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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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mr_nothin said:
They had it right the 1st time dammit! Then comes along this poll...months after release and we now have a different game as the result. They've been influenced by the community (admitted by them...although there were other factors, as stated). Basically halfing the health and applying 1 damage model to the whole body is a pretty radical change. That seems like the sort of thing you would use the beta for. The fact that it's not a new mode and that it's applied globally is why this patch is getting so much hate.

The health compared to pistol and AK is actually just right, it's the DTI and sniper rifle getting a major leg up, if anything they can tone down both DTI and sure shot and half sniper rifle damage because right now running around killing folks with the pistol feels just right.


ND have done a Guerilla. Except GG haven't completely changed the way the game plays. :(

Since the patch has been released I haven't played a single game of U2. I don't like it anymore. It's pretty much a 3rd person COD with cover now.


-viper- said:
ND have done a Guerilla. Except GG haven't completely changed the way the game plays. :(

Since the patch has been released I haven't played a single game of U2. I don't like it anymore. It's pretty much a 3rd person COD with cover now.

Oh for fucks sake.

Stop being so fucking pathetic.

A 3rd person CoD? Jesus, stop playing the same damn record, it's getting fucking boring.


I actually like this update, and it brought me back to the game, which had been on the shelf for two months.The damage is a nice change, because it now feels like spotting someone first actually means something. I have been killed while climbing, but it's not frequent, surprisingly, as climbing is pretty quick. Also, I don't see many campers. If there is one, I just flank and kill. With the new damage, there's a good chance to kill a camper before s/he runs away. I'm a run-and-gunner, and my kill-death ratio has remained the same (only up by 0.01), but I also use cover, which has worked pretty well. The one-shot sniper kill is not very annoying, in my opinion -- again, I just flank and kill (usually s/he is not focused on me all the time). A one-shot then reload would be nice, though.

The only problems that I see are (both have been problems since the start anyways):
- Grenade
There's no standardized timing. Perhaps it should be a seven second countdown from when it's thrown, or four seconds from when it touches a surface. Another option could be delaying how long it takes before the grenade is thrown from the user pressing L2. The amount of damage it deals is fine, but as soon as it touches the ground, there's like a 5% chance to escape, which is bordering on ridiculous. It's one of the cheapest ways to get kills, and it should be changed somewhat.​
- Down the Irons
DTI is overused, and in my opinion, it should cost a lot more to use it -- perhaps $750,000, with people currently using be refunded their money so they have the option of buying it. For me, it would seem more fair. In my opinion, it's one of the only downsides to the new patch, because kills become a little too easy with it. Without using DTI, I believe that game would be far more "balanced" because so many people now are using it.​

Anyways, this is just my opinion on the new patch. It's great, but from my perspective, it could use some minor adjustments.
Just reunited with
with about 83% completed and..I don't want this game to end :(

I think I'll stop playing for a while so I can prolong this game even further. I spent about an hour on "The Monastery" on just one part trying to Solid Snake it through just so I won't feel like I'm rushing through it. Alas, I couldn't make it so I started to shoot dudes.

Love this game, goddamn.


CozMick said:
Oh for fucks sake.

Stop being so fucking pathetic.

A 3rd person CoD? Jesus, stop playing the same damn record, it's getting fucking boring.
I put countless of hours in the beta but ended up playing MP pretty late. I don't like the changes at all. The game felt far better before.


kaitoe said:
- Down the Irons
DTI is overused, and in my opinion, it should cost a lot more to use it -- perhaps $750,000, with people currently using be refunded their money so they have the option of buying it. For me, it would seem more fair. In my opinion, it's one of the only downsides to the new patch, because kills become a little too easy with it. Without using DTI, I believe that game would be far more "balanced" because so many people now are using it.​
I've always wanted ND to just get rid of DTI, but at this point I feel it is not likely. I think that a better compromise would be to make Down the Irons take both booster slots, or make it deactivate booster slot #2, something to that effect. That way people wouldn't be able to use it in tandem with fleet foot, or scoped in, or any of those other bs combinations.
-viper- said:
ND have done a Guerilla. Except GG haven't completely changed the way the game plays. :(

Since the patch has been released I haven't played a single game of U2. I don't like it anymore. It's pretty much a 3rd person COD with cover now.
-viper- said:
I put countless of hours in the beta but ended up playing MP pretty late. I don't like the changes at all. The game felt far better before.
Put me in the same boat. Seems like a lot of people have leveled some criticism against the game post patch and these are people who used to love playing it. I used to love the game myself, and played in the beta and immediately got into the multi, but quit back in Nov, at around level 37. I don't know how I'd feel about this patch since I'm not playing anymore, but even my girlfriend who's addicted to it (she's a level 55) thinks the patch is "terrible" and has made the game a lot less fun. Any way you slice it, multi had a good run, and I was surprised by how fun it was in spite of being ND's first MP effort. Hopefully they can implement some changes that makes every one happy.

