This is not particularly good Uncharted play. You had a good score in the end, for sure... but this game was very winnable, you just have to change up your strat. Your general playstyle isn't optimal... not for a whole match. You're playing the game like its Rainbow Six Siege or COD. Most of your kills have no risk attached or outplay involved. You're just waiting and blindfiring or shooting people who have their backs turned to you, or getting mine kills when they come to your camping spot. But what you're not doing is putting any pressure on your opponent while they're killing your teammates. When you hardcore solo camp like this you're effectively taking a body off the field for your team, which means more pressure on your teammates. Very rarely were you even visible to the enemy. What this does is give the enemy team an almost constant numbers advantage and it's detrimental to your own team's mobility and cohesiveness.
My advice would be to learn to use other guns that are effective at range and proper nades so that you can move around the map with more success and confidence, as well as apply pressure from afar.
Taking heat and gunfire from the enemy team will enable your own team to do more, and making effective solo plays (like flanks) that kill the enemy team before your own team suffers too many losses will do more to help you win. Also, revive. If you're playing TDM and you miss free revives, you're adding +1 to your opponents score, which may as well be -1 from your own.
To solo carry you have to play around your team, not do your own thing and everyone else be damned. Sorry if this comes off as harsh, but I feel people need to understand why this play style is fundamentally flawed in game like Uncharted.