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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass


Oh shit. In the bonus section the 'add ons' says you can unlock stuff by finding treasure etc. I seemed to have a lot of points so basically unlocked almost everything.

Then I went to character gallery which just says 'take a look at some of the characters' but you have to unlock those too and now I spent all my points. It's a really cool batman style model viewer too


I want to do another playthroughs tocheck for missing treasure etc - slightly above 50% on most except the optional conversations which I have most of.

Are lots hidden in stupid places like previous UC games (in which case I won't bother and I'll use a walk through), or are they more normally hidden? With the much more open areas I'm sure they could hide some in a random dead end somewhere but I missed half of them even though I was looking at least a bit off the beaten track


The graphics in chapter 10......

What the fuck is going on?


you won't believe

Completed this last night and general thoughts are...

Best Uncharted no doubt.
TLOU inspiration is clear without losing what makes Uncharted great.
The best graphics ever. Like what the fuck. I actually couldn't understand how it was happening.
Best 3rd person shooter out right now.
Rafe + Nadine are great antagonists. Story hit all the right notes.
Multiplayer is actually hooking me enough to keep playing. UC4 + Rocket League for the forseeable future.

I can't even imagine what TLOU2 is going to do to us.
This is the best action/adventure game I've ever played, hands down.

They went after the most famous, sought after treasure ever recorded in history [albeit with slight exaggeration on the part of certain authors] and this game did a perfect job of expressing what that adventure would be like.

How can this game ever be topped?!?


I'm so happy there's a chapter and encounter selection available after finishing the game. I'm going to spend the whole of tomorrow just re-doing favorite parts.

leng jai

Just finished. Game is firmly at number 3 for me as far as ND games go behind UC2 and TLOU. It's an incredible game, but for me the execution wasn't as consistent as those two efforts. The graphics are obviously GOAT tier, as are the seamless transitions between gameplay and cinematic. The gameplay really brings it down a notch or two for me, the improvements just weren't quite to my expectations. The gunplay and stealth went backwards since TLOU, and the set pieces definitely weren't as compelling as they were in UC2/3 despite the incredible fidelity of them. I prefer the story here, but the banter wasn't up to the usual standards in terms of humour.

Definitely don't agree with the endless 10s this game is getting from the media and people in the this thread, it's nowhere near perfection. Still very happy with the game having said all that.


Just finished. Game is firmly at number 3 for me as far as ND games go behind UC2 and TLOU. It's an incredible game, but for me the execution wasn't as consistent as those two efforts.

Pretty much the same for me.

U2 > TLOU > U4 > U3 > U1

Really good overall, but the magic of U2 was too strong.
My biggest problem are the difficulty spikes regarding arena battles.

As someone who played it on normal/moderate - i find everything a cakewalk till
that graveyard fight that I kept dying because of being shot from every corner amidst torn down cover.
A lot of people seem to struggle there but I thought it was one of the easier encounters. But I played it on hard. The
mansion encounter on the other hand?
Fuck that shit.

Every Naughty Dog game seems to have at least one or two sections with high difficulty spikes. UC1 was the flooded basement. UC2 was the monastery. UC3 was the cruise ship ballroom. TLoU was the section where you first meet David. UC4, see spoilers above.
Huh, so this game disables Spotify in both Single Player and Multiplayer. Kinda weird because other games don't, even the ones that "push" the hardware like Battlefront.



Has anyone here beaten the (late game spoilers)
Ship Graveyard
on crushing? Please tell me your secrets. This is literally impossible. It's like a level made for swinging around and getting at your enemies from different angles. But you can't play like that on crushing, you get insta-killed in a sec. All the covers are breakable, the snipers are far away and the only way to get to them is through the army of guys that are below, because lol no swinging for you.

And if by some miracle I manage to get down there and survive for a while, the second wave throws 2(TWO) big machine gun guys at you.

And if you die to the second wave which you will, there's no checkpoint. Gotta start all over. And I have almost no ammo in the beginning either. Just 18 uzi ammo and 14 golden assault rifle.

Please tell me this is the
last major fight in the game at least.

That part destroyed me for over an hour last night. I had to quit. Today I passed that part. By far the hardest area in the whole game. My strategy basically consisted of becoming just a LITTLE aggressive down low on the left side (once the guys with
mini guns
spawn. Basically just spammed those fuckers with a bunch of grenades, picked up one of their weapons, and killed everything else.


There's one combat sandbox in particular that really shows the strengths of this game and why it's the new 3rd person shooter benchmark. It happens late in the game and it's the
flooded village
. There's a million ways to handle this situation and how rock-solid the gameplay systems flow and execute is a thing of pure beauty. I was
sneaking in tall grass and hiding bodies, swimming underwater either to escape or to stealth, I was climbing buildings, taking cover, breaking necks, sniping, shotgunning, grenading, kicking people of rooftops, co-op meleeing with my partner
... you name it. All gameplay combat & traversal systems available for use.


10.5 hours into it, on chapter 12 I believe. The game continues to astound me. The stormy area I'm in right now is just WOW.

That area looks amazing but I was really distracted by a weird rain filter thing. Felt like my old PC throwing white artefacts everywhere.


This is the best action/adventure game I've ever played, hands down.

They went after the most famous, sought after treasure ever recorded in history [albeit with slight exaggeration on the part of certain authors] and this game did a perfect job of expressing what that adventure would be like.

How can this game ever be topped?!?

The only thing that didn't ring true (and its really only a tiny bit) is: why didn't
they go back and get the treasure? Sure some will be damaged but plenty will be fine. Even just for gold value it'd be worth it. And they do own a marine salvage company..
Real spoiler:
They leave it pretty open for Sully and Sam to have new adventures.