And also, I'm guessing the DLC will bring some people back, but by then, we'll all be neck deep in new games so... Who knows.


Gold Member
CozMick said:
Oh for fucks sake.

Stop being so fucking pathetic.

A 3rd person CoD? Jesus, stop playing the same damn record, it's getting fucking boring.

Calm down with the charged vocab, sweety. How about some discussion rather than some internet rage?

[edit]personally, i haven't played the game for a while so i have no idea how bad the crushing health is. Combined with the dirty lag i usually get it looks like it could turn into one massive camp fest where i can't use cover competently without being shot to death when i think i'm safe behind a wall :(

Maybe i'll give it a razz this weekend after i ragequit out of KZ2 with GAFe :lol


CozMick said:
Oh for fucks sake.

Stop being so fucking pathetic.

A 3rd person CoD? Jesus, stop playing the same damn record, it's getting fucking boring.
Maybe so, but that doesn't make it any less true. These latest updates have ruined the traversal and CQC portions of the gameplay that made the beta so unique and fun.
kaitoe said:
DTI is overused, and in my opinion, it should cost a lot more to use it -- perhaps $750,000, with people currently using be refunded their money so they have the option of buying it. For me, it would seem more fair. In my opinion, it's one of the only downsides to the new patch, because kills become a little too easy with it. Without using DTI, I believe that game would be far more "balanced" because so many people now are using it.​

Wait, your idea to balance DtI is to make it even take longer to get? So you can suffer longer getting killed by people only because they have access to a booster you don't? That would be the opposite of balancing it.

The only good thing about DtI currently is that it at least unlocks fairly quickly, so you'll be on an even playing field fairly quickly. I'd go nuts if I had to play even longer, getting killed by people cause they had access to a booster I didn't.


Not as deep as he thinks
I don't think they'll ever remove Down the Irons because like 90% of people that play the game online use it and the backlash would be huge even if that booster is cheap.


I don't think there's any way to balance DTI without completely changing what it does, but it might be a good idea to add incentives for people not to use it. Maybe medals similar to the negative booster ones (though not worth as much) for getting kills without using boosters. (For example: a $3000 medal for getting 5 gun kills without having a slot 1 booster equipped).

The other way to go is to buff some other boosters. For example, making Monkey Man allow you to climb much faster for people who are all about traversal. Let Evasion make you run a bit faster when NOT aiming in addition to what it does now for people that like CQC. That sort of thing.


one of the things that made U2 multiplayer so fun and unique was the crazy shit you could pull thanks to the "safety" of being a somewhat bullet sponge, now everyone taking their time and playing safe (FAL, camp, snipe), I tend to agree with the CoD comments, not as bad as the terrible MW2 but not as good as U2 pre-patch.


CozMick said:
Oh for fucks sake.

Stop being so fucking pathetic.

A 3rd person CoD? Jesus, stop playing the same damn record, it's getting fucking boring.

hey calm down, Viper has played countless hours of several online shooters, not just CoD and Uncharted 2, he has a valid point and if you're so bored with his comments just use the ignore tool.


Incredibly Naive
Yeef said:
I don't think there's any way to balance DTI without completely changing what it does, but it might be a good idea to add incentives for people not to use it. Maybe medals similar to the negative booster ones (though not worth as much) for getting kills without using boosters. (For example: a $3000 medal for getting 5 gun kills without having a slot 1 booster equipped).

The other way to go is to buff some other boosters. For example, making Monkey Man allow you to climb much faster for people who are all about traversal. Let Evasion make you run a bit faster when NOT aiming in addition to what it does now for people that like CQC. That sort of thing.

I know GAF hates DTI, but it never bothered me before this update, because you could get to cover and outsmart the other players (and in most cases out aim that person anyways). Point is problem is not DTI, it's the health, it was perfect IMO the way it was, the only real problems were glitchers, AFKs, and the grenades being a bit overpowered. Either way the gun that's truly unbalanced from this is the FAL. At least tone that down or limit them at the spawn.


I have a question about how the save game file for uncharted works. If I don't use multiple saves or have multiple games going on, I only need one save right? So when I beat it on a difficulty and then move up to the next difficulty, I can just overwrite the save and not worry about losing anything?


"Here, I'll give you a boost."
"Now kick it down for me."
Happened about 15 times during the game.

I'm in the penultimate chapter
Blue dudes are crazy
Will finish after The Real World.

