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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

this was over on reddit, but its apparently the first time ChrisG used Morrigan at big two in UMVC3. TEam was Phoenix Wright/Dante/Morrigan, I can't believe that I complete forgot about the invincible assist PW used to have. That would be SOOOOOO LAME with Morrigan fireball bullshit, you can't even approach her.


We got that cellphone. Yeeeeeeeeeees.

I wish Capcom hadn't nerfed everybody. I miss 1.2M health Sent. I miss both Godlike Phoenixes. I miss Hsien-ko being able to win.


I disagree.
I wish Capcom hadn't nerfed everybody. I miss 1.2M health Sent. I miss both Godlike Phoenixes. I miss Hsien-ko being able to win.

If anything I think Capcom nailed the balance and got rid of a lot of the truly brain dead shit. You still have a lot of dumb shit in the game however it seems to be really fine balance and the game is maturing at a great pace. :D

Only two characters I truly hate in this game are Vergil the king of the derp lords and the metal face dickhead known as Dr.Derp.

My local scene has really good players as well and I face Zero's that don't drop LL, Vipers that ToD, etc however it is only Vergil & Dr.Derp I really have no respect for at all as character designs.

mr. puppy

If anything I think Capcom nailed the balance and got rid of a lot of the truly brain dead shit. You still have a lot of dumb shit in the game however it seems to be really fine balance and the game is maturing at a great pace. :D

Only two characters I truly hate in this game are Vergil the king of the derp lords and the metal face dickhead known as Dr.Derp.

My local scene has really good players as well and I face Zero's that don't drop LL, Vipers that ToD, etc however it is only Vergil & Dr.Derp I really have no respect for at all as character designs.

Vergil, Morrigan and Zero are all really braindead characters and are a complete mess, though Morrigan would have been far harder for Capcom to figure out. Good players do not play Zero b/c he looks like he was designed by a 14 year old trying to make something 'cool looking.'

Viper and Firebrand are overrated and their tools are too situational to ever be in the tier of those three.

Magneto is goldike but really the only one of all these characters that I really enjoy watching high level play of.


I disagree.
It's literally the same setup I posted above. It's 100% worth it if you can build 2 bars with X-23, which is really, really hard.

How do you feel about x23 as a point character? Are her normals and that fast enough to stand up against the likes of Mags,Wolve, Zero,Vergil, Viper, etc? Also, how much do you think you could get out of her dmg wise dhc into dormm? If you can get 1Mill I'll pick her up. In my 2nd team!


I miss Hsien-ko being able to win.
Hsien Ko didn't manage to win any better in Vanilla than in Ultimate. She was actually buffed going from Vanilla to Ultimate. Since there are way more zoning teams and playstyles in Ultimate, her Gold armor assist is much less useful now.


I disagree.
Vergil, Morrigan and Zero are all really braindead characters and are a complete mess, though Morrigan would have been far harder for Capcom to figure out. Good players do not play Zero b/c he looks like he was designed by a 14 year old trying to make something 'cool looking.'

Viper and Firebrand are overrated and their tools are too situational to ever be in the tier of those three.

Magneto is goldike but really the only one of all these characters that I really enjoy watching high level play of.

I don't think Morrigan is brain dead the flow chart Morrigans I body for free. It is the ones that actually use her like a Sim and have outstanding fb patterns and spacing that really wow me..and thus earn my respect.

Zero is not brain dead he requires at least some execution to use in tournament play. I'd say if his kill b&b were same tier as Vergil or Doom I'd put him down on my shit list.

Viper is legit bro. You just need to play a really good one offline. She can negate almost all the bullshit in this game engine. The hype about her being one of the best is indeed legit.

The only good Firebrand I have ever vsed offline is zak bennett. First thing that becomes clear really fast is how good Firebrands normals are up close. And, the way he can negate push blocks really works in his favour. I think FB is indeed a slight bit overrated however he can def body teams if they don't have the exp vsing him.


Vergil, Morrigan and Zero are all really braindead characters and are a complete mess, though Morrigan would have been far harder for Capcom to figure out. Good players do not play Zero b/c he looks like he was designed by a 14 year old trying to make something 'cool looking.'


Vergil, sure. Press butan receive bacon.

Zero is arguable. He is derp against people who don't know how to fight him because they...don't know how to fight him. It gets interesting when people capitalize on how his lightning works versus him and his low HP / slow speed when not teleporting.

