i played bad so good thing you didn't see.You break the dudes streak in a game where the stream was out for half of and then you leave.
I barely got to see you play.
i played bad so good thing you didn't see.You break the dudes streak in a game where the stream was out for half of and then you leave.
I barely got to see you play.
Think we were all playing bad. I know I was. I started to think too much instead of just playing and reacting to situations. I always notice I play worse when that happens. >_>i played bad so good thing you didn't see.i didn't really get to use hawkeye anyway.
FChamp thinks that team is broken. Its also one of my personal top teams in the game.So if Zero is cheap, and Morrigan/Doom is cheap, why isn't anyone playing Zero/Morrigan/Doom?
So if Zero is cheap, and Morrigan/Doom is cheap, why isn't anyone playing Zero/Morrigan/Doom?
Does the Vergil assist make the team that much better?
I don't know anything about Marvel.
Looks like a typical DHC to Vergil to me!
Not every combination of cheap + cheap = more cheap. I'm skeptical about that team working out simply because Hidden Missiles is only a good assist for Zero, not a great one. It also has no good anchor, and is very vulnerable to snapbacks. It's definitely worth trying, though, and could win tournaments.So if Zero is cheap, and Morrigan/Doom is cheap, why isn't anyone playing Zero/Morrigan/Doom?
Does the Vergil assist make the team that much better?
I don't know anything about Marvel.
I know he can ToD people with Hidden Missiles. I'm wondering about the neutral, and whether that assist is enough for him to handle most matchups.Zero can TOD with just Hidden Missiles and he can spam Dark Harmonizer while zoning with Sogenmu.
Thing about the Vergil team is that it handles almost all of the "bad" match ups or supposed counters to Morrigan whereas Zero more or less is susceptible to the same thing. Then again Zero hardly loses to anyone with Sogenmu.
Maybe you should start with simpler combos if you're just getting back into it.Been working on stuff a bit today. I wonder if my execution is ass or if I'm just ass. This stuff makes me sad. I'm trying nova Ammy moons combos. Jh land m h s, mmh fly mmh s, Ammy assist centurion rush in order, l m h. Am I getting it wrong? AUGH. I need to become not ass. So bad.
Well, the butthurt Zero players have match results to back up their claim.Zero with Sogenmu > Zero without Sogenmu
Also according to top Zero players, MorriDoom beats Zero even if he has Jam Session backing him up. Zero actually has trouble against heavy zoning and his health becomes a liability.
The characters to watch for would be Dorm, Magneto and Hawkeye. Vergil Strider combo should work too.
I wonder how many weeks it took him to put that video together considering what his success rate of combos is?
remove TAC side exchange meter loss crap to make up for it. although i would like some more nerfs to TAC besides just that.Double post but someone in the FG thread brought up no meter gain at start of round.
I would be fine by that but its a significant nerf to Phoenix. Right now the Phoenix meta game isn't looking too healthy at all with Morrigans, Vergils and Striders running around.
what's your new team.Forgot to ask. Of what little we got to play, what did you guys think of the new team?
what's your new team.
I'm cool with all of that, and I'd take an AV + Soul Fist damage (or hitstun?) nerf for an OTG option for Morrigan. I don't think 0D3C hitting OTG for Dormammu would matter, though, because in the end it really means choosing between these two scenarios:Karsts you asked about character changes to your two Mains in hypothetical patch. Didn't want to clutter up the weekly thread with more Marvel talk.
I think Hidden Missiles is the culprit, has to be fixed/reworked whatever. Doom has to get nerfed to, his damage and meter build along with brainless Footdive needs to be addressed. By results he is far and away the best character in the game. HM acting as combo breakers is the first thing that needs fixing.
I have always said Morrigan isn't a big problem especially solo. The chip and lockdown from AV as well as the damage from the fireball juggle is just over the top, they are probably going to adjust that. I am thinking they are just going to be lazy and remove meter gain from AV. Missiles nerf and AV or fireball nerf should be enough. If they nerf both fireballs and AV then they at least have to give her an OTG option for throws.
Dorm can have his damage value on normals toned down a bit so Dorm players actually have to learn real combos. I personally think a lot of the mashable hypers do over the top damage even after max scaling so they need to fix that for some of them... Chaotic Flames applies. To compensate for the two damage nerfs he should have his 3C move buffed so that it hits OTG and can be used at end of combos. He should have one of his assists replaced as well with Dark Matter.
Phoenix could use some buffs. Fix the X-Factor TAC glitch and let her throw fireballs in the air without going prone again, and give her a bit of a health buff.Double post but someone in the FG thread brought up no meter gain at start of round.
