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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Incredibly Naive
VsRobot said:
Under 60K daily players. Kept seeing the same people over and over in match-making. My friends list went from having 10-15 people playing Uncharted every night to 1-2 people. Even if I loved 1.05 (which I don't), I would still hate it for driving my friends away.

Thank goodness Kittonwy still plays or I might be forced to switch to Bioshock 2 mp just so I could play with Broken.

I don't know if that's necessarily in response to the patch, but I agree it's driven me away. I haven't been playing at all, it's just boring now.
Played some more tonight, and it's just not as fun. Plain and simple. Too many people camping, not being able to slickly dodge fire, getting killed by grenades at an even more ridiculous rate than before. I'll probably keep playing sparingly, but I really hope they address this stuff. Although I kind of feel like they are running out of time with tweaking it. Too much back and forth change will kill any game's online community.


The post on the Naughty Dog website comes across as completely ungenuine to me. They had more than enough warning before hand from the people playing this game that the changes would be not recieved well.

All they are trying to do is save face because the DLC is coming out and they dont want to hurt sales.

Rikyfree said:
Mmmmm mmmm, let me taste your tears. Oh your sweet tears of pure agony sustain me. Oooohhhh. Soooooo good...

You really need to try harder if your trying to troll me...
Only making yourself look like a fool.


VsRobot said:
Thank goodness Kittonwy still plays

Of course Kitton still plays. He's always been a FAL camper. :p

VsRobot said:
I might be forced to switch to Bioshock 2 mp just so I could play with Broken.

I don't even own Bioshock 2. :( However, I would suggest a purchase of BFBC2. It lets you play the game any way you want without punishing you.


I came back to UC2 after a month away overseas, and man, maybe 8/10 Plunder matches I play end up going the full twenty with scores at 2-1, 3-2, etc with teams just camped out near the idol FAL'ing each other. Although the new medals are pretty great, I've gotten $50,000 in a couple games already thanks to Retaliation/Protector.


I don't mind the recent changes, but please, just choose one damage model and stick with it, don't change it over and over.


daxter01 said:
new damage system is going to be pretty good if they disable dti for everyone
I was just doing that to mess with you. I don't think you play online with me so you don't immediately understand my humor. It's nothing personal. :D


Well on the blog, in the comments, Arne said that the number of players hasnt gone down over the past week and matches per player hasnt either. So i'm inclined to think that they're not going to change the damage at all.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
Rikyfree said:
I was just doing that to mess with you. I don't think you play online with me so you don't immediately understand my humor. It's nothing personal. :D
huh i think you want to tell this to web01 not daxter o1 budy:lol :lol


Irish said:
I don't even own Bioshock 2. :( However, I would suggest a purchase of BFBC2. It lets you play the game any way you want without punishing you.
I don't much care for first-person shooters. I much prefer stuff like Uncharted and Gears. Gears 2 online was terrible, other than Horde which got old quick. UC2 is my first love, so even if her plastic surgery (1.05) was a disaster, I'm not ready to give up on her.

I heard you applied to MLG to get sponsored for Bioshock 2 tournament play.


I agree that changing the damage system over and over is a real bad idea.

I couldn't give a shit which one it is because post and pre 1.05 I've been kicking ass as normal.

I also haven't seen this camping on Plunder bullshit I keep hearing about on here,

This thread has turned into the Bungie forums, full of whinging and threats to quit playing, personally my friends list is full of people playing post patch.

And finally, fuck the damage system and fix the glitches on Fort, no game I've ever played has had such a glitch that wasn't fixed immediately



web01 said:
The problem with Naughty Dogs internal testing is that it is completely isolated from real gameplay settings seen in online matchmaking and it has caused alot of these problems to begin with. Also it does not help that it seems like they were sitting aroung playing MW2 and trying to think of ways to make their game more like it.

If your playing with friends in a private game or people you know in a work setting you are going to play in the spirit of the game and not result to cheap tactics. The problem is this is completely isolated from the real world setting of matchmaking against people who have the only goal of playing for themselves and increasing their KDR as much as possible and not helping the team.

