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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I'm done using negative boosters. I was done when I hit 60. And now there's a level cap increase? Just for 2 MORE villain skins? Call me when there are more boosters/hero skins. Anyone with a life is never going to get much past 60 let alone 80 imo.


bish gets all the credit :)
Well, could you put a multiplier on the time it takes to captures the 5 treasures? Finish in <5 minutes 3x multiplier, finish in <10 minutes 2x multiplier, finish in <15 minutes 1.5x multiplier. Similar to how it is in co-op gold rush. Those farming for money would have a reason to want to finish quickly.


alr1ghtstart said:
Well, could you put a multiplier on the time it takes to captures the 5 treasures? Finish in <5 minutes 3x multiplier, finish in <10 minutes 2x multiplier, finish in <15 minutes 1.5x multiplier. Similar to how it is in co-op gold rush. Those farming for money would have a reason to want to finish quickly.

That's exactly BleachEX's suggestion. Unfortunately we can't do that either.

Nor can we turn off cash for kills in an individual playlist or gametype. And I think we can't change the medal values for a specific playlist or gametype either.

My suggestion was to turn off all cash rewards except for capping the treasure and only having the medal for capping the treasure active -- and bumping that up to $10k per cap. I think that probably would have been the one that encouraged playing Plunder as it's meant to be the most, but that wasn't possible. Obviously this was before the Plunder related medals and Trophies were added.

I mentioned this over on our ND forums -- I think we've got something that may work and it sounds possible to implement on the technical side on paper. We'll have someone look at if we can do it in practice.

EDIT: you beat me to my idea below. you left out the ???


bish gets all the credit :)
Turn off all boosters in Plunder.
Make treasure captures worth 10k each.

edit: I see cap is raised to 75k


Stone Cold Steve Austin



I'm level 59.5.


I don't even get one fucking day as a max-level player. I'll never hit the new cap. I'm kind of bummed.

Not as pissed as some, just kind of bummed.


Damn, I wasn't sure I was reading it right when the post said the level cap was increased and new skins were added. I know there's probably a fair number of people who have hit 60, but christ, getting to 80 just sounds like an impossible task, even if I played at the rate I did earlier into the game's life.

Oh well, that and the World Cup skins sound pretty neat!

BTW, I guess I never noticed it during the first game, but does the second skin look like Randy Coture from the UFC to anyone else?? Looks pretty similar right now to the character he's playing in The Expendables later this summer. :lol


I'm enjoying sniper elim a lot more than I expected to. I've gotten some awesome kills including a fantastic bbq that I didn't think would actually work.


Neo Member
Yeef said:
Shout out to trekgeek and Vulcan Villain who recognized me and CHRP and have been waiting to get approved.

Thanks man...you guys are tough to beat (but I knew that going in). Hopefully trekgeek will get approved sometime this year. :lol


VulcanVillain said:
Thanks man...you guys are tough to beat (but I knew that going in). :lol

Ha, just be glad you didn't have to face the mighty BrokenOath. (You would have been too busy laughing at how horrible I am to actually get any kills. That's how it usually works anyway. :p )


Not as deep as he thinks
Jaroof said:
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Syncing LiveData ...
That shit took me like fucking TWENTY FIVE MINUTES! omg. It took soooooooooo loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.

The new World Cup skins are awesome though. I have a question: Do the new World Cup skins have no voice? Out of the two matches where I selected a World Cup Drake skin, he didn't have any voice. No grunts, talk, etc.


Neo Member
Irish said:
Ha, just be glad you didn't have to face the mighty BrokenOath. (You would have been too busy laughing at how horrible I am to actually get any kills. That's how it usually works anyway. :p )

A little birdie told me I only need to fear you when you're on my team. Something about grenades...



Rewrite said:
That shit took me like fucking TWENTY FIVE MINUTES! omg. It took soooooooooo loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.

The new World Cup skins are awesome though. I have a question: Do the new World Cup skins have no voice? Out of the two matches where I selected a World Cup Drake skin, he didn't have any voice. No grunts, talk, etc.

No voices. Apparently, voices would require an actual patch which would require certification which means that they wouldn't be out while the World Cup was going on. No voices means they could just push an update through their LiveData system.


Also, kudos to ND for continuing to support the game. While I may not agree with every decision, the fact that they are at least trying to make the game better says something. Even their poorer decisions weren't done maliciously, no matter how much it might seem like that in the moment. :D


VsRobot said:
Also, kudos to ND for continuing to support the game. While I may not agree with every decision, the fact that they are at least trying to make the game better says something. Even their poorer decisions weren't done maliciously, no matter how much it might seem like that in the moment. :D

I'm not so sure. I mean, I really do thank them for all of the post-release content, but they really should have left the core gameplay alone. They meddled with perfection and muddied it in the process.

I wouldn't be surprised if I literally put 72 hours straight into one of the LAB weekends if they were to bring back classic U2 MP.
World Cup shirts, and no Denmark!? For shame Arne, for shame :(
you still me owe an autograph!! :p

Also, Im very glad about the level increase. I suggested it some time ago, and its good wasnt only me who wanted it. :)

Will have to wait till my buddy returns me my copy though.


