu-like assist works for her.

Until reading Dahbomb's post, I thought he was placing Ghost Rider as top tier, but with massive faults.


tagged by Blackace
I never understood what was so awful about X-Men 3. It has noteworthy weaknesses, but what makes it terrible?
They killed Professor X.

But he was still alive. Or something.

I like a lot of bits in the movie (as with any Marvel movie, best part is the I AM THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH reference) but it was utterly disappointing because they tried to do SO much at once and decided to fuck up the franchise in the process. The way the movie progresses is like it's fumbling over itself as it goes on. It exceeds the atrocities of what they did with Deadpool in Wolverine.
They killed Professor X.

But he was still alive. Or something.

I like a lot of bits in the movie (as with any Marvel movie, best part is the I AM THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH reference) but it was utterly disappointing because they tried to do SO much at once and decided to fuck up the franchise in the process. The way the movie progresses is like it's fumbling over itself as it goes on. It exceeds the atrocities of what they did with Deadpool in Wolverine.
Of this post, all I can garner is that you didn't like Professor X dying. The rest is very vague.


tagged by Blackace
Of this post, all I can garner is that you didn't like Professor X dying. The rest is very vague.
+ bad pacing
+ tried to pack in way too much story and content at once and it became too overwhelming to be coherent
+ lack of focus meant they underdeveloped a lot of characters, lots of new introductions remained underdeveloped by the end of it all, most of them as a result get placed in "who gives a shit" tier
+ ruined potential for further X-Men movies and expansion of the universe, forcing a reboot
+ they killed Professor X


To add, they introduced and killed Psylocke so fast that even the most hardcore comic nerds didn't realize it was her until the credits.
+ bad pacing
Hmm, I never had a problem with this.

+ tried to pack in way too much story and content at once and it became too overwhelming to be coherent
It definitely suffers from "third movie" syndrome.

+ lack of focus meant they underdeveloped a lot of characters, lots of new introductions remained underdeveloped by the end of it all, most of them as a result get placed in "who gives a shit" tier
Ditto here.

+ ruined potential for further X-Men movies and expansion of the universe, forcing a reboot
How so?

+ they killed Professor X
Sucked, but I'm not sure how this all adds up to "awful".

To me, Spider-man 3 is "awful". I can barely follow the movie and what's going on, character personalities are inconsistent, it drags, none of the new characters are developed, the fights are weak and not memorable, and the whole emo Parker sequence is just...agh.

If I stack X-Men 3 up against that, it's hard to put it on the same level. It's not a good movie, but awful?
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