Just finished it. I bow to your brilliance Naughty Dog. Perfect end to Nate's story.
You actually do fight significantly less, I tracked my stats while doing the entire collection and this one.
Enemies Killed:
UC1 - 777
UC2 - 958
UC3 - 720
UC4 - 524
It's less fighting on top of the fighting being more spread out as well.
I would agree. Although I wish they would've brought some stuff over from UC3 like swinging your gun into an enemies face. Unless that is in UC4 and I'm just unobservant.
Even then, there's entire sections of Uncharted 4 where not killing is entirely a viable option.
Shooting and aiming felt great to me, best in the series. As was the melee.
Opinions are lies now?
It's so weird this point. Some people love the gunplay in 4 while others despise it. I saw something similar in the Quantum Break thread and among reviewers. I wonder how much of it is down to playstyle.
Obviously some games have objectively bad gunplay, but it is an interesting topic.
Yea.... it hit me too hard... more than I expected....I was not ready for Uncharted to be over![]()
I hit enemies with guns plenty of times.
Which parts? Spoilers..
Thedrama with Elena was just laughable. She's sad that he doesnt tell her, and she worries about him dying. Him. Nathan Drake. The guy that gets out of the most ludicrous scenarios and laughs off everything. He doesnt fear death. And players arent conditioned to fear him dying. Elena is aware of what he does. He kills a bunch of people for treasure. On the odd occasion, he shows mercy to Nadine and Rafe, for some god forsaken reason. Let's also not forget that Elena kills a couple of people like it's nothing at all. Somehow, this reporter is taking out mercenaries with her bare hands
I could only roll my eyes.I get that she doesnt like that Nate lied to her. But moving on, Drake finds out Sam lied. He is hurt because he lied and Drake risked his life for him. What did he really risk? He's done this many times before and never sweats anything. He gets out of everything. He even smashes his head on a rock right after...and is totally fine.
Or how about howSam is such a selfish douche, but Nate forgives him, and Elena barely cares about what he did. Nor does Sully really give a shit, outside of calling him out a bit. In fact, they work together for a while. They IMMEDIATELY insert the flashback here to make Sam seem like a good guy, and to give him motivation for his actions-- Avery's whole story is tied to his mom's research. But I dont recall this ever being mentioned after the horrible flashback with the goofy granny dying.
There's just so many inconsistencies with this. The motivations are off, the reasoning never makes sense. I just cant find myself caring about Drake in that sense.
Compare this to Joel and Ellie. Their motivations make sense. Joel's selfishness makes sense. When they cut the tension with humour, it makes sense.
Even if this is just a comparison between two totally different games, the storyline for UC4 doesn't really make much sense to me, because it still all feels selfish and care free.
This is why the game's emotional scenes never work. It only works in the very end because we know this is a true ending to characters we've grown accustomed to for the span of like 8 years.
Chapter 20at shipgraveyard
6 guys at the bottom that rush you, two snipers along the other side trying to get you, one of them is armored just to troll you, so even a headshot doesn't instant kill them, one guard up top with them, three guards below them
Once you take down the snipers they throw in reinforcements with a few more mooks, a gas mask grabber guy, an armored guy that rushes you and a fucking minigunner
If this was Uncharted 2 or 3 there would be power weapons lying around like a grenade launcher or rocket launcher or something decent like a shotgun for the rushers
Instead all they leave you with is a sniper rifle with 3 bullets in the middle of this cluster fuck and two grenades. And if you want them ammo from the snipers perched up? Too fucking bad cause that's where the reinforcements are coming from
Whoever designed this needs a punch to the face
It's so weird this point. Some people love the gunplay in 4 while others despise it. I saw something similar in the Quantum Break thread and among reviewers. I wonder how much of it is down to playstyle.
Obviously some games have objectively bad gunplay, but it is an interesting topic.
Disappointed with the lack ofsupernatural.