I also started playing multiplayer. I thought
The Lost City
would spoil the unveiling of it in the single player, but it was so much more amazing in the story.
I like it so far, having only played TF2 recently, it was pretty fun.


msdstc said:
I know GAF hates DTI, but it never bothered me before this update, because you could get to cover and outsmart the other players (and in most cases out aim that person anyways). Point is problem is not DTI, it's the health, it was perfect IMO the way it was, the only real problems were glitchers, AFKs, and the grenades being a bit overpowered. Either way the gun that's truly unbalanced from this is the FAL. At least tone that down or limit them at the spawn.
I have little issue with DTI as it's designed. The problem with it is that it magnifies the effects of lag to the point that it makes them stand out A LOT. Before the patch getting killed through cover and around corners by DTI users wasn't uncommon, but now it's even worse.

cory said:
"Here, I'll give you a boost."
"Now kick it down for me."
Happened about 15 times during the game.
That's just a stage design thing to make sure the player doesn't advance beyond where they're suppose to be. They do mix it up a bit with Flynn and Elena, so it didn't bother me at all.

j-wood said:
I have a question about how the save game file for uncharted works. If I don't use multiple saves or have multiple games going on, I only need one save right? So when I beat it on a difficulty and then move up to the next difficulty, I can just overwrite the save and not worry about losing anything?
You'll lose your checkpoint of your old save (the ones within the chapters), but other than that you're fine.


Incredibly Naive
Yeef said:
I have little issue with DTI as it's designed. The problem with it is that it magnifies the effects of lag to the point that it makes them stand out A LOT. Before the patch getting killed through cover and around corners by DTI users wasn't uncommon, but now it's even worse.

I mean I've heard this a ton of times, and maybe it happens, but once again this has never really of effect me in that way. I've seen it happen with plenty of people who don't have it on either, I think that's just a normal matter of lag.
Please fix:

When you are watching elimination game modes in cinema mode, everything apparently needs to reset for the next round. However if you have hidden the menu, you are never able to pause, change camera angle, or anything for the rest of the entire video. Hopefully that is priority number one now that I have brought it up.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!

The new DLC, Matchmaking and you

We’re right on the doorstep of releasing the “Drake’s Fortune Multiplayer Pack” – our latest set of downloadable content which includes six character skins and two new maps available separately or as a bundle for use with UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves. A common question we’ve seen from our players is how we will add these maps to our matchmaking system.

Purchasing either the maps or the bundle unlocks an option in your online profile, which is accessible by pushing the square button on your controller.


As you can see in this set of screenshots, the new option is called “Matchmaking.” The option has two available options: “Default” and “DLC.”

Leaving the option at “Default” essentially tells our matchmaking system that you want to get into matches as quickly as possible.
The matchmaking system will then prioritize your matchmaking based on the installed content.

The matchmaking system will first attempt to place you in matches where all players have the new maps installed – up to 10 players in competitive modes and 3 players in cooperative modes. If it cannot find an open slot for you, your party or create a new full match within a reasonable amount of time, the matchmaking system then expands its search and attempts to place you in any match using the original on-disk maps with open spots.

This does mean that you risk the chance of not playing the new maps very often until enough players with the new maps installed have entered the matchmaking pool.

Choosing the “DLC” option tells our matchmaking system that you want to be matched with players who also have the new maps above all else. This means you are essentially forcing yourself to ONLY play with players who also have the new maps installed. This can potentially mean long waits if there are no open slots in existing matches or if the system cannot create a new match where all players have the new maps installed.

If you have a party of friends who all have the new maps, have the “Matchmaking” option selected to “DLC” and THEN a new friend joins your party without the new maps, the system will recognize this and only place your party in matches playing the original on-disk maps to ensure that your party does not have to break up.

Whatever setting you choose, we hope you’ll find “Drake’s Fortune Multiplayer Pack” worth your hard earned cash. Choose wisely and see you online!​

: /


I am not skilled enough to make it past
the blue guys in Shambhala
Seriously, I know you just have to beat one and get their
, but I just can't.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
cory said:
I am not skilled enough to make it past
the blue guys in Shambhala
Seriously, I know you just have to beat one and get their
, but I just can't.
Toss a couple of grenades at them and don't stand still for too long.
Killthee said:
DLC Information
So, if matchmaking takes too long, it kicks you out the DLC matchmaking and back into regular matchmaking? All I have to say is that all the people who play U2 online better find some way of paying for those new maps, cause if I'm going to, I'm going to want to play them as much as I can. Ain't no way I'm going to be waiting and waiting for the system to find people, and then be kicked to regular matchmaking, when I wanted to play those new maps that I bought. Luckily, I know two people who are buying them. I just hope a lot of other people do as well.


