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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass


Also slight beginning spoilers

The Panama prison chapter with Sam is set before U1-3 right? And then it jumps 15 years ahead to after what happened in the trilogy? Just so I got my timelines right.


Really enjoying it, up to Chapter 12 I think.

I like the slow start. It gave the characters room to breathe a bit and it vastly helps with the set up and motivations. There are obvious parallels
between the slow burn, almost routine start for the player and Drake's obvious sense of ennui with his current life as a marine salvage guy.

I've also found the pacing a lot better, the combat is slightly less of a focus now which suits me. Its also vastly better combat when stuff does start going bang, more kinetic and with far more options available.

The only mild daftness I've found thus far is the over reliance on WHEELED BOX TO REACH HIGH AREA. It just starts to get so contrived and predictable.


Also slight beginning spoilers

The Panama prison chapter with Sam is set before U1-3 right? And then it jumps 15 years ahead to after what happened in the trilogy? Just so I got my timelines right.

Yep, because, a bit later:

Nate tells Sam when he finds him again about the whole set of adventures he lived on 1-3 like it's something new.


Also slight beginning spoilers

The Panama prison chapter with Sam is set before U1-3 right? And then it jumps 15 years ahead to after what happened in the trilogy? Just so I got my timelines right.

Yep. Uncharted
1-3 happens in the 15 year gap, as evidenced by the flashback illustrations etc during the opening credits


Having a slow start is by no means a bad point though, I love that it builds the new relationships and introduces new characters.

In a decent film you aren't thrown straight into the action over and over, you have your introduction that builds over time.

I've really enjoyed the first 12 chapters, I think too many people are looking at the story and thinking about having to replay the story instead of just enjoying it for what it is


Interesting line of thought there. And I can probably bet that you're onto something with that as well.

Thanks – and I hope so!

Really exciting to see what they do next.

I've got some structure/gameplay ideas about how they could progress into another Uncharted game (it's obvious how the story might go) but I'll save that for the spoiler thread.

My ranking is almost the same as yours:

TLOU > U4 > U2 > U3 > U1

Think I'm on board with this.

It's a fucking tough call between TLoU, UC4 and UC2, though.

Cross posting because holy shit lol:

The thing that sticks out to me the most is:

"The Uncharted games have never excelled at storytelling. Instead, they’ve used it an accompaniment to overwhelming visual technology."

What the... Is this confirmed a joke yet?

Finished it last night. I don't know if I should rate it just yet, I want to let it sink in and play it again. So here it goes, it could (and probably will) change after my second playthrough.

I really, really liked it. Don't know if I loved it, like I said I need some time to process it and play it again. The score just sucks, Henry Jackman is awful. Yuck. There were like two good tracks in there, which tbh I already forgot.
the moment when you are driving the jeep with Elena next to you after the talk in that car elevator, the visuals and music were great.

Visually, technically and all of that is as expected from ND. Kinda hard to blow me away at this point, but I do appreciate the attention to detail. The voice acting is once again topnotch. But the writing is what really sticks out, you can really tell. Especially the dialogue, I don't know how Neil does it and it is probably the hardest part of writing. But his dialogue is always so fucking fantastic and feels genuine/real. Doesn't quite reach TLOU levels, but it is def. up there. Especially
the moments between Drake and Elena. I have to say it does become clear that Neil is more at the darker side of things.

Gameplay was an improvement as well, especially the shooting. Some weird bugs/glitches/whateveritwas moments where the character doesn't really do what I wanted but ohh well. The story/pirate setting was great.

Plenty I haven't touched upon, but I really want to play it again before making a final judgement. I'd say at the moment 8.5/10. I liked TLOU more (I just love dark stuff) and think I'd put this around UC2. This is just for the SP, haven't touched MP.

Initially, this is how I felt in a nutshell.

Replaying the game now, though, and it's creeping higher and higher in my estimations. Especially when you can just skip a cutscene if you're not in the mood. The level design and... well, everything design is really hitting home for me at the moment, on my second playthrough on Crushing.

He even has a Monkey sigil, its gotta be him

Theres even a Monkey Island joke later on,
"thats the second biggest cistern I'v ever seen!"

