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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Kittonwy said:
GG folks (qlaarqueh, m3, treble, tse88, yeef, poly, vsrobot), the highrise map is fucking awesome for pistols.

Ya, it was fun, even though I only played one game with you guys. I will be online much more often. I've been letting U2 sit for far too long.
OMFG! After playing a crap load of matches since Patch 1.07... I was just in a match with a glitcher. :( Naughty Dog, seriously, patch a system into the game where if you go outside the map limits you die instantly. This person was a level X. He wasn't glitching at the beginning of the match at all. He was using cover to hide from gunfire, and then he just rolled into the wall of The Facility. I saw it with my own eyes. I sighed. Of course, he kept killing me from outside the map. :/

On a good note, I got Kneel Before Z... today. :D


Not as deep as he thinks
Thanks to the triple cash weekend (or double?) I managed to level up from 56 (I was half-way) to 57. Man, it takes a lot of money to level up.

You guys should do more triple cash/double cash weekend events. I think it encourages people to play more. I had the most fun ever these past days with the game and had no trouble finding full games with people that had the DLC. Also, I don't know how well the DLC is selling, but wouldn't it be a nice thing to have like a in-game Store in one of the online menus so that people who don't read the announcements at the start can be like, "Oh, I can buy additional maps/skins?"


Not as deep as he thinks
alr1ghtstart said:
permanent double cash please. ;D
For real. They really should increase the cash limit per match. It takes a long time to level up. :(

Melfice7 said:
playing what modes?
Although this question isn't directed to me, I've found myself capping the cash limit on Plunder matches. Once you get the Invalid booster, you get a shitload of cash.
Melfice7 said:
playing what modes?

DeathMatch and Plunder. Sometimes in plunder the limit can be reached when theres still like 13 or so minutes left on the clock because virtually no one is really that concerned over getting the treasure. I usually try to be the first one to touch it since there is the medal for that, lol.

With both boosters, 10 kills brings up to 140,000, if I remember correctly.
VsRobot said:
Maybe that's what you meant, but it is not what you said. Don't apologize that I was offended -- that means nothing, is patronizing and really isn't an apology. It's what you say when you really aren't sorry but are being forced to say something because you got called out. You should have apologized for what you said. Which you still haven't done, btw.

I didn't "misunderstand". Maybe you can accuse me of being too literal, but don't say you genuinely apologized when that is a flat out lie. How hard is it to actually say you're sorry for what you did? Man up and take some fucking personal responsibility.

I'm ready to move on, but I would like to see you stop pretending that "I'm sorry you were offended" is an acceptable response. That's almost more offensive than your original statement.

LOL. Or it's what you say when you don't realize someone is going to be an apology nazi. When I apologized, I meant I'm sorry for what I said. Adding in the rest was just an innocent attachment to my apology, yeesh.

I don't even rememebr what your reaction to my comment was. As far as I remember, you only lashed out because of my apology.

Edit: For cripe's sake let's just fucking move on. I don't even care about what I said. Uncharted PLEASE!

Edit2:Sorry for going against my word but... "Man up"? Wha? I don't even recall myself taking such a strong stance on my topic and defending it with folks until you AFTER I had apologized haha. No worries, I'm done with the topic. It does seem like I struck a chord which I can see why you've become so offended and scrutinized my comments. I've given my excuse/reason why said what I said (lack of sleep) and have already stated that they are meaningless and should be ignored.
MoonsaultSlayer said:
LOL. Or it's what you say when you don't realize someone is going to be an apology nazi. When I apologized, I meant I'm sorry for what I said. Adding in the rest was just an innocent attachment to my apology, yeesh.

I don't even rememebr what your reaction to my comment was. As far as I remember, you only lashed out because of my apology.

Edit: For cripe's sake let's just fucking move on. I don't even care about what I said. Uncharted PLEASE!

Edit2:Sorry for going against my word but... "Man up"? Wha? I don't even recall myself taking such a strong stance on my topic and defending it with folks until you AFTER I had apologized haha. No worries, I'm done with the topic. It does seem like I struck a chord which I can see why you've become so offended and scrutinized my comments. I've given my excuse/reason why said what I said (lack of sleep) and have already stated that they are meaningless and should be ignored.
dont mind vsrobot he can be a bit of a dick.
I think You Run, I’ll Shoot has to be the hardest trophy so far. I have only one Protectorate medal, and that's from lord knows when. So far in Plunder today I wasn't able to get the medal. It's like the other team always kills me when I'm shooting the person on their team that has the treasure, but I'm never around when they are shooting my teammate who has the treasure. It doesn't help also that people on my team who don't have treasure bearer just throw the treasure, which makes this trophy even more impossible. It might be the only trophy I won't be able to get, and it will bug me like crazy. I'm thinking You Can’t Break Me will be challenging, but doable... hopefully.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
LOL. Or it's what you say when you don't realize someone is going to be an apology nazi...

It does seem like I struck a chord which I can see why you've become so offended and scrutinized my comments.
So now I'm a Nazi and you "struck a chord"? You struck no chord. Your accusations that I and everyone else who posts here are cheats who have no lives were baseless and laughable. Your fake apology was transparent, offensive, and was an obvious ploy to shift responsibility away from yourself and onto those of us you pissed off. I asked you for a real apology and you called me even more names. I'm not reading another post from you--calling me a Nazi is so far over the line that I wouldn't accept your apology now no matter how sincerely it was presented.


Wow at that rocket in elimination today. SMH.

Took out four enemies to clear out the treasure room to allow my team to score when it was 4-4. Only bright spot on an otherwise dismal evening.


