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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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damage model schdamage model.

the only issue I have is with sniper/pistole battles. It has pretty much taken the pistole out of the equation. I really liked running around pistoling people to death. Now that is pretty much a death wish. :p


BattleMonkey said:
About a week ago SCEA said the game passed 2.5 mil. Then about 2 days later it was closing in on 3 million.

Week later it's now sold 3.5 million?

I wish the game all the success as it was fantastic, but this all sounds really silly with numbers being tossed around.

Number that were being tossed around last week were not current..does that help?


Uncharted 2 is amazing so far. It's not really anything new, but the presentation is so above and beyond anything else I've played that it feels like it's the best thing ever.


Irish said:
Alright, ND, I'll give you at least $10 for you to bring back the old Uncharted 2 MP back. Pre-1.05, I had fun putting 7 hours a night into this game. Now, I can play maybe 2 hours at most before I have to put in a different game or just quit. The fun factor is no longer there. :(

For U3, bring back the old gameplay or don't bother designing maps, just create flat plains. (Yes, I do feel the need to over-dramatize everything. :p)
I got a $20, I'll pay for both of us.


BattleMonkey said:
About a week ago SCEA said the game passed 2.5 mil. Then about 2 days later it was closing in on 3 million.

Week later it's now sold 3.5 million?

I wish the game all the success as it was fantastic, but this all sounds really silly with numbers being tossed around.

Yes, because Sony has a magic machine in their HQ which updates instantaneously as each copy is sold. It's not like they have to wait for the different territories to report their numbers or anything.
VsRobot said:
Yes, because Sony has a magic machine in their HQ which updates instantaneously as each copy is sold. It's not like they have to wait for the different territories to report their numbers or anything.

... no but they do know exactly how many units they SOLD, as in how many units they produced and shipped SOLD to retailers. These are obviously shipped numbers, which Sony does know at all times. They have no idea how many units have sold at retail worldwide, and those numbers are not going to be in any time soon. These are shipped numbers which they do know.


Over 2 million dollars in two days, but my goal of hitting VII before the map pack was accomplished.

Don't know what I'm more excited for: the sure-to-be super-hot Elena UC1 skin, the new maps, or the sweet mp trophies.

Would love some hints on the mood at ND re:1.05. Do they consider it a success? Failure? Something that needs a little bit/a lot of tweaking? As much as I (still) love Uncharted online, I am forced to agree that this game was more fun before 1.05 hit. The worst thing about 1.05? All the people on my FL who have drifted away from the game. :( I miss you guys.


BattleMonkey said:
... no but they do know exactly how many units they SOLD, as in how many units they produced and shipped SOLD to retailers. These are obviously shipped numbers, which Sony does know at all times. They have no idea how many units have sold at retail worldwide, and those numbers are not going to be in any time soon. These are shipped numbers which they do know.

Why does this bother you so much? Who cares? The game is fun, it's an unqualified success, a sequel is assured. The exact number matters not one whit.

And why do you think the numbers they have are wrong? How much do you know about the nuts and bolts of the retail distribution channel? Because unless you're employed at a multi-national corporation as a bean-counter, maybe you should calm the hell down.
VsRobot said:
Why does this bother you so much? Who cares? The game is fun, it's an unqualified success, a sequel is assured. The exact number matters not one whit.

And why do you think the numbers they have are wrong? How much do you know about the nuts and bolts of the retail distribution channel? Because unless you're employed at a multi-national corporation as a bean-counter, maybe you should calm the hell down.

Because i'm talking about numbers and not quality of the game? If you want to brush it off simply because your happy for the game, fine, but I was just wondering about the numbers, which is fairly normal here on gaf.
Chalk me up as another not happy with the new health system. :/ I liked being able to escape and fight back when taken by surprise. Now you have practically no chance.

At the very least, ND could have a playlist with the original health system in place, even if that wouldn't be my desired result.


