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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Azure J

WiiU/PS4/PC is pretty much a lock for me going forward personally. I love my quirky/Japanese shit and I'm going to need something to keep up with all of you in Marvel vs. Capcom 4: All the Megaman, Gene, CapCom, Ruby Heart & an actual Hsien Ko you want edition.

And while I hate to prolong tangents:

I can count the things I like about the Wii U on one hand, it absolutely looks like the worst console proposition I have seen, infinite-doom'd to a worse fate than the Wii. Though when the new FGW thread goes up, I do plan on making a post about one of the good things about the Wii U (no fee patching and free DLC) and how it relates to fighting games.

I can't see this, but then again, I'm someone coming from the Wii with a feeling of satisfaction for what it was. I managed to amass a library of 30 titles with some stragglers still needing to be picked up and found myself pretty much surprised at how many little one offs a la Muramasa, Little King's Story and Sonic Colors managed to entertain. As such, with Nintendo moving on to a system that's as powerful as claimed (let's just pretend it's literally a Nintendo 360) with some semblance of an attempt at proper online functionality, I can't lie and say that I'm anywhere approaching disappointed, especially when game development is so experienced regarding productions for that level of gaming. Everything could always be better and as one of the guys from early WUST-GAF, I know this better than anyone, but what it turned out to be isn't worth as much of an early dismissial as everyone else is stating. My only issue is that the only game out that's a guarantee for me is NSMBU.

TL;DR: I kinda splintered off from following modern gaming because none of my tastes were being addressed. I can mingle, but it wasn't filling, like buying fries at a fast food place because the main dishes weren't what you wanted at all but you were hungry. Wii kinda kept the spirit going in the face of all the LOLNintendo-isms it had working against it and as such i'm thinking Wii U could expand in that in a good way.

I guess it's for the potential. At least speaking strictly for the launch, it seems pretty bad.

Pretty much.

Resident Evil 6 is a better game than Bayonetta.

Shine on you crazy diamond, shine on. =)

To close this up before a "When's Marvel" post, Dante da bess mang.
No the online stuff mostly.

But HD is nice now that more people have HDTVs.
HD is nice, definitely. Xenoblade is hard to look at on my TV. I don't care too much about the online stuff. The only game I play online is Marvel. PS3 is basically my Marvel box. Though, I will likely care once Smash Bros Wii U comes around...
And I'll be pissed about the wireless.

Wow lol, this is when you know a great team becomes flawed due to the nature of non-synergizing mechanics. Quite a shame.
It's like someone at Capcom knew I would find the perfect team, and say "hey, let's fuck him over by making Soul Drain and Dark Harmonizer not work for no good reason". I could kill a cow over this. I could be draining 2.4 bars of meter from my opponent off of an air throw, but noooooo. Capcom has to decide it's OP while Spencer goes around doing 1 million damage combos for 0 bars of meter.

I already got mine this afternoon =3. But I think everyone knows the make or break game is going to be the new Smash. Unfortunately with the way Nintendo has handled online play AGAIN they are still generations behind in offering services. That's a great list though, needs to include Pikmin 3 and hopefully some other great games.
I have Little King's Story, which is basically Pikmin, and I just couldn't get into it. So I'm skeptical of enjoying Pikmin 3. I'll keep an eye open for it, though. I think the Wii U already has it made with Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter being on it, but Smash will be a huge deal. Hopefully Namco's involvement will turn out to be a good thing.

What'd you get with your system? Do you own a CCP (Wii)? I'm wondering whether it works with the Wii U.

No Monster Hunter on PS3 is REALLY fucken frustrating. All of the titles need to have some type of stupid infrastructure... Really infuriating.
Sony is too busy moneyhatting trash like SFxT to care about a quality title like Monster Hunter.

WiiU/PS4/PC is pretty much a lock for me going forward personally. I love my quirky/Japanese shit and I'm going to need something to keep up with all of you in Marvel vs. Capcom 4: All the Megaman, Gene, CapCom, Ruby Heart & an actual Hsien Ko you want edition.
Hey, if you're going to include some nobody like Gene, make sure to put Nina in the list too!

I hate reviews too and haven't read a review seriously since DMC3SE and Godhand which is when I declared them to be a waste of my time. The day Godhand and DMC3 were given a 3/10 was the day reviews became a joke.

RE6 is still a mediocre game.
I never read reviews, I Youtube games. I do check the review score on RPGamer, though, because they tend to share my taste in games.

They tip me off to important details like this:


This is why I never read reviews. People going into games with expectations beyond their own critical thinking has ruined the gaming side of this forum for me.
I hate reviews too and haven't read a review seriously since DMC3SE and Godhand which is when I declared them to be a waste of my time. The day Godhand and DMC3 were given a 3/10 was the day reviews became a joke.

