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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


I'm convinced that Iron Fist/Spencer/Akuma is the best Iron Fist team, but man if Iron Fist isn't boring to play.

That team has great combo potential, but I wouldn't call it the best because it doesn't have a way to open them up and Iron Fist is going to eat a lot of chip on point with only Akuma to help him. He's best at 2nd position so he never ends up stranded at anchor or dying on chip and so you can utilize his incredible assists. I won't argue that a guy with no mixups is pretty dull to experiment with because he's got one plan and one plan only which is to rush down that ass until he gets a hit (likely off standing M or a throw).

The best Iron Fist team is him on 2nd an anchor that buys him horizontal coverage to get in and a point character with good corner carry on their combos to set him up for frame traps on incoming guys and who has DHC potential with him (usually with the spirit of the dragon flame hyper).

Great point guys for him are Taskmaster, MODOK, Magneto, and to some degree if you play them right Nova, Ryu, Vergil because Nova gives him unblockables once he DHC's, Ryu and Iron Fist DHC together well and Ryu can use the OTG, and Vergil can corner well enough and can use Rising Fang for spiral sword setups.

Honestly a lot of guys work well on point, but I like it best if they have a good DHC for the easy tag in at the end of the combo once the corner is achieved. You could probably find a lot more than what I mentioned for this really. Main point to Iron Fist though is the corner and the best way to get that is to not put him on point. He doesn't really need Spencer to be scary on damage and the extension is all he offers him. I'd say someone with corner carry and a good DHC is your best bet. Nova can get dirty with him BTW with the unblockable he gets Iron Fist and the kind of anchors Iron Fist would have also work well with Nova.

Mess around with him some more. Combo extension isn't the point of him since he gets damage already. Its pressuring people and getting that assist that make him so great. Poke around with Rising Dragon assist to boost other guys you like on point. I know thats exciting no matter what.


Santa May Claus

Hm, now I'm second guessing myself. I can't find a link substantiating what I said. Anyone know what the frame data is for a normal jump?

Either way, I'm fairly certain that a c.L doesn't create enough blockstun to prevent an airthrow before Dante can airdash back, given the height restrictions, even if Bold Move had the properties of a normal jump. I could be wrong.


I had that originally, but I dunno. Does Iron Fist with slant Shot really need the extra damage from fof loops?

No. However, Iron Fist Strange is a bit better so long as you don't go crazy with summoning that assist and get Strange ate. It offers up a great opportunity if you time it to setup your pressure for the old high low and crumple sets up Strange magnificently for his gameplan.

For you Beard knowing who you play I think if you ran Magneto/Iron Fist/Strange you'd have a lot of fun. Iron Fist could run just about any assist on that team for you, but you may have fun since you know Magneto if you setup his crumple assist in there to slip into combos.


Sick stuff all around!

PS: Not a fan of the Wii U controller, way too big for my hands. So, no fighters on this console for me either.

Really? I have tiny hands and it's pretty comfortable. But that's just me I guess.

Anyway good games to AzureJericho. So many failed attempts at me doing online FoF loops in those first few rounds, lol. :\ Also didn't take in account lag after a character dying during a happy birthday lightning loop, luckily I chipped Viper out. And I didn't think that Bionic Arm counterhit->Bionic Manuevers for the win for the round would work. I wish I recorded it, but one of my HDMI splitter things is broken so I'm waiting for the new one to come in. :p Your Dante and Strider got a lot better since the last time we played. I still need to work on snapping Strider in and doing better mixups, you were pretty good at blocking, lol

Azure J

Late to the post, but GGs FSLink. I was feeling the oddest kind of depression looking at how sloppy a lot of my stuff was. So many instances where I was caught out of the start up of my dashes (or missed an entire super to eat ARMMMMMMMMMMMM as Strider...), didn't get an input and then all of my Viper shenanigans got shut down by lag. I pretty much just said fuck it and ran OG Team Azure trying to maneuver around with potential unblockable setups, but even that much was trying for me. :lol

I really need more Frank match up experience. Zombie toss was screwing with my head in the worst ways, especially when I was trying to stay at a good enough altitude to hinder your progress forward with Air Play or thinking enough projectiles would do the trick. Then again, I was pretty happy in those matches particularly when I was able to do my Devil Trigger evasions well and even got the reset I've been playing with a few times.

My Felicia is trash and I really want to build her up just a bit more. I'm just not used to or good with high pressure in your face types.

