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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


get some go again
level up can stream it at 720p and make it look incredible and best of all it can be watched by many. i don't see the point of streaming if nobody can see it. jaxel's 720p streams also look really good.
Nope. Throwing insults at me isn't going to change anything. Be careful where you thread, once you burn bridges with me, that's it.
It's not an insult toward you. Like I said, Smurfx was like #12 I've heard say that they'd like to watch your stream but can't. Maybe we're complaining because so many others have stopped trying already. It's a realistic possibility.

I don't care about your threat about burning bridges. You're just like anyone else here, and I'll be open about my thoughts toward you. If you don't like what I have to say, the ignore button isn't too far away. No disrespect intended, regardless.


Mrs. Harvey
How does that matter if so many people's viewing quality won't match that because of their connection?

LOL. Like I said, it's mainly only you certain people. My stream regulars watch it just fine. When I restream Japanese streams, etc, everybody (averaging 400 viewers or so) watches it fine. And my Tougeki archives has gotten 50k+ views and I haven't had one complaint from anybody.

I'm also watching this fine on my Core 2 laptop using Wifi, which is like much less powerful than your average computer out these days.
I don't care about your threat about burning bridges. You're just like anyone else here, and I'll be open about my thoughts toward you. If you don't like what I have to say, the ignore button isn't too far away. No disrespect intended, regardless.

Fine by me. Ignored.


I also cannot watch Kadey's stream, all I got is a year old but low end i3 laptop. My desktop can handle it, but the motherboard is all fucked.


get some go again
i have a core 2 laptop as well. i used to be able to watch kadey's stream but i don't know if she increased quality or maybe flash changed some stuff but its unwatchable on my laptop now. i in fact like trolling kadey especially about her music choices even though we have similar tastes. 0_o hell i thought i was the only person on earth with the saturn bootleg 2 sampler cd song in my collection.


I have an Alienware M17x and a 16 mbps connection.
I think that's good but Kadey's is always a slideshow for me.

EDIT: Except its smooth today. Go figure

EDIT 2: Well, its smooth for a few seconds then freezes for a second or two. Its better than before. But Its still not to the point of being enjoyable and I'm not digging the music. Sorry Kadey. You may ignore me too.


tagged by Blackace
I don't know, my computers pretty powerful too, Core 2 Quad. I don't think computer speed has much to do with that.

EDIT: ^ yeah if sephi is having problems with that, I'm not sure what else is there to say. But whatever, it's Kadey's stream, if she doesn't want to compromise the quality for getting the most amount of people to watch, then so be it. "It's only you guys" doesn't hold much weight when so many people with so many different computers, locations and kinds of internet are having problems though.


You're in some of it!


A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Beef there's a guy running Frank/Ryu like you should.

Ok I'm just going to post it, I found the whole thing dumb but pretty funny. Some names changed to protect the innocent.

Emp_joblike: does anyone in here have an account on the website, neogaf?
Roxen91: LOL
» Look at the title of stream
Emp_joblike: can someone do me a favour then?
Somethingpanda: maybe
Emp_joblike: someone tell karsticles he is ass
Somethingpanda: ah I see
Emp_joblike: also, fuck neogaf
Somethingpanda: word
Emp_joblike: is the bitch ass enzo in here?
Somethingpanda: nope
Emp_joblike: k
» post on your shitty forum and tell him im lookin for him
» thx
Somethingpanda: ok
Emp_joblike: also, tell karsticles to come
Somethingpanda: what do you think about
» professor beef?
Emp_joblike: i dont pay attention to him
» hes low tier
Somethingpanda: true
Emp_joblike: smurfx is godlike
Somethingpanda: who else is godlike to you?
Emp_joblike: chavela is *** tier (cuz of his avatar)
» ummm
» kayde (obvs)
» dahbomb
Somethingpanda: for sure
Emp_joblike: althought, dahbomb is a dude you wanna punch in the head a couple times
» when he gets wet over dmc
Roxen91: Too much drama.......just enjoy stream
Emp_joblike: no drama
» its all truth
Somethingpanda: this is fucking fantastic
Azurejerichogaf: legendary moment in this chat right here
Emp_joblike: its cold as fuck
» and my moms warmed up some milk
» shoutouts to my moms
Somethingpanda: so what got you to read gaf in the first place?
Emp_joblike: i tryin to remember
Emp_joblike: i bought marvel 3 randomly on a whim
» played it for 2 hours
» couldn't get past the 4th shit on tutorial
Emp_joblike: then i bought a stick, and now im godlike

