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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

I am in general agreement with Frantic and God's Beard.

Frantic, how can you not think Dante is high execution? What character has something like f.H, assist call, A+S, d,d+S as a fricken blockstring? Sure, if you just jump into Air Play into air dash j.H all day, he's not too hard, but if you're using him to his fullest potential to open people up I think he takes a lot of work.
I'm still waiting for people to abuse Dante's insane bold cancel pressure strings. Maybe pushblock is too strong, but they look so cool.

Also, once auto-correct normals clicked for me, it was an easy jump to dash blasts. They're almost the same input.


Frantic, how can you not think Dante is high execution? What character has something like f.H, assist call, A+S, d,d+S as a fricken blockstring? Sure, if you just jump into Air Play into air dash j.H all day, he's not too hard, but if you're using him to his fullest potential to open people up I think he takes a lot of work.
I haven't dropped bold cancel Air Trick in forever(outside lag hiccups). I have literally done it forty times in a row in training mode off random block + random advancing guard. I've forgotten what 'high execution' means when it comes to Dante. :X

I'm still waiting for people to abuse Dante's insane bold cancel pressure strings. Maybe pushblock is too strong, but they look so cool.
I'm getting there. Only thing throwing me off right now is smart pushblocking(ie, not mashing it and instead timing it to be either fast or slow), but I know there are ways around that.
I haven't dropped bold cancel Air Trick in forever(outside lag hiccups). I have literally done it forty times in a row in training mode off random block + random advancing guard. I've forgotten what 'high execution' means when it comes to Dante. :X
Hahaha, you must be. I feel the same way when people say they can't play air dash characters. It just feels so natural to me now to tridash around the screen that I forget how, when I first tried it out, I got myself killed constantly.

Marvel on Wii U?!?!!?


oh shit.

Every PS3 game ported to Wii U has gotten new content.....
I'm going to assume it's poorly thought out advertising...for a poorly thought out product, it seems.
By this logic Forza 4 is coming to Wii U too. I wouldn't put much faith in this, but man it'd be awesome if it happened.

Anyways, I finally have time for some Mahvel after what feels like forever, who wants to play and help me try out some stuff?
Finished my Phoenix 1-assist meterless BnB:

jH, H6HS, jH6H xx flight, jH2H, H6H xx Trap L, 2HS, jMMHS, A1(Ankle Slicer), Trap L, Trap L, 6H xx Drill M

I'm getting there. Only thing throwing me off right now is smart pushblocking(ie, not mashing it and instead timing it to be either fast or slow), but I know there are ways around that.
I'm personally fond of dash up 2L bc jH xx Air Play, jH

Its gonna be ass.

So do I win bet if Wii U version has patch changes?

Only if the name of the game doesn't change.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Beardo you couldn't Magneto your way out of a $30 Italian meal's paper bag!

Play me

edit- oh yeah it's Monday I can't play in any grudge match today lol


Mrs. Harvey
Beef has lost three grudge matches in a row so he's banned from Grudge matches for a month. The bleeding must heal before he can participate again.

Azure J

Marvel on Wii U?!?!!?


oh shit.

Every PS3 game ported to Wii U has gotten new content.....

I'm skeptical as all fuck especially given the adamantness of Niitsuma with "Marvel is done" and the idea of shoddy Photoshop work being the culprit on that accessory box art.

Someone call Lupinko nonetheless.

I haven't dropped bold cancel Air Trick in forever(outside lag hiccups). I have literally done it forty times in a row in training mode off random block + random advancing guard. I've forgotten what 'high execution' means when it comes to Dante. :X

You know what's hilarious? BC Air Trick was a bitch to learn intially so I learned the plink method and was successful. Nowadays, the plink method has a lower rate of success for me than if I were to do the input the legitimate way. :lol

I'm getting there. Only thing throwing me off right now is smart pushblocking(ie, not mashing it and instead timing it to be either fast or slow), but I know there are ways around that.

Yeah, the delayed specials off a blocked Stinger tends to be the thing I try doing most, but it's still tough to tell yourself not to just Reverb it out all the time.

