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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Multiplayer |OT| Swinging To Victory


the mobile game gets boring and dull way too quickly and after *barely* finishing the first 30 levels I only got 125 relics. hence, fuck that.

overall I'm enjoying it but there are so many issues. e.g. they did an abysmal job at balancing the game, instead of leaving only cosmetics to the chests they decided to add mods and weapons. the more you play the more LPs you unlock which is awful for new players. then it's clearly rushed, with the ''support in the future'' being just an excuse to actually deliver a complete mp experience that should have been there to being with. then the broken mm system which I mentioned already, and so on.
also why am I not surprised at the reward for winning a game being so low. ''micro-transactions!!'' of course. gotta follow one of the worst gaming trends and hope some people are dumb enough to buy coins with $$$
Does anyone know what kind of demon would possess naughty dog to put in this high health sniper sidekick?

They can be looking the opposite direction to you.... But then when you leave cover they insta-shoot you. I just cannot believe who in the team puts this idea across and has the rest of ND go 'great idea!!!'
Does anyone know what kind of demon would possess naughty dog to put in this high health sniper sidekick?

They can be looking the opposite direction to you.... But then when you leave cover they insta-shoot you. I just cannot believe who in the team puts this idea across and has the rest of ND go 'great idea!!!'
Yeah sidekicks are awful and I hate them more with each match. I don't like the idea of bots in mp.
Mysticals are a cool idea, sidekicks are stupid imo.
They could add Rika Raja from Eye of the Indra motion comic, Jeff the Cameraman from UC2, and some other side characters like Schafer is even missing.

They should also add the villain from the motion comic as well. I mean, the fact the Eye of the Indra is actually in the game as a mystical is enough evidence to suggest that it's not out of the realm of possibility.

I don't. Those sequences were a mess. They were only cool the first week and then after that they became a chore. And not just a chore, but with the variance in connections between players they were very, very wonky. Lag could completely mess with where the train/cars were positioned on your screen, whether a player died on these parts, and hell everything to do with lag was magnified here because these sequences were not thought about with lag/latency in mind. I am glad they are gone.

I hope whatever maps they are planning to put in this game with vehicles (they said/hinted a long time ago, before the maps were announced to be free, that the DLC maps would involve vehicles or at least some of them) are much better designed and don't rely on the game needing to have perfect connections between all ten players in a given match.
Rika was a villain though.
Honestly the villains need her, such a boring group besides Eddy.


They could add Rika Raja from Eye of the Indra motion comic, Jeff the Cameraman from UC2, and some other side characters like Schafer is even missing.

They should also add the villain from the motion comic as well. I mean, the fact the Eye of the Indra is actually in the game as a mystical is enough evidence to suggest that it's not out of the realm of possibility.
Oh yeah, I forgot about some of these people, I'd be surprised if they're not added in. I remember Rika was added in U2, I can't remember if Pinkerton was though.


They could add Rika Raja from Eye of the Indra motion comic, Jeff the Cameraman from UC2, and some other side characters like Schafer is even missing.

They should also add the villain from the motion comic as well. I mean, the fact the Eye of the Indra is actually in the game as a mystical is enough evidence to suggest that it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Yeah, I would personally prefer ND adding as many characters from the series as possible before adding PlayStation heroes as the MP is, in their words "a celebration of the Uncharted series".

I don't. Those sequences were a mess. They were only cool the first week and then after that they became a chore. And not just a chore, but with the variance in connections between players they were very, very wonky. Lag could completely mess with where the train/cars were positioned on your screen, whether a player died on these parts, and hell everything to do with lag was magnified here because these sequences were not thought about with lag/latency in mind. I am glad they are gone.

I hope whatever maps they are planning to put in this game with vehicles (they said/hinted a long time ago, before the maps were announced to be free, that the DLC maps would involve vehicles or at least some of them) are much better designed and don't rely on the game needing to have perfect connections between all ten players in a given match.

Woah! When did they hint at that and what did they specifically say?

Mysticals are a cool idea, sidekicks are stupid imo.

Rika was a villain though.
Honestly the villains need her, such a boring group besides Eddy.

Nope, Rika Raja was a hero characther in UC2 and in the motion comic.

