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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


Here's an easy combo with dante:

l, m, h, s, m, m, h, qcf+l, qcb+l, h, qcf+l+m. At least that's how it was in Vanilla.

Magneto, they changed a lot so I don't know about him. Haven't played Strider enough to know combos.

Mags fly/unfly loop combo is pretty easy, it's everything else about him that's hard. For dante its his combos, and I still haven't gotten around to using strider yet. I'll just replace him with Wesker if Wesker is easier to learn


damn I feel so stupid playing this game. I can't do anything. I quite honestly find this game much harder to learn than Guilty Gear.

I hear ya on that. Coming from a SF background I default mostly to down-back as a defensive measure instead of running away. I get opened up pretty easily while having a hard time opening people up since I can't tri-dash L consistently with Magneto.

I know it's not much but hey you're not alone having a rough time trying to learn this hectic game.


I hear ya on that. Coming from a SF background I default mostly to down-back as a defensive measure instead of running away. I get opened up pretty easily while having a hard time opening people up since I can't tri-dash L consistently with Magneto.

I know it's not much but hey you're not alone having a rough time trying to learn this hectic game.

Thanks, maybe I should just drop Dante.....


Up/back is the best defense in the game and always have your H ready in case they try to throw you. Just don't up/back too much as they can clip you while you are jumping.


Do your best combo with Strider with damage display on. Then select Wesker and do BCS j.MMHS. Then cry a little inside.

Wesker/Magneto is pretty good. Wesker loves beam assists, and Magneto's is one of the best (fast, wide, and low on hits keeping damage scaling low). Here's an easy mode combo:

c.BCS j.MMHS call assist, OTG gunshot, beam hits, S j.MMHS OTG gunshot team super. Should net you ~700-800K. When you get comfortable with Wesker, start trying to put some of his qcf moves in.


Well if you'd like to get a confidence boost try playing against me. I can play on any platform this game currently runs and I'll probably be more interesting than a training cpu.

PSN is onem1c.

Trust me, you will body me so hard I'll make you look like a pro.

And does Akuma have a weird weight/height in comparison to the rest of the cast? Im trying dantes ultimate combo I had so much trouble on against Chun Li and MODOK and now I can hit the entire thing around 50% of the time. When I did it against Akuma I maybe got it about 5% of the time.

And if strider does so little damage, what makes him good? Especially if he's on point?

Azure J

Sorry Sigmaah, the salt was too much. Online Zero is unblockable (I was seriously amused with how many lightning "resets" I fell into), and now I have to deal with Meesyles and Motivation? What's more, shoutouts to:

- Knocking down Doom with Strider and doing Form B only to get a Superjump backwards
- Not one Focus Attack coming out
- Dante never getting a chance to play
- Every pushblock attempt getting read as me pushing buttons versus pushblocking
- Getting Foot Dived while upbacking in the corner intentionally (I still don't get this, did I get crossed up?)
- And the killer, getting Helm Splitter - Dark Angel'd when I know for a fact that I had you in an Oroborus combo and after you popped up a certain height, I started blocking in anticipation.

Do your best combo with Strider with damage display on. Then select Wesker and do BCS MMHS. Then cry a little inside.

It's really funny how low Strider's damage is but I have a feeling if it were any higher, people would get into fights. He can get shit started in the silliest of ways and has resets/oki out of the ass.

That being said, I did this but instead of Wesker, I did a basic solo Viper combo:

Strider: 620K 1 Bar
Viper: 775K from a s.L


And if strider does so little damage, what makes him good? Especially if he's on point?
As Azure just mentioned, Strider has to have low damage because of all of his other advantages. He has great mobility (speed, air movement, tracking teleports), which means he has an awesome ability to continually mix you up. If he didn't do low damage and have low health, he'd be too good.

You don't really see Strider on point. Right now, most puts him in anchor spot for 3 main reasons:
1) he has an awesome assist
2) needs meter built during the match for ouroboros level 3
3) xfactor level 3 bonuses make him even faster, turns his crappy damage into respectable damage

Put 2+3 together, and he basically becomes Dark Pheonix. Can't block, can't press a button, can't get away.


Up/back is the best defense in the game and always have your H ready in case they try to throw you. Just don't up/back too much as they can clip you while you are jumping.