I'm pretty sure something similar is in, but less flashy than 3'awesome gun golf swing lol. There's quite a few cqc different animations it can get very stylish depending on luck, where you are and what you do or do not hold in your hands. Even buddies have multiple tag team takedowns or their own.I would agree. Although I wish they would've brought some stuff over from UC3 like swinging your gun into an enemies face. Unless that is in UC4 and I'm just unobservant.
I mean, look at this level design. Just look at it.
I genuinely cannot fathom how people think the combat in this game is bad, or even average. Genuinely, this game has the best combat combat encounters of any shooter I've ever played, period, at least with a few key encounters anyway. The level design is quite simply incredible, and the level of tactical freedom and diversity of approach it allows simply unparalleled. Shit made me feel like Solid Snake, Spiderman, a Navy Seal and James Bond all in one. Platforms, buildings, pathways etc of a multitude of different elevations cluttered together, with climbing stones, ridges etc everywhere, ropeswing points, windows, countless alternate pathways, mudslides, underwater segments, cover spots galore, destructible elements, stealth grass and more.
I mean, look at this level design. Just look at it.
Rushing through the slower moments as fast as possible like the old games when there were those slow and quieter moments? It's really not that different, other than the fact UC4 simply has a lot more of them. And while they may absolutely be super boring to go through on a replay asap because of how long those moments are in comparison to 1-3's smaller amount of quieter moments, I think it'll mostly be fine on a replay.
Honestly, Uncharted 3 had the slowest beginning of the trilogy and I've replayed that game dozens of times and I never really once minded how slow it was to start. Getting through the puzzles and shit quickly to get to the good parts made up for it and I think there's enough good parts in UC4 it'll feel the same way.
It does suck there's a much wider area between combat arenas but I really, really don't think the game will be that bad to replay again.
Though definitely on higher difficulty settings it'll almost seem pointless because the higher difficulty settings do not, whatsoever, affect the platforming/climbing/slower moments. But then that was the same thing with Uncharted 3, that game doesn't start to actually get difficult on Crushing until like Chapter 11 or 12 -- halfway through it!
But then I guess UC4 is the example of what happens when the people who complain about "too many combat arenas" win. The game's replayability suffers.![]()
I genuinely cannot fathom how people think the combat in this game is bad, or even average. Genuinely, this game has the best combat combat encounters of any shooter I've ever played, period, at least with a few key encounters anyway. The level design is quite simply incredible, and the level of tactical freedom and diversity of approach it allows simply unparalleled. Shit made me feel like Solid Snake, Spiderman, a Navy Seal and James Bond all in one. Platforms, buildings, pathways etc of a multitude of different elevations cluttered together, with climbing stones, ridges etc everywhere, ropeswing points, windows, countless alternate pathways, mudslides, underwater segments, cover spots galore, destructible elements, stealth grass and more. That's not even getting in to the quality of the AI, super satisfying weapons and grenades, excellent controls and mechanics, top tier animation blending, contextual melee etc.
I mean, look at this level design. Just look at it.
I never compared it to the Order.
So yea, reply to the correct person next time.
That was the exception, not the baseline. Not to mention the stealth mechanics while better than previous entries, was still sorta halfassed at times.
Same here I thought there would be when Sam mentions howin Libertalia the horses were left tied down in their stables and the colonists left in a hurry.
And while they may absolutely be super boring to go through on a replay asap because of how long those moments are in comparison to 1-3's smaller amount of quieter moments, I think it'll mostly be fine on a replay.
It's so weird this point. Some people love the gunplay in 4 while others despise it. I saw something similar in the Quantum Break thread and among reviewers. I wonder how much of it is down to playstyle.
Obviously some games have objectively bad gunplay, but it is an interesting topic.
I genuinely cannot fathom how people think the combat in this game is bad, or even average.
What was the exception? I just went through the entire game on Crushing a second time around, and I'd say almost every encounter (bar the first few) offered an incredible array of diversity of approach, due to the layered nature of the arenas, the multitude of pathways and access points, climbable features, tall grass etc. In Scotland outside the Cathedral, the rooftops of Italy, the forts of Madagascar, the towns in Libertalia, New Devon, the Ship Graveyard etc.