For face to face encounters the new health isn't a big deal, but for stuff like traversal and carrying the treasure it makes a pretty big difference for the worse, in my opinion. I'll probably play a little on Thursday night to try out the DLC, but I suspect most of my game time for the next week or two will be absorbed by Heavy Rain.
Yeef said:
For face to face encounters the new health isn't a big deal, but for stuff like traversal and carrying the treasure it makes a pretty big difference for the worse, in my opinion.
Yep. Plunder is (was) my favourite mode and the change just makes it infuriating to play.


Anyone else started to get worried that we've yet to hear the details on how the DLC will be integrated into the game? It's not like match making works that well as-is, it would be a shame if we buy these maps and then can't find people to play with after the first week or two. :/


love on your sleeve
I like the new health less and less every day. Doesn't help that my friends hate it and have stopped playing as much.

I don't know how anyone can stand the wide open maps like Train Wreck and Lost City anymore. Unless you just love getting shot in the back.


VsRobot said:
Anyone else started to get worried that we've yet to hear the details on how the DLC will be integrated into the game? It's not like match making works that well as-is, it would be a shame if we buy these maps and then can't find people to play with after the first week or two. :/

we'll be posting about this before the dlc goes live. i've had it in the works for a while anyway, you got nothing to worry about.


arne said:
we'll be posting about this before the dlc goes live. i've had it in the works for a while anyway, you got nothing to worry about.

Good to hear, thanks! Looking forward to Thur.
I'm done with this game until they fix it. I got Heavy Rain tomorrow, then BC2 after that. Its amazing to me how much the new health has changed this game. The last few days have been fucking terrible. I used to be able to make campers pay, but now they just sit there with Situational awareness on and camp all day. When someone tries to flank them, they know they are coming.

Guerrilla, fix this shit!
Chamber said:
I don't know how anyone can stand the wide open maps like Train Wreck and Lost City anymore. Unless you just love getting shot in the back.
Yeah, I played on Train Wreck today, and it wasn't good at all. :/
Uhmm what the fuck happened to this game, how did this game get so crappy with a single patch, I tried playing it again for the 3rd time after the patch and it still sucks as much as before, the damage system is the worst thing to ever happen to this game, it is now officially Gears Of Duty: Drake Warfare, everyone is now basically camping , never coming out, matches are super boring as fuck, the spawns now suck more than ever, you can spawn up and get killed in seconds. This went from one of my favorite Multiplayer games to pure generic crap.

I was waiting for new maps to jump in it again, but now it's going to collect dust until a new patch comes out to undo all this shit or whenever I feel like getting the platinum.

I can't believe ND pulled this shit, it's worse than the KZ2 controller patch, at least that patch didn't break the fundemantal gameplay.


GG guyz, other than a couple that we lost.


Rapping Granny said:
Uhmm what the fuck happened to this game, how did this game get so crappy with a single patch, I tried playing it again for the 3rd time after the patch and it still sucks as much as before, the damage system is the worst thing to ever happen to this game, it is now officially Gears Of Duty: Drake Warfare, everyone is now basically camping , never coming out, matches are super boring as fuck, the spawns now suck more than ever, you can spawn up and get killed in seconds. This went from one of my favorite Multiplayer games to pure generic crap.

I was waiting for new maps to jump in it again, but now it's going to collect dust until a new patch comes out to undo all this shit or whenever I feel like getting the platinum.

I can't believe ND pulled this shit, it's worse than the KZ2 controller patch, at least that patch didn't break the fundemantal gameplay.

Yep online is completely fucked now. Its really sad how they ruined such a fun online game for the sake of some complaining COD fanboys that do the same complaining about every online game.