What do you mean by this? A friend was telling me if your character is airborne but especially close to the ground you are forced to block low against Lows (despite being airborne, thus eliminating the distinction between Low and Overhead attacks). Is this what you are referring to, or is there a period of vulnerability when leaving the ground where you cannot block? Sometimes I will get hit knowing I have not input an attack and am holding Back to block a general attack (one not specifically Low or Overhead) or holding Upback to air block and will still suffer the attack.


890k versus 360k.

Strider can do some damage with Trish/Dante backing him. Takes work, though. >_>

HIS best. He said his Strider was day 0.

EDIT - I now realize I didn't quote him when I said that.

What do you mean by this? A friend was telling me if your character is airborne but especially close to the ground you are forced to block low against Lows (despite being airborne, thus eliminating the distinction between Low and Overhead attacks). Is this what you are referring to, or is there a period of vulnerability when leaving the ground where you cannot block? Sometimes I will get hit knowing I have not input an attack and am holding Back to block a general attack (one not specifically Low or Overhead) or holding Upback to air block and will still suffer the attack.

Jumping has a few startup frames where you're considered standing and can get tagged by a low. Super jumping, even more.


HIS best. He said his Strider was day 0.

EDIT - I now realize I didn't quote him when I said that.

Jumping has a few startup frames where you're considered standing and can get tagged by a low. Super jumping, even more.

Ya the most I can do with strider is the combo from the brady guide which is 440K with 1 meter.

Azure J

Strider BnB > Legion > Round Harvest > Dante Raw Tag for a bar building combo.

It's the perfect combo for starting Strider to avoid opening gambit, then getting Dante in. I love my team. :)

You really came up with a disgusting team. I just Picked A Top Tier™. Even if I like my team (both in gameplay and as characters) and do explore a lot, I'm kinda sad I didn't make an originul creation at times. :lol

Ah well, gonna look into more Hard Tag setups. Viper is basically crumple anything and get Dante or Strider in, Dante is high Acid Rain float then get Viper or Strider in, and Strider is a high Gram H to tag connect. I also have to grind Burn Kick Feint combos.

Ya the most I can do with strider is the combo from the brady guide which is 440K with 1 meter.

Try this:

(With Form B handy) j.HS - s.MH - f.H - Gram L - Formation B Shot - Wall Cling - LH - (wait) Gram H - (land) Form B Summon - Gram L - Form B Shot - Vajra H xx Legion

It's about 600 ~ 620K. I want to investigate the first instance of Gram L - Form B shot though, there's enough time to wavedash in for something more, but everything I can think of is ass there and my fingers aren't fast enough for a plink dash - Gram L - Form B Summon - Form B shot - Wall Cling to see if that extra damage is worth the work. Hitstun decay is a bitch.


What do you mean by this? A friend was telling me if your character is airborne but especially close to the ground you are forced to block low against Lows (despite being airborne, thus eliminating the distinction between Low and Overhead attacks). Is this what you are referring to, or is there a period of vulnerability when leaving the ground where you cannot block? Sometimes I will get hit knowing I have not input an attack and am holding Back to block a general attack (one not specifically Low or Overhead) or holding Upback to air block and will still suffer the attack.
Jumping has a few start up frames so if you get hit by a low during that time you will get clipped. It's very easy to up back against characters that don't have a fast low like Iron Fist, Chun Li, Dante and Sentinel unless they have you in an assist or they have you in a frame trap of some sort.


Well, against Disruptor, my thought is you're superjumping into Magnum + Jam Session, so if Magneto tries to EMD the assist, he gets bit. At close range, I think it's smart to call the assist while jumping in/away and blocking and seeing what happens. I bet you could play a rushdown style Chris with Vajra assist, too.
I suppose when full screen, super jumping and using Magnum with Jam Session is good, it's an easy way to back yourself into the corner though. Close range is super dangerous since even if Chris has a mine out, Magneto can get in spots where he hits Chris and the mine explodes but the AoE isn't large enough to hit him, but Chris has the problem with most tri-dashers.

I used to play Rushdown with Chris but, it really depends on the matchup and since Chris has blockstrings that are really punishable, hitconfirming with him has to be topnotch since he has no rapidfire jab and his hitstun from his L and M attacks is not great except for c.M which is godlike.