Not as deep as he thinks
VsRobot said:
No voices. Apparently, voices would require an actual patch which would require certification which means that they wouldn't be out while the World Cup was going on. No voices means they could just push an update through their LiveData system.
Thanks for the info!

By the way, I'm kind of depressed to hear that there aren't many solutions for Plunder matches. It's my favorite mode, but it really pisses me off. I played about seven matches tonight and I swear, out of those seven matches, I was the only one on my team that bothered to even go for the treasure. This is just irritating seeing the rest of your team mates fucking camp the whole round treating the mode like Deathmatch. Even when I brought the god damn treasure in our base within fucking reach of the treasure box, NONE of those assholes bothered to put it inside the treasure box.

This is so frustrating.

I hope that you guys can work something out to get people to want to score and pick up the treasure. People are only caring about killing a shitload of people for the whole match rather than trying to help out. If a solution isn't possible, then please start taking some notes so that Plunder can be awesome again if there's ever a multiplayer mode in the next Uncharted. You guys have gotten a shitload of feedback and I'm sure it's something you guys will take into consideration when making a next Uncharted multiplayer game.


jett said:
I'm at level 54 and frankly I don't give a shit about leveling up, using negboosters impairs my enjoyment of the game. Half-loaded and Invalid make me change how I play too much for my liking. I've gotten used to the boosters I use too, I guess(rapid hands and sure foot).

This. At the end of the day I want to win and negative boosters just mean I get shot down faster and the longer I stay alive the more likely my team will get the dubya.


Anyone else missing some of their MP characters like Tenzin? I'm not sure if its because I moved my save data from one PS3 to another, or if its just got something to do with all the world cup skins.


I left in between Plunder matches to take a quick leak--but when I came back we were playing deathmatch. I was not prepared. :D

I use CGS in Plunder, and since I'm always near the treasure it doesn't really hurt me. I hate using it in DM though.

Other than that, awesome games tonight. Almost all W's, even against those laggy shit-talkers.



So I played about 6 or so games today, and man I am really rusty. Well that, and I moved the PS3 to a different TV for the summer. I encountered a little lag in one of my games where I died a little too fast by a pistol on Fort, but other than that it was pretty smooth. The level icon next to names after you hit 50 was a little weird at first, not sure how I feel about it.

Other than that, everything else feels the same. Some weapon rate of fire (FAL) might have been tweaked, but it's pretty hard to say since I haven't played in 6 weeks.

Oh, and you guys need to get on during the day on weekends, I can't play late nights anymore...


VsRobot said:
I left in between Plunder matches to take a quick leak--but when I came back we were playing deathmatch. I was not prepared. :D

I use CGS in Plunder, and since I'm always near the treasure it doesn't really hurt me. I hate using it in DM though.

Other than that, awesome games tonight. Almost all W's, even against those laggy shit-talkers.

One should always be prepared.


Not as deep as he thinks
Yo arne, one of my friends who has never played multiplayer before had problems connecting online. He kept getting error messages every single time like "error loading characters" and stuff like that. Did we schedule to play on the wrong day or something? We tried to play on Saturday, but he had no luck connecting.


crispyben said:
New firmware allowing to upload pics to Picasa straight from the PS3, like this one, maybe?

Been so long since I played, I only used the latest DLC once :(

Yeah, sorry for the lack of info in my post.

I was just excited that I can upload pics via PSN instead of pissing about with usb sticks n shit. :lol
After having one of the worst matches since the downgraded health , I've concluded that this game NEEDS a join session option. The match started, other team gets a few kills someone on my team leaves. No biggie. The match drags on two more drop. Now it's just me and some random. The entire match in a nutshell, not fun.

I would like to think the randoms on my team just got disconnected, but I seriously doubt it. Didn't help that more than half of the other team had SA equipped(as well as a rocket man douche bag.) Probably was what made my team drop. :mad: Is it even possible to add join session in Uncharted 2 at this point in time?


Not as deep as he thinks
Somnium986 said:
After having one of the worst matches since the downgraded health , I've concluded that this game NEEDS a join session option. The match started, other team gets a few kills someone on my team leaves. No biggie. The match drags on two more drop. Now it's just me and some random. The entire match in a nutshell, not fun.

I would like to think the randoms on my team just got disconnected, but I seriously doubt it. Didn't help that more than half of the other team had SA equipped(as well as a rocket man douche bag.) Probably was what made my team drop. :mad: Is it even possible to add join session in Uncharted 2 at this point in time?
Agreed with your point. I absolutely....HATE it when that happens. It's not fun when people rage quit or quit in the beginning of the match and you're left with a crippled team. The matches aren't fun when you're outnumbered.

And another problem: I thought that the idle players were fixed? Two days ago, I was playing co-op and I kept picking up the same idle player in EVERY match. I thought that idle players would get kicked after an idle occurrence, but apparently no. I even added that guy to my block list and I still kept picking that same idle player for like three other matches. And what makes things worse is that when someone quits in a co-op match (either they rage quit or from my experience that stupid idle player), the MATCH ENDS.

WHY!? Let me and my other team mate continue the match. :|
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