The fact that people at Naughty Dog didnt use any common sense when implementing the crushing health patch just shows how detached they are from the real way this game was played online before they ruined it.

It was completely obvious to many people on GAF and other forums who pointed out before the implementation of the patch and during the crushing weekend that reducing health would increase the amount camping and reduce traversal gameplay. These are the main aspects that main uncharted online so great and also the fact that it wasnt always the person who shot first that won a battle as a smart player could turn the tables around and outsmart/ outflank opponent.

Yet Naughty Dog still pushed ahead with the changes misrepresenting polled results to support their changes despite the fact they refuse to address issues everyone agrees are completely broken like the instant grenade spam a millisecond before death.

Anyone called them Naughty Gods deserves to be shot after this mess especially considering they brought the backlash upon themselves.

EDIT: The smart ass coments from Arne to people criticizing the changes just show much they were "listening" to the fans.

oh god really?

what smart ass comments? the ones where our player population hasn't decreased? that the games per player hasn't decreased either? that's not smart ass, that's true. i don't know what to say if you feel that doesn't fit with your perception of what's happened, that's just how it is.

we are listening and we're taking the feedback that's being discussed everywhere to heart. I don't know how you want to say that makes our post ungenuine. We can't discuss everything we're looking into right now, but I felt we couldn't say nothing, which is where this post came from. mostly because I and some of my colleagues kept trying to respond in different places and a good number of people, however small the subset that is, thought we weren't responding at all and just posted the update and went away and didn't bother to come back and read. which is wholly untrue.

if you don't think I don't read what's on here and other forums and I go over to our game designers or Evan and tell them about it and ask them to address certain things since the game has launched, you're dead wrong. the blog post we went up is a direct result of the fact that we sat down and talked about player reaction to the changes and since are *are* looking into it *because* of all the discussion, I felt we could mention that we were testing some stuff out to make further adjustments. it had nothing to do with the dlc and this would have gone down the same way (the blog post) even without dlc on the way.

I get it, you hate this update. Being the loudest, most persistent voice in the room doesn't make it true. neither do your blanket assumptions.

there is some truth in what you say, no matter how much we test anything, internally or even in a limited external capacity, you can never expect the gameplay strategies and workarounds a dedicated, sizable population of players. even our limited and "open" betas prior to release of the game didn't expose gameplay behaviors and workarounds that hinder enjoyment of the game overall.

this is true for any/most games, because the constant "testing" of thousands and thousands of players outnumbers the hours of testing you could ever do with a limited population and/or time period.

we do have more than several people playing in the public modes quite a bit to see how any of our changes reflect in real-world gameplay and we listen to their feedback as well. not to mention we have gameplay data that lets us know, to a certain degree, how games are being played and that also informs what we do.

grenades are a different matter and we have been tweaking them here or there since prior to release. what we have currently, as much as you dislike it, is the best compromise so given our gameplay and animation system, etc. we have not yet found a better solution to our liking in terms of our how grenades work -- that doesn't mean we "refuse to address it" it means there's nothing we feel is better so far. sorry.

you seem to really want to paint the picture that we're just running around with our hands over our eyes and ears trying to ignore anything when you couldn't farther from the truth. we don't think our MP game was or is perfect. it's solid and, as is obvious, we feel it needs tuning because it does. we've got something different and new on our hands and we'll support and progress it to make it better over time. that's just what we have to do.

CozMick said:
And finally, fuck the damage system and fix the glitches on Fort, no game I've ever played has had such a glitch that wasn't fixed immediately

we've been trying, i know i always mention these things when we're working on updates. we put in whatever fixes/solutions we can to prevent glitching.


arne said:
Perfect post, even if I dont like the changes or agree with the direction the MP is taking....I still recognized everything that you stated. Everything you said should be obvious.

Still hate the patch tho :p


mr_nothin said:
Perfect post, even if I dont like the changes or agree with the direction the MP is taking....I still recognized everything that you stated. Everything you said should be obvious.