Fuck, yeah, I never picked up on that!

I have to say the final boss fight was
meh. Introducting a weird dodge left or right mechanic for the first time right at the end was lame.

Playing this game made me realise I need some new cool long sleeve t-shirts.

I thought they did a fine job of that. It's usually a bad idea but the new mechanic was so simple that it wasn't really a big issue.

Maybe on Hard/Crushing it was worse. On Moderate it was fine.

The vibe/atmosphere during that scene is off the charts.


The only thing that really bugged me about this otherwise masterpiece of a game was the
epilogue. Or rather, how Nate and Elena have not aged much in it. They would be, I assume, at around 50 years old at that point, but both look way too young. Nate is still rocking the haircut of a young man and has few gray hairs or wrinkles, and Elena still looks like she's not old enough to buy alcohol. lol

I feel like when they came into the beach house office to their daughter, ND missed a real chance to show what they look like, actually aged.


The only mild daftness I've found thus far is the over reliance on WHEELED BOX TO REACH HIGH AREA. It just starts to get so contrived and predictable.

I'd love if that towards the end of the game, Nate goes to a door and before even trying to open it Sam says "...I'll go look for a box" and then Nate opens it with a shock on his face and makes a joke about it.


Was under the impression that the action picks up considerably after Chapter
, yet here I am with back to back chapters of automagic platforming. Yes Sam, you can continually repeat how beautiful the environment is... But that still doesn't stop it from being incredibly tedious.

I don't understand some of the decisions made in this title... It's like ND read ludo dissonance bullshit articles for a year straight and decided to make a game.


Was under the impression that the action picks up considerably after Chapter
, yet here I am with back to back chapters of automagic platforming. Yes Sam, you can continually repeat how beautiful the environment is... But that still doesn't stop it from being incredibly tedious.

I don't understand some of the decisions made in this title... It's like ND read ludo dissonance bullshit articles for a year straight and decided to make a game.

Actually, one of the many things that made this by far my favorite UC, how much less emphasis on action there is. Far less shooting waves of enemies, much more exploring.

I'll say it again, I would LOVE an Uncharted game that has zero combat and was just a pure adventure platformer.
Was under the impression that the action picks up considerably after Chapter
, yet here I am with back to back chapters of automagic platforming. Yes Sam, you can continually repeat how beautiful the environment is... But that still doesn't stop it from being incredibly tedious.

I don't understand some of the decisions made in this title... It's like ND read ludo dissonance bullshit articles for a year straight and decided to make a game.

Please understand


Was under the impression that the action picks up considerably after Chapter
, yet here I am with back to back chapters of automagic platforming. Yes Sam, you can continually repeat how beautiful the environment is... But that still doesn't stop it from being incredibly tedious.

I don't understand some of the decisions made in this title... It's like ND read ludo dissonance bullshit articles for a year straight and decided to make a game.

It's a long game. You've got plenty to see and do.

Just take it slow and enjoy it.

It's a very, very fucking good thing that Naughty Dog only included gunfights where it makes sense. That, more than anything else, shows real maturity in game design. It's the sort of step (imo) that we haven't seen in 25 years.

Please understand

After playing Left Behind, I'm not surprised at all that Uncharted has far less action than previous entries. That expansion is basically the ND blueprint going forward.


I'd love if that towards the end of the game, Nate goes to a door and before even trying to open it Sam says "...I'll go look for a box" and then Nate opens it with a shock on his face and makes a joke about it.

Ha, that would be great.

Or, PLOT TWIST! the wheeled boxes actually turn out to be full of the pirate treasure they've been chasing.

ND obviously are aware its a bit daft, during
, both Sam and Nate are continually complaining about the amount of sliding down scree slopes they have to do, "Still got gravel in my pants from the last time" etc etc.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
I'm in the middle of chapter 11. I won't be able to play again until Sunday night, though. Going to my parents house but I'll be able to jump into some multiplayer on my brother's PS4 (He's playing the SP, too, and I don't want to spoil him/take away time for him to play the story). I probably won't finish the game until the middle or end of next week. I've been trying to explore everything. There's been a couple of times where I missed on another area because I went through an area you can't turn around from, so I'll have to check those places out on my next playthrough. I also already have 190 pictures, so that is adding some time to my playthrough.