Oh. Well, I'm glad they finally got around to making a good game, haha.
Yah, they have odd tournaments here and there for Fate/unlimited, but like I said they didn't really make any games that were tournament viable until TvC, and that engine was built upon exisiting systems from other vs games so they had a decent infrastructure to work with.

Some of those other games are fun though. I liked Bloody Roar Primal Fury, though I know how you feel about 3D fighters haha. Uranus is broke as fuck, she's basically DP before Mahvel 3 existed.
Man, fighting games are such a commitment. Do any of you Marvel players regularly play any other games? I find it difficult to be able to get any consistency in Marvel and still maintain a real life unless I neglect playing all other video games entirely.

Yup I play almost every genre, though I'm not good at FPS at all and don't really enjoy it as much as others. It took me a long time to get decent at Marvel, it didn't help that I got a late start thanks to Capcom's E-store. Marvel is easy to get into but just hard to get "good" at it. I didn't really start to think I was ass at Marvel until I played peeps here in Ultimate.
I suppose when full screen, super jumping and using Magnum with Jam Session is good, it's an easy way to back yourself into the corner though. Close range is super dangerous since even if Chris has a mine out, Magneto can get in spots where he hits Chris and the mine explodes but the AoE isn't large enough to hit him, but Chris has the problem with most tri-dashers.

I used to play Rushdown with Chris but, it really depends on the matchup and since Chris has blockstrings that are really punishable, hitconfirming with him has to be topnotch since he has no rapidfire jab and his hitstun from his L and M attacks is not great except for c.M which is godlike.
Something I've never seen you do with Chris, but that is very effective, is to superjump toward an opponent trying to get in on you, wait, and then SMG on the way down. This generally covers your fall. If you call Strider as you perform the superjump, it's really hard to punish the maneuver, and you just have to be wary of air throws for the ascent portion of the jump. This gets you out of corners.

Yah, they have odd tournaments here and there for Fate/unlimited, but like I said they didn't really make any games that were tournament viable until TvC, and that engine was built upon exisiting systems from other vs games so they had a decent infrastructure to work with.
I dig.

Some of those other games are fun though. I liked Bloody Roar Primal Fury, though I know how you feel about 3D fighters haha. Uranus is broke as fuck, she's basically DP before Mahvel 3 existed.
I played the first 2 Bloody Roar games, and they were cool but gimmicky and not terribly interesting in general. It would have been cooler if people stayed in their animal form for the entire fight.

Yup I play almost every genre, though I'm not good at FPS at all and don't really enjoy it as much as others. It took me a long time to get decent at Marvel, it didn't help that I got a late start thanks to Capcom's E-store. Marvel is easy to get into but just hard to get "good" at it. I didn't really start to think I was ass at Marvel until I played peeps here in Ultimate.
Every time I think I'm doing well in Marvel, someone comes along and humbles me. It's just that kind of game, haha. There are so many tiers of skill.
Yeah I'm kinda on a Marvel break right now. I might be playing a little tonight with my bro, but I kinda going through my back log and playing PS Allstars a bit for my pick up and play game.

I will always come back to Marvel though. Marvel 3, Uncharted 3 and the late Metal Gear Online are my multiplayer gaming crack.
What do you think of this team:

Wolv - Berserker Barrage assist
Deadpool - Katanarama assist
Akuma - Tatsumaki assist

I can't win any matches online. I have issues defending against keep away, cross-ups for defensive and actually hitting (my cross-ups sucks) for offensive.

My cross-ups suck. As wolv i'll try to air+s with deadpools assist but ALWAYS get attacked first; same with using akuma f+m with deadpools assist.
As wolv i'll do berserker slash with akuma's assist. It get's either blocked or I get attacked first.
The other assists are mainly used as keep away or in combo

My foundation for each character is "okay" but deadpool.. not so much. Most of the time Deadpool jumps halfway after launch so I am never able to complete a combo.

Do I need to change up my team? These 3 are the top characters I can use well (others, not so well). My style seems more rush-down/pressure but that's because mvc3 was where I was first introduced to the game and wolv was easy/fast/quick to learn.


