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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Multiplayer |OT| Swinging To Victory

why the hell does Survival run at 30fps when they managed to get Multiplayer at 60?


So I finally started kicking ass with a random

We did so well I attempted to look them up in my Recently Played With list

...only to find it was my AI teammate the whole time!

Holy crap its so much easier when playing by yourself

seriously, the AI partner is awesome. a lot of the human randoms are garbage, they don't even follow the objectives.


We fucking did it.


Thanks to sanddude20 and Da_Almighty_Guy for the great teamwork.

Edit: I think we're first in the world to do it as well.

double edit: Nope :( https://twitter.com/vinixkun/status/809606000848277507
Played a few waves of solo survival. Gameplay is perfectly smooth if you're used to the campaign's 30fps.

Standard enemies are bullet sponges that require multiple headshots to take down though, which feels weird. Heavies are even worse - lots of headshots to doink their helmet. And you should expect a lot of perfectly thrown grenades to head your way.

Allied AI does a good job of reviving as long as you drop within a decent range of them.

Hunters are just as annoying as ever, but they kindof come with the territory.

And when I quit the mode and went to close the game I got the "Closing the following application..." screen, and its been sitting here "working" on it for a few minutes now. Do I have to reboot the console?

Aaaand now my PS4 froze.

Great. Guess I'll wait for some updates before jumping back in.


as someone who hasn't touched mp since launch, the mechanics on this feel great. It feels pretty amazing how fluid melee is.

However the grind is real and it feels awful. I played with randoms on moderate until wave 41 and I felt like I had been playing for 10 hrs. I just left the game out of pure fatigue. In the later stages it really feels like your weapons do fuck all especially against armored guys. I hate how certain enemies on each level use specific guns. I unlocked the m4 with some up points but it pretty much makes no sense to use it because I'll never get ammo for it unless I keep buying it. In turn I'm relegated to using whatever is lying around from dead enemies and most of the time they just feel like trash. I'm assuming the progression system will help alleviate this as you upgrade your character, weapons and perks but right now it feels like a slog rather then being exhilarating all the way through.

Also challenges aren't working for me for some reason. One of them is to use the el dorado mystic 15 times. I've probably used it about 50 times so far and nothing.


Internet just disconnected right as I 3 star'd wave 50 on hard. Right before the boss dropped the loot I got a black screen...

I need to go lay down....


Finished all the waves tonight. Super fun. I actually really like the way they use mysticals to both mix up waves (have enemies drop Indra's Eternity on death and so on) and then for boss powers. Generally they do a great job of keeping things varied wave to wave. Looking forward to trying out the harder difficulties.

Anyone try out the M4 and PAK-80 in competitive yet? I'm curious how they are.


Finished all the waves tonight. Super fun. I actually really like the way they use mysticals to both mix up waves (have enemies drop Indra's Eternity on death and so on) and then for boss powers. Generally they do a great job of keeping things varied wave to wave. Looking forward to trying out the harder difficulties.

Anyone try out the M4 and PAK-80 in competitive yet? I'm curious how they are.

M4 is great, haven't tried the PAK yet though.


Also challenges aren't working for me for some reason. One of them is to use the el dorado mystic 15 times. I've probably used it about 50 times so far and nothing.

If it doesn't say Survival as prefix, then it's a PvP challenge. Make sure to change your challenge preference to what type you want to receive on the challenge screen.

Internet just disconnected right as I 3 star'd wave 50 on hard. Right before the boss dropped the loot I got a black screen...

I need to go lay down....

Shit, that's rough.

I have only played survival since the update, the Pak80 is destroying the enemies :)
Finished all the waves tonight. Super fun. I actually really like the way they use mysticals to both mix up waves (have enemies drop Indra's Eternity on death and so on) and then for boss powers. Generally they do a great job of keeping things varied wave to wave. Looking forward to trying out the harder difficulties.

Anyone try out the M4 and PAK-80 in competitive yet? I'm curious how they are.

