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Ultimate Spider-man Season One |OT|: Because Being "Spectacular" is just not enough.

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It's like a kids version of Batman batb. I like it. My son fucking loved it. He was running around in his Spidey costume and just going insane while watch it.

My thoughts exactly, in fact I was expecting the show to be like BatB.

...Oh and I know about PPP being Trickester ;3




Maybe I'm still bitter that Spectacular Spider-man was cancelled but I felt the fight choreography wasn't as good as Spectacular's. Might be all the quick cuts.
Have to add that the animation and the fight scenes, especially in episode 2, were well done.

Yep, gotta agree with this. The cuts are a little much and I'm not so sure on this team aspect, but damn if it isn't a pretty show.

Climbing up that building near the end of episode 1 looked fan-damn-tastic.


Maybe I'm still bitter that Spectacular Spider-man was cancelled but I felt the fight choreography wasn't as good as Spectacular's. Might be all the quick cuts.

It was awful compared to Spectacular. It reminded more of Spider-Man TAS than anything.


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
I really liked it when I watched it last night. Love the animation. Peter looks a little weird to me though.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Wow this was shitty. I want Spectacular back now please.


Is it at least as fun Batman Brave and the Bold was? Though even that series got a bit dark at times with some characters dying.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Is it at least as fun Batman Brave and the Bold was? Though even that series got a bit dark at times with some characters dying.

It's not about Dark/not dark. BatB was genuinely funny, with a varied humor and a lot of in-jokes, USM is just silly. In a bad, bad way. Of course this might change with more eps, but I don't really believe it, 90% of the first eps is just unfunny chibi slapstick, silly freeze frames and almost painfully bad "What Peter thinks" flashes, and all of this doesn't match the drawing style of the series one bit. It's all so out of place.

Which is a shame, 'cause the animations are really great at times. So disappointed.


Super Member
I really enjoyed the 2 episodes I watched.

The only prominent gripes for me were the cheap backgrounds and perhaps a lack of life to J. Jonah Jameson, given that we've watched J.K. Simmons's live version. So far he was a talking head, which will most likely change.

The humor was a bit hectic and a little too Scott Pilgrim-y, but I appreciated that they included it without cheapening the art style (like I felt they did with Avengers, maybe Legion of Superheroes too) or going completely overboard (Teen Titans). For superhero cartoons, this is a fresh breath of air for me.

I liked all the hero voices but didn't like the villain voices

also lololololol @ NOVA CREEP

MC Safety

I liked the comic interludes, the expository bits, and the liberal use of the fourth wall.

I even like how Spider-Man is handled here. What I'm not so keen on is Spider-Man and his Amazingly Sucky Friends.


The Updated Jameson is brilliant.

Traditional Jameson : Grouchy newspaper editor. Perfect mass-media icon for the 60s-2000s. Not so good when print media is dying.

Modern Jameson: Multimedia Mogul with a political agenda (Fox news Rupert Murdoch style). Same characterization, hypocrisy and media presence, except far more fitting in the digital age.


I thought the breakaways would have been toned down once we got out of the premiere, but seems like only got more of them in this episode.

It was a decent episode.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I'm really digging the design of this version of doom. But I would have figured pete was smarter than to fucking go after doom.


Cutaways need to be reduced but I liked it. Going by the episode descriptions Venom is up next. Big bad is probably Osborn for the season.


Man, they're gonna wear out the slapstick stuff faster than Teen Titans. Still, I liked Teen Titans and I'm liking this for the most part.

I was kinda worried that they were gonna make Doom look like a chump for a second there, but he came out looking like the boss that he is. He was better in the Avengers episode from last week though.


Am I the only one who thought the little Doombots with their squeaky voices were hilarious?

Yeah they were. Looks like they are using Nova's powers from his second series, were he didn't realize how strong he was. And accidentally killed a couple of villains.
I really hate all the clowning around.