RE6 is still a mediocre game.

Azure J

I think the better question is what if Nintendo vs. Capcom was on Wii U?

Still one of the holiest of Capcom VS. grails.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom 2 could have been a sleeper tier hit too with it focusing on the more eclectic sides of Capcom's repetoire and Tatsu's new found attention. All I know is if I could have made a Casshern+Dante or Casshern+Rock, X, or Trigger team I'd be beyond hype. Hell, make it a custom size team tag fighter!

But of course, that dream is dead. Stupid rights management.


I have some pretty good mobility IMHO

I tell me Nova to move his ass and he does.
On mobility- this game is a million times more fun when you can just slide across the stage at will.

Compared to most other 2d fighting games it's closest to "go wherever the hell you want whenever"-like Smash movement

I've spent time in training mode just moving around. Wavedashing everywhere is too fun.

I'm still in the starting stages, but my biggest Nova limitation is his mobility. Is there a good wavedashing tutorial? I know the general idea, but I tend to accidentally super when I'm doing it.


Still one of the holiest of Capcom VS. grails.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom 2 could have been a sleeper tier hit too with it focusing on the more eclectic sides of Capcom's repetoire and Tatsu's new found attention. All I know is if I could have made a Casshern+Dante or Casshern+Rock, X, or Trigger team I'd be beyond hype. Hell, make it a custom size team tag fighter!

But of course, that dream is dead. Stupid rights management.

Yeah, Capcom lost the license. Still in hopes that we'll one day see NvC, though. But at the rate Capcom's greedy practices are going, not sure if Nintendo would ever feel safe handing their characters over to them.

This could be some of the Nintendo characters:

Kirby (How would Kirby even work in a Capcom vs. series?)
King Dedede
Pikachu + other pokemans
Some Fire Emblem characters (I HOPE for Minerva)
Donkey Kong

And others.......


get some go again
i'm surprised there isn't any black friday deals for re6. i figure people probably didn't buy it since it was mediocre. don't want it for myself but for my nephew for xmas. he liked re5 so i figure i would give him re6.


This is why I never read reviews. People going into games with expectations beyond their own critical thinking has ruined the gaming side of this forum for me.
I didn't read any reviews before playing the game, I read some demo impressions but other than that, my critiques are my own. Also you took that out of context, I went with high expectations for the combat, everything else I had seen in the trailers. The very first cinematic trailer was promising, gameplay trailers, lol they speak for themselves.

DmC is in the same situation as RE6, the level design and background art look great, but the gameplay and character design look like they were barfed out of a buffalo's anus.
HD is nice, definitely. Xenoblade is hard to look at on my TV. I don't care too much about the online stuff. The only game I play online is Marvel. PS3 is basically my Marvel box. Though, I will likely care once Smash Bros Wii U comes around...
And I'll be pissed about the wireless.
Xenoblade is really hard to look at up close, it would definitely benefit immensely from HD assets.
What'd you get with your system? Do you own a CCP (Wii)? I'm wondering whether it works with the Wii U.
I just got NSMBWiiU, I haven't even hooked it up yet so I'll let you know if the CCP works or not.
Sony is too busy moneyhatting trash like SFxT to care about a quality title like Monster Hunter.
So true =(. It just kills me that MH Frontier is on the 360 with a tiny userbase in JPN and sitting there while nothing is done here. Makes localization that much more sketchy.


tagged by Blackace
How is Nintendo neglecting third parties when all 3 of the games I said I'm looking forward to are third party?

"Games of the caliber I've been playing on my Xbox"? - maybe in graphics, but gameplay?
Nintendo is neglecting 3rd parties because the technology in the Wii U will be dated just like the Wii and they'd rather develop for two consoles (PS4/720) instead of just for the Wii U when it's competitors come out. 3rd parties will not want to invest in hardware that will complicate dev costs -like the Wii- again. And from how it's looking, PS4 and 720 are looking even friendlier with each other when it comes to how well things will port over. This will only not be the case if dev costs crash.

And definitely in gameplay too. I've yet to see games like Deus Ex: HR (pretty much the entire shooter genre alongside it), RDR, GTA, Mirror's Edge, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, DLC-driven games, Forza/GT and pretty much online games in general be anywhere up to snuff on the Wii. They bet it all on the motion control gimmick and suffered. And they know it too now that they've fallen back from their earlier bold claims and offered more traditional control options again. But then they took another misstep and aimed for parity with current gen consoles instead of next-gen ones, to get ports for the short term time frame.

