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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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So I am having a small dilemma here. With the DLC being region locked and me having bought the game from the UK while living in Spain, I have two choices;

-I could create a UK account and buy the DLC, but that would mean starting over from scratch (level 19 so no big deal)

- I could ignore the DLC and just play the old maps.

I am seriously considering the second option. I can't really justify creating an account for the sole purpose of getting the DLC of a game that someone absurdly decided should be region locked.

Are all GAFers getting the DLC? It would be a bummer not being able to play with you guys, especially since I just started joining your games last week...


Lord Griegous said:
So I am having a small dilemma here. With the DLC being region locked and me having bought the game from the UK while living in Spain, I have two choices;

-I could create a UK account and buy the DLC, but that would mean starting over from scratch (level 19 so no big deal)

- I could ignore the DLC and just play the old maps.

I am seriously considering the second option. I can't really justify creating an account for the sole purpose of getting the DLC of a game that someone absurdly decided should be region locked.

Are all GAFers getting the DLC? It would be a bummer not being able to play with you guys, especially since I just started joining your games last week...
Ehh there is a third option.
Create a UK account, buy the dlc, download and install, then switch to your real account.
Voila, you have the dlc on your real account. :)


CozMick said:
It doesn't work for Bioshock 2 skins so I would be careful.
It worked when I got fucked over by the Burnout Paradise DLC.

I bought the new island yet I had forgotten that my copy of Burnout came from Canada.
DLC incompatible. Luckily a Gaffer was willing to do a transaction exchange. He added money to my US account and I to his Euro account.
Bought the US dlc, switched to my real account as it was downloading and voila. DLC available on my main account.


arne said:
oh god really?

what smart ass comments? the ones where our player population hasn't decreased? that the games per player hasn't decreased either? that's not smart ass, that's true. i don't know what to say if you feel that doesn't fit with your perception of what's happened, that's just how it is.

we are listening and we're taking the feedback that's being discussed everywhere to heart. I don't know how you want to say that makes our post ungenuine. We can't discuss everything we're looking into right now, but I felt we couldn't say nothing, which is where this post came from. mostly because I and some of my colleagues kept trying to respond in different places and a good number of people, however small the subset that is, thought we weren't responding at all and just posted the update and went away and didn't bother to come back and read. which is wholly untrue.

if you don't think I don't read what's on here and other forums and I go over to our game designers or Evan and tell them about it and ask them to address certain things since the game has launched, you're dead wrong. the blog post we went up is a direct result of the fact that we sat down and talked about player reaction to the changes and since are *are* looking into it *because* of all the discussion, I felt we could mention that we were testing some stuff out to make further adjustments. it had nothing to do with the dlc and this would have gone down the same way (the blog post) even without dlc on the way.

I get it, you hate this update. Being the loudest, most persistent voice in the room doesn't make it true. neither do your blanket assumptions.

there is some truth in what you say, no matter how much we test anything, internally or even in a limited external capacity, you can never expect the gameplay strategies and workarounds a dedicated, sizable population of players. even our limited and "open" betas prior to release of the game didn't expose gameplay behaviors and workarounds that hinder enjoyment of the game overall.

this is true for any/most games, because the constant "testing" of thousands and thousands of players outnumbers the hours of testing you could ever do with a limited population and/or time period.

we do have more than several people playing in the public modes quite a bit to see how any of our changes reflect in real-world gameplay and we listen to their feedback as well. not to mention we have gameplay data that lets us know, to a certain degree, how games are being played and that also informs what we do.

grenades are a different matter and we have been tweaking them here or there since prior to release. what we have currently, as much as you dislike it, is the best compromise so given our gameplay and animation system, etc. we have not yet found a better solution to our liking in terms of our how grenades work -- that doesn't mean we "refuse to address it" it means there's nothing we feel is better so far. sorry.

you seem to really want to paint the picture that we're just running around with our hands over our eyes and ears trying to ignore anything when you couldn't farther from the truth. we don't think our MP game was or is perfect. it's solid and, as is obvious, we feel it needs tuning because it does. we've got something different and new on our hands and we'll support and progress it to make it better over time. that's just what we have to do.

we've been trying, i know i always mention these things when we're working on updates. we put in whatever fixes/solutions we can to prevent glitching.

