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Uncharted 2 is by far the pinnacle of the Uncharted Series


Gold Member
Agreed, U2 is definitely my favorite. Although they’re all pretty decent, maybe with the exception of 4 which fell pretty flat for me compared to the rest.


Uncharted 2 is the pinnacle of cinematic gaming.
They really figured out how to make you feel like you are playing an action movie with a combination of good pacing, location variety and setpiece moments which are scripted but still require enough player input that you feel like you are an active part of them (something most other cinematic games get wrong).

Sadly we are now in the "muh serious story" era of ND where we can't get games like this anymore because Druckman needs to pretend he is a movie director.

Nah. 4 is way better. Like in another league.
I still love the trilogy for a different reason but 4 elevated the story, characters and gameplay.
I replay the trilogy every few years and 4 every year.

2 is just shooting corridor after shooting corridor. 4 got way more variety and better action.
But 2 and 3 still go this energy. It's less serious

4 is boring as fuck.
Better gunplay means nothing if they massively reduce the number of encounters. The setpieces are crap too aside from the cool jeep sequence. They put some bigger areas in there with literally nothing to do in them (well aside from finding shiny dots on the ground which give you useless collectibles) and it's full of boring modern day "cinematic" moments where you play through barely interactive sequences that focus on story

IMO it's the least replayable ND game by a long shot while Uncharted 2-3 are still fun to go back to from time to time.
Like the first 2 and half hours of U4 are 90% walking and talking, cutscenes, and braindead platforming. At some point you realize you've been playing this third person shooter for 3 hours and spent maybe 15 minutes of that actually shooting. And that's the pacing for the whole game.

Are uncharted 2-3 maybe a bit too much of a shooting gallery? sure. Does it get annoying how they start adding bullet sponge enemies as the only way to increase the challenge? sure.
But if the alternative is cutting two third of the shooting and replacing them with cutscnes, walking and talking, boring platforming that involves zero skill or timing and crate "puzzles" that I'm pretty sure my 5 years old nephew could solve then I'd rather go back to the shooting gallery.
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By far the best

4 is better on paper: better combat, more open spaces, more gameplay variety, better AI and etc. But pacing sucks, so you'll have 2 minutes of actual combat and then 2h of walk and talk.

2's pacing is perfection. The game tone is also much more fun than 4.

Its the formula perfected


I wish there was a PC port of this. Game was great, including the multiplayer.
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All thanks to this person.
After she was fired, everything went downhill.

i'm not going to criticize Amy. but she was not responsible for Naughty Dog's best critically received games tlou1 and 2. and she was the lead on uncharted 3 which was terrible. i think you're doing a bit of a revisionist history here.
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i'm not going to criticize Amy. but she was not responsible for Naughty Dog's best critically received games tlou1 and 2. and she was the lead on uncharted 3 which was terrible. i think you're doing a bit of a revisionist history here.
U3 is not terrible by any means. And TLOU is a prety different game, and have nothing to do in this discussion.
Uncharted clearly changed when she was forced to leave. You can agree or not on whether that was for the best.


U3 is not terrible by any means. And TLOU is a prety different game, and have nothing to do in this discussion.
Uncharted clearly changed when she was forced to leave. You can agree or not on whether that was for the best.
i think if the poster wants to say the series went downhill after she left, they'd have to explain why the game that she directed and was the only credited writer on, was not as good as uncharted 2 - a game that she was not the lead on, and where there were other writers. i mean i think uncharted 3's story is nonsensical compared to 4, but the gameplay is not terrible. that's not what i meant. it had some great setpieces too.


Its my favorite, yeah. After that I'd go with 4 or 1, but 3 is definitely my least favorite.
4 was the first good Uncharted game, and the best one. Lost Legacy was good too, but the original trilogy is mid at best. 2 is a low tier Uncharted game, better gameplay than 1 but the story and environments in 1 were much better.

4 >>> LL >>> 3 > 1 = 2


Two is also the most special to me. Though not sure if it's because it was the first in the series that really nailed that movie character experience, or like OP says and it's due to the pacing. Might take someone who plays 3 or 4 first and then 2 to answer that.


Yep. That game was pretty much the reason I started favoring my PS3 over my 360. I was completely blown away by that game at that time. I totally started looking at my 360 differently after that lol(along with KZ2 also).


Idk it was Uncharted 3 to me, I preferred the story and settings more, I remember the end of Uncharted 2 not being as satisfying. Both are great games. (Also I live that 3 is clearly The Last Crusade).
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Uncharted 2 isn't just the best Uncharted game it is the best Naughty Dog game by far and one of the greatest and influential games of all time.

All I want is a remake of this. Remake this and I will play it so much.
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Yeah this really blew me away at the time.. After playing the first game, this was a whole different world I felt like in terms of a step up. I'll never forget the building setpiece, too. Felt so awesome to have that building start to collapse, really neat emulation of that.


Can’t Git Gud
Sorry but "critically received" means nothing these days. It's all paid reviewers left and right.
And please, TLOU2 was one of the worst AAA games of the gen, scores won't hide that.

And at her worst she managed to make a more interesting story than Neil Cuckmann with 4.