I can't see this, but then again, I'm someone coming from the Wii with a feeling of satisfaction for what it was. I managed to amass a library of 30 titles with some stragglers still needing to be picked up and found myself pretty much surprised at how many little one offs a la Muramasa, Little King's Story and Sonic Colors managed to entertain. As such, with Nintendo moving on to a system that's as powerful as claimed (let's just pretend it's literally a Nintendo 360) with some semblance of an attempt at proper online functionality, I can't lie and say that I'm anywhere approaching disappointed, especially when game development is so experienced regarding productions for that level of gaming. Everything could always be better and as one of the guys from early WUST-GAF, I know this better than anyone, but what it turned out to be isn't worth as much of an early dismissial as everyone else is stating. My only issue is that the only game out that's a guarantee for me is NSMBU.

TL;DR: I kinda splintered off from following modern gaming because none of my tastes were being addressed. I can mingle, but it wasn't filling, like buying fries at a fast food place because the main dishes weren't what you wanted at all but you were hungry. Wii kinda kept the spirit going in the face of all the LOLNintendo-isms it had working against it and as such i'm thinking Wii U could expand in that in a good way.
See, I can see this. For people heavily invested in Nintendo franchises, or people that find their niche with Nintendo games, I understand why they would stick with them. But if that's all you have, I just feel bad for all the experiences your missing out on. Yeah, this works both ways, but a lot of those same quirky and indie titles can be found on XBLA/PSN too, which cater to a ton of niches.

It just feels like a half-step to me, and for everything right Nintendo does, they go and have something like the console not being DLC-compatible day 1, and mics still requiring to be plugged into the Gamepad. Their reluctance and slowness to embrace online gaming, and online culture has held them back severely, and they're still so far behind, which is the problem.

DmC demo launches tomorrow....

I have trouble deducing if your actually excited for the game or not.


I was thinking of messing around with a trish team. I'm thinking either:


On the top team, I think I'd run Dante with jam session, but I don't know whether I'd use missiles or plasma beam for doom (leaning toward plasma beam, since jam session is good for AA and beam helps Dante). For the second team I'd have vajra, so missiles seems like it'd be redundant so I'd just go beam, and on team 3 again I don't know whether missiles or plasma beam would be more useful. Thoughts?

Also, random observation- trish's 236aa hyper does WAY more damage than I expected when DHC'd into.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I'm still in the starting stages, but my biggest Nova limitation is his mobility. Is there a good wavedashing tutorial? I know the general idea, but I tend to accidentally super when I'm doing it.

Hmm not sure how to explain it exactly. You're really just alternating between back and downback/ forward and downforward. You just have to do it careful enough so you don't accidentally hit down, that's when you will get the super.

And you need to get the timing down, which is character dependent.


I have trouble deducing if your actually excited for the game or not.
It's been almost 5 years since I have played a new DMC game. It's a monumental event for a fan like me and I can't wait to dissect the combat engine.

Also the numerous hidden abilities and Vergil's game play has intrigued me on the game a bit more. The game will not be on the level of the holy trinity of the main DMC games but it's not going to be DMC2 bad.


It's been almost 5 years since I have played a new DMC game. It's a monumental event for a fan like me and I can't wait to dissect the combat engine.

Also the numerous hidden abilities and Vergil's game play has intrigued me on the game a bit more. The game will not be on the level of the holy trinity of the main DMC games but it's not going to be DMC2 bad.

it will be worse.


You're not supposed to admit you're hype for DmC, you have to post it in the anonymous confessions thread to avoid being persecuted.


DmC demo launches tomorrow....

Haven't kept up with DmC at all, so I'll be pretty much going into the demo blind. Interested to see how it'll turn out.

Personally, for the first team I'd go with Weasel Shot over Jam Session. Trish is one of the handful of characters I prefer Weasel Shot over Jam Session(others being Wesker and Strider). Gives better lockdown for mixup since it's somewhat like Cold Star. Also keeps opponents standing, which is always good for tridash characters. I'd also go with Hidden Missiles for Doom. It gives her better combo extensions and more space control than Plasma Beam. Third team could go either way, but I'd probably pick Hidden Missiles for extensions and space control.

And yeah, Maximum Voltage does 216k mashed if everything hits. One of the highest damaging DHCs, iirc.


tagged by Blackace
I'm excited to play the DmC demo, but I am going to play it just for the beautiful environment art.

Actually I don't know how I'm gonna even find time to play it when I'm still sitting on a ton of unfinished games for my 3DS and 360.
Xenoblade is really hard to look at up close, it would definitely benefit immensely from HD assets.
Dolphin screen caps are gorgeous.

