I always get flanked, I never feel safe in this game during gun fights (playing on Hard).
I agree. Their relationship felt incredibly real.Everything with Elena and Drake in this game is handed incredibly well. I struggle to think of a non-platonic relationship depicted better in a video game, nothing really comes close.
Ha, noticed that too. Sadly that's just the way it is with every game that has an overwhelmingly positive critical reception and going by this thread, similarly positive reception by regular folk too. In this context, it is understandable that those who did not enjoy the game much / outright disliked it will feel somewhat marginalized by all the gushing and 'wow best game ever!' sentiments. However, this leads to insecurity in some and that small vocal minority tends to feel the need to downplay the positivity.
A recent example of this is Witcher 3 - a game similarly praised by the press and regular gamer alike. The minority who did not like it were very vocal and made damn sure they were heard! Which of course they had a right to, but it did get grating to see some of the same posters popping up time and time again in Witcher 3 threads just to whine.
Anyway, it's been very interesting following Uncharted 4 the past few weeks, from early impressions to reviews and finally this OT. I'm glad that the game has been received so well by most people. And I truly believe this is not down to a 'honeymoon period' either. If anything I think people will actually appreciate the game more as time goes by.
I think my favorite cutscene of the game wasDrake explaining the pirate dinner table toast to Elena. Shows how much Drake loves doing this stuff
What's wrong with something being exceptionally good on all levels, even outside of the game? I've watched Force Awakens six times, and that has no game play, just one long cutscene. The obsession with replay ability is mind numbing.Finished the game.
It's the best, most perfect only 1 playthrough game of all time. It's a game, Druckmann.Please put more gameplay in your games.
And no, TLoU was not like this.
It really was. Partly why I feel slightly dead inside now that we won't see these characters anymore.Everything with Elena and Drake in this game is handed incredibly well. I struggle to think of a non-platonic relationship depicted better in a video game, nothing really comes close.
I dont get its,to me no game should be design around being replayed again.Finished the game.
It's the best, most perfect only 1 playthrough game of all time. It's a game, Druckmann. Please put more gameplay in your games.
And no, TLoU was not like this.
What's wrong with something being exceptionally good on all levels, even outside of the game? I've watched Force Awakens six times, and that has no game play, full movie. The obsession with replay ability is mind numbing.
I just feel like hiding behind a wall and picking off enemies one by one in a very cautious shooting gallery is the antithesis of how I would want to play this.
Oh well, no platinum for me I guess.
I played on moderate and would always get flanked as well. Saw my brother playing on hard and didn't notice a difference beside losing health faster? Is AI behavior more aggressive on crushing? If not, how does it scale?
In all honesty I don't have much interest in playing on anything harder than moderate. Half the super fun stuff like swinging off ropes and punching guys in death defying ways would be absolutely impossible on a mode like crushing. I just feel like hiding behind a wall and picking off enemies one by one in a very cautious shooting gallery is the antithesis of how I would want to play this.
Oh well, no platinum for me I guess.
In all honesty I don't have much interest in playing on anything harder than moderate. Half the super fun stuff like swinging off ropes and punching guys in death defying ways would be absolutely impossible on a mode like crushing. I just feel like hiding behind a wall and picking off enemies one by one in a very cautious shooting gallery is the antithesis of how I would want to play this.
Oh well, no platinum for me I guess.
Just me or is anyone else also feeling like there's not much replay value here? I did a lot of exploration on my first run and found all the notes and did the optional conversations, and now when I go back, I just don't *feel* it. I've got some treasures to find, but other than that I'm really not enjoying playing through it again, even though it's my top 5 of all time.
I dont get its,to me no game should be design around being replayed again.
I think that was mine too. Theis a close second. I also loved theNate and Elena sofa sceneelevator climb conversation followed by the tranquil drive through the forest, with music in the background.
Actually,the final conversation between Nate and Sam was pretty great as well![]()
The obsession with replay ability is mind numbing.
Sure but its not a arcade game though its trying to tell a story.I have to take issue with this. Arcade heritage classics, your Gradius and Contra and Street Fighters and Final Fights all depend on this. Then you have Treasure's output from Sin and Punishment to Gunstar and Guardian Heroes, and Platinum games like Bayonetta.
Replay is a critical component in many games. Over-reliance on cinematic techniques does not negate the need for great gameplay mechanics.