Replace the Deadpool assist with the OTG one for the ability to combo off air throws with Wolverine. Going for unlockables with a heavy mix up character like Wolverine is overkill, just learn his instant overheads, cross ups, Fatal Claw loop etc. Basically just watch footage of Ricky Ortiz and think of using your OTG assist instead of the Wesker one. You will notice that neither Ricky nor Noel go for unlockable set ups, people up/back too much.

Use Akuma assist to help you get in or use it to push people back when Deadpool is zoning. The team is solid, you can handle a lot of match ups with it.
What do you think of this team:

Wolv - Berserker Barrage assist
Deadpool - Katanarama assist
Akuma - Tatsumaki assist

I can't win any matches online. I have issues defending against keep away, cross-ups for defensive and actually hitting (my cross-ups sucks) for offensive.

My cross-ups suck. As wolv i'll try to air+s with deadpools assist but ALWAYS get attacked first; same with using akuma f+m with deadpools assist.
As wolv i'll do berserker slash with akuma's assist. It get's either blocked or I get attacked first.
The other assists are mainly used as keep away or in combo

My foundation for each character is "okay" but deadpool.. not so much. Most of the time Deadpool jumps halfway after launch so I am never able to complete a combo.

Do I need to change up my team? These 3 are the top characters I can use well (others, not so well). My style seems more rush-down/pressure but that's because mvc3 was where I was first introduced to the game and wolv was easy/fast/quick to learn.
Katana-rama! is only good as a combo extender. You don't use it outside of combos. Akuma's assist is basically your neutral game in that team. You need to put your opponent in blockstun before doing the Berserker Slash cross-up. I recommend checking the PSN/XBL listing at the front of this thread and adding some people to get feedback from.

Replace the Deadpool assist with the OTG one for the ability to combo off air throws with Wolverine. Going for unlockables with a heavy mix up character like Wolverine is overkill, just learn his instant overheads, cross ups, Fatal Claw loop etc. Basically just watch footage of Ricky Ortiz and think of using your OTG assist instead of the Wesker one. You will notice that neither Ricky nor Noel go for unlockable set ups, people up/back too much.
Katana-rama! is the OTG assist. Maybe you were thinking he was using Quick Work?


I don't know exactly what he was using because from his description it sounded like he was either using the low hitting assist or was confused in thinking that the OTG move also hit low.


So I've been messing around with Vergil BNB into Stinger Wall Bounce -> Round Harvest -> Hard Tag into Strange -> FoF Loop.

Looks sexy but it's incredibly difficult to start the FoF loop, lol. Not sure how many reps I can do either.
Been messing with other raw tag setups other than the Nova/Spencer shell. :p
Anybody know an optimal Iron Fist combo into Spencer assist xx crumple?


I'll play if you're still down. This will be a good test for my internet connection

Notes from when we played.

If you're gonna play strider, know how to cover yourself when getting in. Also for the game in general you really just got to block, and know when to hit. That's the most important thing I learned from people who continuously body me like Karst.
Replace the Deadpool assist with the OTG one for the ability to combo off air throws with Wolverine. Going for unlockables with a heavy mix up character like Wolverine is overkill, just learn his instant overheads, cross ups, Fatal Claw loop etc. Basically just watch footage of Ricky Ortiz and think of using your OTG assist instead of the Wesker one. You will notice that neither Ricky nor Noel go for unlockable set ups, people up/back too much.

Use Akuma assist to help you get in or use it to push people back when Deadpool is zoning. The team is solid, you can handle a lot of match ups with it.

Katana-rama! is only good as a combo extender. You don't use it outside of combos. Akuma's assist is basically your neutral game in that team. You need to put your opponent in blockstun before doing the Berserker Slash cross-up. I recommend checking the PSN/XBL listing at the front of this thread and adding some people to get feedback from.

Katana-rama! is the OTG assist. Maybe you were thinking he was using Quick Work?

Thank's I'll have to check out other variations of playing wolv. Depending how I play my deadpool assist I might try out the trigger happy assist


I don't get why deadpool doesn't have either his qcf.L or qcf.M guns as an assist. His support value is kind of ass as it stands.
Yeah, you either want Katanarama for combo extensions, or Quick Work for unblockables.
Or, if you're Dormammu, Quick Work provides both!