I just got NSMBWiiU, I haven't even hooked it up yet so I'll let you know if the CCP works or not.
You'd rather banter with Marvel-GAF instead of hook up your Wii U?

So true =(. It just kills me that MH Frontier is on the 360 with a tiny userbase in JPN and sitting there while nothing is done here. Makes localization that much more sketchy.
And what the hell is with MH Frontier?! Why bother?!

DmC demo launches tomorrow....

For the rage.

Nintendo is neglecting 3rd parties because the technology in the Wii U will be dated just like the Wii and they'd rather develop for two consoles (PS4/720) instead of just for the Wii U when it's competitors come out. 3rd parties will not want to invest in hardware that will complicate dev costs -like the Wii- again. And from how it's looking, PS4 and 720 are looking even friendlier with each other when it comes to how well things will port over. This will only not be the case if dev costs crash.
Development costs are going through the roof, and my favorite companies are all cheap as hell or small. I'm cool if they all come to the Wii U and the "AAAA" publishers with their movie games go to the PS4/720.

And definitely in gameplay too. I've yet to see games like Deus Ex: HR (pretty much the entire shooter genre alongside it), RDR, GTA, Mirror's Edge, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, DLC-driven games, Forza/GT and pretty much online games in general be anywhere up to snuff on the Wii. They bet it all on the motion control gimmick and suffered. And they know it too now that they've fallen back from their earlier bold claims and offered more traditional control options again. But then they took another misstep and aimed for parity with current gen consoles instead of next-gen ones, to get ports for the short term time frame.
You listed a bunch of games that pretty much lack good gameplay. I'm not even sure we can have this conversation is crap like Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, and Mirror's Edge is your definition of good gameplay.

See, I can see this. For people heavily invested in Nintendo franchises, or people that find their niche with Nintendo games, I understand why they would stick with them. But if that's all you have, I just feel bad for all the experiences your missing out on. Yeah, this works both ways, but a lot of those same quirky and indie titles can be found on XBLA/PSN too, which cater to a ton of niches.
I owned all 3 systems this generation. I just don't see a lot worth owning on the PS3/360. I classify everything in your above list as a "shit game" that I wouldn't play if it were free (and I know this to be true, since I got Mass Effect for free and stopped playing it after 45 minutes; what a piece of crap - sure was pretty, though).

It's been almost 5 years since I have played a new DMC game. It's a monumental event for a fan like me and I can't wait to dissect the combat engine.

Also the numerous hidden abilities and Vergil's game play has intrigued me on the game a bit more. The game will not be on the level of the holy trinity of the main DMC games but it's not going to be DMC2 bad.
What does DmC have to do with how long it's been since you played a DMC game?


I know!

V-Joe is a short dude though with a big head. What toku dude looks like that?

Imagine if a Captain Marvelous looking dude was in this game.

Would main the hell out of him.

This game could not contain the swag that is Captain Marvelous regardless of the fact that his name sounds Maaaaaaaahvel baby. Dude would straight up run a train on people by himself. You thought Dante had tools? No one has got tools like Captain Marvelous.


He can even work as a grappler lol.



tagged by Blackace
You listed a bunch of games that pretty much lack good gameplay. I'm not even sure we can have this conversation is crap like Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, and Mirror's Edge is your definition of good gameplay.
Not really.. with regards to the few of many you singled out: they all brought innovative elements this gen (conversation systems, parkour gameplay, experimentation with POV) that were copied through and through across platforms. Influential gameplay elements are present in all those games, much of which could not be fully realized without the extra power of the HD consoles to complete the rest of the pieces of the game (visuals, AI for racing games and certain shooters such as Halo 3, refresh rate for racing games, online community and platforms for games such as Forza and Halo) to create a coherent experience and not just a game with a gimmick, which is often what I find in a lot of those smaller niche games.

I owned all 3 systems this generation. I just don't see a lot worth owning on the PS3/360. I classify everything in your above list as a "shit game" that I wouldn't play if it were free (and I know this to be true, since I got Mass Effect for free and stopped playing it after 45 minutes; what a piece of crap - sure was pretty, though).
You think Forza/GT, Deus Ex and RDR are shit games? Are you sure your just not a fan of the genres they exist within? From what it seems like, that may be more of the case. I can see you not liking Mass Effect though, it's a love/hate game and franchise, especially if your into JRPGs.


You listed a bunch of games that pretty much lack good gameplay. I'm not even sure we can have this conversation is crap like Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, and Mirror's Edge is your definition of good gameplay.

