Man the platinum is going to be a painnnnn
-Crushing play through
-6 hour speed run
-70% accuracy finish
Can you use aiming assist for 70% accuracy?
Man the platinum is going to be a painnnnn
-Crushing play through
-6 hour speed run
-70% accuracy finish
I'm sure we'll see Chloe in the story DLC. It's gonna bethe job she's talking about in the note you can read when you're in the attic right after the job in Malaysia
(note: it's just an assumption and I didn't finish the game yet)
Watching the credits roll right now. I'm not a fan of the stronger focus on story.
But it is without a doubt one of my best experiences in gaming.
Oh man, I really hope that's what's going to happen.Yes please! I missedin the game.Chloe and Cutter
Gonna start playing today after work, but i have to say something first...the phiysical regular version sucks:
.-No reversible cover
.-No manual or art
.-No stickers
.-Disc art is just the same art as the cover.
Basically, zero effort on it. It is a shame really, since TLoU physical version was so much better with even some ND stickers on it.
Just got to Chapter 5.
It's great for now: mind-blowing graphics, fluid controls, variety and great pacing.
Can't wait for it to hit the higher gears.
Can you use aiming assist for 70% accuracy?
Right?Goddamn the chapter title card font is soooo good. So glad they didn't go with some generic looking typed font.
At Chapter 13ish and I really have to disagree. The storytelling makes it. Even the quips and dialogue as the characters run through the world adds to its depth. Just an incredible layering of information. You're not really picking up tapes and reading text to get a sense of the world. Its absolutely incredible. I'm playing though slowly taking it all in. Love the story.
Man the platinum is going to be a painnnnn
-Crushing play through
-6 hour speed run
-70% accuracy finish
I love love this track
I love the soundtrack even though I understand why some miss the more bombastic and melodic stuff from past games. The dynamic combat music really got my heart rate up. It's good stuff.Ok guys this soundtrack is way better than the previous games.
My top 3 so far:
1.)- to the chase
2.)- Devon
3.)- Twelve Towers
Its awesome to look at.
Don't know why most reviewers ignored this but the context sensitive controls can be quite frustrating and annoying at times, just like in the previous Uncharted games.
I'm on a higher ledge waiting to drop down to a lower ledge and I press the drop button and fall to my death instead of dropping to the lower ledge. I'm sitting there pointing my left stick in the correct direction to get Nate to jump to the next hand held perfectly placed rock grab spot and he just sits there like a lump doing nothing.
I press the go into cover button standing next to cover and the game instead puts me into a roll that places me right in the line of fire of the enemies that I was supposed to be hiding from because the roll and cover button are the same.
Everybody is too busy gushing over the set pieces to complain about the controls.
Don't know why most reviewers ignored this but the context sensitive controls can be quite frustrating and annoying at times, just like in the previous Uncharted games.
I'm on a higher ledge waiting to drop down to a lower ledge and I press the drop button and fall to my death instead of dropping to the lower ledge. I'm sitting there pointing my left stick in the correct direction to get Nate to jump to the next hand held perfectly placed rock grab spot and he just sits there like a lump doing nothing.
I press the go into cover button standing next to cover and the game instead puts me into a roll that places me right in the line of fire of the enemies that I was supposed to be hiding from because the roll and cover button are the same.
Everybody is too busy gushing over the set pieces to complain about the controls.
Man the platinum is going to be a painnnnn
-Crushing play through
-6 hour speed run
-70% accuracy finish
yeah, I ruled it out as soon as I saw the trophies. Just doesn't seem fun.Man the platinum is going to be a painnnnn
-Crushing play through
-6 hour speed run
-70% accuracy finish
Ok guys this soundtrack is way better than the previous games.
My top 3 so far:
1.)- to the chase
2.)- Devon
3.)- Twelve Towers
Man the platinum is going to be a painnnnn
-Crushing play through
-6 hour speed run
-70% accuracy finish
A few more thoughts.
The whole pirate treasure story is actually pretty interesting. The scenarios are amazingly done and specially by the end are quite impressive.
I never really cared about el dorado or shambala or iram of the pillars.
About the final boss:I enjoyed it thematically but not mechanically. It's essentially a QTE fight.
It's one more exemple where everything you've done throughout the game is ignored when you reach the final boss. But i loved that they are modern pirates fighting with swords. And it looks great.
Oh my god, there's also areference in the game too.Papers Please
Naughty Dog going crazy on these other game easter eggs.
The opening screen as a capture with text removed looks like concept art and not a render:
Man the platinum is going to be a painnnnn
-Crushing play through
-6 hour speed run
-70% accuracy finish
Man the platinum is going to be a painnnnn
-Crushing play through
-6 hour speed run
-70% accuracy finish
Just mid-way around chapter 9 and so far the AI is pretty fucking stupid. I stealth kill a guy, leave his body on the ground, 2 other AI walk by it like it is not there and act like nothing happened. It is just weird when trying to be stealthy and taking guys out silently, that bodies strewn about are not making the AI aware that something might be up. Visuals, Story and pacing to me has been great, but the AI thing is bugging me and wish they had some decent AI in the game.
Holy Christ. Just when I thought thelevel looked gorgeous, I'm completely floored at chapter 12. Can't believe my ps4 is showing some of the best graphics I've ever seen in a video game, period. Wowza. Spent the past hour taking screenshots. I already have around 400 lol.Madascar
Just mid-way around chapter 9 and so far the AI is pretty fucking stupid. I stealth kill a guy, leave his body on the ground, 2 other AI walk by it like it is not there and act like nothing happened. It is just weird when trying to be stealthy and taking guys out silently, that bodies strewn about are not making the AI aware that something might be up. Visuals, Story and pacing to me has been great, but the AI thing is bugging me and wish they had some decent AI in the game.