The smartass comments I was referring to are the ones you preface nearly every post of yours with when quoting people that have criticism of the game such as "serious business" or “oh god really" like in the above post. Another person in this thread actually pointed it out before me, it is a poor way to try reduce the credibility of the poster you do not agree with, and you are just making you look immature and petty. I will admit however I am guilty of making some exagerations and using very emotive language but this is the internet and if your dont your opinions are ignored. I hope you read the rest of this post because I say some important things.

As for being the loudest voice in the room I do not post unless I actually have something important that I believe in to say, there are people on this site with five, ten and even twenty post counts everyday which is just ridiculous, I do not think I am even over one post a day.

Now a serious question I would really like to know: what gameplay elements does the Naughty Dog online team and yourself think defines what uncharted is all about?

People on GAF and other discussion boards would say that that it is the amazing traversal gameplay, epic moments and enjoyable gunplay that makes uncharted so special.

The fact is the last patch reduced those elements substantially and that is why so many people are not happy with the changes. Reduced health simply means people are less willing to take chances, more likely to camp and then these epic moments do not happen as much. If you look in this thread even people who said they enjoyed the changes at first are now saying the gameplay is simply not as fun and you know what they are correct.

If you are trying to make a tactical shooter like Rainbow Six Vegas or Call of Duty fair enough just admit and we will move on because currently thats what it feels like but it is not the uncharted online game that many of us came to love before the patch. While your attempting to balance the online which is a good thing it seems you guys have completely forgoten about these elements that make that the game fun before the patches. Crushing health punishes the player for taking chances and using the enviroment we are given thats bad gameplay design no matter how you look at it. The only thing most people want fixed is the grenades but from your responses it seems like you are trying to say that too hard of a fix which I frankly find shocking and unbelievable.

The problem with grenades is that there is no minimum timer, so a grenade thrown an extremely short distance by an enemy about to die blows up almost instantly because the timer triggers as soon as the grenade touches a surface. This unfairly gets the other player killed who really deserved to win that battle. It shouldn’t be hard to increase and set a minimum timer, it wouldn’t affect medium to long range grenade throws and you wouldnt have to touch the animations. Fixing this issue would make alot of people happy yet we get bizarre changes like 1 shot kills from snipers that are ridiculous, I would really like to know how anyone could consider that a good gameplay balance.

The last thing I have to say is about matchmaking and DLC implementation, in the current list you already have "ranked" and "all competitive modes" which are basically the exact same playlist except ranked tracks your skill level as a number.

Surely it would make more sense to merge these into one list I notice the ranked matchmaking takes substantially longer and sometimes doesn’t even find a game at all.

Now please correct me if I am wrong but with the DLC option there will now effectively be four playlist with the exact same mode, this is an extremely ineffective way to maximise both the player pool and speed of matchmaking.

I do not think anyone in this game actually plays for the rank number it would make more sense to have t on all or no playlists. It would probably help make the matchup’s alot fairer anyway, since the last patch my win ration is going north of 8.5 so I do not think your latest patch has done anything to make the game more accessible.

EDIT: One more thing to the people saying to remove DTI for everyone, that makes no sense its a bad idea to introduce randomness into the game and thats what the bullet spray without DTI seems like. Would make more sense to just give it to everyone, but 90%of people use it anyway, presonally I have never had an issue with this but please think through your ideas before you suggesting them. Call of Duty complainers are partly to blame for the mess with crushing health by saying people dont die quick enough online.
Danielsan said:
It worked when I got fucked over by the Burnout Paradise DLC.

I bought the new island yet I had forgotten that my copy of Burnout came from Canada.
DLC incompatible. Luckily a Gaffer was willing to do a transaction exchange. He added money to my US account and I to his Euro account.
Bought the US dlc, switched to my real account as it was downloading and voila. DLC available on my main account.

