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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass


The thing I like about Jackman's OST is how faithful to Edmonson's it is. It's uncanny at times. If I didn't know about the composer change before hand I honestly would never have known. He deserves major credit for that alone.


The thing I like about Jackman's OST is how faithful to Edmonson's it is. It's uncanny at times. If I didn't know about the composer change before hand I honestly would never have known. He deserves major credit for that alone.


Spoiler tag that shit man...

spoiler tag people, come on, some courtesy

That's a pretty tiny spoiler, considering the game it'd be surprising if something like that wasn't in there.

leng jai

The thing I like about Jackman's OST is how faithful to Edmonson's it is. It's uncanny at times. If I didn't know about the composer change before hand I honestly would never have known. He deserves major credit for that alone.

Sarcasm is off the charts here, or at least I hope it is.


Just finished it about half an hour ago. My initial opinion is that it's the 2nd best Uncharted right after 2. I actually didn't mind the lessened emphasis on gun fights. I've always loved the exploring gorgeous locales part of Uncharted and the characterization over the gun combat. I also thought the music was great.
Some of you are a tad overzealous with what's labeled a spoiler.

I don't want to come across as rude, but if what etta said is worthy of a spoiler tag you should probably just be avoiding these threads until you finish the game.

I wouldn't have thought to tag that, either, honestly.

The Lamp

Some of you are a tad overzealous with what's labeled a spoiler.

I don't want to come across as rude, but if what etta said is worthy of a spoiler tag you should probably just be avoiding these threads until you finish the game.

I wouldn't have thought to tag that, either, honestly.

Maybe you just don't know how to spoiler tag, either.

He spoiled literally one of the last impressive locations in the game just by naming it. You can easily imagine what it looks like.
Regarding the last strech of the game:
Thanks ND for not adding any supernatural stuff this time around
. That alone makes this one better than the rest of the franchise. It's not perfect but pretty damn close.

Ranking: TLOU > U4 > U2 > U3 > U1.


The thing I like about Jackman's OST is how faithful to Edmonson's it is. It's uncanny at times. If I didn't know about the composer change before hand I honestly would never have known. He deserves major credit for that alone.

They sound nothing alike or did you not notice the lack of brass or the lack of unique instruments. Maybe the latter but how could you not notice the former?


Yeah, that fight and a couple a bit later are pretty unforgiving and I played on normal. With how aggressively enemy AI flanks and how fast Drake dies its just frustrating on several levels. Not sure how much I can help, I just grenade'd the big dude to get his helmet off and took him out, the snipers weren't super aggressive for me, or I was in the right spot.

Fuck, there's more of this unrelenting shit later on?

More like Naughty Satans
What a ride!!!!!

Just reached chapter 21, and decided to continue tomorrow.

Naughty Dog pulled another one. I haven't finished, but I must say to all, this is one of a kind.

Hope to see the DLC and the new game shortly.
Well, just starting Chapter 11 and must say my opinion hasn't shifted much from my first impressions post back on page 24.

I'm really enjoying playing the game.

Love the action sequences. Wasn't sure about the instant lock-on auto-aim to start of with but then I noticed how the environments were set up to encourage you to run, jump, and roll through the battle sequences rather than just cover-fire. And, wow, that is so much fun. As is the encouragements towards AC style stealth kills.

However, I keep noticing things that are a little less than ideal. The game is full of surface detail with no substance. The market in Madagascar. The NPC's are largely lifeless and stationary. Only a couple of the stalls have very minor interactions. The area is designed for you to rush through. As soon as you slow down to take it in, as I did, the immersion start to fall apart.

The most unforgivable part so far was the action scene in the last tower (very carefully trying to word this so as not to give spoilers, but be meaningful to those who have passed it). I was shocked by the level of slow down and stuttering! I can't think of another PS4 or PS3 game that has seemingly dropped to single figure frames like that.

I'm still happy to say that, so far, Sapienza in Hitman has wowed me more visually than this game has. Just for the Train Scene, UC2 > UC4. And TLoU has a far better story, with far better pacing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to diss this game - I'm actually loving it, it is one of the best, top tier PS4 experiences - but, everytime I read someone enthusing the gameplay and/or visuals I'm left wondering if I'm playing the same game? There's not 2 Uncharted 4's and I've downloaded the wrong one? Or have some of you got yourselves a PS4 Neo to play on?


