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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Multiplayer |OT| Swinging To Victory


sry but this is stupid, the skill gap in this game is far worse than in cod, i can post like 10 screenshot examples, i mean i dont play this game so often and i am always on top with a 2-4 kd every game, what a joke. Oh, this game also has no rejoin option when teammates leave, had 3 people leave the game after a few minutes it started and no one joined. Maybe iam just mad, i dont know.

You are not alone, I never get mad at games but I was ready to chuck my DS4 out the window earlier.


I keep playing because the core gameplay is really good, weapon's recoil is super fun, mobility, etc. But my god there is so much shit in the way of having a consistent experience in this MP.

I think that even U3 with all the kickbacks and stuff had less bullshit. There seem to be no effort to emulate the SP experience in a MP enviroment but instead a transformative effort triying to make the MP something that UC is not. It's weird.

Buddy system was awesome, emulated the UC spirit very good and gave you an incentive to work in couples and it's out.
Mines, wtf are this doing here? they are not even in the SP.
No neck snaps or steelfists, i kinda got over these ones because the blind fire is super improved and rope swings wich are a kind of stealth attack i guess.

No more power weapons either....nor picking up enemy weapons...

The game basically promotes playing very close with your team and abuse mines or sidekicks, no more teams of two agains the world and stuff and if you haven't unlocked the best modes or heavy weapons or what not, tuff luck, keep playing.

I'm super salty about some of the clutter here, i love the core gameplay and see very little improvement made by the team in charge of translating the SP to MP.

There is nothing even as cool as the sand storm in UC3 MP.

Customization and unlock is system is kinda cool i guess...

yeah they got rid of some legitimately good stuff from U3, sad to see. U3 got to a point where the bullshit was all but minimized, and U4 will hopefully get there too. like you said, the core gameplay shootbang stuff (and framerate!) is really good in U4.

I still think they could transition to power weapons in U4 by removing heavy weapon purchases. Not much would be lost either, since most of them are intentionally underpowered and I haven't seen substantial use of any of them save for the China Lake. Making them map spawns means they could amp up their power and actually make them fun to use.

Power weapon spawns would make all the modes more interesting but TDM would benefit the most. TDM is the most boring shit ever without power weapon spawns. The relic pickups aren't substantial power spikes and they aren't deniable resources. They're just little carrots nudging people in directions but can be easily ignored. TLOU factions loot boxes weren't deniable either but had more to offer in terms of power spikes, as materials could be transitioned into powerful items more quickly than the $200 cash from relics which is basically the equivalent of slaying 1 player.


Gold Member
I love the mines. I get so many downs with them.

Yass queen!!!

In the beta I was all about grenades but I'm a total convert now.

Same here.

I went from hating it to using it and everytime I get a down it gives me a smile. Feels a bit trollish but if you can beat them.. join them.


I don't actually mind mines, at least in TDM.


The best thing about getting a down with a mine is that you know the person is salty as hell when it explodes in their face.
Here's the problem with mines okay,

Even when you spot them, getting RID of them is fucking ANNOYING.

For one, I play on relatively high sensitivity and there's no aim assist on these little shitters. They're small, and it's not like I practice shooting small assholes on the ground. So it takes time to destroy them.

Now multiple things can happen while I'm trying to destroy a mine.

I go loud and can be shot in the side or back while trying to shoot a mine.

Even when I shoot a mine with speed and precision there's a good chance I'll still get knocked down / take damage, leaving me vulnerable as well.

I can say "fuck it" and toss a nade at it, ensuring the destruction of the mine quickly... but still run the risk of getting knocked down and wasting my own explosive.

In all these instances, mines that I'm already aware of are being way more effective than they should be... with absolutely NO skill or input from the player who used them.

This is not even delving into the fact that mines run completely counter to the core traversal gameplay at the heart of the experience, and also very detrimental to objective modes Uncharted is known for.

They are a completely horrible thing and they do not belong in Uncharted multiplayer. You should feel bad if you use them. And whoever it was at Naughty Dog that decided they should be in (had to be a TLOU MP guy, I refuse to believe any U2 or U3 mp designer wanted them) should feel so much worse. Because whoever it was worked on something and influenced something they had almost no understanding of.