Well Danielsan, if you don't mind, I will wait for you to try it out and let me know how it went :D
Lord Griegous said:
So I am having a small dilemma here. With the DLC being region locked and me having bought the game from the UK while living in Spain, I have two choices;

So it's confirmed it's country locked? You know it's funny, SCEE thinks it's doing something smart here but all it managed to do is lose 5 Euros and ensure that I'll buy the next Uncharted from my country used just to spite them. Dirtbags.


web01 said:
The smartass comments I was referring to are the ones you preface nearly every post of yours with when quoting people that have criticism of the game such as "serious business" or “oh god really" like in the above post. Another person in this thread actually pointed it out before me, it is a poor way to try reduce the credibility of the poster you do not agree with, and you are just making you look immature and petty. I will admit however I am guilty of making some exagerations and using very emotive language but this is the internet and if your dont your opinions are ignored. I hope you read the rest of this post because I say some important things.

As for being the loudest voice in the room I do not post unless I actually have something important that I believe in to say, there are people on this site with five, ten and even twenty post counts everyday which is just ridiculous, I do not think I am even over one post a day.

Now a serious question I would really like to know: what gameplay elements does the Naughty Dog online team and yourself think defines what uncharted is all about?

People on GAF and other discussion boards would say that that it is the amazing traversal gameplay, epic moments and enjoyable gunplay that makes uncharted so special.

The fact is the last patch reduced those elements substantially and that is why so many people are not happy with the changes. Reduced health simply means people are less willing to take chances, more likely to camp and then these epic moments do not happen as much. If you look in this thread even people who said they enjoyed the changes at first are now saying the gameplay is simply not as fun and you know what they are correct.

If you are trying to make a tactical shooter like Rainbow Six Vegas or Call of Duty fair enough just admit and we will move on because currently thats what it feels like but it is not the uncharted online game that many of us came to love before the patch. While your attempting to balance the online which is a good thing it seems you guys have completely forgoten about these elements that make that the game fun before the patches. Crushing health punishes the player for taking chances and using the enviroment we are given thats bad gameplay design no matter how you look at it. The only thing most people want fixed is the grenades but from your responses it seems like you are trying to say that too hard of a fix which I frankly find shocking and unbelievable.

The problem with grenades is that there is no minimum timer, so a grenade thrown an extremely short distance by an enemy about to die blows up almost instantly because the timer triggers as soon as the grenade touches a surface. This unfairly gets the other player killed who really deserved to win that battle. It shouldn’t be hard to increase and set a minimum timer, it wouldn’t affect medium to long range grenade throws and you wouldnt have to touch the animations. Fixing this issue would make alot of people happy yet we get bizarre changes like 1 shot kills from snipers that are ridiculous, I would really like to know how anyone could consider that a good gameplay balance.

The last thing I have to say is about matchmaking and DLC implementation, in the current list you already have "ranked" and "all competitive modes" which are basically the exact same playlist except ranked tracks your skill level as a number.

Surely it would make more sense to merge these into one list I notice the ranked matchmaking takes substantially longer and sometimes doesn’t even find a game at all.

Now please correct me if I am wrong but with the DLC option there will now effectively be four playlist with the exact same mode, this is an extremely ineffective way to maximise both the player pool and speed of matchmaking.

I do not think anyone in this game actually plays for the rank number it would make more sense to have t on all or no playlists. It would probably help make the matchup’s alot fairer anyway, since the last patch my win ration is going north of 8.5 so I do not think your latest patch has done anything to make the game more accessible.