Also what? Lazorovic, Rameses (the pirate from UC3), Rafe and Flynn are pretty damn hilarious too.
the mobile game gets boring and dull way too quickly and after *barely* finishing the first 30 levels I only got 125 relics. hence, fuck that.

overall I'm enjoying it but there are so many issues. e.g. they did an abysmal job at balancing the game, instead of leaving only cosmetics to the chests they decided to add mods and weapons. the more you play the more LPs you unlock which is awful for new players. then it's clearly rushed, with the ''support in the future'' being just an excuse to actually deliver a complete mp experience that should have been there to being with. then the broken mm system which I mentioned already, and so on.
also why am I not surprised at the reward for winning a game being so low. ''micro-transactions!!'' of course. gotta follow one of the worst gaming trends and hope some people are dumb enough to buy coins with $$$
I got all 140 or whatever levels completed with all treasures and keys in a few hours by following a video walkthrough on YouTube. You still can't get Sully's exclusive outfit and accessories yet though. Have to wait for them to update it for that.
This has probably been answered but how many loadout points can you get? I didn't receive a LP when i finished my long guns which kept me at 24. I have no idea how this system works.
She wasn't in Uncharted 2 MP. They counted her as a Hero. Pinkerton was on the villain side in UC2 MP.

Thats weird, I used her all the time but remember her as a villain.
Oh well, either side could really use her in this.
Girl from Golden Abyss should be added as well.

For people who completed the story,

Am I alone in wanting
a cutlass as an unlockable weapon?
can be a primary if that balances better.
The system is doing it's job, they drip feed you the points where it seems so utterly slow and will eventually make you want to pay for what you want.

Just like many other free to play games.

Mass Effect 3 MP did it better than anyone before everyone started implementing this shit.

You could buy the most expensive packs after completing only 2, 3, 6, or 10 matches, depending on the selected difficulty. Even though a full Gold match takes about 15min to finish, you could buy an expensive pack in ~45min, or less than 30m if you had a good team -- I played U4 for 4hrs yesterday and only earned about 200 points.

And the stuff unlocked in ME3 was actually highly useful and sought after, like: characters with unique abilities; new weapons and weapon upgrades; weapon/ammo/power modifiers -- in Uncharted it's mainly visual fluff that you're spending hours upon hours unlocking.

With another 100+ skins and hundreds of other vanity shit coming in the next few months, they absolutely need to up the drip-rate of relics. The absolute minimum should be 10 for a loss and 25 for a win.
With another 100+ skins and hundreds of other vanity shit coming in the next few months, they absolutely need to up the drip-rate of relics. The absolute minimum should be 10 for a loss and 25 for a win.

I honestly hope they add some exciting vanity stuff soon.
I had all characters within 2 days, as well as the 2 Nate skins I wanted(wetsuit and young)

As much as I hate that type of stuff in COD and such I really want the crazy OTT vanity stuff in Uncharted like Knight & Samurai armor and so on.
This might end of being my favorite MP of all time. I didn't like the idea of sidekicks and mysticals originally but so far everything seems to work together pretty well.

I typically hate team death match, but the revive mechanic adds an element of strategy that makes it perfect for me.


I got all 140 or whatever levels completed with all treasures and keys in a few hours by following a video walkthrough on YouTube. You still can't get Sully's exclusive outfit and accessories yet though. Have to wait for them to update it for that.
seems like you can't change the time on your phone to unlock new chests anymore so it's probably not worth it. I don't even enjoy the game so I wouldn't do it regardless.
This might end of being my favorite MP of all time. I didn't like the idea of sidekicks and mysticals originally but so far everything seems to work together pretty well.

I typically hate team death match, but the revive mechanic adds an element of strategy that makes it perfect for me.
Yes. Those who don't really like tdm shooters are going to love UC4 cus you can drop super health high accurate bots out of space to get kills for you or distract your opponent as they're taking a lot of damage so you can shoot them in the back. Some of us like to do the shooting in our shooters though. We don't like to play against AI in an competitive game mode
What a laggy and buggy mess this MP is. Sort of shit expect from a D grade dev.

Sitting on a black screen right now. The match is still playing, I can bring up the menu and see leave game option, the scores/kills for a couple players are updating, but screen is black.

...and matchmaking starting next match with several players who not even 4 full bars, some are two bars....
What a laggy and buggy mess this MP is. Sort of shit expect from a D grade dev.

Sitting on a black screen right now. The match is still playing, I can bring up the menu and see leave game option, the scores/kills for a couple players are updating, but screen is black.
Ive had no issues ... Though I'm wired.

The only problem is have is playing against wireless users who have 3 bars. They take twice as many hit markers to down and you feel cheated for paying for good internet.

Segregation needs to occur. Wired and wireless.


I have yet to complete a multiplayer match. Always getting kicked out for connectivity issues. First MP game that actively didn't let me play. Shame. I was really looking forward to goofy costumes too.
I find it bizarre that people believe that this game has more in the gameplay department than Uncharted 3. For the Handful of things added; crawling on the ground, rope swinging, and summoning drones, they nixed a lot more. Grenade throwback is out, although, there's hardly any grenade use anyways. Stealth kills are out. Sprint is out. There's no terrain physics, and there's no power weapons on the map. Also, from what I have played, maps are underwhelming but besides that, I haven't seen a moving map.