I don't get why deadpool doesn't have either his qcf.L or qcf.M guns as an assist. His support value is kind of ass as it stands.
Capcom is big on some characters being more "point characters" and others being "support characters". It's dumb way to do things, but it's why Deadpool (and Dormammu, and Morrigan, and Firebrand, and C. Viper, and Wolverine, etc. etc. etc.) don't have their good attacks for assists.


It's stupid that characters who already have moves that make for good assists don't have them as such. Hell, since they've shown willingness to make up stuff from scratch (shopping cart, dark harmonizer, etc.), there's really no reason why every character couldn't have strong, interesting assists.
Yeah, Katanarama is pretty much the only reason I learned Deadpool. It would've been really helpful to have Trigger Happy to go forward rather than angled.

I have to hit the lab harder.. too many loses.


Not enough.

Part of my problem might be using dante, playing with him online is even harder due to the lag.
If you are playing on PS3, I'd be happy to be a "sparring partner" with you. I'm just now getting back into the game, and I was never very good to begin with!


If you are playing on PS3, I'd be happy to be a "sparring partner" with you. I'm just now getting back into the game, and I was never very good to begin with!

Yep, PSN is onem1c.

And trust me, no one on this forum is worse than me at this game. No one.

Notes from when we played.

If you're gonna play strider, know how to cover yourself when getting in. Also for the game in general you really just got to block, and know when to hit. That's the most important thing I learned from people who continuously body me like Karst.

I still don't know how to safely get in with any of my characters.

And Magneto's magnetic blast is such a bitch to do, whyd they make the command so messed up?


Capcom is big on some characters being more "point characters" and others being "support characters". It's dumb way to do things, but it's why Deadpool (and Dormammu, and Morrigan, and Firebrand, and C. Viper, and Wolverine, etc. etc. etc.) don't have their good attacks for assists.
Then you have a character like Dante where you have to intentionally select bad moves to turn into assists. Really, the only moves he has that wouldn't be good assists are Jet Stream and... actually, that's about it. Every other move he has would have some use as an assist, and Jet Stream could be a decent combo extension assist so it's not even that bad.
Yep, PSN is onem1c.

And trust me, no one on this forum is worse than me at this game. No one.

You're not that bad. I think your problem is the same as mine, you just need a little more time actually playing the game.

I was learning how to play as our matches went on lol

I still can't remember all of Dorm's and Doom's moves >.>


You're not that bad. I think your problem is the same as mine, you just need a little more time actually playing the game.

I was learning how to play as our matches went on lol

I still can't remember all of Dorm's and Doom's moves >.>

Doom and Phoenix seemed to be your best characters. You were able to convert your hits into full combos most of the time with those two, which is a lot more than I can say for myself, save Strider, but that's because I don't know any real combos for him and I just mash.


Jumping has a few startup frames where you're considered standing and can get tagged by a low. Super jumping, even more.

Jumping has a few start up frames so if you get hit by a low during that time you will get clipped. It's very easy to up back against characters that don't have a fast low like Iron Fist, Chun Li, Dante and Sentinel unless they have you in an assist or they have you in a frame trap of some sort.

I understand. Thank you for explaining.
Then you have a character like Dante where you have to intentionally select bad moves to turn into assists. Really, the only moves he has that wouldn't be good assists are Jet Stream and... actually, that's about it. Every other move he has would have some use as an assist, and Jet Stream could be a decent combo extension assist so it's not even that bad.
Jet Stream would be good for pinning, I think. And pushback. Kind of like Rapid Slash. Dante's worst assist move would probably be Reverb Shock (no Fireworks) or qcf.M~M.

I don't think million carats would be that bad of an assist. Eats projectiles for lunch, could work as teleport defense kind of like repulsar blast, it causes a soft knockdown, and it could work as a ghetto lockdown assist to pin someone down for mix-ups.
Super slow startup, though. No one would use it over dp.L.


Jet Stream would be good for pinning, I think. And pushback. Kind of like Rapid Slash. Dante's worst assist move would probably be Reverb Shock (no Fireworks) or qcf.M~M.

I don't think million carats would be that bad of an assist. Eats projectiles for lunch, could work as teleport defense kind of like repulsar blast, it causes a soft knockdown, and it could work as a ghetto lockdown assist to pin someone down for mix-ups.
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