I bought the gameplay bundle and used my first two packs of relics on DLC Chests. I got Pirate Elena and Magnificient Pirate Eddy... all I need to be honest. I guess I want Sully also.
Fixed some medals not activating in particular scenarios. Affected medals:
Rope Melee
Pull Down
Heavy Weapon King
El Dorado King
Fixed level unlock items that were not rewarded due to store connectivity issues
It will now properly queue the items so you will be rewarded as soon as store connectivity is restored
Removed Madagascar City from playlist rotations to prevent a crash
Will be added back in 1.11 with a fix for the crash
Fixed overlapping text for Ranked TDM unlock progress screen
Fixed text color changes due to Gifting Booster use
Increased Match Completion XP bonus for Plunder
Updated levels to address gameplay exploits
And no DLC Chest price decrease ;(
Is this going to happen eventually?
So Plunder is now
1000 XP - Complete Match
1000 XP - Score
The patch notes does not mention the actual score being changed? What?
Is this going to happen eventually?
I hope I'm this lucky! Those are the two skins I'd like the most!
Pricing isn't a problem.Well you weren't going to get costumes and such for free, whichever way you look at this. Individually their pricing matches premium skins in other games.
You can get all of the weapons and gameplay items for £10. Which admittedly, isn't fantastic value for money in my opinion but I don't think you should have expected to be easily obtained either.
If you get lucky the game will break and unlock everything for you. I think it did this for SDR.
He's right here officers! And he likes to take Ko's just putting that out there too I have proof!!! XpQuiet. Don't want the Naughty Dog police knowing that I have everything!![]()
New Mobbin' Online 6 is be up. Some new map gameplay, lots of weirdness throughout, and those oh-so-typical kill-each-other moments only Uncharted multiplayer can provide!
Usual crew involved, as well as some other guest appearances by GAF folk I played with
He's right here officers! And he likes to take Ko's just putting that out there too I have proof!!! Xp
I knew you'd say that too lol. Well played Sd well playedAll rope-swing kills with a few kick off executions and pull downs. Never have I ever stolen a kill.
Audrey Parker hype
LIVE UPDATE 1.10.024
And no DLC Chest price decrease ;(
Audrey Parker hype
LIVE UPDATE 1.10.024
And no DLC Chest price decrease ;(
Damn, makes me want to get back into it. But the herky jerky gameplay has me in it for only one or two matches and I'm out but I guess that very aspect is the whole attraction to UC4 mp gunfights :3
Pricing isn't a problem.
The problem is that highly requested skins (Rika Raja, Daniel Pinkerton, Wetsuit Elena etc.) are still missing in this game. They can charge whatever they want for skins. They don't affect the gameplay after all.
All I see are some pirate skin variations that may belong in the UC4 universe (personally I'm not a big fan of Druckmann's pirate story), but they're simply uninteresting. I don't feel inclined to grind relics for them. Maybe that's a good thing, since I can focus on gameplay items.
I don't mean to insult artists for their hard work, most skins are top notch quality (minus some horribly designed/outsourced ones like Gabriel Roman/Talbot/Salim faces), but I feel like they keep wasting resources on customization stuff that nobody asked for. I don't consider them "vanity" items, let alone "premium" ones. It reminds me of the generic mercenaries pack in UC3 MP.
Damn, after playing Rocker League, I wish ND would adopt kicking afk players way sooner.
Nothing drove me crazier earlier than having people on your team be afk.
That sounds like a cheap excuse. This game has sold well enough. They should be able to hire her voice actress easily.They say they don't want to do other characters because they'd have to do voice acting for them. I really wish they'd just add their outfits and such for them though.
For example give Chloe a Rika outfit, give Orca or Knot some of the grunt outfits from Uncharted 2, things like that.
It's 2 minutes, but it gets reset if he gets killed.Yep I don't know why an AFK player gets like 5 minutes to decide whether he wants to play or not.
Overwatch kicks players in something like 15 seconds of inactivity.
Probably best not to play ranked outside of peak hours in future, cause that last ranked match we had was literally the laggiest game I have had. Why the game thought it was okay to match us up to Japanese players with a ping where it could have easily seen pre-game would result in constant white bar connection errors and literally unplayable match quality I don't know.
I wonder which of us had host? Them I suppose. Otherwise I wouldn't have been stuttering every 10 seconds. Think Kyle seemed to have it worse though, since oddly my connection errors only began after the first 5 minutes.
