A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Heh, I've though about a Devil Trigger like mode for Trish and would love for her to have one, but I didn't want to go overboard on my wishes for my characters.Give Trish Devil Trigger IMO. Traps are now twice as big in their area, Peekaboo crumples.
I think she kind of needs it. Or needs something. She's not a bad character, but she's kind of unimpressive, and nothing about her stands out because while her traps are awesome, she can't do a whole lot while sitting behind them.Heh, I've though about a Devil Trigger like mode for Trish and would love for her to have one, but I didn't want to go overboard on my wishes for my characters.![]()
Yep.Trish had a Devil Trigger in DMC2 (sort of).
I would agree with that, no air dash and stubby ass normals make for a poor neutral game. His moveset is quite unorthodox.I picked Strange for the worst of the newcomers. Technically I was just listing his point viability, though, and that's still a legit claim!![]()
Could've been solved in various ways, Magik, Psylocke, Lt. Kurosawa, Akane Yagyu (Onimusha)Makes sense. It's kind of funny that this game has so many swords, but no females wielding them.
Visit the anime thread sometime, would like to see your detailed impressions on some shows you've seen recently.I have Netflix.
I shudder when I see Skrull, just can't deal with him.Now, that Strange's support ability is known, let us see the Skrull/Strange duos appear.
Nova isn't top ten. Top twenty fifteen yeah.
Maybe. It would certainly make me feel better about my losses to him. lol
When did Trish become a man?![]()
After seeing him a lot more, I think he'd be fine if his dashes were a little better and he had a reliable blockstring.I would agree with that, no air dash and stubby ass normals make for a poor neutral game. His moveset is quite unorthodox.
Or even BoFI Nina!Could've been solved in various ways, Magik, Psylocke, Lt. Kurosawa, Akane Yagyu (Onimusha)
Naw, I only watch a few things here and there. Going through Darker than Black and Deathnote right now. Then I'm not sure what I want to see. They're both on hold because I'm watching a lot of Desperate Housewives.Visit the anime thread sometime, would like to see your detailed impressions on some shows you've seen recently.
Skrull is exactly like Dormammu. You just need to get in on him ASAP and never let go. Everything he has that's scary relies on you being predicted.I shudder when I see Skrull, just can't deal with him.
This game has enough guns!Haha, I wish Lady was playable since she looks way better in DMC4
Yo, no lady Sif or Valkyrie? Shame man. Shame.
It was just a yellow glow around her, wasn't it? Think she also put her sunglasses on, though I don't really remember. I don't remember much of DMC2, to be honest.Trish had a Devil Trigger in DMC2 (sort of).
I understand what you mean, but IMO she needs something stronger to press forward with than an improvement to her traps. Her rushdown game is better than her keepaway/zoning game since she has very strong high/lows, but against a character like Hawkeye or Magneto who can just sit back and chuck projectiles, she's pretty free because she doesn't have anything to push forward and hassle them with. She also needs some sort of follow up off her airthrow to prevent upback.I think she kind of needs it. Or needs something. She's not a bad character, but she's kind of unimpressive, and nothing about her stands out because while her traps are awesome, she can't do a whole lot while sitting behind them.
X23 instead of Zero? Epic Fail.
I think IM is better. He at least has great support value with two fantastic assists, a practical infinite, and a damaging hyper for dhc/thc purposes. He can be scary with high lows up close (if he ever manages to get there) and can do strong mid screen space control with his specials and long range normals. He can also convert off of hits at various jump heights into full combos. He has very high damage with his optimized combos. Both characters are difficult to use. Jill probably has more specific team construction issues. Jill's usefulness is constrained to near the ground and she often needs resets to kill. He support value is limited to a good alpha counter. I don't see how it's any real contest.
This is why I post here. We all have our disagreements, but none of you are morons. <3Definitely Jill. Iron Man has better hypers, better assists, better normals and a reliable TAC infinite.
Nova second.Gonna give Nova another shot, should I have him 2nd or 3rd? Zero/Dante/Nova or Zero/Nova/Dante?
the top 5 mix ups in the game.
Gonna give Nova another shot, should I have him 2nd or 3rd? Zero/Dante/Nova or Zero/Nova/Dante?