The difference is that other developers have the brains not to listen to these vocal idiots that dont have an idea what they are talking about. On the other hand Naughty Dog completely ruined their own game. What the hell were they thinking with the LOL 1 shot no skill snipers.
I'm with everyone hear saying that the patch made the game less enjoyable. At first the patch seemed alright. Played the same as i always do and did fine. Then everyone else got used to the changes. Started getting shot through walls by FAL campers, from all the way across the map. Can't climb anymore due to the leg damage being the same as the body damage.

The AK doesn't seem to slow down people anymore which if true is Bull Shit! Was shooting some player earlier tonight he kept swaying in and out of the cross hairs avoiding damage. No aiming or fleet foot just moving around like a headless chicken.

I'll still buy the new DLC and play it after i finish Heavy Rain and other games but, it does not feel like UC2 MP to me anymore. Played MW2 with a friend earlier today, same exact BS going on. Everyone just finds a cozy spot and waits for players to walk by. :(

After BFBC2 comes out i don't see myself playing this as often. I still love UC2 MP but this update really ruined it for me. The first MP game i really got in into goes to crap not even a year after it released. There's a lot more i could complain about but i think those have been covered already. I want the old UC2 back. :(



Man I really don't understand you guys.

The only thing that's changed is that you have to use cover more effectively now and you have to be more cautious when running out in the open. This is not even close to feeling like MW2. Unless you don't know the maps well, there are always ways to flank your opponents. I can't ever remember a game where someone or a group of people camped a certain spot a whole match. I also still see people using the shotguns or pistoles effectively. It was actually a little ridiculous before how guys would just run straight at someone aiming and shooting at them with a rifle from a good distance and still get one shot killed by a shotgun or pistole because of how long it would take to kill someone with a rifle.

I also don't get the sniper rifle hate too. This is a game with tiered weapons that you pick up on the map. The more powerful weapons have very few spawn points and longer spawn times with low ammo. Why aren't you guys outraged when 3 of your teammates get blown up at the same time by a rocket or grenade launcher. The sniper rifle was always an underused weapon before the patch (barring sniper rifle and pistole matches, even then it was more of a pistole match since it was hard to kill people with the sniper rifle) and now it's a viable weapon to seek out and not some game breaking uber-weapon. I see plenty of people get a sniper rifle and do nothing but get killed because they can't aim and I've seen really good players with a sniper rifle who are aiming right at me that were unable to kill me because I took good use of cover and got killed by someone else on my team for exposing themselves too much or I eventually snuck up on them.


Anyone here who's getting the DLC Thursday down for some Co-op Objectives on hard? I'm not a trophies guy but I want to get the one for beating all 3 of those maps on hard. Add me on PSN if you're interested. I'd also prefer if you have a mic.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Shearie said:
Man I really don't understand you guys.

The only thing that's changed is that you have to use cover more effectively now and you have to be more cautious when running out in the open. This is not even close to feeling like MW2. Unless you don't know the maps well, there are always ways to flank your opponents. I can't ever remember a game where someone or a group of people camped a certain spot a whole match. I also still see people using the shotguns or pistoles effectively. It was actually a little ridiculous before how guys would just run straight at someone aiming and shooting at them with a rifle from a good distance and still get one shot killed by a shotgun or pistole because of how long it would take to kill someone with a rifle.

I also don't get the sniper rifle hate too. This is a game with tiered weapons that you pick up on the map. The more powerful weapons have very few spawn points and longer spawn times with low ammo. Why aren't you guys outraged when 3 of your teammates get blown up at the same time by a rocket or grenade launcher. The sniper rifle was always an underused weapon before the patch (barring sniper rifle and pistole matches, even then it was more of a pistole match since it was hard to kill people with the sniper rifle) and now it's a viable weapon to seek out and not some game breaking uber-weapon. I see plenty of people get a sniper rifle and do nothing but get killed because they can't aim and I've seen really good players with a sniper rifle who are aiming right at me that were unable to kill me because I took good use of cover and got killed by someone else on my team for exposing themselves too much or I eventually snuck up on them.