Grudge match tonight. Start crap with someone.

AzureJericho smells

...oh shit, I should go and practice some shit so I'm in fighting shape.

I'm personally fond of dash up 2L bc jH xx Air Play, jH

I'm honestly surprised that this is the first I'm hearing of using Bold Move intentionally without it being used as a cancel or full screen super block.
If anyone should have a grudge match with you Jeri, I feel it should be me...but I can't tonight since we're going out to watch Skyfall later.

Still, want to play with me while I fool around with a new team configuration? I want to see how Strider(Vajra)/Raccoon(Spitfire)/Ammy(Cold Star) works :T


I'm personally fond of dash up 2L bc jH xx Air Play, jH
Only problem with that is you can throw Dante out of bold move. If they block the cr.L, they can just jump up and grab Dante if he uses Bold Move. It's really only useful off a pushblock since you'll have enough space and time to OS airdash into OS j.H to retain pressure.

You know what's hilarious? BC Air Trick was a bitch to learn intially so I learned the plink method and was successful. Nowadays, the plink method has a lower rate of success for me than if I were to do the input the legitimate way. :lol
Only way I'll ever use plink method is to delay the teleport as long as possible, since the normal method is next to impossible at that point. Can no longer buffer it, and have to input everything within the three frames or so window you have to BC something.

Also, Kadey should just stream an XBL lobby. Fake grudge matches are silly.


it wont get played in the fighting community

Yes it will, especially if it has characters and upgrades people want. It's not like Capcom has to worry about upsetting its consumers. They take it, adjust to the size, and get through it.

Azure J

If anyone should have a grudge match with you Jeri, I feel it should be me...but I can't tonight since we're going out to watch Skyfall later.

Still, want to play with me while I fool around with a new team configuration? I want to see how Strider(Vajra)/Raccoon(Spitfire)/Ammy(Cold Star) works :T

If I'm not hopelessly swamped in work helping the family pick up groceries for Thanksgiving, then I'll shoot you a request. I'll definitely be online late night (11PM EST or later) though.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Why am I running into these on point Frank Wests? Do they like losing?

Like fuck their strategy consists of hail mary super jump forward and slide.
Only problem with that is you can throw Dante out of bold move. If they block the cr.L, they can just jump up and grab Dante if he uses Bold Move. It's really only useful off a pushblock since you'll have enough space and time to OS airdash into OS j.H to retain pressure.

I forgot, but there's a backwards air dash before the jH. Is it still throwable?


Theoretically the Wii U touch pad could be used like a shitty hitbox.

Also, Phoenix has some hard-ass combos <_<

It's not multitouch so it wouldn't work well at all though? It could be used for moveset stuff like the Vita controller though.

I'm all for a Wii U port of UMvC3 and AE. Hell, I wouldn't mind SFxT either just to mess around with.

Also that Strange tech from the grab and with Dante is so siiiick. Need to learn these.
Holy fucking shit, the hype would be off the charts if someone ever pulls that off on stream.

Anyways, I just played like 20 rounds with a Wesker/PW/MODOK team, and damn it worked pretty well. Didn't really get to see any of the Wesker/PW mixups shenanigans I remember you guys talking about before, but Missile is a surprisingly decent combo extender for Wesker. He was one of the few guys that really made me respect a proper Wright; I had no idea that Press the Witness was that good of a move.

Best part was feeling my Strider level up, now I can actually do XF3 stuff with him other than button mashing with Ouroboros on lol
I'd imagine a lazy WiiU port would be the same game as we have, the Vita's ultimate controller options pasted to the WiiU Tablet controller and mostly likely a worse online setup. They might be gracious enough to make some balance changes.

As long as these balance changes make their way to the PS3/360 here here for a WiiU version.
I hope Yipes starts playing Dante/Strange/Magneto. That way every top player gets their own Strange team.

Nemo: Nova/Spencer/Strange
Combofiend: She-Hulk/Spencer/Strange
Justin Wong: Iron Fist/Spencer/Strange
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