I owned all 3 systems this generation. I just don't see a lot worth owning on the PS3/360. I classify everything in your above list as a "shit game" that I wouldn't play if it were free (and I know this to be true, since I got Mass Effect for free and stopped playing it after 45 minutes; what a piece of crap - sure was pretty, though).

PS3 is worth owning for Demon's Souls and Valkyria Chronicles.

But I'm happy to see this opinion. Otherwise, you usually see ignorant stuff like "lol wii is for kids" or "smash bros. isn't a fighting game."
Not really.. with regards to the few of many you singled out: they all brought innovative elements this gen (conversation systems, parkour gameplay, experimentation with POV) that were copied through and through across platforms. Influential gameplay elements are present in all those games, much of which could not be fully realized without the extra power of the HD consoles to complete the rest of the pieces of the game (visuals, AI for racing games and certain shooters such as Halo 3, refresh rate for racing games, online community and platforms for games such as Forza and Halo) to create a coherent experience and not just a game with a gimmick, which is often what I find in a lot of those smaller niche games.
What does innovation have to do with whether something is good?

You think Forza/GT, Deus Ex and RDR are shit games? Are you sure your just not a fan of the genres they exist within? From what it seems like, that may be more of the case.
Racing simulators and sports games are always crap. There's a complete lack of interesting gameplay elements in all of them. If it's Mario Kart or something like NFL Blitz, then it can be fun. Pushing the "throw football" button and then letting an RNG determine whether it gets caught will never be interesting. I haven't looked into Deus Ex, but RDR is just most GTA-style crap. They're all awful games with little to no gameplay elements.

PS3 is worth owning for Demon's Souls and Valkyria Chronicles.

But I'm happy to see this opinion. Otherwise, you usually see ignorant stuff like "lol wii is for kids" or "smash bros. isn't a fighting game."
Demon's Souls and Valkyria Chronicles are games 2 and 3 I own for my PS3. :) I also have BlazBlue, which is meh, an Vanquish, which I still need to play through. Aside from those, I can't think of any PS3 games that I felt are worth owning this generation (and Marvel, of course, or whatever fighting games one might enjoy).


tagged by Blackace
What does innovation have to do with whether something is good?
Mostly because when you play something with a new gameplay element for the first time, and it's done half decently (in which case, the parkour and branching conversation trees were), it's usually pretty awesome. Innovative experiences are usually fun experiences, more or less. If you played a bunch of imitators or have seen such before you actually play a game that does it well, I can see the experience being devalued though.

Racing simulators and sports games are always crap. There's a complete lack of interesting gameplay elements in all of them. If it's Mario Kart or something like NFL Blitz, then it can be fun. Pushing the "throw football" button and then letting an RNG determine whether it gets caught will never be interesting. I haven't looked into Deus Ex, but RDR is just most GTA-style crap. They're all awful games with little to no gameplay elements.
Welp, at least now I know your just not a fan of those genres, so there's no point in discussing that further.


What does innovation have to do with whether something is good?

Racing simulators and sports games are always crap. There's a complete lack of interesting gameplay elements in all of them. If it's Mario Kart or something like NFL Blitz, then it can be fun. Pushing the "throw football" button and then letting an RNG determine whether it gets caught will never be interesting. I haven't looked into Deus Ex, but RDR is just most GTA-style crap. They're all awful games with little to no gameplay elements.

Demon's Souls and Valkyria Chronicles are games 2 and 3 I own for my PS3. :) I also have BlazBlue, which is meh, an Vanquish, which I still need to play through. Aside from those, I can't think of any PS3 games that I felt are worth owning this generation (and Marvel, of course, or whatever fighting games one might enjoy).

Yeah, as far as exclusives go those are the two that really stand out for me. Otherwise, I'd definitely include a few multiplatforms too. Dark Souls and Tekken for instance. :p

And I also found GTAIV to be trash, lol.


What does DmC have to do with how long it's been since you played a DMC game?
I am aching to play a new DMC game. The long wait has made me hungrier. I will take any scraps Capcom/NT throw at me.

That high you get when you style on someone in Marvel with a team you crafted yourself. When things are going your way, you are feeling yourself... you are doing everything right and hitting all those combos/set ups you practiced in training mode but never really got them down pat before. That feeling is what I feel in DMC when I sustain a SSS combo for at least minute or more on DMD mode. Every second of a SSS combo run is an adrenaline rush, it's the crack factor I need.

DmC is not the DMC game I deserve..... but it's the one I need right now.

You should definitely put Vanquish in your PS3 tray and give it a spin. Great fucking game.
Interested in the DMC demo.... should be interesting, especially the reaction. I still hate the way the characters look, but the environments are pretty good to me. I don't trust Ninja Theory at all to deliver on a full game though. We shall see.