I've played 1119 Plunder matches, won 1016 of them and killed 18201 opponents, yet I only have three Protectorate medals. And I always go for the treasure or protect its bearer. :/

I wonder if ND added this medal before they decided it would be fun if you could throw the treasure.
Wowbagger said:
I've played 1119 Plunder matches, won 1016 of them and killed 18201 opponents, yet I only have three Protectorate medals. And I always go for the treasure or protect its bearer. :/

I wonder if ND added this medal before they decided it would be fun if you could throw the treasure.

You played that many games after the DLC was released?


Kittonwy said:
Even despite the last couple of games we had some awesome fucking games guyz.

Agreed. :]

Too bad we checked out after that second match, we were coming back near the end.
I'm confident we would've won one more against that same team.


Wowbagger said:
The Protectorate medal existed before the release of the DLC.
Actually, it's only existed since 1.05. I really think there should've been a medal for getting kills while carrying the treasure and THAT one should've been the trophy. As it stands now I've only got one medal toward the trophy and I think like 2 or 3 overall.


Yeef said:
Actually, it's only existed since 1.05. I really think there should've been a medal for getting kills while carrying the treasure and THAT one should've been the trophy. As it stands now I've only got one medal toward the trophy and I think like 2 or 3 overall.

Ah, ok. So, instead of 185 hours, it took me just around 60 to get three. That's not so bad, lol.

I like your idea.


I had a good laugh last night at the opponents who were trash-talking about beating us in a Deathmatch round, neglecting to realize that they had one extra teammate. "We're like the A-Team!" I guess idiots flock to every popular online multiplayer game.


I'm going through my protected cinema files to see if I still want to keep them and one of them was a melee only plunder match we did on Fort. Me, Broken, Vs and Viperman on one team. Joe, CHRP, Kitton and Fizarf on the other. Game was only to three, and they scored two in the first 3 minutes or so. Then for about 6 or 7 minutes no one scored. We managed to score two more and get the third near our treasure chest. I decide to flank around the back and get a double pull down and score the treasure.

Greatest comeback of all time.

I also love how the new medals still show up for older cinema files.


Dedication Through Light said:
What strategy is there to get that medal for 50 Assists? (Gift Giver), when I do plunder for it, I seem to only can manage in the 5-10 range of assists, lol.
That's a co-op medal.


Dedication Through Light said:
What strategy is there to get that medal for 50 Assists? (Gift Giver), when I do plunder for it, I seem to only can manage in the 5-10 range of assists, lol.

5 assists per game = 1 medal = 50 matches for the Trophy.

That's how I got it :p

It's pure randommness tbh, because you can't force an assist, well not easily anyway.

EDIT :: I thought you meant the DLC trophy. oops!


thuway said:
Arne my Uncharted 2 won't stop Synching, and it will error out after 5 minutes.

It says error snyching models. ???

Delete all of your game data (not your SAVES) and re-download everything. :D
VsRobot said:
So now I'm a Nazi and you "struck a chord"? You struck no chord. Your accusations that I and everyone else who posts here are cheats who have no lives were baseless and laughable. Your fake apology was transparent, offensive, and was an obvious ploy to shift responsibility away from yourself and onto those of us you pissed off. I asked you for a real apology and you called me even more names. I'm not reading another post from you--calling me a Nazi is so far over the line that I wouldn't accept your apology now no matter how sincerely it was presented.

I don't know if there's an age or language barrier or something but what I said was not directed to anyone personally and was even dismissed in the very post I brought it up in. So of course it was baseless and laughable. I have no stance on the issue I brought up and have admitted that it was a stupid thing to say as I'd even lump myself into that category had I the time.

If my comment generated hate, I didn't know because whatever I had said was forgotten and ignored so I apologized. Maybe you're not familiar with the light-hearted use of the term Nazi when used to describe someone who scrutinizes the fine details. A grammar nazi, for example, is someone who nitpicks every little typo and demands it be corrected. (Fuck, I never thought I'd ever have to explain this concept hahahaha). So calling you an apology-nazi is saying you're someone who is implying my apology means something other than what I mean. I have no agenda. When I say "Sorry for offending anyone", that's me simply saying sorry for what I said. Quit fucking looking into it... it makes you look like a jackass. I'm not shifting responsibilty away from myself.

I don't care about what I said. I don't even know you nor do I know your record. I wasn't pinpointing anyone other than simply implying that I didn't like seeing people at such high ranks cheating. My words wewre filled with rage, sure... but it wasn't directed at you.
speaking of language barrier is it wrong that I've changed the language of my uncharted to French instead of reading a book on learning the language? I've got a class next semester in French and I figure uncharted really is the best way to elarn


bish gets all the credit :)
So beating the co-op objective scenarios on Crushing does not count towards the "I told you I was hardcore!" trophy (beat them on hard). Yeah, that makes sense.


Just purchased the DLC only to get a not enough room on the HDD message. Rubbish. So I've ordered a 500gb. Haven't really played U2 much online so when the upgrade arrives I'll go at it. Hard.

Of course this depends on me not screwing up the HDD exchange. :|


Im in the same boat I need to get back on this game again mp was so much fun.All of my friends moved on though sucks.I will be on it when I switch out my hd too.


Yopis said:
Im in the same boat I need to get back on this game again mp was so much fun.All of my friends moved on though sucks.I will be on it when I switch out my hd too.

Wooo, hi-five dude!

When I've done it I'll pm/PSN you and we can venture on... together.

Cue romantic music.
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