I never hold forward and I can do shot loops. am i magic?Mostly inspired by this Shot Loop tutorial. Ugh, I wanna make more videos soon.
Time for some real talk...
Is Nova top 10 caliber?
I never hold forward and I can do shot loops. am i magic?Probably why I can't do max shot loops, thinking about it now.
Either way, forget hard comboz and have something lazy. Lazy Dante combos
I'm working on an actual video, I swear. Going to be a video on my team, focusing on combos, mixups and resets for all three characters. I have the combos mostly recorded, but I hate recording mixups and resets since they're not as straight forward to record as combos are, and I always end up deconstructing them to find all the little nuances. Then I usually end up finding more mixups/reset potential and I end up losing five hours in training mode and didn't get any footage recorded. It's irritating.
Yipes's Nova is derp primary because of the Bolts assist, it's going to be hard for you to be as dangerous with Nova + Jam Session. So the first is probably the better order.
Gonna give Nova another shot, should I have him 2nd or 3rd? Zero/Dante/Nova or Zero/Nova/Dante?
Should have Combo's face on Spencer and Nemo's on Nova.![]()
I for one welcome our ballsack overlords
Got some amazingly simple BnBs down with my tertiary team. Then looked Felicia up on SRK.
Do I REALLY need to learn to do jump loops with her?
(For reference, my BnB with Felicia is j. Delta Kick, M, cr.H, S, j. MMH, j. Delta Kick, Rolling Buckler, Neko Punch, Hyper.)
If I was in an oki situation against either Vergil or Jill.. I would rather deal with Vergil.
Well that is where we get into tiers. I would never rate Jill over Magneto because Magneto has vastly superior mobility and even some zoning options. Likewise I would never rate Jill over Vergil because he has huge normals and powerful utility hypers that allow him to get in a position to inflict mix ups.We're in agreement on this, I'm just saying Magneto is gonna get a mixup situation way more often than Jill, which makes him more effective. You're saying that best = hardest to block, and I'm saying it's most useful.
Yeah but Nova + Dante assist would mean he could use that Team Hyper Combo with Million Dollars to do mixups when he has two bars.
[Felicia advice]
You'll want to be able to do one set of jump loops at least, so you can get full combos off her command grabs and air throws.
Command Grab -> toy touch(df.M) j.MMHS s.S j . MMH H delta kick s.H c.H j.HS.
Command Grab -> toy touch j.MMH H delta kick s.H c.H s.S j. MMHS. (I use this when my timing is off or in xf when the normal jump loop doesn't seem to work)
You should also practice OTGing with H sand splash and canceling that into Dancing Flash.
Ideally, I like to save my meter for kitty helper. You can get some devious high lows and solo unblockable with it.(Kitty helper + rolling buckler m slide). also the kitty helper has saved my ass numerous times as a combo breaker.
You can use a horizontal assist + cat crawl (atk+s) for mixups.
Charge meter with d.d.H when you can. (In between kills or covered by an assist.
Also if you didn't know, you can determine where her level 3 hits by holding l m or h. L will hit point blank, M mid screen, and H almost full screen.
EDIT: You should use her dp L infinite in xf3, Karst keeps telling me that I should use it more.
I'll edit this post if I can think of anything else useful.
Say, would you like to contribute some of this to a new Felicia section of the character training regimen document I'm (slacking on) working on?
Sure! I thought these character training regimen documents were pretty neat when you guys first brought up the idea. I'll add my stuff to it when I get a chance.
EDIT: It won't load on my phone, I'll try it later at home.
Has Karst done sections for dormammu and morrigan? If not I think he should.
Have you considered swapping to Akuma/Dormammu/Doom or Magneto/Dormammu/Doom? I worry that Ryu won't be able to protect Missiles well enough while attacking. If you want to stick with Ryu, try experimenting with Plasma Beam.are there any good general magneto tutorials online? and any tutorials on how to do the marlinpie doom swag combo?
also, these are the teams I run so far, any advice on if I should switch anything? (order, assists, etc..)
primary team:
Ryu (hadoken)
Dormammu (dark hole)
Doom (missiles)
2nd team:
Spencer (slant shot)
Magneto (not sure which one yet)
Doom (missiles) team
3rd team:
Akuma (tatsu)
Magneto (???)
Doom (missiles)