And to top it off, this game has the worst implementation of melee i have ever played. Normal melee might as well not exist. And charged melee forces you to commit to melee. Softening your enemy up and then going for the melee finish will often times leave your opponent still standing, making it the safer bet to finish them off with gunfire.

Edit: Also, there's no power plays, or overtime, and I have not spotted any mannable turrets.

Almost all of those features were horrible. Grenade spam was too much in past Uncharted games. Throwing back grenades now would make grenades underpowered. They exist now as a more strategic option as opposed to flat out spam in past games

Stealth kills were nice, but charged melee encourages a less automated approach. Sprint was horrible. It was the worst thing they could have added and did nothing but ruin the flow of the MP. I am so glad they got rid of it.

I love the maps. They connect together so well, and some have weather effects. Pieces of debris get destroyed, and there are a few things you can even knock over.

And come on, Power Plays were the WORST. They artificially created a sense of competitiveness and comebacks with crap like Marked Man and the god forsaken Double Damage. They rewarded losers and punished winners. I did enjoy the "win by two" condition and overtime, but UC4 does comebacks and competitiveness much better.

A solid team that works together will win in UC4. A team that is able to keep their team alive, revive allies, and lock down areas are going to do much better than a team that isn't playing their cards right. Comebacks in UC4 feel much more natural and it's because teams genuinely work together and learn to support each other. No nonsense power plays needed


Have 2 questions and hope you can answer them.

1)Did they fix the android app? Cant log in my PSN to redeem points and such.
2)How do you access special DLC from Libertalia edition for MP?? I dont see an area to equip Drake 1-3 skins or golden guns!!! WTF
Have 2 questions and hope you can answer them.

1)Did they fix the android app? Cant log in my PSN to redeem points and such.
2)How do you access special DLC from Libertalia edition for MP?? I dont see an area to equip Drake 1-3 skins or golden guns!!! WTF

Golden guns are a skin you equip in the customization menus

The skins are underneath Nathan in customization as well.
I believe you must first purchase the relic chest that gives you random one-use boosters and then equip them.

Not sure though, I've never used them and never will.

I unlocked a lot of them via the app. but I still don't know how to use them. Got to rank gold II without them so I think I'm fine but just thought maybe I'm missing something.


Keep getting connection issues and being kicked, which is really killing the enjoyment of the game. Also, had a match where everybody except me and some other guy quit. It was a long, boring experience.
Really glad they made leveling skills easier in this game, but I wish the medals had any kind of purpose.

I unlocked a lot of them via the app. but I still don't know how to use them. Got to rank gold II without them so I think I'm fine but just thought maybe I'm missing something.

You can't use them in ranked.

In normal modes you pick them after your loadout when a game is starting, right before character select. They aren't as crazy as the ones in 3 , they just lower the cost of store items.
Yes. Those who don't really like tdm shooters are going to love UC4 cus you can drop super health high accurate bots out of space to get kills for you or distract your opponent as they're taking a lot of damage so you can shoot them in the back. Some of us like to do the shooting in our shooters though. We don't like to play against AI in an competitive game mode

So much salt. Git gud. Adapt or die.

Flanking is your friend


A lot of these are good things though. Grenade throwback made grenades useless for their main purpose (flushing people out of cover), plus there was too much grenade spam anyway. Stealth kills didn't work because there was no way to know if the enemy had their camera facing you even though you were behind them, so you'd just melee instead and get killed. Plus it was highly susceptible to lag. Sprint made everyone too fast and had no downside, which ruined Plunder and most of the old maps which were not made with it in mind. The dynamic intros like the plane and train were extremely broken and got boring after you played them a few times so I'm glad they're gone.

Melee was too powerful at two hits, especially combined with how good blindfire was. As ND themselves have now said, a lot of close range fights just ended up with people hitting each other until someone (or a lot of the time both of you) died. You could also never roll to avoid it properly before, which you now can. Charged melee is a great mechanic, yes you have to commit to it because it's a one hit down, so there is some risk/reward involved and you need to choose the time to use it carefully. But at the same time if you're paying attention you can hear an enemy player charging it up and roll to avoid it, rather than just being instakilled with a neck snap because they were using a silent skeleton skin and you couldn't hear them behind you like previous games.