Junior Member
This is Naughty Dog's BEST game. It is a perfect marriage of Uncharted and TLOU. I was in a state of awe from chapter 12 on. It's sensational. Many may still claim UC2 and TLOU as their favorite games, but better? Nah. These guys are getting better with every title.

Not even touching the post above mine...
What does this even mean? Why would you need to watch some other movies to appreciate this soundtrack? Either the soundtrack is good and fits/enhances the piece well or it maybe doesn't. Why would knowing unrelated media matter?

As it stands I think the soundtrack is good, but it's just good. TLOU and Uc1-3 were more than good. They were mind blowing and some were seminal works not just in this medium but in any medium.

It means that as far as movies go, this game had an equally lush, appropriate soundtrack befitting of a movie; nothing more.

This just makes Jackman sound like a worse James Horner. I should be able to tell you composed it, but it shouldn't be sounding like your previous work imo. Shows a lack of originality. Like I can tell Zimmer did interstellar, The Lion King and TDK but they don't sound similar enough to where I think they'd fit in the other films which is what I fell you are implying. Have a style yes, but don't borrow your old stuff.

Lol! You don't think that Hans Zimmer borrows from his own scores and cues occasionally?!? Whenever I hear a movie trailer that features Hans Zimmer's music, I can tell that it's a Hans Zimmer score from the past that they're using for it, let alone the "Interstellar" score which borrows from his whole Pantheon of scores. The bottom line is that Henry Jackman delivered an appropriate score to make this game sound like a summer blockbuster movie. listen to the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie scores and tell me that this game did not feature a more modern, yet classically epic soundtrack befitting of the lineage it came from.
Some of you are a tad overzealous with what's labeled a spoiler.

I don't want to come across as rude, but if what etta said is worthy of a spoiler tag you should probably just be avoiding these threads until you finish the game.

I wouldn't have thought to tag that, either, honestly.

I'm one of those super-sensitive-to-spoilers people, so it's my rule to not come into OT threads for story based games until I've finished them. What etta said isn't really spoiler though cause it was in the launch trailer.


So in regards to the ending:

Anyone else just well, happy that it was a happy ending? With how much media goes to downer endings or at the very least, bitter sweet endings. It was nice to have the heroes go home, have a good life. You know? The ending made me happy.


Stopped 20 mins. after the start of Chapter 12 and I can already say this is my favorite Uncharted. Storytelling-wise, the game is on another level, even for Naughty Dog standards. The way some cutscenes "start" during gameplay is hella' impressive, as well as the smoother location transitions and more cohesive feel of the story compared to the previous Uncharted games. It's right on par with TLoU, in terms of characterization and writing, which is very impressive.

Gameplay is great, so far, with lots of emphasis on traversal, exploration and puzzle-solving, which I love. Combat feels great and "earned" whenever happens, because of the fantastic balance and great use of "downtime" the game has. The polish this game exudes, the moments of surprise and delight... I can't wait to see what's next, yet I don't want it to end.
Regarding the last strech of the game:
Thanks ND for not adding any supernatural stuff this time around
. That alone makes this one better than the rest of the franchise. It's not perfect but pretty damn close.

Ranking: TLOU > U4 > U2 > U3 > U1.

While I did like that to a degree, for the most part I was missing the "oh shit" twist aspect. Uncharted 3 arguably has no true supernatural elements (unless you count the eternal sandstorm supernatural), but I was kinda hoping for something to come around. A supernatural twist, if done properly, could have really hammered in the point of "Dude, it's not worth it to go after this, let it go," especially if the scene where Nate, Elena, and Sully split up for Nate to go after Sam came after Nate and Elena's first encounter with the supernatural aspect. But at the same time, I understand the decision, and it made a fantastic game regardless. They may not have been able to squeeze in a good supernatural aspect that wouldn't have felt shoved in.


The thing I like about Jackman's OST is how faithful to Edmonson's it is. It's uncanny at times. If I didn't know about the composer change before hand I honestly would never have known. He deserves major credit for that alone.

uhh what? The soundtrack is nothing like the previous games. The soundtrack in 4 is incredibly underwhelming compared to the other games. Not that it's a bad soundtrack but it's very typical blockbuster film type of music. Edmonson did some amazing things with brass and non traditional instruments like the erhu.


So in regards to the ending:

Anyone else just well, happy that it was a happy ending? With how much media goes to downer endings or at the very least, bitter sweet endings. It was nice to have the heroes go home, have a good life. You know? The ending made me happy.

