I'm convinced that Iron Fist/Spencer/Akuma is the best Iron Fist team, but man if Iron Fist isn't boring to play.
That team has great combo potential, but I wouldn't call it the best because it doesn't have a way to open them up and Iron Fist is going to eat a lot of chip on point with only Akuma to help him. He's best at 2nd position so he never ends up stranded at anchor or dying on chip and so you can utilize his incredible assists. I won't argue that a guy with no mixups is pretty dull to experiment with because he's got one plan and one plan only which is to rush down that ass until he gets a hit (likely off standing M or a throw).
The best Iron Fist team is him on 2nd an anchor that buys him horizontal coverage to get in and a point character with good corner carry on their combos to set him up for frame traps on incoming guys and who has DHC potential with him (usually with the spirit of the dragon flame hyper).
Great point guys for him are Taskmaster, MODOK, Magneto, and to some degree if you play them right Nova, Ryu, Vergil because Nova gives him unblockables once he DHC's, Ryu and Iron Fist DHC together well and Ryu can use the OTG, and Vergil can corner well enough and can use Rising Fang for spiral sword setups.
Honestly a lot of guys work well on point, but I like it best if they have a good DHC for the easy tag in at the end of the combo once the corner is achieved. You could probably find a lot more than what I mentioned for this really. Main point to Iron Fist though is the corner and the best way to get that is to not put him on point. He doesn't really need Spencer to be scary on damage and the extension is all he offers him. I'd say someone with corner carry and a good DHC is your best bet. Nova can get dirty with him BTW with the unblockable he gets Iron Fist and the kind of anchors Iron Fist would have also work well with Nova.
Mess around with him some more. Combo extension isn't the point of him since he gets damage already. Its pressuring people and getting that assist that make him so great. Poke around with Rising Dragon assist to boost other guys you like on point. I know thats exciting no matter what.