I don't really mind the deathmatch stuff(though open maps like train wreck...no thanks), but for something like Plunder you do die way too fast, and people camp around the idol so it can reach a stale mate of nobody ever going for it. And when someone does get it, there's barely any team work like there was before, just people using the booster to walk fast with it and holding their own with the pistol. You're not supposed to be able to do that.

I have so much horrible stuff to say about the sniper, simply because the very idea of a gun that instantly kills you no matter where it hits you AND it doesn't require a reload after each shot. Snipers in games are always meant to be one of the highest skill weapons, I used to use it on a few different maps and did fine, but now it is the best weapon at ANY range. I never would have been caught running around the map with the sniper in my hands, but now why the hell not? You don't even need to scope if you know the general way it shoots, just one hit kill people no matter where it hits them. Getting multiple kills with a rocket launcher at least takes observation and planning, and if it doesn't kill multiple people then it's gone for awhile regardless. The hammer atleast has the sure foot booster(which I've used since I got it), so people who try to stumble and kill with splash damage--which is a lot--are still able to die if they try that on me. But the new sniper? No chance if the person has any clue how to aim it and is also not completely oblivious to people trying to sneak on them. I don't know if the bottom part of your second paragraph is talking about post-patch or not, but yeah, someone who picks up the sniper and can't use it shouldn't be able to do well it. It also has more ammo than the hammer/rocket, and by design is usually respawned or close to it after you used it up.

I dunno. If they made a deathmatch crushing playlist, I would play that time to time, but gamewide the system does not work. The game used to feel so free form, I would always be climbing stuff, try to always use different weapons, etc. Now I get killed for trying to climb and go right for the FAL.


VsRobot said:
The worst thing about 1.05? All the people on my FL who have drifted away from the game. :( I miss you guys.
I don't know if you miss me, but I'll be back on Thursday for the DLC. I took a break to finish AC2, and because I wasn't really having any fun anymore other than playing with you guys. I tried the patch quickly, and I hate that Plunder, my favorite mode, has become Schmunder... But since I love trophies
and I miss playing with GAF
, I'll soldier on!


Papercuts said:
I don't know if the bottom part of your second paragraph is talking about post-patch or not

Just to clarify I was talking about post-patch. I don't see and have not experienced the so-called horribleness of the sniper rifle. You only get six bullets, it's not a rapid fire weapon, and it has 1 or 2 spawn points per map. I rarely get sniped because I'm smart about using my environment especially when I see/hear a sniper attacking. I've also played games with really good players who tried to hoard the sniper spawn points and it wasn't an unbalanced mess. Sometimes they would get taken out quick, sometimes they miss, sometimes they killed a few guys; it's all variable and nothing was unbalanced. You make it sound like picking up a sniper rifle gets you 6 free kills.

As for there being less teamwork in plunder, again, I don't see it at all. I have not been in any stalemates in all the matches post patch and have seen plenty of teamwork. Just like pre-patch, if you rush the treasure with a bunch of the opposing team aiming at you, you're going to die and not help your team, and just like pre-patch, you have to secure the area around the treasure or vantage points overlooking it before you start moving the treasure.

I don't feel like getting into a big debate with the vocal GAF patch 1.05 opposition because my days of internet arguing over each others taste are done, which is pretty much why I barely post on GAF. We'll probably just start talking in circles anyway so I've said my piece and that's it for me.


I don't understand how people can claim Plunder has been ruined. I must have played 50+ Plunder matches since the patch, both in full GAF parties and with randoms, and the mode pretty much plays the same as it always has.


Wowbagger said:
I don't understand how people can claim Plunder has been ruined. I must have played 50+ Plunder matches since the patch, both in full GAF parties and with randoms, and the mode pretty much plays the same as it always has.

I agree completely. The only difference I have really found is you cant just run out in to the open and not expect a FAL to be trained on you and kill you very quickly.


