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Is there no leveling up in this like uncharted 2 multi?
Is there no leveling up in this like uncharted 2 multi?
Is anyone else getting booster unlocks even we you've unlocked all the boosters? I have ghost 2 on but can't revert back to 1 because apparently it's locked. Is there some kind of prestige thing going on, or is it a glitch?
So i have about 30 hours in multiplayer in this game.... and I do not understand but I'm terrible.
I feel like all opponents have an edge on me, with all guns.... With me it takes two shots from the grenade launcher to down an enemy... but when any random grenade launcher hits me its lights out with one go.
With guns I feel like I'm dying before I even have a chance to react to the gun shots. Where a player is hitting me from across the map with the freaking AK... While it takes me almost a full clip up close with seemingly every bullet hitting with an AK to down another player.
Pistol challenges are horrible omg. Trying to get 10 kills with the aegis was a nightmare.
Get this, you get less for winning as you rank up. But the penalty for losing stays the same. Got 10 points for a 40-9 match, lost the next one 38-40, lost 15 points, what an amazingly well thought out system. Meanwhile, I can't party up with anyone because "Well you can't party with people three ranks below you." Yet the game matches you up with randoms who're most definitely more than three ranks below you. -_-It seems I am going to have to start praying to Jesus playing with randoms on Ranked TDM. Just so that I don't get teammates equivalent to armed target dummies. People, if you are ass at the game, don't play ranked. You are bringing it down for everyone. I wouldn't be so irrationally pissed if I wasn't ranked based off of my team's performance.
Edit: Oh, I just got ranked down. Fantastic. Amazing. FUCK.
Get this, you get less for winning as you rank up. But the penalty for losing stays the same. Got 10 points for a 40-9 match, lost the next one 38-40, lost 15 points, what an amazingly well thought out system. Meanwhile, I can't party up with anyone because "Well you can't party with people three ranks below you." Yet the game matches you up with randoms who're most definitely more than three ranks below you. -_-
#NDlogicGet this, you get less for winning as you rank up. But the penalty for losing stays the same. Got 10 points for a 40-9 match, lost the next one 38-40, lost 15 points, what an amazingly well thought out system. Meanwhile, I can't party up with anyone because "Well you can't party with people three ranks below you." Yet the game matches you up with randoms who're most definitely more than three ranks below you. -_-
It seems I am going to have to start praying to Jesus playing with randoms on Ranked TDM. Just so that I don't get teammates equivalent to armed target dummies. People, if you are ass at the game, don't play ranked. You are bringing it down for everyone. I wouldn't be so irrationally pissed if I wasn't ranked based off of my team's performance.
Edit: Oh, I just got ranked down. Fantastic. Amazing. FUCK.
This just in, the Jackal (revolver) takes ALL SIX shots to down someone at a range.
This just in, the Jackal (revolver) takes ALL SIX shots to down someone at a range.
Every bullet in that slow-as-hell-reloading cylinder.
And a head-shot will reduce the required amount by like one.
The Jackal and Spezzotti are in dire need of buffs.
Meanwhile, I think the Bishai .50 cal is really underrated.
Here's me using it with fast reload
Can't imagine how good it'll be with extended clip, or better yet, that and fast reload.
No, it doesnt even show in the game which rank you have. That said, i agree that it sucks to rank down. Personally not a fan of ranking systems where you can rank down.Does your rank have any meaning, though?
The Jackal and Spezzotti are in dire need of buffs.
When they buff those weapons and they become game-breaking, broken abominations, remember the moment you asked for it
Haven't used the Jackal, but the Spezzotti is a beast with blindfire accuracy. You can down people close to mid range pretty consistently in 2 shots. Only problem is you have to grind 80 downs just to unlock it.
Plus it makes the gun cost 10 LPs. The Spezzotti may be better at that point, but is it really worth 10 LPs?
It's current status is just ridiculous considering how much better the alternative (Pistole) is, especially with extended clip, with which it's still cheaper than the vanilla Spezzotti.