I would bang a hot farmer!
lastinline said:
So, if matchmaking takes too long, it kicks you out the DLC matchmaking and back into regular matchmaking? All I have to say is that all the people who play U2 online better find some way of paying for those new maps, cause if I'm going to, I'm going to want to play them as much as I can. Ain't no way I'm going to be waiting and waiting for the system to find people, and then be kicked to regular matchmaking, when I wanted to play those new maps that I bought. Luckily, I know two people who are buying them. I just hope a lot of other people do as well.
I think you can count on trophy-whores picking up the maps also.


bish gets all the credit :)
ahh, the joys of paid map packs. I only have to buy the new maps (not the bundle) to get the trophies, correct?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
arne said:
what's the sad face for?
Not a sad face, more like a meh face. I'm still getting the pack (been waiting far too long for this :D ), but I'm a little bit bummed that everyone in a party has to have purchased the pack to be able to enter the DLC servers. I was kinda hoping the game would only require the party leader to have purchased the pack for the entire party to be able to enter the dlc servers. That's unrealistic I know and I can't blame you guys for wanting to maximize sales, but I'm still a little bit bummed out by it.

I'm guessing DLC custom games also require everyone to own the pack right?

P.S. you forgot to link the new profile pics in your blog post.


alr1ghtstart said:
ahh, the joys of paid map packs. I only have to buy the new maps (not the bundle) to get the trophies, correct?

correct. maps only pack or bundle pack.

Skins only pack will NOT unlock Trophies.

Killthee said:
Not a sad face, more like a meh face. I'm still getting the pack (been waiting far too long for this :D ), but I'm a little bit bummed that everyone in a party has to have purchased the pack to be able to enter the DLC servers. I was kinda hoping the game would only require the party leader to have purchased the pack for the entire party to be able to enter the dlc servers. That's unrealistic I know and I can't blame you guys for wanting to maximize sales, but I'm still a little bit bummed out by it.

I'm guessing DLC custom games also require everyone to own the pack right?

P.S. you forgot to link the new profile pics in your blog post.

Put the link up to the pics, thanks.

Sorry you're bummed, wouldn't know what else anybody would expect. Can't really give a free ride with paid DLC, but at least we can make it as painless as possible to use matchmaking with and w/o the DLC content.
I for one think their map pack solution is well thought and as painless as possible for everyone, both people who have the map packs and people who don't.

Btw do we have any info on the european countries lock situation? Will the new DLC have that ridiculous lock too?


arne said:
we'll be posting about this before the dlc goes live. i've had it in the works for a while anyway, you got nothing to worry about.

Arne please ask the team to get those glitches fixed, basically they're out of level glitches and I think some of us have already reported them in the past, btw are the glitchers getting banned? Fort is the worst but we saw someone glitching in Sanctuary today.


Incredibly Naive
Yeah the fort is ridiculous with the glitches and with the lower health it's a playground for them.

By the way I noticed LER978 got banned... what was that for?


bish gets all the credit :)
msdstc said:
Yeah the fort is ridiculous with the glitches and with the lower health it's a playground for them.

By the way I noticed LER978 got banned... what was that for?

:lol :lol awesome. That guy was RAGING hard when we played him a while ago.


Incredibly Naive
alr1ghtstart said:
:lol :lol awesome. That guy was RAGING hard when we played him a while ago.

I have a few videos where he and his buddies kill me once and triple up on the taunting. From that point on my friend and I just wrecked them, they literally didn't kill us once. Every time we met up with them it was a riot. Most of them had those voice changers on and they sounded ridiculous, but they would talk so much trash. Should've recorded the audio:lol


Not as deep as he thinks
I think the way they implemented the whole DLC matchmaking was a great idea. The waiting times could suck, but at least there's an option to play with people who have the DLC. I hope people know about this though and pick it instead of regular matchmaking.

Can't wait for the maps for co-op arena. <3


Incredibly Naive
Kittonwy said:
It's always the most fun when we run into ragers.

Is it awful that I provoke them once they start?:lol As soon as somebody talks trash with that tone you know they'll be a rager. From that point on I focus a little extra on that particular player and always make sure to run by for a quick listen.


-viper- said:

Apologies to you,

I was like a bear with a sore arse last night :lol

Read the comment this morning and it was a bit, well, OTT.

Anyway back on topic............

The new damage sucks, paid dlc? pfft!!!!, new matchmaking sucks, grenades are pathetic................etc , etc :p

Will the new dlc be released with the Store update? :D


show some balls, man
I loved this game online before and after the update.

I'll admit that it took me a while to adjust and there was some frustration at the start with not being able to do as well as I did before the patch, I've actually ended up enjoying myself more because I have started playing each map differently.

Keep up the good work ND :)


The time is almost here to play as Eddy Raja!
I'm growing a little tired playing as Pinkerton so I'm really looking forward to this update.

The whole DLC only and matchmaking is a good way to not force apart the user base. The only hitch being the party scenario you mentioned, I can see why it's there however.

Has anyone got a list of the new characters coming by the way?
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