Plunder is still a good mode. It's hard to solo-but that has always been true. I have 25 "That Was Embarrassing" medals, mostly earned with GAF but a few where I was solo.


Great games last night, with the usual suspects.

Shame about the one we ended up leaving, thanks to a blatant wallhack cheater in Fort over a Dragon & Pistole match.

I know it hasn't proven easy to fix people going through walls, but can we please have that mode begin with 6 shot Dragon rifles rather than 15?
I don't think this was intentional on NDI's part, and it is orders of magnitude more annoying than prat some unloading his FAL behind a wall.


Just got to the village, train levels were so good.
Edit: I wish I could start playing online, but my school's WiFi doesn't work with PS3's, so I have to move the ethernet cable from my computer to my PS3 (only 1 jack in dorm). I hardly play online on my PS3.
Ikkarus said:
I agree completely. The only difference I have really found is you cant just run out in to the open and not expect a FAL to be trained on you and kill you very quickly.

Just wanted to third this. I said this a couple pages ago, but while the Sniper Rifle is cheap in something like Deathmatch (it's crazy that I've seen people actually run and aim with it close range like it was a FAL), I think it's pretty vital for Plunder to help give your teammate Treasure Carrier some cover.

I really don't think the new patch is NEARLY as bad as some of the people here make it out to be. And I still haven't run into the so-called "Glorified Deathmatch in Plunder where no one goes for the treasure" bit. The closest it comes to that is the Fort, where ANY kind of match starts in a locked gunfight.


bish gets all the credit :)
We’re listening…

It’s been a week since we released Title Update 1.05 to our multiplayer community. Without a doubt, this has been our most talked about update to multiplayer to date and for good reason – there were a lot of additions and adjustments we made and not all of them were received well by everyone. This is something we’ve seen from your comments on our blog, on Facebook, in various forums, and via Twitter.

Our game designers have been discussing some further adjustments to what we introduced with Title Update 1.05; some of those we’ve been trying out during our daily playtesting sessions. We don’t have anything we can share yet, however we’ll be forthcoming as to the “what” and “when” regarding any future adjustments so you know what to expect.

We value our multiplayer community and your feedback quite a bit. As Richard mentioned during his session at the D.I.C.E. Summit last week, collaboration and iteration is an integral part of our development process. Including the voice of our community as part of this process is important to us as we continue supporting the multiplayer modes to UNCHARTED 2.

We’re listening.

I may just move on to BC2 next week. We'll see what happens.


Okay, so I'm
Ch. 23- In the monastery and I have to cross a courtyard with minigunners
I stopped for today to watch Lost, I think I'll finish it tomorrow, it will be the quickest I've ever finished a game that long.


Just finished it, in the nick of time to tear into Heavy Rain tomorrow. I really, really liked it. I thought Drake's Fortune was a great game, but this one really shows the series' true potential. So many action packed moments that I actually got to play rather than watch.

Also, the ending was really excellent. Made me happy.

I plan on getting the platinum trophy someday. Right now, too much other stuff to get to!


alr1ghtstart said:

I may just move on to BC2 next week. We'll see what happens.

The problem with Naughty Dogs internal testing is that it is completely isolated from real gameplay settings seen in online matchmaking and it has caused alot of these problems to begin with. Also it does not help that it seems like they were sitting aroung playing MW2 and trying to think of ways to make their game more like it.

If your playing with friends in a private game or people you know in a work setting you are going to play in the spirit of the game and not result to cheap tactics. The problem is this is completely isolated from the real world setting of matchmaking against people who have the only goal of playing for themselves and increasing their KDR as much as possible and not helping the team.

The fact that people at Naughty Dog didnt use any common sense when implementing the crushing health patch just shows how detached they are from the real way this game was played online before they ruined it.

It was completely obvious to many people on GAF and other forums who pointed out before the implementation of the patch and during the crushing weekend that reducing health would increase the amount camping and reduce traversal gameplay. These are the main aspects that main uncharted online so great and also the fact that it wasnt always the person who shot first that won a battle as a smart player could turn the tables around and outsmart/ outflank opponent.