In other news, Maziodyne's posted the top ten from Becha Can't Combo This. Solubro @ Caj, you might want to check it out. :D


Yeah you had the right idea against Frank but I toyed with using slower zombie tosses to attempt to throw you off to get a hit in. Sometimes worked, sometimes didn't.

My Zero May Cry team still needs a bit of work, need to use more Jam Session but was too terrified of him eating Viper's EX Thunder Knuckle. Also I thought your Felicia was fine, I had a hard time with her, lol. Those resets you did with Dante were also really clean and good.

Quick question, out of all my teams which one do you think would be the best for me? I'm leaning towards ZMC or the Yipes/Combofiend/Nemo Strange team. Moreso ZMC since I can do lightning loops now. Tron/Frank West/Dante team is also really fun but REALLY doesn't work against your teams, Tron can't do much against Strider assist. :(

Azure J

Yeah you had the right idea against Frank but I toyed with using slower zombie tosses to attempt to throw you off to get a hit in. Sometimes worked, sometimes didn't.

My Zero May Cry team still needs a bit of work, need to use more Jam Session but was too terrified of him eating Viper's EX Thunder Knuckle. Also I thought your Felicia was fine, I had a hard time with her, lol. Those resets you did with Dante were also really clean and good.

Quick question, out of all my teams which one do you think would be the best for me? I'm leaning towards ZMC or the Yipes/Combofiend/Nemo Strange team. Moreso ZMC since I can do lightning loops now. Tron/Frank West/Dante team is also really fun but REALLY doesn't work against your teams, Tron can't do much against Strider assist. :(

I feel like you'd make a great Zero May Cry player but I'm contractually obligated to say fuck that team and persuade you against it. Too much salt from getting sword in ass during my sessions with my brother kinda did that to me. XD

Really though, I'd have to ask which one you like most and say go for it with that one while having the "all business" team on the side. If you like all three, play all 3. (I know, it's rough, I have to fight urges to run Zero/Dante/Strider, Dante/Ammy/Strider and Dante/Felicia/Strider very often lately.)

Also, I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm kinda retraining my Rapid Seismo execution on the P2 side of the screen. I don't know what happened in the last month or so, but that side which was once my best side for them just kills me when I have to do more than 2 seismos at a time lately. When you combine that with all of my botched Focus Attack - Counterattack strats, I kinda mentally Guard Broke and just meh'd everything. :lol

Viper is immensely rewarding and frustrating a character to play sometimes.


Really though, I'd have to ask which one you like most and say go for it with that one while having the "all business" team on the side. If you like all three, play all 3. (I know, it's rough, I have to fight urges to run Zero/Dante/Strider, Dante/Ammy/Strider and Dante/Felicia/Strider very often lately.)

Yeah I tend to just counterpick like crazy in tourneys and stuff here locally since I can play so many teams. So I will definitely play all 3 (+ that Wolverine/Spencer/Akuma team I used against you, that team is tons of fun even if it does lose terribly to zoners), but it's a matter of "which team do I use first by default". :p Yeah, I think Zero May Cry would work best as a "to go" team. Need to work on Dante on point though, especially with him only left with Vergil assist.


Grudge match tonight. Start crap with someone.

You all are crappy dumpster trash. The dirt beneath my Lamborghini tires is worth more than all of you combined. I'm so much better than everyone here, it's not even funny.

I can participate in a grudge match.


Mrs. Harvey
You all are crappy dumpster trash. The dirt beneath my Lamborghini tires is worth more than all of you combined. I'm so much better than everyone here, it's not even funny.




Mrs. Harvey
I would destroy him in any Marvel game other than 3. I'm actually better in Marvel 2 than AE. That was my main fighter before SFIV. 3, I spent less than 2 hours on the game in total so I don't know.

Anyway, Going to have a Live lobby up soon.


I would destroy him in any Marvel game other than 3. I'm actually better in Marvel 2 than AE. That was my main fighter before SFIV. 3, I spent less than 2 hours on the game in total so I don't know.

HAHAHAHAHAA. I've already won.


I had that originally, but I dunno. Does Iron Fist with slant Shot really need the extra damage from fof loops?
I think there's a misconception with the extra damage Iron Fist gets with Slant Shot. Unless someone would like to prove me wrong, Depending on the combo He probably gets another 50k~ or so, unless we're including DHCs into Spencer.
Really? I have tiny hands and it's pretty comfortable. But that's just me I guess.
It's not that it's not comfortable, but it's certainly not an ideal controller in the slightest for any type of gaming, but I'm biased because I hate tablet/iOS gaming in general. I already feel buyer's remorse.
In other news, Maziodyne's posted the top ten from Becha Can't Combo This. Solubro @ Caj, you might want to check it out. :D

6th isn't bad at all considering the competition :lol. I could've come up with something alot cooler now that I think about it. Ah well.
Completely unrelated, Karst, CCP works fine with Xenoblade and Brawl on the Wii U so I assume for the most part it's working fine. Think I need a better television because it was lagging while trying to load menus and stuff when using the backwards compatibility.
Kadey ducking the grudge match she asked for.