EDIT: One more thing to the people saying to remove DTI for everyone, that makes no sense its a bad idea to introduce randomness into the game and thats what the bullet spray without DTI seems like. Would make more sense to just give it to everyone, but 90%of people use it anyway, presonally I have never had an issue with this but please think through your ideas before you suggesting them. Call of Duty complainers are partly to blame for the mess with crushing health by saying people dont die quick enough online.

you were specifically talking about me taking a sarcastic tone on the blog post comments when I wasn't at all, especially in the way you are pointing out. that's what the "oh god really" was in response to as in "oh god really what I wrote is being taken as sarcastic?"

my responses such as that are indeed to bring people back to earth -- everybody wants to assume there's some massive conspiracy afoot to ruin "their game" or that there's some clearly unsaid ulterior motive to changes or adjustments or decisions we make. there's no ulterior motive -- our game designers want to make a fun game. i think a lot of people forget that and start taking everything way too serious and personal and I'm calling attention to when that happens. the tides have really changed on gaf if I can't poke a little fun while I'm at it. this is a nicer, gentler gaf that I didn't grow up on.

even in your own posts your hyperbole points to some kowtowing to "vocal idiots" and "cod fanboys" when we didn't do anything of the sort and you never bothered to ask and have ignored several mentions that is not our motivation for the changes. (besides, gaf is already making a bro game, so we're off the hook on that one.)

you also accuse us and me of misrepresenting poll results and ignore several repeated attempts to explain how we used them, how we did best faith attempts to reduce bias, how it wasn't an absolute vote for/against changes, how nobody can make assumptions as to why someone picked a particular response, and ignore the fact that we didn't even make the actual change the poll was asking about anyway.

let me quote myself in summation of this wall o' text
arne said:
i mean there's also a degree we need to have our game designers, you know, design the game too because that's their job and that's what they're (really) good at.

we *do* value our player population feedback and we *do* use incorporate that into our decisions. but, it shouldn't come as a surprise, we're not working on a community-designed game here.

our game designers are the keepers of what makes uncharted, uncharted, including MP. if they decide a direction they want to take and it's bought off on by everyone, that is what defines the uncharted experience. it's changed from UDF to U2. there's no reason the flexibility of MP will allow it to progress and be refined.

regarding the ranked and all objective playlists -- we're not going to be merging the two. if anything happens, the ranked playlist may go away entirely, but there's no plans for it. we have our reasons it's staying right now.

we're working on things to change it up for grenades a little, but i can say that your proposed solution is not something that can be implemented -- remember we played a lot w/ grenades in the betas. the way it is currently was the best option given the other different options we had.

i'd also prefer that you don't make assumptions about what I (or our game designers) think re: "and you know that they are correct" -- we're not one to shy away to make changes that make sense to progress the quality of our game even if they supersede decisions we made in the past. but we're also going to stand by our decisions when we feel they are correct based on "our" game design experience and expertise.


arne said:
regarding the ranked and all objective playlists -- we're not going to be merging the two. if anything happens, the ranked playlist may go away entirely, but there's no plans for it. we have our reasons it's staying right now.

I wish the Ranked list was strictly for solo players, no parties allowed. Impossible to balance teams based on skill ranks when parties are involved, unless you split them up. The Ranked list could be a nice escape from the bullshit teams solo players regularly run into on the other lists.

Why doesn't the game balance teams using experience ranks on the other lists, btw? Would be more enjoyable playing then, when not in a full party. I know experience doesn't equal skill, but the more experienced teams tend to win more often than not.
Just installed the Heavy Rain dynamic theme and now I can't stop thinking about how awesome it would be to have something similar but from Uncharted, like the streets in Urban Warfare, or the village... or the ice cave!

oh and I can't wait for todays DLC.


I love guessing the filenames for these before we get them out. :]


See you there tonight!

Wait a minute, NDI!
You let Skelzor drive your moving truck? :0



Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Multiplayer Pack up on French PSN through search, 4.99€ for the two maps and the six skins. 157 MB download :D


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I started reading arne's post, wondering why some random GAF'er was talking for him. The avatar change threw me off. :lol


arne said:
1) ...my responses such as that are indeed to bring people back to earth -- everybody wants to assume there's some massive conspiracy afoot to ruin "their game" or that there's some clearly unsaid ulterior motive to changes or adjustments or decisions we make. there's no ulterior motive -- our game designers want to make a fun game. i think a lot of people forget that and start taking everything way too serious and personal and I'm calling attention to when that happens....[/I]

2) ...our game designers are the keepers of what makes uncharted, uncharted, including MP. if they decide a direction they want to take and it's bought off on by everyone, that is what defines the uncharted experience. it's changed from UDF to U2. there's no reason the flexibility of MP will allow it to progress and be refined.