As for top players not using him....he's too slow / has low HP. I know people are always like "HP doesn't matter."

But, it does.

Despite my undying love of him and knowing he's my best character, I actually feel Nova is derpier.

Morrigan is hard to play at a high level, so will always have my respect.


this was over on reddit, but its apparently the first time ChrisG used Morrigan at big two in UMVC3. TEam was Phoenix Wright/Dante/Morrigan, I can't believe that I complete forgot about the invincible assist PW used to have. That would be SOOOOOO LAME with Morrigan fireball bullshit, you can't even approach her.


That was awesome. I loved his setups to get turnabout mode going. Even if you kill his Morrigan with this team if he has Phoenix in Turnabout there is no room to breath and honestly with the right evidence (like we saw from cellphone) it gets worse than Morrigan. I wonder if folks will be treating PW as the next Doctor Strange after seeing this?


this was over on reddit, but its apparently the first time ChrisG used Morrigan at big two in UMVC3. TEam was Phoenix Wright/Dante/Morrigan, I can't believe that I complete forgot about the invincible assist PW used to have. That would be SOOOOOO LAME with Morrigan fireball bullshit, you can't even approach her.


Still salty that they nerfed that assist. As time went on, teams being built around Turnabout mode and that invincible assist could have been pretty dirty. Morrigan/Doom/Wright would have been viable.

Phoenix fucking Wright would have been viable ; _ ;
How do you feel about x23 as a point character? Are her normals and that fast enough to stand up against the likes of Mags,Wolve, Zero,Vergil, Viper, etc? Also, how much do you think you could get out of her dmg wise dhc into dormm? If you can get 1Mill I'll pick her up. In my 2nd team!

She has a 4 frame jab so she's gonna beat or trade with everything, and she's slightly faster than Wolverine with worse normals and specials. Point X-23 can actually do a shit ton of damage if you know the combos, there's one combo out there that does like 1.1 million for one bar or something.

That said, it's a lot harder to get in with her than some of the other similar characters like Wolverine because of her bad air mobility and lack of special properties on her moves. Once she's in she's fine butit's too easy to keep her out. Her jump floats 6 frames longer than Wolverine's and she doesn't have good air mobility. Her dive bomb is only really good for faking a cross up and avoiding anti airs. Her DP has a good hitbox and is safe but capitalizing off of it is wonky and random. Her hypers have a bunch of invincibility though, so it's possible to punish a lot of mistakes from close/mid range.

Overall I think she's pretty mediocre on point, but if you run something like X-23/Dormammu/Dante you could probably have some fun with it. Jill is probably a slightly better character on point for the same archetype, but you'll also have to work harder for your damage.


That's like saying Sent would be the best character in the game at the end of Vanilla if he didn't get that health nerf.

Pretty sure most people would have thought Dante would be the best (so much meter gain!). But yeah with more health he'd probably be more viable.

Wright with the invincible assist would have been ridiculous for sure. I used Wright/Doom/Hawkeye and Wright/Dante/Hawkeye before the assist nerf and I've gained some pretty salty messages over Xbox Live, lol. I doubt he'd be the next "Doctor Strange" since unlike Strange even in Turnabout mode he's a mediocre anchor and doesn't give much value in terms of assists anymore.
If anything I think Capcom nailed the balance

They didn't make it worse, but it could still use some work. After all, I haven't seen a Hsien-ko win a major yet.

Hsien Ko didn't manage to win any better in Vanilla than in Ultimate. She was actually buffed going from Vanilla to Ultimate. Since there are way more zoning teams and playstyles in Ultimate, her Gold armor assist is much less useful now.

Yes. I think it was actually 1.3 million too.


I don't remember this...

The Phoenixes got nerfed in Ultimate. Sent was nerfed in Vanilla. Lei Lei was nerfed at the drawing board.

Aside from Hsien-ko being ass, I don't really mind the nerfs. It's just that, I'd rather see buffs than nerfs, especially when they're so reactionary.


Aside from Hsien-ko being ass, I don't really mind the nerfs. It's just that, I'd rather see buffs than nerfs, especially when they're so reactionary.

To be fair, that MvC Sentinel health nerf wasn't reactionary. The guys who wrote the guide said it was planned before the game was out and they knew about it before the original guide was released, but not soon enough to meet the publishing deadline. As we've seen since. the patch process is sloooow. I remember people screaming how it was a Capcom reaction to the complaints from the first two weeks.