Completely unrelated, Karst, CCP works fine with Xenoblade and Brawl on the Wii U so I assume for the most part it's working fine. Think I need a better television because it was lagging while trying to load menus and stuff when using the backwards compatibility.
YES! I didn't want to have to buy a Wii U Pro Controller. Apparently there are a lot of lag issues with menus on such with the Wii U right now. It has been rocky launch...

How's the upscaling?
No. However, Iron Fist Strange is a bit better so long as you don't go crazy with summoning that assist and get Strange ate. It offers up a great opportunity if you time it to setup your pressure for the old high low and crumple sets up Strange magnificently for his gameplan.

For you Beard knowing who you play I think if you ran Magneto/Iron Fist/Strange you'd have a lot of fun. Iron Fist could run just about any assist on that team for you, but you may have fun since you know Magneto if you setup his crumple assist in there to slip into combos.

But I hate Iron Fist and Strange.
Well, time to pick up the slack on Strider/X-23/Magneto. Phoenix/X-23/Magneto just isn't tight enough with the Dirt Nap setups and I really don't want to play Zero/Dante/X-23.


But I hate Iron Fist and Strange.

Sorry, thought you we were trying to figure out Strange vs Spencer for an Iron Fist team and Strange can get more synergy with fist than Spencer can with him. I thought you were on the Strange experimentation gang too. You could always run MODOK/Iron Fist/Magneto for stuff or Nova/Iron Fist/Magneto though. Fun experimental stuff to be had there for an Iron Fist team given the Nova team can convert his wallbounce into the H kick series and on DHC gains unblockables for Iron Fist off Nova assist and the MODOK team is super dirty at screen control and has some of the nastiest corner control imaginable after the DHC into Iron Fist given any of MODOK's assists create unbearable corner games for him. Balloon Bomb sets up real stuff in the corner and Barrier creates a horrible wall preventing their escape forcing throw setups. Oh and any beams= frametraps but disruptor is already on deck so your call on that.

Really though you wont have fun with Iron Fist unless you put him in second and use him for the assist and to create bullshit corner lockdown shenanigans off of DHC setups or other stuff that puts him in with corner advantage. Kill off of a DHC and then use your assists to lockdown the oncoming character and you can start having fun laughing at them trying to get out of his frametraps. Thats pretty much where his fun is. Try screwing around with him and Nova. Its bullshit enough to get a few good laughs. You could always try Arthur or Taskmaster with him though like I did, but I'm not going to claim my team is the best...its just the easiest to use for me.
Thanks for the advice, I just have a lot of trouble working up the motivation to play Iron Fist. His normals are so annoying and he looks weird.

I just get tired when I'm grinding out BnBs and stuff, need to mess around with different characters to get the balance back.
Jill does NOT look cool.

And neither does Trish.
It was a general consideration of aesthetics. Trish has a big badass axe that she can throw around and it follows people. Pretty cool.

Edit: Oh, Jill is not where I thought I put her. She should be just a bit into the "cool" area.

Trish is in the right spot, though.

Fun discovery: Dr. Strange's Illusion (b.H) works on assists, and teleports him to the opposing point character.

Edit: Skrull needs his Rolling Hook assist. I'd anchor him with that.


GGs to those in the lobby. Had fun just messing around with random teams.

How is Vergil cool looking while Dante looks dumb?! Vergil is easily the less cool sparda bro.
Dante's more cool, but his DMC3 appearance is pretty dumb imo. DMC2 Dante is coolest looking Dante by far.


That lobby was a lot of fun. I got to see a lot of Dante/Strider tech, the world's best Doctor Doom player and the world's laggiest match all in one night!


Vergil is more badass and cooler looking than DMC3 Dante. DMC1 Dante on the other hand trumps them both. DMC2 Dante trumps all in looks.

Azure J

That lobby was a lot of fun. I got to see a lot of Dante/Strider tech, the world's best Doctor Doom player and the world's laggiest match all in one night!

That Doctor Doom is my Firebrand. Holy shit, I still can't believe that. I also can't believe that Nemesis armored up to tank a Focus Attack just like that. Talk bout irony. :lol
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