M4 feels like a more accurate HS, it's great. Like a perfect blend between the AK and HS

Tip if people forgot: You can use the new guns, they always put them in the pre-build classes.


I'll say that this is the sort of mode to play with at least 1 buddy. Otherwise you might get people who don't heal you up, who don't follow the goals, who run around the map like crazy chickens (etc).

That was present in UC2's and UC3's coop modes, but I think it's time they implement a performance playlist, in which people who perform well (heal other players, don't die too much, follow the goals, etc) get listed together and the others (the crazy chickens) also get listed together. It should improve the random matches quite a bit.

I know other games do this sort of stuff too, so hopefully ND have some idea on how to apply a system like this.

Btw, for those talking about the performance either I'm ultra blind to it's problems (could be because I fell in love with the MP again) or maybe there is some hyperbole going around, but I came directly from TF2 (also on the PS4) and this felt smooth. Not as smooth since the whole movement system isn't quite as dynamic, but smooth nonetheless. And much prettier too, playing these two back to back definitely shows just how much UC4 pushes the graphics even on the MP.
Btw, for those talking about the performance either I'm ultra blind to it's problems (could be because I fell in love with the MP again) or maybe there is some hyperbole going around, but I came directly from TF2 (also on the PS4) and this felt smooth. Not as smooth since the whole movement system isn't quite as dynamic, but smooth nonetheless. And much prettier too, playing these two back to back definitely shows just how much UC4 pushes the graphics even on the MP.

play a multiplayer match and then play a round of survival and then tell me you don't see a difference.
I hope the reason they haven't brought back classic yet is because they're making every mode classic and dumping all of the new garbage into one shitty mode.

5 modes and all of them are fucking unbearable crap full of bullshit revives, hunters and mystical shit. It's the fucking worst. I'd rather have the U3 kickboom era than this piece of shit.

BRING CLASSIC BACK. Jesus fucking christ is it too hard to please us with ONE mode free of the new vomit-inducing additions? I bet they're too proud to admit that it was more succesful than the other modes so they just quietly swept it under the rug. F. off really.

I could be wrong but I think a lot of us like how the game plays now. In fact I'd wager that few hate the game as vehemently as you, and describing the additions as vomiting inducing seems hyperbolic.

I'm looking forward to classic, as I'm sure many are, but the rest of the game is underpinned by similar mechanics. I didn't play classic and feel that the experience was absolute night and day. I don't know how much you have played the game in its regular mode, but the influence that revives, hunters and 'mystical bullshit' is pretty minimal. Seeing a hunter is unusual, El Dorado? perhaps once a game. Randoms don't even revive, so Cintimani is off the cards, hunters are near useless, and most tend to favour heavy weapons.

Nevertheless, I think the idea that they're replacing the rest of the modes with the classic ruleset is incredibly unlikely. Too many are invested in the regular modes and in my own experience, too many went away not finding classic to be less enjoyable than expected. I know I wasn't rushing to play in the second beta, but I'm glad there will be more options to play.

Either way you're getting what you want, that's the point of giving people this option to play a legacy mode. If you're still not happy then I don't know, maybe it's time to just move on and play a game that you actually enjoy?


play a multiplayer match and then play a round of survival and then tell me you don't see a difference.

That may be it, I went directly towards the new Survival mode after not playing it for a couple of months (since like....October I think).

I'll need to try it out later on today (still need to try the new King of the Hill mode too, is it good?), but again going from TF2 to this didn't feel "terrible". TF2 is smoother, but this wasn't unplayable or choppy. But again, (second) honeymoon period may be clouding my judgement a bit.



I was master last season. Classic / regular are a completely different game altogether. It's not even the mystical or even the hunter spam (and that is very real in high level), the down system alone changes the game on a fundamental level. I'm done with that crap, if I want heavy team camping and hand holding I'll play The Last of Us, a game in which that playstyle makes actual sense and didn't have two previous multiplayer iterations with a completely opposite approach.

