Gemüsepizza;163900474 said:
No, you have obviously no idea what sarcarsm is.
I would suggest you look up the word "dead". It doesn't mean what you think it does. You think because 3D isn't advertised at CES, "3D is dead". Which is, no offense, a very stupid conclusion. CES is for new tech. Why should they make a big fuss about 3D when it has already become a basic feature of modern TVs? They won't stop producing 3D TVs. They won't stop releasing 3D Blu-rays. Deal with it.
First of all, I think you need to calm down. Secondly, why do you keep hiding behind the sarcasm comment? You're clearly defending 3d TV and content here, sarcasm doesn't change that.
Lets take a look at your original statement shall we?
Gemüsepizza;163826260 said:
Yeah about that... maybe you should wait until Avatar 2 (which will have HFR) before making such statements. Getting really bored of people who are afraid of change and technological advancement. Omg 3D sucks!!1 Omg HFR sucks!!1 Ok.
You say: "getting bored of people who are afraid of change and technological advancement." Where in that statement are you being sarcastic? Seems like a pretty straightforward comment. So are you for 3d TV or not? Saying you were being sarcastic would imply that you didn't mean what you were saying. Make up your mind.
Lastly, pull your head out of your ass and stop being in denial. Did you even read the articles I posted? 3D TVs are dead. Plain and simple.
I'll make it simple for you with emphasis of bold italics and underlined.
The great experiment with 3D TV is over. There wasn't a single 3D set announced at CES, marking the culmination of a trend that started with the 2013 show, when some vendors began giving up. The writing was on the wall last year when Vizio, which really commoditized HDTV sets, didn't offer any 3D sets that year.
this year, 3D TVs are completely, utterly missing. And it’s great. If you wanted any evidence that they’ve effectively gone nowhere, look to CES 2015.
Samsung announced a number of SUHD new TVs, all of which don’t support 3D. Sony has it’s own UHD TVs which also don’t support 3D, and the same goes for LG.
From what I can tell, there are effectively no major TV makers working on 3D products for 2015. The fight has been taken to Ultra-HD 4K displays, the operating system the TV runs(!) and curved panels instead.
I'm not sure if you understand how technology works or if you even understand what CES is. Hint: its the biggest technology show of the year at which all major companies announce new products.
So you've got Vizio, the #1 TV brand, despite your misgivings on their quality, who dont have any new TVs doing 3d. Neither do Samsung, LG, Sony or any other major TV manufacturer. If none of those manufacturers are creating new products with 3d, the technology is dead. It was a failure.
Its dead Jim.