Yeah, I was happy they did it that way because I think they were staying true to the tone and spirit of the games in the series that came before it. Even though part of me would have liked to see something else I think in the end it's the appropriate way to end the series.
While I agree the music in this isn't exactly unique I still think it's a step above the music in previous games. I just love the sequences with this type of music and it adds to the character drama.
I honestly didn't even notice the music half of the time. When I did, it seemed like the composer cribbed the emotional notes from TLoU.


Finished. Loved it.

Easily the best Uncharted game. I don't like it as much as The Last of Us, but Uncharted 4 is definitely the best game of this generation, so far, and the best game I've played since TLoU.

The entire last hour of the game was just absolute perfection.


Got to chapter 14 and stopped for the night. Fucking hell, this game is going to make my eyes melt. These last few chapters.... I'm speechless.
Can someone help me with a puzzle? Surely I'm missing something here.

Rotating lights puzzle with rotating symbols. Wtf is this shit? I can tell it's magnetic and you seemingly put the equinox ball in the light and the N E ball over the W but i don't even know anymore


I think I need to play this again on Moderate eventually... I felt like on Hard, there was too many moments where I couldn't use the rope and other stuff because I would die so quickly.


Jesus! Just got to the island from the first gameplay demo. Jaw dropped. This game is gorgeous. I spend half my time playing and the rest in photo mode. Every photo looks like it's ripped right out of a painting from a Museum. Naughty Dog, how? PS4 is underpowered? Devs are underpowered is more like it. Never laid eyes on a game this beautiful. My god. First party games really bring out the best in a platform. Can't wait for God of War and Gran Turismo. They'll melt eyes
and PS4's from overheating
Just finished the game. Now I'm conflicted because I think I liked this more than UC2. It just feels like the idealized version of what ND has been trying to achieve with the Uncharted franchise. I wasn't a huge fan of Last of Us, so I guess my ranking now goes UC4 > UC2 > TLoU > UC3 > UC1 >>>> Golden Abyss which is currently sitting the dark abyss of the back of my book shelf (it fell over or something).

Epilogue stuff
I'm glad they tied up Nate's storyline as well, as expected. With you going through Nate's old stuff like at the beginning of the game, as one last nostalgic goodbye, but instead from the eyes of Nate/Elena's daughter, Cassie. I don't actually think the Uncharted series is finished, especially with the way they ended the game. I'd like to see them continue the treasure hunting but from Cassie's perspective.
Can someone help me with a puzzle? Surely I'm missing something here.

Rotating lights puzzle with rotating symbols. Wtf is this shit? I can tell it's magnetic and you seemingly put the equinox ball in the light and the N E ball over the W but i don't even know anymore

you get the balls over certain, spinning mechanisms. When they are over the mechanism, you hit "rotate" and the whole ball spins. You want the ball to spin until it lines up with the shadows.

And I guess I'll repost my video for posterity.

I had a bit of fun making a silly video based on the Chapter 4 title card:
"The Normal Life"
and a game modifier. Don't click unless you a) don't care about game spoilers or b) have finished the game. It's probably a little too long, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway.



People called Romanes they go the house?
Wasn't expecting the world, but easily the best uncharted game, even if the combat/shooting floatiness still bothers me, for some reason.

The stealth really helps for an 'alternate' playstyle to the shooting, though, and it was really, really an experience to see the story to its conclusion.

Agree with someone who said the 'increased' visuals make the death-defying-ness seem that much 'weirder', but it all panned out okay.

Story was easily the best out of the Uncharteds - hits some notes of previous game, but the addition of Sam really let things get just that bit shaken up that things needed to be to keep things fresh.


Are LE consoles usually still available for a whole after launch? I haven't picked up the game yet because I really, REALLY want the LE PS4, but I don't want to get a 2nd one if the Neo will actually be out this year. I'll be waiting until E3 probably. What are my chances of getting one for normal price at theat time?


Just finished the game. Now I'm conflicted because I think I liked this more than UC2. It just feels like the idealized version of what ND has been trying to achieve with the Uncharted franchise.
Agreed. They finally got it to that place. U4 has nods to U2 and U3 but there's a good chunk of U4 that feels like a complete and utter do over of the first Uncharted, and I love it for that. U4 is U1 with 9 years of dev time.
So in regards to the ending:

Anyone else just well, happy that it was a happy ending? With how much media goes to downer endings or at the very least, bitter sweet endings. It was nice to have the heroes go home, have a good life. You know? The ending made me happy.

definitely happy with it.. The series earned it. Thought for sure Sam was toast.
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