Dear WinFonda,
You sound like one who can't really spot or deal with mines

Yours sincerely
A mine user

(Listen to the beep they make, get closer to them and when the beep intensifies roll away. You won't get hit and you won't alert others with gunfire)
The stealth booster should make your mines invisible.

instead of having two mines, an upgrade should spawn multiple mines within the explosion radius upon the first mine detonation

Why did they make the shotguns fire dust?

Like, even the Condor is shit.

condor isn't bad, pistole is the true shotgun, shit is ridiculous

regular pump shotgun is trash without blindfire mod; it's really good with it


°°ToMmY°°;204990346 said:
Dear WinFonda,
You sound like one who can't really spot or deal with mines

Yours sincerely
A mine user

(Listen to the beep they make, get closer to them and when the beep intensifies roll away. You won't get hit and you won't alert others with gunfire)

Dear Tommy,

I don't play with headphones and I like to play with my custom music. Hearing the beep is near impossible.

And if you fully comprehend my complaint, detecting them isn't always the problem. Scrubbing them from the map is.

If the mine is upgraded and I body trigger it, unless I have cover to vault or a place to jump to, it's basically a guaranteed down.

I also don't play TDM, so my mine complaints come from a Command/Plunder perspective.

Yours sincerely,
A vastly superior nade user.


condor isn't bad, pistole is the true shotgun, shit is ridiculous

regular pump shotgun is trash without blindfire mod; it's really good with it

The .44 downs in two shots, the same amount as the power weapon shotgun, but also has the advantage of range. Same amount of ammo too. Like, what's the point in using the Condor?
The .44 downs in two shots, the same amount as the power weapon shotgun, but also has the advantage of range. Same amount of ammo too. Like, what's the point in using the Condor?

All of the power weapons seem woefully underpowered for their cost compared to regular weapons


All of the power weapons seem woefully underpowered for their cost compared to regular weapons

They aren't anything to write home about, but most of them can result in an easy 3 or so downs if you don't waste the ammo. They're useful to turn the tide of an encounter. Well I say 'they' - I find the .44 is the power weapon that most suits the category. The RPG, grenade launcher and Condor are a waste of cash. Haven't gotten to try the ARX yet.


The real problem with the power weapons in this game is that they are very situational; you never really will need one until you're actually in a situation that calls for it. Meanwhile, even if you do wind up needing it the Mystical or Sidekick (depending on what you have equipped) generally does the job better without any effort needed on the player's part. It's just placement of the Mystical and/or relying on the AI.

So, you have these power weapons that are ultimately for really specific situations but cost just as much as a Sidekick or a Mystical; sometimes even more than either of those. This isn't even factoring in the amount of LP they require to be in your loadout in the first place (RPG being 5 LP and only getting one shot? Hello? Doesn't even lead to an instant KO. Meanwhile the China-Lake gets way more than one shell).

They would be way better as placements on the maps for sure. Players wouldn't have to spend LP or cash on them and there would be a reason to go somewhere and fight over a power weapon. UC3 at least had this much, it at least had a few power weapons on the maps. For all of UC3's faults in the beginning, it at least tried to maintain the "fight over territory where power weapons spawn" or "go to where the power weapon spawns, grab it ASAP, and make use of it". Reasons to go out of your way to go to a specific part of a given map.

If they aren't going to revamp the loadout system in any way (or rather, are unwilling to do so) then I think the least they could do is buff some of the heavy weapons. Smart buffs. Stuff like, say, getting two RPG shots with the first RPG you buy and then any subsequent time you buy the RPG you only get one shot. Or, just have the RPG KO automatically; no downs unless it's the splash damage. Otherwise, if you hit someone directly with it they should automatically die.
They aren't anything to write home about, but most of them can result in an easy 3 or so downs if you don't waste the ammo. They're useful to turn the tide of an encounter. Well I say 'they' - I find the .44 is the power weapon that most suits the category. The RPG, grenade launcher and Condor are a waste of cash. Haven't gotten to try the ARX yet.

The Condor is great--cheapest loadout cost and you get 6 shells per use, so that's 3 downs, which is as much as you can get with the Barok, except it's 300x easier to aim the Condor so you're much more likely to actually get 3 downs. The RPG, while expensive considering you get one rocket, is good to take down groups of enemies, which is a pretty common occurrence considering how most teams play. The downside is if you don't down everyone in the group, you rocket is probably wasted because they'll be revived by the survivor.
I think the best thing about mines, is during command. Sometimes there's a bunch of them near one of their own mine and I just aim towards that and blow them to hell >:D


He touched the black heart of a mod
instead of having two mines, an upgrade should spawn multiple mines within the explosion radius upon the first mine detonation

The mine should fly after the enemy until they stand next to two of their teammates, then blow them all up.