It costs them nothing to make Classic available, people who prefer to play with the new shit (do they really exist?) have plenty of other modes –all of them– to enjoy their MOBA-lite garbage filled with NPCs, cheap stuff and worst of all, revives.

Instead they come up with yet another submode from TO that nobody asked for as a standalone mode.



I was master last season. Classic / regular are a completely different game altogether. It's not even the mystical or even the hunter spam (and that is very real in high level), the down system alone changes the game on a fundamental level. I'm done with that crap, if I want heavy team camping and hand holding I'll play The Last of Us, a game in which that playstyle makes actual sense and didn't have two previous multiplayer iterations with a completely opposite approach.

It costs them nothing to make Classic available, people who prefer to play with the new shit (do they really exist?) have plenty of other modes –all of them– to enjoy their MOBA-lite garbage filled with NPCs, cheap stuff and worst of all, revives.

Instead they come up with yet another submode from TO that nobody asked for as a standalone mode.


Again, why do you even play it at this point? If it bothers you that much, just put it down and enjoy something else. Games are for us to enjoy first and foremost my friend, if this one is bothering that much you're definitely better off playing something else (at least until a Classic mode is added).

TF2, if you don't have it already, could use some love for example :)


Just finished wave 50 with a friend, really enjoying the mode and am surprised how fun and challenging it is even on moderate. Onto hard!


Man the way Uncharted points are tied to your account is bullshit.

I've moved countries and still use my old account as my primary account to keep all progresses, trophies, etc. but do all PSN purchases through a US account. I bought the Triple Pack on my US account only to find out that it automatically is tied to the account which it was bought on. Worse yet, even If I somehow managed to add funds to my primary account (which Sony makes nearly impossible) and buy points, it won't work on my game because my account is from a different region. I have to then buy another copy of the game that matches my account region just to be able to use some fuckin points. It's ansolutely ridiculous.
I was master last season. Classic / regular are a completely different game altogether. It's not even the mystical or even the hunter spam (and that is very real in high level), the down system alone changes the game on a fundamental level. I'm done with that crap, if I want heavy team camping and hand holding I'll play The Last of Us, a game in which that playstyle makes actual sense and didn't have two previous multiplayer iterations with a completely opposite approach.

It costs them nothing to make Classic available, people who prefer to play with the new shit (do they really exist?) have plenty of other modes –all of them– to enjoy their MOBA-lite garbage filled with NPCs, cheap stuff and worst of all, revives.

Instead they come up with yet another submode from TO that nobody asked for as a standalone mode.


Seeing lots of hunters in ranked is just crazy to me, I was master last season and the season before it, and you're suggesting you see hunter spam at that rank? What? I can't remember the last time I saw hunters used at that level of play, they don't work, any that get used just get shot down. They work far better at low levels where teams are scattered and players are forced to fight them individually, but even then it's very uncommon and easy to kill them solo with a grenade or just avoiding them by climbing. The cost is too steep for what you get, they're a bad pick and sit outside of the current meta, I don't see the issue.

And yes, people do prefer to play with the 'new shit'. I prefer it, if you look at the comments in feedback pages for Classic, quite a lot of people that were originally asking for a classic mode, actually turn around and say that they don't like it, and even prefer the current ruleset (with downs and whatnot).

Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/unchartedm..._uncharted_4_beta_test_playlist_classic_mode/

But for a lot of people I think they will enjoy both modes, and just see classic as another game type addition rather than something that they're depending on to get any fun out of the game. Personally I'm mixed on it, I prefer the absence of the radar but I dislike the lack of downs and myticals and feel that the power weapons don't have the same impact as in previous games. I also felt that the new maps were not that well suited to a power weapon system as you are often quite far from the power weapon spawn when compared to the more vertical maps in U2 and 3.


I hope the reason they haven't brought back classic yet is because they're making every mode classic and dumping all of the new garbage into one shitty mode.

5 modes and all of them are fucking unbearable crap full of bullshit revives, hunters and mystical shit. It's the fucking worst. I'd rather have the U3 kickboom era than this piece of shit.