3) regarding the ranked and all objective playlists -- we're not going to be merging the two. if anything happens, the ranked playlist may go away entirely, but there's no plans for it. we have our reasons it's staying right now.

4) i'd also prefer that you don't make assumptions about what I (or our game designers) think re: "and you know that they are correct" -- we're not one to shy away to make changes that make sense to progress the quality of our game even if they supersede decisions we made in the past. but we're also going to stand by our decisions when we feel they are correct based on "our" game design experience and expertise.

1) and 2) These comments should be especially worring to anyone that plays this game online and intends to invest more time and money via DLC packs. I asked a simple question about what gameplay aspects Naughty Dog believes define the multiplayer yet you cannot give a proper answer.

The people that actual play the game can tell you what made it great and worth investing time and money into before the patch and that is the unique aspects such as the traversal gameplay, lack of camping and the epic moments that result from this.

Comment one suggests you want to make the game fun however your second response reads like your team doesnt care and will change it however they want regardless of how the community feels week to week and trend to trend as they define what makes uncharted.These two comments simply dont match up.

The inability of you to define what makes uncharted suggests the Naughty Dog team doesnt have a clear vision for how the online should play which would explain some of the absolutely bizare balance changes even with the crushing health sysytem.

The maps themselves are designed around traversal so those guys know what they were doing yet the gameplay since the patch doesnt fit in with the maps.

Which brings me back to the point I have been making all this time that the crushing health patch reduced these elements that made the game fun for alot of people.

3) Lets not get technical both playlists have the same modes merging them or removing one is the same thing really, two playlists become one.

4) You read that wrong I said and "you know what they are right" about people saying the multiplayer is not as fun since the patch that was balanced around crushing health.


WTF, in-game menu telling I don't have the map pack and offering me to go to the PS store, I say no, and then I have the DLC matchmaking option :lol

hope nothing's screwed


crispyben said:
WTF, in-game menu telling I don't have the map pack and offering me to go to the PS store, I say no, and then I have the DLC matchmaking option :lol

hope nothing's screwed
Do you have a French copy?


Danielsan said:
Do you have a French copy?
Yeah, I can see the characters just fine, but using the DLC MM put me in The Village... Restarting now.

EDIT: same thing, getting the prompt to buy the maps though I bought and installed them, serial number match on DLC and BD... Is there a switch waiting to be flipped on ND's side for the maps? Because the new skins are there already.


crispyben said:
Ding ding ding! There they are :D No DLC MM though.
I imagine there are simply not enough players with the map pack installed as of this moment.
I'm going to do a quick single person run through anyway. Get a general sense of the layout. :D


Danielsan said:
I imagine there are simply not enough players with the map pack installed as of this moment.
I'm going to do a quick single person run through anyway. Get a general sense of the layout. :D
Facility looks awesome, pretty big too :D Moving parts are nice too.


ChackanKun said:
Is the MP pack confirmed to be region blocked?
As far as I know, yes.
All UC2 content has been region blocked thus far.
Check the DLC information to see which region code the DLC has. Then confirm it by checking the code on the spine of your game.

crispyben said:
OMG thunder, rain and lightning in Flooded Ruins :D
Danielsan said:
As far as I know, yes.
All UC2 content has been region blocked thus far.
Check the DLC information to see which region code the DLC has. Then confirm it by checking the code on the spine of your game.


The Eye of Indra skin pack didn't say anything about region code, but it still was region locked.


Damned Euros, I envy your time difference! :]

web01, what are you hoping for here, exactly? arne's been pretty clear (not to mention patient in continuing to address you), but I don't think you can be satisfied short of NDI rolling back to 1.04 with a big, fat apology.

