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Uncharted 2 is by far the pinnacle of the Uncharted Series


Agree on 2 being the Best all around but I liked 3 better and 1 is my favorite and most played overall.

UC4 was a fantastic first time ride, arguably the best but it's not an easy game to go back after completing, there are way to many slow sessions that drag down the replayability factor, a curse that has been plaguing many Sony titles ever since.

Quality wise: 2>4>3>LL>1>GA
Preference wise: 1>3>2>4>LL>GA
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The lack of supernatural in element in 4 hurts it a lot. I recently replayed the trilogy and 2 is still the best. I enjoyed 3 as well and I think both are better than 4 and 1.
Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards


Gold Member
Uncharted was at its best when the call to adventure and mystery of the unknown was seen as a good thing.

The more drama they injected, the worse the series got. The habitual overuse of flashbacks also destroyed Naughty Dogs ability to deliver on good stories.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
Agree on 2 being the Best all around but I liked 3 better and 1 is my favorite and most played overall.

UC4 was a fantastic first time ride, arguably the best but it's not an easy game to go back after completing, there are way to many slow sessions that drag down the replayability factor, a curse that has been plaguing many Sony titles ever since.

Quality wise: 2>4>3>LL>1>GA
Preference wise: 1>3>2>4>LL>GA
Agree with everything about 4 but, for me, it's still the best, most atmospheric UC.

...not that the games ever had any good shooting/platforming so I gotta give it to the one which I liked its story the best.
have you seen how 4 ends? perfection
walking with your daughter along the beach, while finally coming clean on how you & her mom spent your younger days killing hundreds (thousands?) of fellow (tho, unlike yourselves, 'evil') treasure hunters? perfection of an extremely dark sort, i suppose...


I am a weirdo that beat the first one, sorta enjoyed it, started the second, was bored to tears, dropped it. Same with the third.

I dunno, for some reason it never clicked. No doubt is a great game, but never quite enjoyed it.


A rare innovative AAA sequel. Awesome story. Perfect pacing. Fucking epic setpieces. Best multiplayer. No tacked-on uneccessary mechanics. No virtue signalling BS. Just a fun, pure, gameplay focused adventure.

Amen boys. This was lit. A lightning in the bottle for Linear Cinematic adventures. The fucking GOLD Standard for ND along with TLOU.

One of the greatest games ever made & saddening that ND didn't bring these earlier adventures over to PC.


Amen brother, my favourite game of all time. I don't think I've ever played a game that hit like Uncharted 2. Uncharted 1, 3 and 4 (including DLC) were all fantastic as well but 2 is the pinnacle. Even when The Last of Us came out I always though UC2 was the better cinematic. Just a masterpiece (even on the PS3)


Always enjoyed 3 the most, just built on what 2 did well and I preferred the story and characters. LL is very underrated too.


2 and 3 are excellent games, 1 was a nice introduction of the series... 4 fucking sux, I like to think that it was the beginning of Neil Cuckman reign over ND and also the beginning of its descent to shitness


Yeah, sure. But number 4 was a stunning return to form after the slightly disappointing third entry.


Gold Member
By a landslide except for the combat that is better in 4.

Hell i even prefer unchy1 over u3 and 4 that had absolute shit pace with the young nate sections, also they didn't had eddy fucking raja.
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I'd say Uncharted 3 is the worst Naughty Dog game and she directed it, so no.

Big budget video game development is rarely dependent on a single person.
Tell us where exactly U3 hurt you.
Looks like some sort of personal crusade.

U3 may not have the best story, but the set pieces are the best in the industry, which are also essential part of Uncharted.
Games were certainly different where she was in the company, and what made ND great was not TLOU, it was everything that came before TLOU, including all Uncharted, Jak, and Crash.
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Tell us where exactly U3 hurt you.
Looks like some sort of personal crusade.

U3 may not have the best story, but the set pieces are the best in the industry, which are also essential part of Uncharted.
Games were certainly different where she was in the company, and what made ND great was not TLOU, it was everything that came before TLOU, including all Uncharted, Jak, and Crash.
All ND games since Crash has been great, so it's certainly no crusade, just an opinion.

I just liked the other games better.

Comparing the games from different eras of ND will simply be an exercise in cherry picking.
Just 10 people made the first Crash game, and now there are 400+ employees at ND.
Things changed, sure, but because of one person?


All ND games since Crash has been great, so it's certainly no crusade, just an opinion.

I just liked the other games better.

Comparing the games from different eras of ND will simply be an exercise in cherry picking.
Just 10 people made the first Crash game, and now there are 400+ employees at ND.
Things changed, sure, but because of one person?
Writing of the games changed because writers changed. Which in narrative driven games makes quite the difference I'd say.

Dont forget Straley left after TLOU1 too. While TLOU 1 is considered a massive success both from critics and consumers, Druckmann got free-pass to do whatever he wanted, and we got TLOU2.

Something cooked in the writing of ND. That's a fact.