It's a very, very fucking good thing that Naughty Dog only included gunfights where it makes sense. That, more than anything else, shows real maturity in game design. It's the sort of step (imo) that we haven't seen in 25 years.

Absolutely - it shows restraint, which is a good trait.


I like how they gave a nod to GAFs layout in chapter 5 when Sam shows Nathan that one document lol

Cutscenes in this game look unbelievable at times, it's nuts.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
It's a long game. You've got plenty to see and do.

Just take it slow and enjoy it.

It's a very, very fucking good thing that Naughty Dog only included gunfights where it makes sense. That, more than anything else, shows real maturity in game design. It's the sort of step (imo) that we haven't seen in 25 years.

I agree. It got old in previous games having a firefight nearly every corner you turned.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Was under the impression that the action picks up considerably after Chapter
, yet here I am with back to back chapters of automagic platforming. Yes Sam, you can continually repeat how beautiful the environment is... But that still doesn't stop it from being incredibly tedious.

I don't understand some of the decisions made in this title... It's like ND read ludo dissonance bullshit articles for a year straight and decided to make a game.

it's pretty clear they had some trouble to make things work (or to get back in the game hehehe) after Hennig left, like Druckmann said they had to rewrite the whole story. When you compare it to TLoU UC4 seems a bit rushed.

They also removed a huge set piece very late in development so yeah hopefully everything will be back to normal development with The Last of Us 2 and Druckmann can be Druckmann once again.


I finally did it! (end game spoilers)
I beat the fucking high score. Take that, Elena Mom! Now to go back and do it as Drake.


I agree. It got old in previous games having a firefight nearly every corner you turned.

It really did. I remember in U1 where you get into some super secret tomb after lots of messing around consulting your notebook and spinning statues to align and open the wall - and its all whoooooa, abandoned, spooky, ancient, wow - and then a load of bad guys appear inside because as it turns out they came in the back door.


Was under the impression that the action picks up considerably after Chapter
, yet here I am with back to back chapters of automagic platforming. Yes Sam, you can continually repeat how beautiful the environment is... But that still doesn't stop it from being incredibly tedious.

I don't understand some of the decisions made in this title... It's like ND read ludo dissonance bullshit articles for a year straight and decided to make a game.

I'm sorry. But nothing tops chapter

The Lamp

It's a long game. You've got plenty to see and do.

Just take it slow and enjoy it.

It's a very, very fucking good thing that Naughty Dog only included gunfights where it makes sense. That, more than anything else, shows real maturity in game design. It's the sort of step (imo) that we haven't seen in 25 years.


They could have designed more sensible places to put gun fights. There were not enough. Restraint of a damn good combat system is not a virtue.


After playing Left Behind, I'm not surprised at all that Uncharted has far less action than previous entries. That expansion is basically the ND blueprint going forward.
It made sense in the context of the story and was brief enough that it did not impact the experience.

If Left Behind was stretched out to 15 hours, I wouldn't be nearly as positive on it as I am currently.

Secondly, this an Uncharted game... Not a quiet introspective journey. There's a set of expectations going into the game that I'm in for a rollicking adventure. Not to say that isn't in the game, but it's spread too far thin. The more I play it, the more I'm in the camp that this game shouldn't be this long, there is no need for 10 different box pushing sequences, or another dozen handful forced ten minute detours of the automatic platforming that don't introduce any new concepts or even feel compelling to complete.

I'm still enjoying the game, but maybe not as much as I was hoping based on the reviews, impressions, and general love I have for Naughty Dog.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
Actually, one of the many things that made this by far my favorite UC, how much less emphasis on action there is. Far less shooting waves of enemies, much more exploring.

I'll say it again, I would LOVE an Uncharted game that has zero combat and was just a pure adventure platformer.
Lack of action is fine when you have pre reboot Tomb Raider level of environmental puzzle and platforming which U4 doesn't have


So I'm watching the cutscene at the end of chapter
16. Fucking tears in my eyes when Nate started talking to Sully, couldn't hold it. Such a fucking good game.


It's a long game. You've got plenty to see and do.