As far as Wii U goes, first Nintendo console I haven't got at launch. I bought a shitload of Wii games too (35ish or so?). I just don't think there's as much there for me as there used to be, and the feature set regarding online/hd has been standardized for a while imo -- they're purposely not getting there, and that's their prerogative, so I'll agree to disagree. Variation is good.

That said, as soon as 3D Mario/Zelda, DKCR2, Smash, or FZero (T_T this won't ever happen and they can't make one as good as GX so they won't bother) drop, I'm in there. They still get polish/control perfect on a handful of big ones that are just great to play from start to finish (shitty beginnings/training parts of recent Zeldas notwithstanding). And I'm sure I'll pick up other things along the way like NSMBU but I'll likely just stick to my big flagships. At this point, I can wait. Will probably be a price drop before I get one.

An HD twin + Ninty worked for me before I picked up the 3rd, and I'm sure it'll be fine next time around too -- even without the third. Only reason I have an Xbox is because I got basically it + all accessories 50% off despite being brand new (glad I did though -- very smooth experience since it was after all those hardware problems).


Let's make this post Marvel related. To shoot a web ball with Spider-Man, do a quarter circle forward then press an attack button.

And that Taskmaster unblockable thing seems interesting but I don't know how foolproof it is. What about airdashing up ASAP, maybe in frame gap of Tenderizer? IDK, just spitballing.

How does spiderman play and how high execution is he? Does he have any good assists? Who does he work best with?

I just realized that I've never attempted to play my favourite comic book character in a marvel game before and that must change.

would a dream team of wolverine/spiderman/Magneto or Wolverine/Spiderman/Ironman be possible?? or are my childhood dreams getting the best of me?

He's fun but one of the harder characters to learn, considering how nontraditional he is in terms of movement, OTGing, some combos, etc. Not a great selection of assists -- web ball is general space control, kinda good that it's slow. Web swing is a really really crummy Ryu tatsu. Works best with strong projectile assists, space control (Missiles, Rapid Slash, Jam Session) , or lockdown (Coldstar/Dark Hole somewhat); some like OTGs too. Find someone who can DHC well off Maximum Spider too. You will have to adjust combos on the fly. You will have to learn more than a couple confirms if you wanna get the most juice out of him. You'll have to learn to spot Spider-Sting opportunities.

As the company's flagship character (gtfo Wolverine), he is a bit of a diva and needs the team based around him to be most effective...fairly effective at all imo. I mean, he can do work with one or no assists, but you have to know a lot of nuances of the character and your opponent to make it happen.

Those aren't great teams tbh. Iron Man is as big a diva as Parker with a big movie or 2 under his belt, and the duo in front of him aren't good enough together (or backed by his assist) to make it worth it. The Magneto one is a bit better since he's better overall, but again, that team breaks down as:

Wolverine + damage DHC (no safe one) + Web ball and EMD assist

Spider-Man + Shockwave + EMD assist


None of which is particularly scary looking at it like that. You'll beat people you're better than, but you won't be able to force your game plan on anyone to a killing point, which is extremely important in team composition.


tagged by Blackace
I want to buy Vanquish but I can't find it anywhere in Canada here anymore. And I'm not willing to pay very much to import it or get some stupid shipping or bloated price for it. Really enjoyed the demo.


Personally, for the first team I'd go with Weasel Shot over Jam Session. Trish is one of the handful of characters I prefer Weasel Shot over Jam Session(others being Wesker and Strider). Gives better lockdown for mixup since it's somewhat like Cold Star. Also keeps opponents standing, which is always good for tridash characters. I'd also go with Hidden Missiles for Doom. It gives her better combo extensions and more space control than Plasma Beam. Third team could go either way, but I'd probably pick Hidden Missiles for extensions and space control.

And yeah, Maximum Voltage does 216k mashed if everything hits. One of the highest damaging DHCs, iirc.

Thanks for the suggestions. Do you think any of those teams stands out as better than the others, or are the all pretty equally decent?

Also, Karst suggested this as a beginning Trish BnB:
s.LMHS, sj.M, d+H, s.LMHS, sj.MM, jump, MHS, jump, qcf.AA

Do you have any suggestions combo-wise to add to that?


That said, as soon as 3D Mario/Zelda, DKCR2, Smash, or FZero (T_T this won't ever happen and they can't make one as good as GX so they won't bother) drop, I'm in there. They still get polish/control perfect on a handful of big ones that are just great to play from start to finish (shitty beginnings/training parts of recent Zeldas notwithstanding). And I'm sure I'll pick up other things along the way like NSMBU but I'll likely just stick to my big flagships. At this point, I can wait. Will probably be a price drop before I get one.
Yah this whole launch thing is getting out of control, kind of feeling buyer's remorse but I kind of use some twisted logic to justify my purchase.

