Yup, I think the music is fantastic. And I always liked how these games ended the music when all enemies were dead. You knew when you killed the last guy. A really nice touch.Also my god did they knock it out of the park with the music in this game. The way it ramps up during combat encounters would get me so hyped up.
You have to remember when uncharted 2 came out not a single game was like it.
I think I must be terrible at this game because i'm finding the platforming quite interesting this time round. No more obvious yellow markers, and i've been puzzled about which direction to take more than once. Maybe I am not very good, but I hardly think it's brain dead.
Yeah I think the platforming is better in this as well. Like mechanically it's still simple and easy, but the additions of the rope, sliding, weightier animations, and more paths make it a more satisfying endeavor. Not only that but the designs of the climbing sections are more interesting than just "move up", and require a little thought, as they mix things up. Like I really enjoyed a lot of the platforming stuff early on in chapter 8 with all the progressively more dangerous sliding as you're making your way across the environment. I think it's a pretty creative and satisfying method of traversal.
My favorite bit of platforming in 1-3 was the ice caves in 2 and this game's platforming feels like an extension of that.
Did anyone else get the (ch.20 spoilers)near the end? You know the one I mean, running into the screen jumping over those little brown gates. Classic.Crash Bandicoot reference
how far as you into the game fancy clown
It's the, it's intentional.high wind whipping the rain against the rocks
I'm about as far as you. Platforming is a bit mindless so far (I hesitate to actually call it platforming -- skill-based Mario, this is not), but I really like using the sliding/slopes to zigzag around previous structures and reach new sides with new handholds. It's like the level design folds in on itself, which makes for some clever ways forward.Part way through chapter 8 lol. I'm out of town until Monday so I've just been chewing over what I've played thus far.
Completely dumbfounded that there's yet anotherchapter this late into the gameyoung Drake
Sure, but I agree that it was the worst looking effect in the game. It looked like the frame rate was lower, or something
I'm about as far as you. Platforming is a bit mindless so far (I hesitate to actually call it platforming -- skill-based Mario, this is not), but I really like using the sliding/slopes to zigzag around previous structures and reach new sides with new handholds. It's like the level design folds in on itself, which makes for some clever ways forward.
Yeah I think it's just a good way to make you feel connected to the environment, giving them a more tangible mechanical identity which I think is really important for an adventure game.
I think I must be terrible at this game because i'm finding the platforming quite interesting this time round. No more obvious yellow markers, and i've been puzzled about which direction to take more than once. Maybe I am not very good, but I hardly think it's brain dead.
I think it is too, but I dont hold UC2 in as high esteem as some others. But I bet you a lot of people were expecting an UC2 style game, but with better graphics/better combat/sound design
and this game is definitely, defiantly, not that.
And a bunch of people just aren't gonna like that.
Like Im actually kinda impressed they got away with even making this game, cuz a LOT of people are gonna think its boring as shit.
Just finished it....
this game is invading my subconscious
came back from running errands and realized I was fucking dressed like Nate
decided to go all out
They could have designed more sensible places to put gun fights. There were not enough. Restraint of a damn good combat system is not a virtue.
When it makes sense? Every time I get to a new area I pray I don't have to shooty bang some dumb mooks. Frag's sake they practically give away the combat areas with all the boxes and what have you that you can hide behind.
this game is invading my subconscious
came back from running errands and realized I was fucking dressed like Nate
decided to go all out
I think I must be terrible at this game because i'm finding the platforming quite interesting this time round. No more obvious yellow markers, and i've been puzzled about which direction to take more than once. Maybe I am not very good, but I hardly think it's brain dead.
No rope?
i don't see a gun holster
Oh man when it cuts toI said fuck yes out loud.the ND logo with the theme,
e: As already mentioned, fantastic ending.
I didn't see that shot in my playthrough... O_O
I hope the SP is all out mayhem and not something like left behind.
No rope?
I hope the SP is all out mayhem and not something like left behind.
I think that's the shot you get if you fail the rope swing after the bridge brakes under the car with Nate and Elena.
I hope the SP is all out mayhem and not something like left behind.
ill post this again
I would like to know when Nate and Elena are playingCrash Bandicootcan you beat Elenas high score?
edit NVM i found out for myself lol
Could've been a 3 minute cutscene instead.
wish granted
Bit of both, really
You might be disappointed then. It's paced more like TLOU than the previous Uncharted games. It's also much longer than the other games.
Damn that scene after the Jeep chase in the hotel room hit home. I'm not one to tear up at a game, but damn I came close. I get the conflict, doing what you want versus doing what you need to,
Guys guys i forgot to write DLC in my post. Sorry.
I hope the SP DLC is all out mayhem.
Guys guys i forgot to write DLC in my post. Sorry.
I hope the SP DLC is all out mayhem.