Still hate the patch tho :p

heh, thanks.

i mean there's also a degree we need to have our game designers, you know, design the game too because that's their job and that's what they're (really) good at.

we *do* value our player population feedback and we *do* use incorporate that into our decisions. but, it shouldn't come as a surprise, we're not working on a community-designed game here.


arne said:
we've been trying, i know i always mention these things when we're working on updates. we put in whatever fixes/solutions we can to prevent glitching.

And for this ND will be getting my cash tomorrow
also being my fave MP ever


arne said:
we *do* value our player population feedback and we *do* use incorporate that into our decisions. but, it shouldn't come as a surprise, we're not working on a community-designed game here.

And that is the right way :)


Not as deep as he thinks
I really do hope you guys fix The Forth glitch soon. It's really terrible.

I've only been disappointed in the patch with some of the Plunder matches I've played. I've mentioned before in this thread that I'm not into deatmatch stuff so it hasn't affected my time with the game at all. I actually LOVE the patch in co-op since that's what I play like 99% of the time. It makes things more challenging to me since I play with random players the majority of the time and most of them don't even have "Hard" or "Crushing" chosen as their difficulty.

And another thing that's been annoying me lately is the way you guys handled the idle players. I mean, I don't mind it if they randomly drop out of the game in Plunder matches (even if you do get outnumbered by the other team) since the match still continues. However, in co-op Arena...if a player is idle for like two minutes, everyone gets the connection error and the whole match ends. It's kind of lame to be honest. If there is a way for you guys to kick the idle player and STILL be able to continue the match...I'd be very pleased as well as other people that are co-op arena players.


Rewrite said:
And another thing that's been annoying me lately is the way you guys handled the idle players. I mean, I don't mind it if they randomly drop out of the game in Plunder matches (even if you do get outnumbered by the other team) since the match still continues. However, in co-op Arena...if a player is idle for like two minutes, everyone gets the connection error and the whole match ends. It's kind of lame to be honest. If there is a way for you guys to kick the idle player and STILL be able to continue the match...I'd be very pleased as well as other people that are co-op arena players.

i'll bring that up to make sure if it hasn't been brought up already.

there is some 'good news' with at least that afk player won't be returned into the co-op pool to do this to someone else unless they're monitoring their game and hop back into games. either way they're not gaining much of they so choose, so they would eventually stop that behavior unless they're intentionally griefing that way.


VsRobot said:
I don't much care for first-person shooters. I much prefer stuff like Uncharted and Gears. Gears 2 online was terrible, other than Horde which got old quick. UC2 is my first love, so even if her plastic surgery (1.05) was a disaster, I'm not ready to give up on her.
Same here. I really wanted to try out BF:BC2, but when I did I realized I'm really helpless at FPS, and even more so in a competitive online environment. At least the demo saved me money. I'll still try to play Bioshock, but even that might prove too much for me I'm afraid. I guess I'll stick with UC2 until I leave for our honeymoon, and then it's GOWIII time :D
My only request is to fix the glitches in fort, 80% of the time I end up with people ruining the game, especially Plunder matches. Anyway, thought I would jump in to post a golden moment from a game yesterday.




and camera video from the event http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jBDk9pnbSQ


Jesus, fuck glitchers.
Just had another one on The Lost City.
Playing elimination, this guy hid himself in the scenery at the desert eagle near the waterfall...


Not as deep as he thinks
arne said:
i'll bring that up to make sure if it hasn't been brought up already.

there is some 'good news' with at least that afk player won't be returned into the co-op pool to do this to someone else unless they're monitoring their game and hop back into games. either way they're not gaining much of they so choose, so they would eventually stop that behavior unless they're intentionally griefing that way.
That's awesome. Thanks. I knew that it kicked them off the matchmaking pool which indeed is great, but the connection error for everyone is really a problem. Once again, thanks for taking this issue into consideration. I appreciate it. :D


I can appreciate that some of you like 1.05 (Sit. Awareness and camping in one spot is fun for some folk, I get it) but stop posting about how everyone is "whining" and that they need to keep their concerns to themselves. Arne/Naughty Dog requested that we post our feedback on the patch in forums. We know they read this forum. Some of us have real concerns about the direction that the game is going.