That said you have good taste sir. Everyone awaits the Falcon's return. If not in F-zero at least we can see him in the next Smash...

I want to buy Vanquish but I can't find it anywhere in Canada here anymore. And I'm not willing to pay very much to import it or get some stupid shipping or bloated price for it. Really enjoyed the demo.

https://www.videogamesplus.ca/product_info.php?products_id=17107 - I think you don't have a PS3, correct Enzo?

I see Vanquish here in BC all the time at $20 everywhere.


tagged by Blackace


Thanks for the suggestions. Do you think any of those teams stands out as better than the others, or are the all pretty equally decent?

Also, Karst suggested this as a beginning Trish BnB:
s.LMHS, sj.M, d+H, s.LMHS, sj.MM, jump, MHS, jump, qcf.AA

Do you have any suggestions combo-wise to add to that?
I think the Trish/Dante/Doom would be the best, personally. Combination of best assists for Trish + having better characters overall. You might want to consider switching it up to Trish/Doom/Dante instead of Trish/Dante/Doom, solely because Dante is a better over all anchor imo, and Doom probably gets more benefits from Dante supporting him than vice-versa. Just an idea.

As far as combos, that's a good one to start with. My combo is:
s.LMHS, sj.M, d+H, qcb.L, j.MH, s.H, cr.H, s.S, j.H, d.H, qcf.L, qcf.AA

That's my BnB, and it does more damage than the other variant and builds the same amount of bar as far as I know. If you want HM extensions, call it during the cr.H, then after relaunch go for sj.MM, dj.MMS, land, back up a bit if you're in the corner, qcb.H(try to TK it to ensure it hits), s.S, sj.S, wait, sj.S, land, tk qcf.AA.


That Giant Bomb stream is still going on? Been going for like 7 hours now if it is.
Yeah I just tuned in... I didn't even know Wii U was out (lol).

Apparently they are playing 3rd party games and they haven't played NG3RE so I am waiting for that. Someone I know will probably get a Wii U so I have to tell them if NG3 is worth getting on it or not.



Let's make this post Marvel related. To shoot a web ball with Spider-Man, do a quarter circle forward then press an attack button.

And that Taskmaster unblockable thing seems interesting but I don't know how foolproof it is. What about airdashing up ASAP, maybe in frame gap of Tenderizer? IDK, just spitballing.

He's fun but one of the harder characters to learn, considering how nontraditional he is in terms of movement, OTGing, some combos, etc. Not a great selection of assists -- web ball is general space control, kinda good that it's slow. Web swing is a really really crummy Ryu tatsu. Works best with strong projectile assists, space control (Missiles, Rapid Slash, Jam Session) , or lockdown (Coldstar/Dark Hole somewhat); some like OTGs too. Find someone who can DHC well off Maximum Spider too. You will have to adjust combos on the fly. You will have to learn more than a couple confirms if you wanna get the most juice out of him. You'll have to learn to spot Spider-Sting opportunities.

As the company's flagship character (gtfo Wolverine), he is a bit of a diva and needs the team based around him to be most effective...fairly effective at all imo. I mean, he can do work with one or no assists, but you have to know a lot of nuances of the character and your opponent to make it happen.

Those aren't great teams tbh. Iron Man is as big a diva as Parker with a big movie or 2 under his belt, and the duo in front of him aren't good enough together (or backed by his assist) to make it worth it. The Magneto one is a bit better since he's better overall, but again, that team breaks down as:

Wolverine + damage DHC (no safe one) + Web ball and EMD assist

Spider-Man + Shockwave + EMD assist


None of which is particularly scary looking at it like that. You'll beat people you're better than, but you won't be able to force your game plan on anyone to a killing point, which is extremely important in team composition.

would spidey work with Morrigan and Magneto? or magneto and Akuma? or any combination of the 3?
would spidey work with Morrigan and Magneto? or magneto and Akuma? or any combination of the 3?

I think he could work with both of those duos. He's very hard to catch if you want him to be, so if you want to stack up a bunch of meter via Dark Harmonizer then DHC into Astral Vision, you're set. As well, both of those combos are potent should he die. I like the Morrigan one as an attrition style team, can get decent damage out of it too. I would never DHC into Shadow Servant off of Max Spider unless you for sure need a kill -- setting up Astral Vision if you know how to use it is prize enough.

