Nice to see all the technical issues from past UC MP games are still present. Party splits, people in the party not being on the same page (ie: someone isn't searching and is stuck in the lobby) long matchmaking waiting times, black screens, and other shit. Aside from those frustrating issues, this MP is very fun.
Plunder could be the mode to play, but as it is, it's not even half as good as past UC MP plunder. All the mystical spam is terrible, and the fact that the idol spawns in the same place is so dumb. I still wish it was 5v5 but the mystical spam is already bad enough with just 4 players, can't imagine with 5. Matches are over way too quickly too. Haven't had any awesome back and forth matches like with UC2 or 3.
I like command. I feel like that mode works pretty well. I still wish we would have gotten Team Objective over this though as Team Objective is the best mode ever. Hopefully it'll get added soon...