BRING CLASSIC BACK. Jesus fucking christ is it too hard to please us with ONE mode free of the new vomit-inducing additions? I bet they're too proud to admit that it was more succesful than the other modes so they just quietly swept it under the rug. F. off really.
Hahahaha you combined kickback and quickboom. But yes, I agree since I was your rage months ago. I'm stilly salty, but no longer mad. Actually reinstalling this for the co-op once my 2TB Firecuda comes in the mail this weekend.


I just don't get how people can be upset at sidekicks and mysticals. They are infinitely more balanced than some stuff in Uncharted 3.

Does no one remember the quickboom meta?

I have no issues destroying any kind of sidekick and I don't even use the booster to do more damage. They're virtually a non issue if you know their weaknesses.

This is coming from the guy who started the classic mode petition in Uncharted 3 and worked with the devs to get it implemented.

I love classic, I really do but the main modes aren't bad. Maybe not your cup of tea and I understand that fully but it's very balanced in all honesty especially considering Uncharted 3.

I totally ate up classic and want it in the game ASAP but I won't totally abandon the core modes when it does release, they both play very differently and that's awesome.


Spent 1500 relics on the premium dlc chest and got that half naked Drake outfit from the stream (warrior Drake I think), so to get this right, if I wanna get the M4 or other new weapons, I need to save up 2500 for the chest?

That's a lot of challenges...


Spent 1500 relics on the premium dlc chest and got that half naked Drake outfit from the stream (warrior Drake I think), so to get this right, if I wanna get the M4 or other new weapons, I need to save up 2500 for the chest?

That's a lot of challenges...

Yeah there is a bit of a grind to get them. I think the gun itself is around $3 if you want to buy it.


Okay, I got say from wave 40 onwards the rounds with enemies that shoot mini El-Dorado attacks when they die is a bunch of BS.Only rounds in the entire thing where I felt cheated by the game. Otherwise it's a solid mode! The final boss is intense, for sure, but fun! Or I had fun with it at least.


Okay, I got say from wave 40 onwards the rounds with enemies that shoot mini El-Dorado attacks when they die is a bunch of BS.Only rounds in the entire thing where I felt cheated by the game. Otherwise it's a solid mode! The final boss is intense, for sure, but fun! Or I had fun with it at least.
Just wait till Crushing when they drop El Dorados AND Indra's Eternity AND they're armored.


Junior Member
How much does level-50 225% health etc, health regen 3 booster offset the difficulty of crushing?

First night I levelled up to 12, getting to wave 45 with randoms, failing and giving up tired.
Last night I levelled up to 21, getting to wave 47 with randoms, failing, trying solo and struggling but finally beating the whole thing.

Wave 47 siege with the enemy KO spirit damage is a serious PITA.


jeeesus hard mode is just bullshit

the grenade amount is ridiculous and they lowered the explosion timer

Already kinda dreading trying it out in Crushing lol

I kid you not, I spent 1h14minutes in the very final round. Intense as hell (in Hard, yes). The amount of times I got 1-2HKO by Henry + his goons was absurd.

Just wait till Crushing when they drop El Dorados AND Indra's Eternity AND they're armored.

Oooohhh boy. Rages will be had! Though by the final 10 or so rounds the vast majority of enemies was armored already. Indra + El-Dorado is gonna be....ugh..... I can feel my future rage right now.
Do you guys think it's almost Souls/Bloodborne-like in difficulty/challenge?

The whole setting seems to be inspired from RPG games... level-based buffs, level cap depending on the difficulty, bullet-sponge bosses, health bars etc.

Not saying this is a bad thing, I'm just making an observation.
So I've had the game since launch but want to get into the multiplayer. Loving the survival mode but also thinking about getting into the vs modes. Bought the Explorers pack recently and wonder what I should spend the uncharted points on.

Should I buy the booster and armory bundles? Unlock core MP boosters? Don't really care about cosmetics that much.

Any advice would be appreciated!