That sounds like a cheap excuse. This game has sold well enough. They should be able to hire her voice actress easily.
I don't see the point of grinding relics to get a different outfit with Chloe's lines. It's the banter that makes Uncharted characters truly special & unique.
IMO, this game needs 2 things that are never going to happen:
1. Separate buttons for roll and cover. Trying to roll away from the action results way too often in just sticking to a random wall or object nearby.
2. Completely remove hip fire. If you aren't holding L2, your gun doesn't shoot. I just can't imagine that anyone intended for the ballerinas who spin around in circles while holding R2 to have so much success. You should have to actually aim your gun in a shooter, otherwise, what's the point? (I'm not talking about blindfire from behind cover)
IMO, this game needs 2 things that are never going to happen:
1. Separate buttons for roll and cover. Trying to roll away from the action results way too often in just sticking to a random wall or object nearby.
2. Completely remove hip fire. If you aren't holding L2, your gun doesn't shoot. I just can't imagine that anyone intended for the ballerinas who spin around in circles while holding R2 to have so much success. You should have to actually aim your gun in a shooter, otherwise, what's the point? (I'm not talking about blindfire from behind cover)
Every "try hard" party I've come across with are just running around hip firing the MP34 or P90. It's annoying especially the P90 since it takes forever to reload due to that clip size. I dunno, I still think some guns need major adjustments when it comes to it.
And I'll say this again: indra with slow motion mod needs major fixing....
Oh wow, did you guys have another really laggy game or did everyone decide to call it a night when I left to go to sleep?
I'll be honest, that was probably the most coordinated little team I've been on and I play with another group of gaffers all the time. Of course, we're all pretty individualistic in our approach when we play because we're still on that UC2 kick.
I don't think you've met many decent parties.
Most of the matches I've played against master level players end up focusing on drawn out long ranged gunfights. Blindfire rarely features.
Blindfire features much more at low level play disorganised teams provide the opposition with space and time to get in close. Higher level matches rarely provide that kind of opportunity. I do think Indra needs fixing though. They need to straight up remove the extra 30% slow, being stuck in an Indra without it is bad enough, with it, it's overpowered and invalidates the use of alternative mystical picks like the El Dorado.
I think we're probably talking about the same match.
Couldn't even tell if they were good or not because myself and Kyle were only able to move and shoot back some of the time. So as soon as they got close they would have run through us because it was functionally a 3 vs 5, and it wasn't much better at range either. Getting stuck out of cover because of white plugging, I go down, you guys revive, and then they use that opportunity to push with Indra. Even if I was gotten up in time, it's not like I could do much to help push them back.
Like I say, it just wasn't competitively valid because of the network conditions, and as they seemed to have host on their side (none of them were white plugging on my screen) they would have had a pretty steep advantage in straight up gunfights, before even considering the fact that two of our team might not be able to shoot back.
IMO, this game needs 2 things that are never going to happen:
1. Separate buttons for roll and cover. Trying to roll away from the action results way too often in just sticking to a random wall or object nearby.
2. Completely remove hip fire. If you aren't holding L2, your gun doesn't shoot. I just can't imagine that anyone intended for the ballerinas who spin around in circles while holding R2 to have so much success. You should have to actually aim your gun in a shooter, otherwise, what's the point? (I'm not talking about blindfire from behind cover)
Honestly just need more buttons, or more remapping in general. L1 is also rope throw, which causes issues when you try to melee charge and throw the rope instead. Definitely agree that cover/roll being same button is an issue, though, as I've died plenty of times because I'm rolling around like a nut before taking cover.1. Man I agree so much, and it's a shame that it continues to ruin the MP. A majority of deaths honestly come from this lame ass tired problem.
And the thing is, they could probably very easily do it too with L1. Why not make holding square= charged melee? That would free up L1. There had to have been a better solution than what we constantly end up with.
I feel like too many people see hipfire as a gameplay choice. It's not a choice. There are situations where hipfire (and blindfire) are explicitly going to be better than aimed fire. Learn to use it.
Wow, just had a crazy comeback from 19-33. Those matches are so satisfying!
Just got casual Drake skin from the dumb app, not even sure if getting France Sully would be worth it, he was my favorite skin in U3.
There's solutions to all the puzzles on YouTube if you don't want to do it legit.