Your suggestion that the design team doesn't know what makes Uncharted, Uncharted, is ludicrous. They've delivered a game of the highest quality, but suddenly they don't know what they're doing at all? How quickly that equity goes away.

Once again, this is not design by committee, but they're not ignoring player feedback either.

Can we understand two things here?

1. NDI is continually evaluating and re-balancing the game.
This isn't as simple as you and many others make it out to be. Consider that the sheer number of players out there will often behave in different and unexpected ways that whatever amount of play testing you may conduct won't show. There are also technical issues at play, here.

2. NDI is aware of the cheating, and making attempts to fix it.
This one's mostly technical complexity in finding a permanent fix, from what we've heard. Cleary, they're attempting different solutions, such as players being 'suicided' when they're behind geometry. We're not there yet, and it sucks, but please, let's stop drama-ing this subject into the developers not caring.


Took me almost 20 hours of playing in 1.05 before the game started feeling "fun" again. I still regret the change because of how many of my friends quit playing, but I'm accustomed to the changes and actually doing pretty well again. Had my first 20+ kill match in a public DM since the patch, and I don't camp or play long-range.

I will admit that one of the things that helped is using DTI\Keep Firing. I still avoid the FAL so I do feel at a disadvantage there, but 1.05. makes DTI pretty integral, at least for me to let me play my medium range AK / M4 game. The biggest turning point for me is all the steel-fist kills I got yesterday with my AK.

I don't think the game is better than it was, but I am also still enjoying what is there.

See you guys tonight on the new maps!


Bug? When I click on "Trophies", the error message says "Your party has too many members for the selected playlist" while we're just two in it...


crispyben said:
Bug? When I click on "Trophies", the error message says "Your party has too many members for the selected playlist" while we're just two in it...

Not a bug, the same happens if you try to enter cinema mode while in a party.
Hey guys,

Brand new to UC2 multiplayer (TorgoTheWhite666 on PSN). Anyway, can someone explain the deal with the MP trophies? I know it says "multiplayer pack" required, but I checked the PlayStation Store and didn't see anything labeled "multiplayer pack" under add-ons. There was one dload for $4.99 (I forget what it was called), but is that the one?



Here is what my friends list looked like last night.
Too perfect, it's everyone who was online, too!

Keep in mind 9 out 10 of my PSN friends is from here, for U2. :]


Let's see what that looks like tonight, you deserters!
(I was part of the problem too, hah ;_;)


Just a few thoughts:

web01: Get over yourself and the silly middle school drama. Arne doesn't have to kiss anyones ass, especially if their brash comments are largely untrue. He can say what he wants, and honestly, he hasn't done anything wrong. Get over YOURSELF. You are the problem, not him.

viper: Is every game a CoD clone to you?

Everyone else: ND obviously did what the MAJORITY of the community wanted. You absolutely have to respect that they want to keep as many players as possible, and if the majority wants something, they have to cater to THEM, not the vocal minority. It's a business before anything else.


I didn't have to go into work today (snow storm) so now I really hope the maps go up early.

Gyrian said:
Here is what my friends list looked like last night.
Too perfect, it's everyone who was online, too!

Keep in mind 9 out 10 of my PSN friends is from here, for U2. :]


Let's see what that looks like tonight, you deserters!
(I was part of the problem too, hah ;_;)
You should've scrolled down and had me in the screen shot, because I am a narcissist and you should respect that!


MrPliskin said:
Everyone else: ND obviously did what the MAJORITY of the community wanted. You absolutely have to respect that they want to keep as many players as possible, and if the majority wants something, they have to cater to THEM, not the vocal minority. It's a business before anything else.
That's not necessarily true. Arne has mentioned a few times that the number of daily players and the number of games per player hasn't changed since the patch. Anecdotally, most of the GAF U2 doesn't play much anymore (and most of my non-GAF friends who used to play a lot don't anymore either) so it's very possible that a large part of the community quit the game because of the patch, but another, new group joined because of the patch. The issue then becomes: "Is it worth it to alienate veteran players to cater to new players?" That's ultimately up to Naughty Dog to decide.
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