I agree that some folk are coming across a little hysterical, and that attacking Arne/Naughty Dog is counter-productive. But don't say for even a minute that we should just give up, and accept that the game has been irrevocably changed. Arne says that our feedback is heard and valued. I hope that everyone keeps discussing the update until we find out what is in 1.06. All I want is the FAL and the Dragon nerfed (one-bullet clips less frequent spawning), the hitboxes reset so a shot to the toe isn't as deadly as a headshot, and maybe a touch more health so effectively using the cover/traversal system is a viable play-style again.

I felt that pre-1.05 the game was more balanced in that many different play-styles were effective. Post 1.05, the long-range game is very over-powered and CQC is very under-powered. I also think that the patch reduces the number of viable booster load-outs. Why use anything but DTI in the top slot since the long-range game is so OP? People who prefer not to use that booster are the people who are having the most trouble adapting to the changes in the game.

Can't please everyone. Some folk want DTI powered up and kill-streaks added to the game (check the PS forums if you don't believe me). Others want the game to go back to the auto-aim, health, and grenade radius that characterized the game's launch. Neither of those groups are going to ever be happy.

It's so nice for you that the people on your FL still play. I have 99 people on my friends list, around 60 of them I added to play UC2 with, and yesterday only 3 of those people signed into UC2 to play, and one of them only played one match before getting disgusted and quitting to go play Bioshock 2. I guess that the raw numbers show that for all the people quitting the game, new players are joining. I don't see how taking a diverse player-base with a lot of different load-outs and play-styles and then shutting out EVERYONE who doesn't play the game a certain way is a good thing, but I'm not a game developer. If the game they envisioned is one where the people who do the best are the people who use the cheesiest tactics than fine, it's a great success.

Sucks for those of us who hate COD and wanted something new and original. Every update since launch has taken away a little bit more of what made UC2 unique. I'm not quitting the game of my own free-will, but if I keep signing in to find no one to play with I probably won't stick with it. I've never put 100+ hours into a games multi before, and I don't see any games on the release schedule with mp that interest me.

I really hope that ND is listening and that they'll tweak the game enough that it starts to feel like the UC2 I fell in love with again. I know a roll-back is a pipe-dream, but surely this long-range mess the game has turned into can be fixed with a few tweaks.


The problem with sony is that they change the game post realese while microsoft never completely change the gameplay for multiplayer games post launch. If people are disappointed with the game online, you can't do anything about it but, you are basically isolating the users playing online since day one and enjoyed the game from playing it. I would imagine the regular uncharted 2 multiplayer players played the game and thought it was fun, and having a huge change like this will probably cause them to stop playing. I would think that the opposite approach was to add in a patch which would have a one hit kill system, or higher damage percentage similar to Resistance Fall of man. Stuff like that seems reasonable but for me I despise seeing core changes in a multiplayer game because then it really isn't the same game I've been playing for a while.

There is never this win win situation but, hurting the regular players and teh ones that most likely will buy DLC is the worse idea. Just add features instead of taking away features.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
The more I read this thread, the more I hate MW to the point that I hope it never existed.

Kinda the same way I felt with KZ2.



TTP said:
The more I read this thread, the more I hate MW to the point that I hope it never existed.

Kinda the same way I felt with KZ2.

Totally agree.


Tomorrow at this hour, I will have bought the new DLC. But what about my laggy US friends? Will I have to wait another six hours to play with them? :'(


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
mr_nothin said:
They're listening to the wrong ppl :(
I bet they're just going to fix the auto-shoulder thing.

I hate the way this is going....

(Emphasis mine)

What do you mean by this?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Is there ever going to be any DLC for single player or maybe Co-op multi modes? I like that they keep adding stuff to the game, and most of it is really great , but I don't play multi much.