I think the best thing about mines, is during command. Sometimes there's a bunch of them near one of their own mine and I just aim towards that and blow them to hell >:D

Once I ran into a team that was throwing down mines within smoke, figuring we'd be dumb enough to walk through the smoke and get blown to bits. They didn't count on me chucking grenades into the smoke and killing everyone with their own mines. Happened twice and made me so happy.


Once I ran into a team that was throwing down mines within smoke, figuring we'd be dumb enough to walk through the smoke and get blown to bits. They didn't count on me chucking grenades into the smoke and killing everyone with their own mines. Happened twice and made me so happy.

Nice, I love blowing up filthy mine users with their own mines.
I keep playing because the core gameplay is really good, weapon's recoil is super fun, mobility, etc. But my god there is so much shit in the way of having a consistent experience in this MP.

I think that even U3 with all the kickbacks and stuff had less bullshit. There seem to be no effort to emulate the SP experience in a MP enviroment but instead a transformative effort triying to make the MP something that UC is not. It's weird.

Buddy system was awesome, emulated the UC spirit very good and gave you an incentive to work in couples and it's out.
Mines, wtf are this doing here? they are not even in the SP.
No neck snaps or steelfists, i kinda got over these ones because the blind fire is super improved and rope swings wich are a kind of stealth attack i guess.

No more power weapons either....nor picking up enemy weapons...

The game basically promotes playing very close with your team and abuse mines or sidekicks, no more teams of two agains the world and stuff and if you haven't unlocked the best mods or heavy weapons or what not, tuff luck, keep playing.

I'm super salty about some of the clutter here, i love the core gameplay and see very little improvement made by the team in charge of translating the SP to MP.

There is nothing even as cool as the sand storm in UC3 MP.

Customization and unlock is system is kinda cool i guess...

Customisation is another feature than shit the bed and got nerfed hard. Where are our custom characters?

Don't see point in some of the things....who the hell can even tell if a character has a nose ring?

The RPG, while expensive considering you get one rocket, is good to take down groups of enemies, which is a pretty common occurrence considering how most teams play. The downside is if you don't down everyone in the group, you rocket is probably wasted because they'll be revived by the survivor.

Explosives are so inconsistent in this game, yesterday I hit a guy dead on with an RPG, he was just staggered, while the guy a few feet away from him was downed. Same with grenades all the time, near a guy = down, inbetween their legs = staggered, then the reverse next few grenades. They need fix this, I throw a nade at a guy I need know if it a kill before it blows, cannot be standing there waiting to see.


Customisation is another feature than shit the bed and got nerfed hard. Where are our custom characters?

Don't see point in some of the things....who the hell can even tell if a character has a nose ring?

I'm not really concerned with custom characters, it felt pretty odd in Uncharted 3. More colors would be nice though, along with more outfits/characters. The game just came out so I definitely expect a bit more customization to come out, looking at the road map.
Any Gaf games going? Add sheepboy64

Back in U2 days Gaf members had chat room going. How do you guys coordinate these days?

Anyone playing? Add me my Psn- sheepboy29

Why you change names so fast lol? Also, didn't you used to be sheeboy64? What happened to that name? Hasn't signed on in ages! We have a Community (run by Wowbaggr) but it's not really active, certainly not like the halcyon days of U2.
I've never played an uncharted game and rented 4 to give it a spin. The multiplayer is a lot of fun, mobile and I love how the characters aren't just models and have a lot of personality. Unfortunately it seems that if I want to play with even half the toys I have to play for a good long while, so I guess I wont be seeing them. Seeing that first 2/100 or higher for something felt pretty bad, especially when I'm getting stomped by people who have had the game a bit.


I was changing out my challenges earlier and one of the options was for 10 downs with the mine. I was so happy to see it as a choice. It only took 2 or 3 games to finish it up.
Is anyone else getting booster unlocks even we you've unlocked all the boosters? I have ghost 2 on but can't revert back to 1 because apparently it's locked. Is there some kind of prestige thing going on, or is it a glitch?
Customisation is another feature than shit the bed and got nerfed hard. Where are our custom characters?

Don't see point in some of the things....who the hell can even tell if a character has a nose ring?