Wow I unlocked a bunch of level 2-3 weapons...... and they're all pistols. FML :(
Also, do guns level stack? I mean, if I unlock lv 3 then it also gets lv 2 buffs, right?


So I've had the game since launch but want to get into the multiplayer. Loving the survival mode but also thinking about getting into the vs modes. Bought the Explorers pack recently and wonder what I should spend the uncharted points on.

Should I buy the booster and armory bundles? Unlock core MP boosters? Don't really care about cosmetics that much.

Any advice would be appreciated!
Buy the Arrowhead, it's a nice easy to use weapon (fast rate of fire and scope). It's no Mettler or FAL but then again, it's fun to use.
Avoid P90 even if it sounds tempting. It's basically the Drake sword of this game. Seems amazing when blindfiring like a madman at the beginning, then when your way of playing matures, it becomes an hassle.

Unlocking the core booster levels is quite good, but you can actually do while playing just by using them, so that's up to you. The most helpful are easy to master (especially helping hand 3), but it's a nice choice if you want a headstart.
I find Undisturbed quite good actually and that's a DLC booster.

Don't bother with hero weapons' chest, unless you're gunning for Nadine's Mazur, and that's only because scope-in-speed is behind a pretty stupid 350 down requirement. If/when you get it, stop with hero weapons.
And of course, if you can buy them with UCP, buy the loadout points.

If you're in the need to spend some of those UCP, I'd start by buying the armory bundles, or the Git Gud/Gudder bundles. Basically all gameplay unlocks, then vanity chests. Since economy 2.0, using UCP to buy skins actually seems reasonable and if there's one you like, just buy it. DLC vanity chests have now a stupidly high probability of giving you just some colours.
They need to fix this matchmaking. I just waited 15 minutes for a game of bounty hunter, what the hell? My connection is fine, it just keeps showing people in the lobby and then when we get close to a full game, it drops the players.

Any skill based element needs to go, it slows match making time down. Network quality only, what's the point in adding all of this content into a game that I can barely play?
They need to fix this matchmaking. I just waited 15 minutes for a game of bounty hunter, what the hell? My connection is fine, it just keeps showing people in the lobby and then when we get close to a full game, it drops the players.

Any skill based element needs to go, it slows match making time down. Network quality only, what's the point in adding all of this content into a game that I can barely play?
Co-op release -> smaller PvP pool + SBMM = clusterfuck


In co-op when playing with friends does only the party leader have the ability to choose their character? My friends were telling me they weren't getting a choice never had time to investigate myself really since I've been busy.
Buy the Arrowhead, it's a nice easy to use weapon (fast rate of fire and scope). It's no Mettler or FAL but then again, it's fun to use.
Avoid P90 even if it sounds tempting. It's basically the Drake sword of this game. Seems amazing when blindfiring like a madman at the beginning, then when your way of playing matures, it becomes an hassle.

Unlocking the core booster levels is quite good, but you can actually do while playing just by using them, so that's up to you. The most helpful are easy to master (especially helping hand 3), but it's a nice choice if you want a headstart.
I find Undisturbed quite good actually and that's a DLC booster.

Don't bother with hero weapons' chest, unless you're gunning for Nadine's Mazur, and that's only because scope-in-speed is behind a pretty stupid 350 down requirement. If/when you get it, stop with hero weapons.
And of course, if you can buy them with UCP, buy the loadout points.

If you're in the need to spend some of those UCP, I'd start by buying the armory bundles, or the Git Gud/Gudder bundles. Basically all gameplay unlocks, then vanity chests. Since economy 2.0, using UCP to buy skins actually seems reasonable and if there's one you like, just buy it. DLC vanity chests have now a stupidly high probability of giving you just some colours.

Thanks, good stuff. Appreciate it! :)
I'm playing survival by myself on the lowest difficult and I cannot get over 1 star. I guess I have to play with actual people instead of with the computer.


Um, tried playing this earlier and the d-pad, L1 and L3 buttons weren't working... So weird. Couldn't grapple or change weapons.

Anyone have this happen before?
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