Emp_joblike: someone tell karsticles he sucks
» thx
Somethingpanda: will do
Emp_joblike: do you like how i say thx after my request?
» i am so polite
Somethingpanda: very
» thx for saying thx
Roxen91: I am not hiding this chat. You have now lost an important member of your chat society.
» *now
Emp_joblike: oh wait
Somethingpanda: ya
Emp_joblike: you the dude with the dwayne johnson avatar?
Somethingpanda: ya

Removed stuff irrelevant to the interview
I was a bit disappointed with the interview. I thought there might be some info about who he is, or something. Hate doesn't mean much coming from a nobody. I can't even despise him, it's just a blop of nothingness.

I don't get this line:
Roxen91: I am not hiding this chat. You have now lost an important member of your chat society.

What was going on there? I assume not = now.

Dude sure loves to hang out with GAFers a lot for someone who hates GAF though. ;-)

Hey Karsts...

You suck.
Are you coming on to me?

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
He's claimed to be like 5 different people already, most recent is Mandingo.

We'll probably never figure who he is until he outs himself on gaf or something
He's claimed to be like 5 different people already, most recent is Mandingo.

We'll probably never figure who he is until he outs himself on gaf or something
It's funny, I think you all care about who it is more than I do. Haven't I upset enough people within the last few days that you can be satisfied knowing that I am hated by many folks? :)

I don't know who Mandingo is, haha.


I was a bit disappointed with the interview. I thought there might be some info about who he is, or something. Hate doesn't mean much coming from a nobody. I can't even despise him, it's just a blop of nothingness.

I don't get this line:

What was going on there? I assume not = now.

Dude sure loves to hang out with GAFers a lot for someone who hates GAF though. ;-)

Are you coming on to me?
Yeah, it's a typo, lol. Meant to say now instead of not.
Karst is gonna get a tag sometime of most hated guy in Fighting gaf if this keeps up. LOL.

I really think a Dorm or Mephisto avi is appropriate with how many people are showing ill feelings towards you.
Karst is gonna get a tag sometime of most hated guy in Fighting gaf if this keeps up. LOL.

I really think a Dorm or Mephisto avi is appropriate with how many people are showing ill feelings towards you.
Whoever the guy in my avatar is, I'm sure he's hated as well!

You know, the coolest thing about teaching is that all the stuff I used to say which upset people now fascinates them. All because of a title change...there's a lot to say about this, but it'd just be an off-topic rant, so I'll stop there.

Yeah, it's a typo, lol. Meant to say now instead of not.
I still don't get it, though - why'd you leave?
Uggh, I feel like I have to decide between a decent team and a working Dirt Nap setup. I swap in a character that has a good pinning assist and then it turns out they have bad TAC setups so I have to anchor X-23. Makes the team really top heavy and bad. Unless there's some way to reliably set up raw tag combos...

So far the only flawless TAC team is Zero/X-23/Dante... ;_;

Although, there are other potential setups that have come to my attention, MODOK unblockables being one of them.


Mrs. Harvey
This guy is going to beat stream record. Can't even kill one of his characters. LOL.

Nevermind. It took Smurf to beat him.


I still don't get it, though - why'd you leave?

An alternative demonstration of what the chat was starting to feel like:

"Like Becky totally told Jim who told his girlfriend Lucy that Mike like got slapped in the face by Louise during 6th period."

I usually don't like chats on streams in general, especially when they start detracting from the actual watching experience.

This guy is going to beat stream record. Can't even kill one of his characters. LOL.

You have stream records?
An alternative demonstration of what the chat was starting to feel like:

"Like Becky totally told Jim who told his girlfriend Lucy that Mike like got slapped in the face by Louise during 6th period."

I usually don't like chats on streams in general, especially when they start detracting from the actual watching experience.
I dig. Thanks for explaining.
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