Eh the custom characters from before were just one model with alternate skin textures, it was hardly a custom character and personally I don't think it added much to the experience at all. They could just add a skin for an unknown character I guess...

As for actual customisation options though, this game as a hell of a lot more than UC3. So I wouldn't say it was nerfed (as you put it) at all. There are far more options here. You just can't be a blank slate before you apply them. I can see why people might miss that but I think saying there's less on offer here is farfetched.
Eh the custom characters from before were just one model with alternate skin textures, it was hardly a custom character and personally I don't think it added much to the experience at all. They could just add a skin for an unknown character I guess...

As for actual customisation options though, this game as a hell of a lot more than UC3. So I wouldn't say it was nerfed (as you put it) at all. There are far more options here. You just can't be a blank slate before you apply them. I can see why people might miss that but I think saying there's less on offer here is farfetched.

What are you talking about just alt skin textures?

Skin colour

All custom. Compared to what we get here...



He touched the black heart of a mod
What are you talking about just alt skin textures?

Skin colour

All custom. Compared to what we get here...


3 was really limited when it came to the actual characters though. You could change top and bottom colors and maybe they had one or two hats (before DLC), but that was it. Plus there were far fewer skins per character.

Personally, I prefer fewer generic "treasure hunters" and "pirates". We've already got enough generic mercenaries on the villain side.


I really like the structure of unlockables in this multiplayer.

Gameplay unlockables take a long ass time, but it also means you feel like you've earned it and that you have learned how to use the items you do have through practice.

Then cosmetics are easy as hell to unlock with all of the challenges that are reasonably easy to complete. It really feels like there's no incentive for me to spend any real life cash and the bread crumb trail of cosmetic unlocks keeps me motivated to try new stuff with the challenges.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I really like the structure of unlockables in this multiplayer.

Gameplay unlockables take a long ass time, but it also means you feel like you've earned it and that you have learned how to use the items you do have through practice.

Then cosmetics are easy as hell to unlock with all of the challenges that are reasonably easy to complete. It really feels like there's no incentive for me to spend any real life cash and the bread crumb trail of cosmetic unlocks keeps me motivated to try new stuff with the challenges.

What's more, you can even shortcut most long-grind gameplay unlocks with relics too, albeit randomly. It's a really wonderful reversal of ol' "Greedy Dog". I hope it doesn't change when the new content starts rolling in.


What's more, you can even shortcut most long-grind gameplay unlocks with relics too, albeit randomly. It's a really wonderful reversal of ol' "Greedy Dog". I hope it doesn't change when the new content starts rolling in.

The only issue I'm having is getting to my first hero weapon. I'm at about 250 downs with the AK, so another 100 to go to get my first and be able to buy those chests.


He touched the black heart of a mod
The only issue I'm having is getting to my first hero weapon. I'm at about 250 downs with the AK, so another 100 to go to get my first and be able to buy those chests.

I got my first hero weapon pretty early on with the Para 45. Solid handgun and only needs something like 150 downs to get that first hero weapon.


I'm not keeping track, but I'm pretty sure I have 1500+ downs with the Mazur Sniper.

It is officially my tryhard weapon of choice.


bish gets all the credit :)
It seems the only viable strategy here is to stick with teammates and do the die/revive game ad nauseum. There isn't very as many opportunities for "holy shit, look what happened" moments due to the down system, no power weapons, also with mines strewn about. My favorite thing in past UC MP is map control and flanking opportunities. Know the map better than your opponents and you're at a huge advantage. Now with no stealth kills (thankfully they left the pulldown in) along with the mentioned above, it's making me yearn for the old MP. It's not bad and I'll likely continue to play it, but it's still a downer.


I think Uncharted 4's multiplayer is really fun!
I have a dedicated healer class pls add me to community page I'll heal you 4 dayz - PSN: TheNickster99


So i have about 30 hours in multiplayer in this game.... and I do not understand but I'm terrible.

I feel like all opponents have an edge on me, with all guns.... With me it takes two shots from the grenade launcher to down an enemy... but when any random grenade launcher hits me its lights out with one go.

With guns I feel like I'm dying before I even have a chance to react to the gun shots. Where a player is hitting me from across the map with the freaking AK... While it takes me almost a full clip up close with seemingly every bullet hitting with an AK to down another player.

Pistol challenges are horrible omg. Trying to get 10 kills with the aegis was a nightmare.
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