Seems like a million years ago now though,a simple action adventure game with good male and female characters but no woke nonsense.How things have changed,fucking depressing.
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Had a really fun time back in 2009 with this game. But when I played U4 in 2017 something that was an experience that surpassed anything for a while.
Story was better executed and more interesting in Uncharted 2, but multiplayer for me goes to Uncharted 3.

Uncharted 2 had a good multiplayer but it was pretty barebones. Uncharted 3's multiplayer had:
  • Many PvP game modes (deathmatch, objective, party, and fun mini-games with weekly rotations);
  • All the good maps from Uncharted 2 as DLC;
  • It had crazy co-op modes in survival and story missions with different rewards and difficulty levels;
  • Had the best online progression in the whole series (up to lvl 75, then you could reset 5 times and lvl up all over again for better rewards and bragging rights);
  • The treasure system had some terrible RNG but it was a cool addition to get cosmetics and different weapons;
  • Customization was cool but already had the first glimpse of P2W stuff in a Naughty Dog game with them selling power through the hats and mask à la Team Fortress 2 and Character Exclusive weapons that were RNG farmable but hell to get without paying real money.
I wished Uncharted 4 had the multiplayer from 3 but it was a mix of the Last of Us point-loadout system, which I hate. By far the most disappointing Uncharted multiplayer.
it's almost just shooting though. You kill over 1000 enemies in it. You kill less enemies in each uncharted for this reason.
It is a direct competitor to gears of war1.
That's why I've said I like it because of jungle theme and characters. But all of that is 10x better in uc4.
When You replay uc1 now, there is barely any characterization. It's just bad shooting.
It's not a wonderful story. It's a shit story with likeable characters and then monsters. UC2 ramped the characters.

And what's bs? if studio comes out with game like UC1 nowadays, it gets closed. Look at Immortals of Aveum. It's an ok game. But maybe they would do way better for immortals 2,3 or 4? They will close that studio and we won'tknow.
ND was lucky enough that there was nothin else on ps3 and the game had great graphics at the time. And at the time, these simpler games were still selling.
Woah woah woaaaahhh... you better back outa here calling Uncharted 1 a shit story.

It's cliche, not shit. It's a perfect playable B movie in nearly every way. And Uncharted 2 is the block buster sequel. It's essentially like Star Wars vs Empire Strike Back.
If anyone has any questions or needs additional information, nearly 98% of Uncharted 2's dialogue is perpetually stuck in my brain. lol

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
I still think 4 is the best of the series.
I was into Uncharted for the world hopping adventure and set pieces. And 4 gave me that and then some.
2 would be next on my list as it had both that world adventure and more combat. I just wanted more adventure and less combat.

3 I actually disliked, All the set pieces were a series of shooting galleries. I could not enjoy what I was seeing as I was in gun battles after gun battles.
3 Does have that container ship graveyard section which I really enjoyed, but then it went to that cruise ship area that just went on and on and on.
by the time I crashed in the desert I was done. Another shooting gallery where they flank me in the desert and I just quit. Never finished 3.
Amen brother, my favourite game of all time. I don't think I've ever played a game that hit like Uncharted 2. Uncharted 1, 3 and 4 (including DLC) were all fantastic as well but 2 is the pinnacle. Even when The Last of Us came out I always though UC2 was the better cinematic. Just a masterpiece (even on the PS3)
No game will ever beat Uncharted 2.
So am I the only one who noticed that they butchered Flynn's face in the remaster?

His eyelids are half shut like he's some high scumbag when in the original version he seemed like a perfectly normal person before the betrayal.

Also everyone's eyes glimmered in the original which was really cool technology for the time and they removed that in the remaster as well.

I doubt any of game of the trilogy will ever get a remake.


Gold Member
Eh, I like the OG trilogy all the same for different reasons.

Drake's Fortune got un an absolutely unmatched atmosphere, it's a charming and pure TPS not ashamed of being one, and playing it at Brutal Difficulty in the Remaster is one of the very best experiences I've ever had in gaming.
Would it be re-released with Unchated 4 mechanics I would play it and replay it all day long for the rest of my life.

Among Thieves got more bombastic and a little more "mature" at the same time, superb atmosphere once again, loved the story and characters, improved gunplay feel but enemies didn't even react when shot which is a colossal downgrade from the first in this regard. Incredible game still.

Drake's Deception got the most amazing and insane set-pieces, the very best graphics on the platform while offering literal impossible levels such as the cruise ship, it offered the best encounter in the trilogy in the ship graveyard and its sublime grenade throwback mechanic would never appear after in the series. Story suffered from the "setpiece first, story around it" philosophy.

Magical games, too bad they unfortunately inspired many developers incapable of replicating it's perfectly dosed ingredients, vital for the success of the formula, and basically ruined a portion of the industry in the process.
I liked the train levels.

Overall though, the Fighting was always such a chore, I wish it was all about the platforming.
If they ever make more I really hope the dive much deeper into the climbing mechanics. U4 was a decent step forawrd as it was a little slower and more precise, but I wish human error was involved. Like I wish I would have to manually click a button to grab a rock hold as I jump to it. More like Mirrors Edge's climbing mechanics.
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