Just take it slow and enjoy it.

It's a very, very fucking good thing that Naughty Dog only included gunfights where it makes sense. That, more than anything else, shows real maturity in game design. It's the sort of step (imo) that we haven't seen in 25 years.

When it makes sense? Every time I get to a new area I pray I don't have to shooty bang some dumb mooks. Frag's sake they practically give away the combat areas with all the boxes and what have you that you can hide behind.


It really did. I remember in U1 where you get into some super secret tomb after lots of messing around consulting your notebook and spinning statues to align and open the wall - and its all whoooooa, abandoned, spooky, ancient, wow - and then a load of bad guys appear inside because as it turns out they came in the back door.

Practically the same thing happens here tho.
It made sense in the context of the story and was brief enough that it did not impact the experience.

If Left Behind was stretched out to 15 hours, I wouldn't be nearly as positive on it as I am currently.

Secondly, this an Uncharted game... Not a quiet introspective journey. There's a set of expectations going into the game that I'm in for a rollicking adventure. Not to say that isn't in the game, but it's spread too far thin. The more I play it, the more I'm in the camp that this game shouldn't be this long, there is no need for 10 different box pushing sequences, or another dozen handful forced ten minute detours of the automatic platforming that don't introduce any new concepts or even feel compelling to complete.

I'm still enjoying the game, but maybe not as much as I was hoping based on the reviews, impressions, and general love I have for Naughty Dog.

I personally saw Left Behind as Naughty Dog testing the waters for their future. When it received an incredibly positive reception from both the press and consumers, I knew they were going to expand that type of experience into full games. I was right.

Oddly enough, I didn't care for Left Behind at all, but I love Uncharted 4. I understand why you and others are disappointed though.

I wouldn't be remotely surprised if ND's next IP has very little combat.


I have to say that while I do enjoy the stealth and options in combat. I don't love the actual gunplay. TLoU was much better in this area.

I guess we are all have different opinions on this as I think the gun play is the best in the series and better than the TLOU or at least on par. The problem is there isn't enough of it. I think the stealth actually stinks but maybe that is just me playing poorly. It seemed a lot better implemented in the TLOU. Either way the platforming is horrible for the most part due to the old archaic system ND still uses. Wish it allowed for more variability when climbing. Love the story and graphics though. Definitely has picked up with chapter 11.
I guess we are all have different opinions on this as I think the gun play is the best in the series and better than the TLOU or at least on par. The problem is there isn't enough of it. I think the stealth actually stinks but maybe that is just me playing poorly. It seemed a lot better implemented in the TLOU. Either way the platforming is horrible for the most part due to the old archaic system ND still uses. Wish it allowed for more variability when climbing. Love the story and graphics though. Definitely has picked up with chapter 11.

Well the stealth system isn't as good as ones in dedicated stealth games of course, but I think it's competent enough for an action game. You can avoid some fights entirely.

I wanted more combat sections too after the slow opening third, but Idk most of these guns just don't feel good to shoot. I definitely agree on the platforming though.


after replaying the trilogy remastered collection and finishing UC4 last night. i have to say UC2 still has the best gunplay in terms of how the guns feel. UC4 seemed to make the aiming less accurate without auto-aim. I was able to be more precise with UC2 with headshots much more often. i am pretty happy that the grenades seem to be much more devastating in UC4.
And It's done.

Naughty Dog have finally found the formula that works the best for them. They have decided that the story they want to told weights more that everything else. Because of this Uncharted 4 is not another sequence of shooting segments and set-pieces, but something closer to a proper adventure. The world they have built is not a simple stage anymore, it's something that is getting showed at every step, that keeps inviting us to explore it. Whereas in The Last of Us this was something more intimate and mundane, UC4 tries to evoke a sense of discovery and grandiosity more in line with what this game is about. The world has now a main role (the care and work behind the world-building proves this) and this helps ND to cover the series shortcomings.

Because Uncharted games are not remarkable third person shooters. Characters feel heavy, rigid and unresponsive. I understand that the reason behind this is a design decision to make the game feel more realistic, but it makes the shooting segments hard to enjoy most of the time. At least this time they provide a stealth alternative, but it feels flat compared to the one in TLOU. Despite avoid shootings as much as it can, UC4 still is an action game. The shooting segments are high notes on a pace that feels uneven and lacks a highest note at the end.