The worst encounter was easily.The Mansion
But alas nothing is perfect,the combat in this game is fucking atrocious it's worse than Uncharted 3 prior to the fix.
The aiming is floaty as fuck and most the time it's like playing whack a mole with guns.
And the dreaded "1 button has multiple uses" Pisses me off in most games but this.. fucking vile.
Press O to go in cover when right by cover, rolls and hangs of ledge and then gets shot by rockets, Happened so many times
And that fight against the armoured minigun guy.. was close to snapping the disk.
When not shooting, this game is 10/10 when in combat, I'd give it about 1/10.
Encounter design is just awful.
I'm surprised so many struggled with the. I had an easy time with it and became one of my favorite encounters. I played on hard and died only once (but that was due to a platforming fail). The worst encounter was easilyShip Graveyard.The Mansion
I've found that a couple of my friends who don't like the gunplay, they often ignore all that you suggested, and play it with zero mobility. Very strange.
I had zero issues with the gunplay and hearing people complain about the difficulty on hard. Nothing in UC4 is as tricky as the UC3 shiphull/theatre room with people dropping in left/right/up down. That was tricky. UC4's combat allowed you to use stealth and then once you're proper in a firefight, there's ways to play through. One thing you should use most of is cover + hanging off ledges. Once you cleared a few of the enemies, you can run around and play UC4's combat the way you're used to in the other uncharteds. Density of enemies here, obviously have to be cleared first.
And they have pretty good checkpoint mid battles too.
Chapter 20at shipgraveyard
6 guys at the bottom that rush you, two snipers along the other side trying to get you, one of them is armored just to troll you, so even a headshot doesn't instant kill them, one guard up top with them, three guards below them
Once you take down the snipers they throw in reinforcements with a few more mooks, a gas mask grabber guy, an armored guy that rushes you and a fucking minigunner
If this was Uncharted 2 or 3 there would be power weapons lying around like a grenade launcher or rocket launcher or something decent like a shotgun for the rushers
Instead all they leave you with is a sniper rifle with 3 bullets in the middle of this cluster fuck and two grenades. And if you want them ammo from the snipers perched up? Too fucking bad cause that's where the reinforcements are coming from
Whoever designed this needs a punch to the face
I can't think of a single combat encounter where I was able to stay in one place and pick enemies off. The areas are too wide for that, they easily flank you or force you to move by taking the flimsier cover away forcing you to move. The encounters are quite dynamic in that sense.
I finished my first playthtough on Hard difficulty. BIG mistake. The difficulty spike in this part is ginormous. I kept dying and dying in a matter of SECONDS in this part.
I kept praying for the encounter to end, and then they throw in a second wave, so I keep dying even more.
Then you finally enter the wrecked ship and ANOTHER wave comes in.
This whole part was so brutal that it made me regret playing on Hard first.
Inside Avery's Manor was also another part I had trouble with. The sheer amount of enemies, especially those with grenade/rocket launchers was a huge pain in the rear.
My kill countYou actually do fight significantly less, I tracked my stats while doing the entire collection and this one.
Enemies Killed:
UC1 - 777
UC2 - 958
UC3 - 720
UC4 - 524
It's less fighting on top of the fighting being more spread out as well.
It's so wierd to see people post trying to downplay people's thoughts when it comes to the folks that loved it. I mean I'm sure some people are riding high off the experience, but I know my thoughts on this game versus the rest of the series isn't going to change. I understand the pacing and way this one plays out is quite different in comparison, but after running through the prior games before and after finishing UC 4, hands down its just the way I've always wanted the series to be, finally realized. Exploration, beautiful locations, more story filled with emotional moments, expansive levels, better shooting, more gameplay options and variety.
I think my favorite cutscene of the game wasDrake explaining the pirate dinner table toast to Elena. Shows how much Drake loves doing this stuff