I would be fine by that but its a significant nerf to Phoenix. Right now the Phoenix meta game isn't looking too healthy at all with Morrigans, Vergils and Striders running around.
What's the big deal with footdive?!Just change stupid fucking footdive to how it was in Vanilla and make missiles disappear when he's hit it's not that hard.
Double post but someone in the FG thread brought up no meter gain at start of round.
I would be fine by that but its a significant nerf to Phoenix. Right now the Phoenix meta game isn't looking too healthy at all with Morrigans, Vergils and Striders running around.
i would like that. a lot of characters deal too much damage as it is. btw i don't know how this suggestion will go but here it is. i don't think characters with level 3's that can be combo'd into should be able to continue it after its over. i don't see how some characters get to continue them while others don't. i understand low damage characters like rocket getting to continue but not others.It would be best if Capcom just removed the mashing upgrades for all hypers.
What's the big deal with footdive?!
Going to stream again tomorrow night. Started streaming too late tonight. Interesting night to say the least.
I'd rather this go the other way around. All level 3s should have one of the following traits:i would like that. a lot of characters deal too much damage as it is. btw i don't know how this suggestion will go but here it is. i don't think characters with level 3's that can be combo'd into should be able to continue it after its over. i don't see how some characters get to continue them while others don't. i understand low damage characters like rocket getting to continue but not others.
It's just easier to use, though. You could still abuse it in Vanilla to get full combos. I think people overrate this buff.I'm guessing it's something along the lines of being a button that results in far too much for what is essentially two actions, jump and dive.
I mean, I guess I can't completely relate when I play a team that says lol to it in it's entirety, but I'm trying!
Going to stream again tomorrow night. Started streaming too late tonight. Interesting night to say the least.
The first point tends to be moot because if you use Dark Dimension, it's to kill. More often than not the opponent is dead before you can OTG Purification.Dark Dimension has OTG capability afterwards so you have to at least add the damage from Purification. Morrigan's lvl3 can be used in the air to escape set ups like a rich man's Harddrive. Not exactly practical but its there.
I would say it's the execution require for Morrigan. As Karst has said before she's probably easily top 10 in terms of difficulty for mastering movement. You can count the number of Morrigan players who have won a major with one finger.So if Zero is cheap, and Morrigan/Doom is cheap, why isn't anyone playing Zero/Morrigan/Doom?
Does the Vergil assist make the team that much better?
I don't know anything about Marvel.
I know right?Why isn't anyone connecting the Soul Drain before the DHC to Vergil? It's free meter!
How's your team search coming, anyway? I was disappointed that you were busy in training mode last time we were all on.
YES.THC hyper selection ala assists should be standard already. I want shadow servant on my dark harmonizer. I like my red health as Nova. I want hailstorm on every assist I choose. I want a beam that shoots forward AND repulsor blast.
Well, to be fair to the team, it was only their second fighting game. I think they did a goddamn good job with how much experience they all had, and they've never done anything like this before. It was also really low budget. I don't disagree that the game could have had a lot more badass stuff, but it's not like they did a poor job considering the circumstances.Fucking incompetent halfwits. So many little things that could have truly evolved the vs series not implemented. Instead we get trash like Heroes and Heralds, throwaway characters like galactus and shitty ass TACs, overhead tags, overpowered Xfactors, etc.
You wanted an okay version of Hsien Ko so I made one.
If attacked she goes invincible gold armor and starts chucking maces at you. She also bounces and uses gongs. I gave her back her speed too. When she attacks you can see I even got the boob window in her outfit, the belt, and the collar in place too.
Is there any way for you to take videos of the stuff you're making, for those who don't have the game?
Im not sure. There is a video section on the steam workshop for this game, but I don't know of any Steam ability to record stuff. I think i'd need something like a screen capture program to do it.
What about using something like FRAPS?
That combo isn't that complicated. It drops at the H Centurion Rush. I'm wondering if maybe there's just too much there in my notation.Maybe you should start with simpler combos if you're just getting back into it.
Probably could work. Ill be making Phoenix next. Though I'm way behind on my keyframing and need to slow down some. BTW Haggar is in the top 10 pages now out of 68 pages of stuff. Folks love his grappling ability apparently. Morrigan is the next highest. The highest loved thing out of my whole collection has to be the Samus my wife made though. Its spot on and its the only good one on Steam. I expect her Metroid to do the same.
Heres hoping I can push Marvel vs Capcom stuff through the ranks some more though.
That combo isn't that complicated. It drops at the H Centurion Rush. I'm wondering if maybe there's just too much there in my notation.