The other big achievement in this game are the characters. I know this is a constant in ND games, but again they have outdone themselves. The main cast performances are something else, everyone is perfect and the chemistry between them is magical. You can feel that Nathan loves Elena, that the brothers care for each other and the complicity with Sully. On the other hand the antagonist duo feels weak. Even their own existence within the story is unnecessary and it would work anyways without them.

In perspective Uncharted 4 feels like a 10 year-long project, it's the result of a learning process that allowed Naughty Dog to find what they are best at. Each step in this journey adds up to give shape to a game that is not their best work but feels more unique.
I love the gunplay, mainly because the weapons feel better than before, you have tons of options in faily big, vertical environments and the AI puts up a good fight on higher difficulties.

I also think the platforming, while hardly Super Mario, is more fun than before thanks to different routes and some genuinely fun level design at times (
like the clock tower


Just beat it first playthrough on Hard, loved every minute of it. Even the what felt like endless enemies.

I'm blown away by what ND managed to do on the PS4, Nate is by far the most realistic in game character I've ever seen.

I also loved the ending, can't wait for TLOU2 now.


Just tried lock on aim, wow this removes any possible difficulty from the game. The lock on is so fast and precise your gun can be pointing down and you still hit them. Just quickly tap L2 then R2, he won't even finish the animation.


I had to force myself to stop playing last night and go to bed. Stopped at ch. 18
Loving every minute of this so far. Some seriously amazing talent at ND and it shows.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
It made sense in the context of the story and was brief enough that it did not impact the experience.

If Left Behind was stretched out to 15 hours, I wouldn't be nearly as positive on it as I am currently.

Secondly, this an Uncharted game... Not a quiet introspective journey. There's a set of expectations going into the game that I'm in for a rollicking adventure. Not to say that isn't in the game, but it's spread too far thin. The more I play it, the more I'm in the camp that this game shouldn't be this long, there is no need for 10 different box pushing sequences, or another dozen handful forced ten minute detours of the automatic platforming that don't introduce any new concepts or even feel compelling to complete.

I'm still enjoying the game, but maybe not as much as I was hoping based on the reviews, impressions, and general love I have for Naughty Dog.

Man, how many times have you been forced to play this game already?

You sound like me on my 4th play through of Drake's Fortune, but instead of bitching about platforming ID be bitching about the shooting.

Also, the automatic platforming is gone, the climbing animation system has been completely overhauled to accommodate way more handholds on routes. That plus the piton, the swing hook and the branching paths make it pretty much impossible for it to be tedious on the first play through.

That, or you're not meant to like this game and that's cool, I guess.


Man, how many times have you been forced to play this game already?

You sound like me on my 4th play through of Drake's Fortune, but instead of bitching about platforming ID be bitching about the shooting.

Also, the automatic platforming is gone, the climbing animation system has been completely overhauled to accommodate way more handholds on routes. That plus the piton, the swing hook and the branching paths make it pretty much impossible for it to be tedious on the first play through.

That, or you're not meant to like this game and that's cool, I guess.

The platforming isn't any better and still feels automatic, or rather straight forward. There's no challenge to the platforming you just hold a direction and press the jump button. Furthermore there is just way too many of the climbing sections that just feel so freakin' same on each and every rock or mountain or whatever I find myself climbing.
The platforming isn't any better and still feels automatic, or rather straight forward. There's no challenge to the platforming you just hold a direction and press the jump button. Furthermore there is just way too many of the climbing sections that just feel so freakin' same on each and every rock or mountain or whatever I find myself climbing.

I always thought that the platforming in this series was closer to a QTE based game than to an action game. It's like the epitome of hand holding. I haven't mentioned it on my previous post because this has been a problem since the first one so it would be like beating a dead horse.

EDIT: this got way worse with the third one. The first two were more lenient iirc.
Started playing last night and got to CH6. Although the opening chapters were very slow, I was total in awe by how beautiful and fluid the game played. Some of the views have been amazing and I'm sure its just gonna get better.
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