If they decided to do that I am sure I would enjoy them, but for me half the reason I love these games is because of Nate. His character is full of charm and charisma which I think would be hard to replace, even with Sam despite how good a character he was.
The only thing that didn't ring true (and its really only a tiny bit) is: why didn't
they go back and get the treasure? Sure some will be damaged but plenty will be fine. Even just for gold value it'd be worth it. And they do own a marine salvage company..

Yea I was wondering that too.
I guess they wanted to let bygones be bygones, or something or the other.

But then Sam and Sully talk about "business" after so maybe they do go back and grab some of the coin

In the ending Elena says that Sam gave her some of the gold coins "slipped into her pocket" to buy the salvage company

Also I guess we have to assume they took at least enough to buy a salvage company, that was enough to allow the original owner to retire.... so I dunno what that is, maybe 50 or 100 thousand dollars worth of gold from the ship, that's like 40 to 80 ounces, but that's only like a handful of gold

And it's not clear if Sam and Sully do "other jobs" or just go back and get some of the coin so they can retire too, it doesn't seem like they are doing much really, and Sully is retired for sure

I guess this part is left up to the player to decide


Having played both games back to back, this game blows
Rise of the Tomb Raider
out of the water in nearly every aspect. Especially the story. Glad I decided to play this game after that one. Multiplayer is a blast. #TeamChloe.

I agree for the most part, especially as an overall package though Id argue I had more fun actually playing ROTR. Exploring felt more rewarding with the Tombs and crypts and platforming more varied and interesting. Stealth and combat encounters are better done here. Puzzle design was much better in ROTR however. I prefer platforming/environmental focused puzzles like those found in the TR games. I wish they more puzzle/platforming sections like the one in Chapter 11 or the ice temple in UC2.
That area looks amazing but I was really distracted by a weird rain filter thing. Felt like my old PC throwing white artefacts everywhere.

Yes! It looks awful. I actually had to find a video of that chapter on YouTube to be sure my GPU wasn't crapping out. Hate that part.


Junior Member
So I've spent the past few hours playing the SP campaign and I'm just floored. The writing, locations and graphics have floored me.

How does this game look this good? This is easily one of the best looking games I have ever played. And I'm also shocked at how smooth it runs. I don't think I have played a 30FPS game as responsive as Uncharted 4.

ND are a bunch of fucking wizards.


I'll be honest here, I don't think I'm gonna go back and play Uncharted 1-3. I'm going to remember them as the amazing 10/10 games they are. I fear UC4's gameplay spoiled me and I don't wanna risk not being able to deal with the old gameplay.

Has anyone here beaten the (late game spoilers)
Ship Graveyard
on crushing? Please tell me your secrets. This is literally impossible. It's like a level made for swinging around and getting at your enemies from different angles. But you can't play like that on crushing, you get insta-killed in a sec. All the covers are breakable, the snipers are far away and the only way to get to them is through the army of guys that are below, because lol no swinging for you.

And if by some miracle I manage to get down there and survive for a while, the second wave throws 2(TWO) big machine gun guys at you.

And if you die to the second wave which you will, there's no checkpoint. Gotta start all over. And I have almost no ammo in the beginning either. Just 18 uzi ammo and 14 golden assault rifle.

Please tell me this is the
last major fight in the game at least.

The problem with that battle is magnified due to the time you're exposed getting from cover to cover. It's exceptionally bad when you're starting off from a high ground because you have to drop and immediately get to cover. While you're doing that, enemies are pinning you down, shooting away at your cover immediately, flushing you out with grenades, and going towards you. Even worst is that they armored up the sniper, there is a lack of weapon to tackle 2 armored opponents. I had to hoard my grenades to stop them.


I believe I am on Chapter 19 as I
just reunited with Sully, Sam, and Elena and we are making our way down towards the plane.
About how much time do I have left?

I am trying to figure out if I power through tonight once my wife falls asleep and/or if I just go to bed early and play tomorrow.

I want to power through tonight so I can get to playing Doom, but if I am going to be up to 3 or 4 AM I will opt not to do that, as it will make me a grumpy cat all weekend staying up that late.


Just finished it. The game was rather ho-hum throughout aside from a few notable sections but at least they nailed the ending. I had a grin on my face while watching it.
The update had "Various Localization updates" I already can see they removing a word used in the latin american translation that might offend some people.

They translated something like "dumbass" to "Tarado" , Tarado is an really old insult that is not really used much now and means that a person has some genetic or physical deficiency.

leng jai

I don't really understand how people say the stealth is good in this game. What exactly is good about it? It's as basic as it gets, it doesn't even have the lure mechanic from TLOU. The whole thing just boils down to hiding behind a wall or a bush (which is laughable "cover") and waiting for the dumb AI to walk past you. There's really nothing to it at all.


I don't really understand how people say the stealth is good in this game. What exactly is good about it? It's as basic as it gets, it doesn't even have the lure mechanic from TLOU. The whole thing just boils down to hiding behind a wall or a bush (which is laughable "cover") and waiting for the dumb AI to walk past you. There's really nothing to it at all.

It's not really. Especially on higher difficulties.


I don't really understand how people say the stealth is good in this game. What exactly is good about it? It's as basic as it gets, it doesn't even have the lure mechanic from TLOU. The whole thing just boils down to hiding behind a wall or a bush (which is laughable "cover") and waiting for the dumb AI to walk past you. There's really nothing to it at all.

It's because stealth was almost non-existant for me in UC 1-3 so i am enjoying at this game.What's so hard to understand?
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