So what do you want from a buff exactly? Just reduce the LP? Before I unlocked blindfire, I was thinking the shotty needed 2 more in the clip and a little faster fire rate. With the blindfire attachment that would be grossly OP.
Also, I can't believe how good the pistole is. I've escaped many a 1v2 with that thing. Fires too fast, and has a ridiculously wide shot spread. Can't believe they were fine with that while the default shotgun is garbage.
Just curious but who is in Platinum tier/diamond tier here? We should party up but I don't use a mic because my house is noisy. I can hold my own though. Add Eclair_Farron713 if you ever want to play.
How would you guys rank the maps best to worst? Kind of curious which are people's favorites/least favorites.
they should reduce lp for shotgun to 5 or even 4, maybe increase fire rate and perhaps put 5 in the clip instead of 4
Assuming you reported him/her/it?Yay! Hate mail for using the Mazur!
Yay! Hate mail for using the Mazur!
I'm diamond. My PSN is RaizeNow. I'll add you whenever I get the chance later today.
Found a weird bug with the Revive Pack, got like $8000 for one revive.
Amazing. 👍Found a weird bug with the Revive Pack, got like $8000 for one revive.
Found a weird bug with the Revive Pack, got like $8000 for one revive.
Found a weird bug with the Revive Pack, got like $8000 for one revive.
Found a weird bug with the Revive Pack, got like $8000 for one revive.
Pirate Colony and River are the only ones that stick out to me as featuring anywhere near the kind of layering and verticality I think this MP should have. None of them are particularly terrible, but none of them are particularly great either. They're so focused on funneling players into lanes to facilitate team vs. team fronts that they aren't really unpredictable and complicated enough. Almost every "callout" spot on the map feels like it's missing a higher or lower tier, and another entry point.
Ranking (mostly judging by TDM because Plunder/Command are ruined by mines, and Team Objective isn't in the game)
1. River - The jungle side is a little boring, but the decayed structure at the waterfall and the rope points all around it are great. Also love the water in the middle, and the escape route mudslides.
2. Pirate Colony - The ship side and houses are fun, but the middle near the bridge and back by the jungle need more climbing spots and layers.
3. Auction House - These buildings should have more interiors. I like it, especially the parts that layer near the middle, but it's too flat.
4. Scotland - Too simple and flat. The campaign cemetery encounter had a more interesting layout to use as a foundation.
5. Rooftops - Again, too simple. I wish there was one more large interior right in the middle to balance map flow and allow for more flanking/escapes.
6. Madagascar - Too linear. The marketplace is a lot of fun, but the routes that surround it are so simple. Should be a lot more porous.
7. Island - Way too easy to lock down. Needs a higher and lower tier, and a path to reach the sniping perch up the wall.
8. Remnants - Just kind of basic. The caves should've been a more intricate and featured more pits, rope points, and slides.
The game should freeze you mid-air.![]()
Fucking white plug, man.
Fucking white plug, man.
I was sitting here trying to rank them and it kind of hit me that none of them stand out. They all feel for the most part to just be a bit to either side of average. I'd agree Pirate Colony and River are probably the closest to what I'd like an Uncharted 4 MP map to be even if I think a couple of the others are a bit more solid from an overall design standpoint (and a bit more boring at the same time). I'd probably put Island at the bottom. It's only redeeming feature is the wonders of triple swing rope takedown.
I feel that most lvl3 and even some lvl2 upgrades of the perks are worthless if you see how mouch LP they need. Granted i only have 21 LP so far (what's the max?) but with a brute sidekick and granades, thats already 15 LP (with AK). Without any mods. Marked lvl2 is also essential for me in my eyes so there is almost room for other things.
Going to try a bit more.
Highrise is a must because of its verticality. Rope swings everywhere...I really would like a revamps of maps like highrise or train wreck.
26 LPs is the max.
Ohhh, i could work with that. But i don't want to know how long it would take me to get there.