4 has the worst story by far, even Nathan Drake became boring in that one.
Not to mention the forced "hey let's make their only child a girl because if someone continues this dead franchise they'll be forced to make a strong and independent lesbian as the protagonist"
it's like we played a completely different game


uc1 is very harsh to come back to.
if it came out today, they would close the studio, it wouldn't sell a single copy and ND would be no more :p
I love it's vibe though. I have some nostalgia for it
Tbf, when uncharted debuted, people were amazed at the animations..graphically it was very much state of the art for consoles, it looked fabulous. If it came out today, it would look pretty incredible I would imagine. You could really work the ps5 hard.
It was a great game indeed. Sheesh it's already been 14 years since it came out!

I remember my brother coming back with a copy he bought fromthe local video rental store. Man, where is the time going
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Aces High

Uncharted 2 was the game that made a PlayStation fan.

I was a 100% PC gamer when it came out and I borrowed my brother's PS3 to play it.

Man was I blown away by those graphics!

Amazing game. Perfect pacing. Drake killed so many people in this game. It was fantastic.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
4 is boring as fuck.
Better gunplay means nothing if they massively reduce the number of encounters. The setpieces are crap too aside from the cool jeep sequence. They put some bigger areas in there with literally nothing to do in them (well aside from finding shiny dots on the ground which give you useless collectibles) and it's full of boring modern day "cinematic" moments where you play through barely interactive sequences that focus on story

IMO it's the least replayable ND game by a long shot while Uncharted 2-3 are still fun to go back to from time to time.
Like the first 2 and half hours of U4 are 90% walking and talking, cutscenes, and braindead platforming. At some point you realize you've been playing this third person shooter for 3 hours and spent maybe 15 minutes of that actually shooting. And that's the pacing for the whole game.

Are uncharted 2-3 maybe a bit too much of a shooting gallery? sure. Does it get annoying how they start adding bullet sponge enemies as the only way to increase the challenge? sure.
But if the alternative is cutting two third of the shooting and replacing them with cutscnes, walking and talking, boring platforming that involves zero skill or timing and crate "puzzles" that I'm pretty sure my 5 years old nephew could solve then I'd rather go back to the shooting gallery.

I completely agree with all of this. UC4 is when Druckman started wanting to go into a more serious tone with a lot more walk and talk sections and less combat due to "complaints" about Nathan being a murderer, and the series suffered for it.

It's still a good game but I haven't replayed it at all because the pacing is shit and the combat is too short
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Didn’t play 4 yet, but agree with OP that UC2 is the best of the first 3. So many memorable set pieces. From the top of the hotel (MARCO!), the train sequence, the Tibetan village, the wide look over the scenery .. Only GoW2 made me gape in awe like UC2 did. And remember that this ran on a PS3! The 60fps Remaster plays godly.

Part 3 has its moments (especially the turning ship), but the ending felt .. strange.


When I finally get round to acquiring my first PS since the PS2, the Uncharted games are definitely first on my list to be played!


4 was the first good Uncharted game, and the best one. Lost Legacy was good too, but the original trilogy is mid at best. 2 is a low tier Uncharted game, better gameplay than 1 but the story and environments in 1 were much better.

4 >>> LL >>> 3 > 1 = 2

Bell End GIF by :::Crypto Memes:::

What a totally shit post.


Gold Member
By far the best

4 is better on paper: better combat, more open spaces, more gameplay variety, better AI and etc. But pacing sucks, so you'll have 2 minutes of actual combat and then 2h of walk and talk.

2's pacing is perfection. The game tone is also much more fun than 4.

Its the formula perfected
No lies detected.


I tried to replay Uncharted 2 and it aged bad.
It was good for its time, but it is nothing special anymore, it even bored me so that I stopped playing when I reached Shambala.


UC4 shoehorning in Sam the brother was rubbish. At the end, we should have had the option to drop his ass as he was lying the entire game. Shit tier writing.
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UC4 shoehorning in Sam the brother was rubbish. At the end, we should have had the option to drop his ass as he was lying the entire game. Shit tier writing.
Was really waiting for his betrayal that would happen late in the game. That would have been much better than what we got.
I enjoyed the first 3 entries.

It disappoints me how modern Naughty dog deemed the fantastical and supernatural aspects of the series as "immature"/"childish" or whatever Druckmann and his companions thought. Uncharted 4 had such a great opportunity to throw in zombie pirates in the last section of the game and squandered it.
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Sorry but "critically received" means nothing these days. It's all paid reviewers left and right.
And please, TLOU2 was one of the worst AAA games of the gen, scores won't hide that.

And at her worst she managed to make a more interesting story than Neil Cuckmann with 4.

4 has the worst story by far, even Nathan Drake became boring in that one.
Not to mention the forced "hey let's make their only child a girl because if someone continues this dead franchise they'll be forced to make a strong and independent lesbian the protagonist"
think we'll have to agree to disagree about whether Naughty Dog went on to make better games after Amy left. I wonder if she will work on the next Forspoken game?
uc1 is very harsh to come back to.
if it came out today, they would close the studio, it wouldn't sell a single copy and ND would be no more :p
I love it's vibe though. I have some nostalgia for it
I don't get the uc1 hate. I fact I like it the most as far as memorable moments. As an exploration person I really dug this game. Of course uc2 was better but it was a sequel it better have been. Uc3 had some rough spots and uc4 bad pacing compared to the earlier titles.
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