Lord Error said:
Is there ever going to be any DLC for single player or maybe Co-op multi modes? I like that they keep adding stuff to the game, and most of it is really great , but I don't play multi much.
They said it would be too much work because of having to add new dialogue and getting the actors back together just for DLC... at least thats what i remember.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
yencid said:
They said it would be too much work because of having to add new dialogue and getting the actors back together just for DLC... at least thats what i remember.
That makes sense, but they could for example remake some levels from the first game, just with the new level layouts, and keep all the voices the same. They could do time trials platforming challenges and such, as well.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Wowbagger said:
Tomorrow at this hour, I will have bought the new DLC. But what about my laggy US friends? Will I have to wait another six hours to play with them? :'(
As one of your laggy US friends, I hope not.
Lord Error said:
Is there ever going to be any DLC for single player or maybe Co-op multi modes? I like that they keep adding stuff to the game, and most of it is really great , but I don't play multi much.
April 15, that's when DLC Pack #3 is scheduled to launch. It includes a new Co-op Mode, 4 new maps, and 5 new skins.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Hey arne, do you know if Naughty Dog still have the Way of the Warrior source code and assets?

Sorry for being offtopic. V__V
Love the update, has actually made the multiplayer a lot more enjoyable to me. It's a lot more fast paced, makes you use cover more and is, in general, just more fun. Hell, it's made games I've been in a lot more close and down to the wire, which leads to some real heart in the mouth moments. Had a great one yesterday on pistols and grenades where I had a riot shield and was surrounded, ended up taking 2 or 3 guys down before getting grenaded to oblivion.
I appreciate ND working hard, which I think they are, I just don't understand how grenades basically can't be fixed. Why not just make them less powerful? Why not make their radius smaller? Are these REALLY fixes that for some reason can't be made? And if so, why not tell us the details so we stop complaining?
arne said:
heh, thanks.

i mean there's also a degree we need to have our game designers, you know, design the game too because that's their job and that's what they're (really) good at.

we *do* value our player population feedback and we *do* use incorporate that into our decisions. but, it shouldn't come as a surprise, we're not working on a community-designed game here.

I know this is an old post, and I like the patch.

The creative director for the company I work for said that design by a committee means your horse is now a camel (or something to that extent).

Basically, when design becomes too democratic, the end product is not going to be what anyone wants. There should always be an open discussion, but changes should be left up to those who know what they're doing (the designer).

While this was pertained to graphics, it really does apply to any form of design. Designers shouldn't allow their expertise to be overrode for the sake of pleasing other people.

I feel like ND has been good about this, but other companies have really struggled this gen.


The only fix for grenades I'd really like to see is a longer delay surrounding the animation. Extremely often I get killed by grenades that people toss at their feet as I'm about to kill them. Some how they can reload and toss a grenade without Rapid Hands/Juggler all within the space of about a quarter of a second.


Irish said:
Of course Kitton still plays. He's always been a FAL camper. :p

I don't even own Bioshock 2. :( However, I would suggest a purchase of BFBC2. It lets you play the game any way you want without punishing you.

I'm mostly AK, recently I've been going pistol-only with no sure shot.
So I'm really late to playing this due to me not really caring, but I'm at Chapter 18, I believe, with all the cog wheels in the cave. 60% through, and it's pretty amazing so far. Going to finish it up in a little while..


KilgoreTrout said:
I know this is an old post, and I like the patch.

The creative director for the company I work for said that design by a committee means your horse is now a camel (or something to that extent).

Basically, when design becomes too democratic, the end product is not going to be what anyone wants. There should always be an open discussion, but changes should be left up to those who know what they're doing (the designer).

While this was pertained to graphics, it really does apply to any form of design. Designers shouldn't allow their expertise to be overrode for the sake of pleasing other people.

I feel like ND has been good about this, but other companies have really struggled this gen.
They had it right the 1st time dammit! Then comes along this poll...months after release and we now have a different game as the result. They've been influenced by the community (admitted by them...although there were other factors, as stated). Basically halfing the health and applying 1 damage model to the whole body is a pretty radical change. That seems like the sort of thing you would use the beta for. The fact that it's not a new mode and that it's applied globally is why this patch is getting so much hate.
So has anyone else played a game where everyone but you was using a FAL :( imo the amount of ammo supplied with it needs to get cut in a big way maybe down to 12 or something.
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