Magneto Akuma and Morrigan Akuma are both potent pairs as well. Magneto Akuma is more "traditional" (whatever that means in Marvel, who cares), but both are strong and you can make em work.

These shells are far more flexible in different situations and will definitely be more effective.

Yah this whole launch thing is getting out of control, kind of feeling buyer's remorse but I kind of use some twisted logic to justify my purchase.

That said you have good taste sir. Everyone awaits the Falcon's return. If not in F-zero at least we can see him in the next Smash...


The art of showing one's moves must live on.

I'm trying to think of something I liked more than GX during GCN/PS2/XB era, and I think it might win. WW, RE4, MP1, Melee, and VJ come pretty close.


First time I did this mission (story mode 4) I lost my motherfuqqin mind. Felt like Milhouse playing Bonestorm. <3 Big Blue remix, was looking for this song in the GP a loooot. Also the only mission I managed to finish by myself on Very Hard T_T

Does anyone know if Wipeout HD comes close? I got it for free when PSN shit itself last year, but haven't got around to playing it.


I have a 360 yeah. Not buying from VGP though after their CC info leak. I was thinking around $20 would be fine.

If it makes you feel better, I purchased a bunch of stuff from them on sale like last month and got it no sweat. I could see why you'd want to be wary though.
Mostly because when you play something with a new gameplay element for the first time, and it's done half decently (in which case, the parkour and branching conversation trees were), it's usually pretty awesome. Innovative experiences are usually fun experiences, more or less. If you played a bunch of imitators or have seen such before you actually play a game that does it well, I can see the experience being devalued though.
The innovations all seem pretty mediocre to me. I only played the demo for Mirror's Edge, but "running in first person - now with obstacles" - is that supposed to be impressive? Am I supposed to think "wow, I can press the X button in bunch of stuff and the character jumps over it, climbs on top of it, or ducks under it"? Is that really more "fun" than just moving around in first person normally? The game was definitely an attempt at something novel and interesting, but it just didn't pan out for me.

Welp, at least now I know your just not a fan of those genres, so there's no point in discussing that further.
They could be fun games if they had fun gameplay. It's not like being a "sandbox game" automatically makes the game uninteresting to me. But sandbox games rely on the novelty of being a sandbox game to make up for their uninteresting gameplay. So, if by that genre, you mean a game based on a gimmick, then yeah, it's not for me.

I am aching to play a new DMC game. The long wait has made me hungrier. I will take any scraps Capcom/NT throw at me.

That high you get when you style on someone in Marvel with a team you crafted yourself. When things are going your way, you are feeling yourself... you are doing everything right and hitting all those combos/set ups you practiced in training mode but never really got them down pat before. That feeling is what I feel in DMC when I sustain a SSS combo for at least minute or more on DMD mode. Every second of a SSS combo run is an adrenaline rush, it's the crack factor I need.

DmC is not the DMC game I deserve..... but it's the one I need right now.
I hope you'll give us a full report on it in this thread.

You should definitely put Vanquish in your PS3 tray and give it a spin. Great fucking game.
I want to set aside a whole weekend for it at some point.


tagged by Blackace
The innovations all seem pretty mediocre to me. I only played the demo for Mirror's Edge, but "running in first person - now with obstacles" - is that supposed to be impressive? Am I supposed to think "wow, I can press the X button in bunch of stuff and the character jumps over it, climbs on top of it, or ducks under it"? Is that really more "fun" than just moving around in first person normally? The game was definitely an attempt at something novel and interesting, but it just didn't pan out for me.
Mirror's Edge is a time-trial esque game too, but is definitely a love or hate game. For people who like speedruns basically. On later levels in the game, it comes down to a lot of quick thinking on how to traverse environments, and maintaining momentum in agility. The game get's special when your whizzing throughout areas majestically. I would say it's pretty mediocre overall considering the story is a massive waste of not much in the first place, and it's pretty short, but it's beautiful and feels special when you get in the vibe of moving around. I feel like it's one of those "must play" games whether you end up liking it or not.

They could be fun games if they had fun gameplay. It's not like being a "sandbox game" automatically makes the game uninteresting to me. But sandbox games rely on the novelty of being a sandbox game to make up for their uninteresting gameplay. So, if by that genre, you mean a game based on a gimmick, then yeah, it's not for me.
Have you played Crackdown? Not that I'd think that'd scratch your itch since the mechanics are fairly simplistic too, but it was a different take on the sandbox genre with it's levelling system and fast-paced, mostly aerial combat. Or maybe Arkham City with it's advances to the combat engine that went beyond Counter -> Win from Arkham Asylum.

I kinda get what you like in games though, though I have difficulty describing it outside of focused and I guess more manipulative.
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