Almost all of those features were horrible. Grenade spam was too much in past Uncharted games. Throwing back grenades now would make grenades underpowered. They exist now as a more strategic option as opposed to flat out spam in past games

Stealth kills were nice, but charged melee encourages a less automated approach. Sprint was horrible. It was the worst thing they could have added and did nothing but ruin the flow of the MP. I am so glad they got rid of it.

I love the maps. They connect together so well, and some have weather effects. Pieces of debris get destroyed, and there are a few things you can even knock over.

And come on, Power Plays were the WORST. They artificially created a sense of competitiveness and comebacks with crap like Marked Man and the god forsaken Double Damage. They rewarded losers and punished winners. I did enjoy the "win by two" condition and overtime, but UC4 does comebacks and competitiveness much better.

A solid team that works together will win in UC4. A team that is able to keep their team alive, revive allies, and lock down areas are going to do much better than a team that isn't playing their cards right. Comebacks in UC4 feel much more natural and it's because teams genuinely work together and learn to support each other. No nonsense power plays needed

Whether you liked these thing or not, (Loved them of course) They still removed far more than they put in.

Melee's could be dodged as has been demostrated countless times unless lag was present. And you contradict yourself as for the grenades as grenade throwback nullified grenade spam. Now I go whole matches without seeing a single grenade.
Did they make the FAL recoil worse in a patch or something?

Also how do I actually link my PSN account to the uncharted app, signing in does nothing?
It's so dumb that you get 0 relic points for a loss.
It really, really is.

It should be 10 for a loss and 30 for a win at LEAST. It's still a paltry amount that makes you keep coming back to play the daily and/or wanna spend real money but at least it's reasonable. It also doesn't make you feel like a loss is a waste of time. I hope to god they patch it.


it's kind of hard winning ranked games when half of your team leaves [apparently people are dumb enough to not realize that you still get a loss], or when people in your team end up being 0 - 15 because they have no hands.


It really, really is.

It should be 10 for a loss and 30 for a win at LEAST. It's still a paltry amount that makes you keep coming back to play the daily and/or wanna spend real money but at least it's reasonable. It also doesn't make you feel like a loss is a waste of time. I hope to god they patch it.

Or even like 5 points, just give the player something for losing.


I was looking forward to this multiplayer but this is some of the most poorly balanced multiplayer I have ever played. Supers and bots everywhere. I'm not great, but I go positive most of the time and I think I've lost 5 or 6 straight.

My team has had 3 players the last 2 games.

Plus it has the cascading effect of a team getting a bunch of supers, leading to a wider gap between the teams, leading to more supers. The old CoD killstreak problem.
Whether you liked these thing or not, (Loved them of course) They still removed far more than they put in.

Melee's could be dodged as has been demostrated countless times unless lag was present. And you contradict yourself as for the grenades as grenade throwback nullified grenade spam. Now I go whole matches without seeing a single grenade.

So it's okay to have bad mechanics in a game, and worse if they remove them? There is no place in a game for power plays. Especially the b.s. ones UC3 had. The game isn't smaller for lacking features that were never good to begin with.

And no, I didnt contradict myself. Throwing back grenades doesnt reduce spam. It just adds the same grenade being spammed back lol.

This is in addition to god knows how many grenades you are carrying yourself.

Seriously, the older UC games were ridiculous. You could spawn with as much as 3, maybe 4 grenades. In UC3, you had seriously OP kickbacks that insta-exploded grenades or even threw out cluster grenades. All of this seriously undermined the cover to cover gameplay. If you died, you simply respawned with an insane amount of grenades to throw around again.
I desperately want to unlock all the LP's so I can make my ultra class haha.

Is it right you get 1LP unlock per completion of certain criteria in :

Long guns,
Side arms,
Heavy Weapons,
Special Abilities,
and one other?

I'm currently thinking of setting on the MP34A (I think that's its name) with the recoil perk, plus Stealth 3, plus the revive L1R1 ability and a grenade.
This has probably been answered but how many loadout points can you get? I didn't receive a LP when i finished my long guns which kept me at 24. I have no idea how this system works.

Each category (Long Gun, Pistol, Mystical, Gear, Sidekick, Heavy Weapon, Booster) has criteria that once met grant the LP. You can see it if you go to the bottom of each category. Basically it's like this:

- Long Gun: 300 Downs
- Pistol: 200 Downs
- Mystical: Use 75 times
- Gear: Use 100 times
- Sidekick: Spawn 75 times
- Heavy Weapon: 200 Downs
- Booster; Total lifetime score 110,000

The numbers might be off a little but that's generally what the requirements are.

Does lock on aim work in multiplayer? I'm not using it and wanna know if I'm at a disadvantage,

There is no lock-on aim, just Aim Assist. It doesn't really do anything from what I can tell. Certainly not like Blops 3.
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