Yeah, I like the quips and stuff like "Nova Creep" was actually pretty in character for Spidey, but it really could stand to take itself a little more seriously. Too much slapstick, which is a shame because I feel like there's a decent show somewhere underneath all that.
I think I'm hitting my breaking point with this show. I expected to make it a few more episodes in, but the constant awful attempts to be funny are seriously grating on me.

I don't think I want to watch it anymore.

Coulson "going native" was pretty great, though. It's the only joke that really worked.


Yeah...they need to tone down on the comedy, but it's a fun series IMO.
Doom's VA in this show the same as in Avengers?

Also, Iron Fist and Powerman are such bros \m/


Okay, watched 3 episodes.

Spectacular Spider-Man was better, shame cancelled for this. The attitude of spider-man in that show was awesome, the little change ups were great to keep it fresh and the quips where just so spot on.

This is like rolling everything that is bad in different animation shows into one. Overkill on the "spidey" gadgets they can sell as toys or action figures. Amazing Spider-man and his "friends" but overkill on the team part. inconsistent character, spidey is such a douche, not humble in the slightest and always contradicting himself. The comedy and chibi bits fit well into Teen Titans because that show was built around that yet utilized it appropriately and not every damn 10 seconds.

Taking this off DVR list. For record i'm also really disappointed in these first two episodes of Avengers as well, opening is atrocious and just stinks of some new executive somewhere trying to synergize all these brands and thinking they know what they are doing getting his hands on it.
Okay, watched 3 episodes.

Spectacular Spider-Man was better, shame cancelled for this. The attitude of spider-man in that show was awesome, the little change ups were great to keep it fresh and the quips where just so spot on.

This is like rolling everything that is bad in different animation shows into one. Overkill on the "spidey" gadgets they can sell as toys or action figures. Amazing Spider-man and his "friends" but overkill on the team part. inconsistent character, spidey is such a douche, not humble in the slightest and always contradicting himself. The comedy and chibi bits fit well into Teen Titans because that show was built around that yet utilized it appropriately and not every damn 10 seconds.

Taking this off DVR list. For record i'm also really disappointed in these first two episodes of Avengers as well, opening is atrocious and just stinks of some new executive somewhere trying to synergize all these brands and thinking they know what they are doing getting his hands on it.
That would be Loeb.

Brahs I can't take this serious anymore. The asides and chibby shit ruin everything. Because of it this show has no flow or rthym. And Power Man freakin' Power Man???


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
That would be Loeb.

Brahs I can't take this serious anymore. The asides and chibby shit ruin everything. Because of it this show has no flow or rthym. And Power Man freakin' Power Man???

whats wrong with power man rafa? other than the fact that they had to use the wrong one?


People seem to bitch about the opening of Avengers:EMH, no matter which one is airing. So they want to take advantage of the cartoon to promote the movie. What's fucking wrong with that? Doesn't it make sense financially? or do people hate money ?


This thread is in serious need of a title change. Ultimate shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Spectacular.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Just not a fan of his. Reptil would been great for this series since they are targeting young kids. What kid wouldn't love a dude that can change into dinos?

latin quota has already been filled unfortunately. anymore, and its a non-white team.

This thread is in serious need of a title change. Ultimate shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Spectacular.

cmon, are you serious?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
If you have got Iron Fist on the team, then it makes sense to have Luke Cage.

i know. it just seems wierd when there is currently a teen power man running around with a different moveset.

but seeing as how the similarities between him and danny exist, i can kinda understand.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
. For record i'm also really disappointed in these first two episodes of Avengers as well, opening is atrocious and just stinks of some new executive somewhere trying to synergize all these brands and thinking they know what they are doing getting his hands on it.

Nooo! Give Avengers another few eps, I hate this Spider-Man so far, I thought Spectacular was the best thing ever and I love love love Avengers EMH! It's so good!
Spider-man cartoons...serious business.

I think the show's great. I also really like a team based spider-man for once. He's been on the avengers forever, but we've only gotten him as a lone gun in the cartoons (aside from the team-ups in the old 90s cartoon).
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