Yet Naughty Dog still pushed ahead with the changes misrepresenting polled results to support their changes despite the fact they refuse to address issues everyone agrees are completely broken like the instant grenade spam a millisecond before death.

Anyone called them Naughty Gods deserves to be shot after this mess especially considering they brought the backlash upon themselves.

EDIT: The smart ass coments from Arne to people criticizing the changes just show much they were "listening" to the fans.


web01 said:
Yet Naughty Dog still pushed ahead with the changes misrepresenting polled results to support their changes despite the fact they refuse to address issues everyone agrees are completely broken like the instant grenade spam a millisecond before death.

Good players hit their targets with 'em, but don't allow themselves to get hit. :p

Seriously though, the main things that bother me about the patch are: hitbox damage, automatic shoulder switching (ASS). and the fact that traversal gameplay is pretty much gone. :(


web01 said:
The problem with Naughty Dogs internal testing is that it is completely isolated from real gameplay settings seen in online matchmaking and it has caused alot of these problems to begin with. Also it does not help that it seems like they were sitting aroung playing MW2 and trying to think of ways to make their game more like it.

If your playing with friends in a private game or people you know in a work setting you are going to play in the spirit of the game and not result to cheap tactics. The problem is this is completely isolated from the real world setting of matchmaking against people who have the only goal of playing for themselves and increasing their KDR as much as possible and not helping the team.

The fact that people at Naughty Dog didnt use any common sense when implementing the crushing health patch just shows how detached they are from the real way this game was played online before they ruined it.

It was completely obvious to many people on GAF and other forums who pointed out before the implementation of the patch and during the crushing weekend that reducing health would increase the amount camping and reduce traversal gameplay. These are the main aspects that main uncharted online so great and also the fact that it wasnt always the person who shot first that won a battle as a smart player could turn the tables around and outsmart/ outflank opponent.

Yet Naughty Dog still pushed ahead with the changes misrepresenting polled results to support their changes despite the fact they refuse to address issues everyone agrees are completely broken like the instant grenade spam a millisecond before death.

Anyone called them Naughty Gods deserves to be shot after this mess especially considering they brought the backlash upon themselves.

EDIT: The smart ass coments from Arne to people criticizing the changes just show much they were "listening" to the fans.
Mmmmm mmmm, let me taste your tears. Oh your sweet tears of pure agony sustain me. Oooohhhh. Soooooo good...


Hip Hop gamer is predicting the next game as a prequel staring Sir Francois Drake. I hope he is wrong and the next game is in China. Yes I know it is HHG


Still Alive
Shapingo said:
Hip Hop gamer is predicting the next game as a prequel staring Sir Francois Drake. I hope he is wrong and the next game is in China. Yes I know it is HHG
He would have to be ridiculously similar to Drake's character to even consider it..

I hope not though, you should build up on the current characters rather than erase them for a while. However, I could totally see a back and forth between time periods sort of mechanic happening, that would be cool. Especially to see how Sir Francois Drake died in that level, then have a flashback from Drake's Fortune where Drake is kneeling by Sir Drakes body. Probably bullshit anyway..
Rikyfree said:
Mmmmm mmmm, let me taste your tears. Oh your sweet tears of pure agony sustain me. Oooohhhh. Soooooo good...

Dude... the guy wrote 7 paragraphs detailing the problems with Naughty Dog's multiplayer team and all you had to respond was that?

Not cool


Under 60K daily players. Kept seeing the same people over and over in match-making. My friends list went from having 10-15 people playing Uncharted every night to 1-2 people. Even if I loved 1.05 (which I don't), I would still hate it for driving my friends away.

Thank goodness Kittonwy still plays or I might be forced to switch to Bioshock 2 mp just so I could play with Broken.
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