I will always maintain we dodged a bullet with that assist of Wright's getting nerfed. The important part of it isn't even whether it was overpowered or not, it was not fun to play against.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Beef there was a guy on stream yesterday using Frank/Ryu like you do.

Except not exactly cause he made Frank West look good even at Level 1 while yours not so much.

Azure J

Sorry Solar, I don't know what's going on with my ISP today, but it's been disconnecting at an alarming rate all day. I thought it wouldn't have happened now of all times, but I guess fate proved otherwise. :/

GGs. Need to remember to check my buttons before matches though. I didn't realize that my left trigger was set to THC and not L like always.


I think hidden missiles assist is stupid and should be nerfed. They should rename it hidden missile, and when Doom comes out he will fire a solitary missile that will dissappear if at any point Doom gets hit during the assist call. In exhange, point Doom should be buffed by giving him an astral vision style hyper where a doombot appears on the opposite side of the opponent and mirrors Doom's actions. Because the doombot would negate pushback on hit, Doom's corner loop would be possible midscreen (and do increased damage, obviously). I think all and all, it'd be a reasonable adjustment to rid ourselves of hidden missiles nonsense, while being fair to players who enjoy playing Doom on point, saints that they are.


Why isn't Doom considered the best character in the game? I mean, speaking in terms of Tournament results isn't Doom the most successful character in all of Marvel? And doesn't he help solidify(or make op) certain team combinations more than any other character in the game?


Why isn't Doom considered the best character in the game? I mean, speaking in terms of Tournament results isn't Doom the most successful character in all of Marvel? And doesn't he help solidify(or make op) certain team combinations more than any other character in the game?
According to some players he is (Combofiend). He is the best team character in the game, you can slap him on any team and it becomes functional. Doom is a godly 2nd place character thanks to swag TAC combos, safe DHC and top assists. Hidden Missiles IS the meta of the game right now... you are either running it or you are getting barraged by it. Doom is also a High tier character by himself with stupid high damage, easy mode OTGs and meter gain plus dominating match ups against some of the cast. He does lose to some top characters but he manages fine and he is one of the best non resource anchor characters in the game.

Oh and by tournament results he IS the best character in the game by quite a margin and has an EVO win belt under him. He is not cheap himself.... He just enables it on your team.
Why isn't Doom considered the best character in the game? I mean, speaking in terms of Tournament results isn't Doom the most successful character in all of Marvel? And doesn't he help solidify(or make op) certain team combinations more than any other character in the game?

Overall I would say on average Doom is the best just from top to bottom. However some characters at their *absolute peak* is better. I can see an argument made either way.


How's your team search coming, anyway? I was disappointed that you were busy in training mode last time we were all on.

Edit: I just read the rest of your post. Fuck Cable.

Yah haha, I'm not a busy person at all, just juggling games and talking to people is exhausting. We'll play next time. As for teams I want to play Chris for sure, so probably gonna stick with Chris/Dante/Zero or switch to Vanilla of Chris/Zero/Dante.

My really bad matchup is Magneto, My Chris is just so free to him, I honestly think it's his worst matchup.

Fuck Cable!
Well, to be fair to the team, it was only their second fighting game.

They've done others but not of this pedigree.


Marvel tiering is pretty much futile outside of Viscant-style team tiering. There is almost no doubt that Doom is on and will continue to be on top tier teams for a long time, and it's almost entirely based on his support value. Vanilla Tron and vanilla Haggar were undoubtedly ass-tier point characters, but they were on top tier teams, just like Doom is now (though Doom is obviously much more solid on point than vanilla's invincible assist characters). The funny thing is Doom's hidden missiles assist has been instrumental in making zoning a viable and quite common playstyle at all levels of play, but that very zoning shuts down point Doom HARD. Doom's own worst enemy is himself. It's funny that Doom's role as an assist character hasn't really changed from his mvc2 days. Don't tell Maximilian's Doom.


How long did it take you guys to get somewhat decent with Dante?(ie being able to do a BnB very consistently) 5 days playing nothing but Marvel and practicing no one but Dante has gotten me very frustrated in my ability to get consistent with him for his combos. I'll feel like I have his combo down one hour and getting it about 75% of the time, and then the next I'll only get it once out of 50 tries.
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