I dont get its,to me no game should be design around being replayed again.
I dont get its,to me no game should be design around being replayed again.
Holy crap what?Holy crap!
Why there are over ten drop the box so I can get to a higher point things in this game is beyond me. Just absolutely baffling.I almost want to say the game feels bloated due to the climbing segments. TLOU was another game with a lot of travelling but it never bored me to the level UC4 did. That might be due to how absurdly long many of the travelling parts are or due to the general simplicity of the actual climbing mechanics.
What's wrong with something being exceptionally good on all levels, even outside of the game? I've watched Force Awakens six times, and that has no game play, just one long cutscene. The obsession with replay ability is mind numbing.
In all honesty I don't have much interest in playing on anything harder than moderate. Half the super fun stuff like swinging off ropes and punching guys in death defying ways would be absolutely impossible on a mode like crushing. I just feel like hiding behind a wall and picking off enemies one by one in a very cautious shooting gallery is the antithesis of how I would want to play this.
Oh well, no platinum for me I guess.
Anyone else get frame drops and stutters after getting to....theNot all the time but it seems to be happening as I'm exploring on foot every now and again.island? The one where you and Sam drive the boat around exploring.
I almost want to say the game feels bloated due to the climbing segments. TLOU was another game with a lot of travelling but it never bored me to the level UC4 did. That might be due to how absurdly long many of the travelling parts are or due to the general simplicity of the actual climbing mechanics.
Sure, but story shouldn't be mutually exclusive from replay ability (which is a subjective measure obviously).
Look at games like the original Deus Ex, or Metal Gear and Ocarina. All story driven but still very much replayable.
Sure but its not a arcade game though its trying to tell a story.
Holy crap what?
Why there are over ten drop the box so I can get to a higher point things in this game is beyond me. Just absolutely baffling.
I found the first quarter of UC3, TLOU and UC4 a bit slow for my liking. For me UC4 doesn't really get going till Chapter 10 and onwards. Granted I absolutely love the Auction/Heist level, and really enjoyed elements of Scotland, but the rest of the first 9 chapters still felt a tad too plodding. If just a few more gunfights or a major set piece of some kind was thrown in somewhere in the first 9 chapters, it would have been perfect. As is, whilst the game is imo still a masterpiece, I think UC2 remains the only ND game that has perfect pacing.
Not saying its not replayable,some people think the first chapters hurt replayability.Sure, but story shouldn't be mutually exclusive from replay ability (which is a subjective measure obviously).
Look at games like the original Deus Ex, or Metal Gear and Ocarina. All story driven but still very much replayable.
Now, I would love to have known Amy's vision for the game. She is a good balance to Druckmann.
It's not just the early parts though but stuff like the tunnel in Chapter 19. That had no business being remotely as long as it was.
At the very least, even if it was loading purposes... Mix it up some with some other menial task. Why is the same crate with wheels scattered across the entire world? For the painstaking efforts they made to try and justify everything in this game and make it feel more grounded, it seemed ultra silly/eyerollworthy everytime one of those crate sequences came about.It's probably for loading reasons but holy shit does it just make everything come to a crashing halt. They need to find some way of mixing that up.
It's not just the early parts though but stuff like the tunnel in Chapter 19. That had no business being remotely as long as it was.
Why there are over ten drop the box so I can get to a higher point things in this game is beyond me. Just absolutely baffling.
Ironically, the teaser trailer that Amy is arguably much darker than what we got with Druckmann and Straley. Seemed like they had Sam as more of an antagonistic role previously. In all honestly, not sure if that would have worked for this series given the past entries tone.Now, I would love to have known Amy's vision for the game. She is a good balance to Druckmann.
Sambetraying Drake based off the first teaser.
Guys, I got a question. So..I just finished the game.
U know the trailer, there was a part where sam and nathan were about to fall into a waterfall and nathan was holding on to the jeep.. did that happen in the game?
Also the part where Sam was about to fall down some pit and nathan was trying to catch him. I dont remember seeing that scene in the game either.
Sambetraying Drake based off the first teaser.
Ironically, the teaser trailer that Amy is arguably much darker than what we got with Druckmann and Straley. Seemed like they had Sam as more of an antagonistic role previously. In all honestly, not sure if that would have worked for this series given the past entries tone.
Ironically, the teaser trailer that Amy is arguably much darker than what we got with Druckmann and Straley. Seemed like they had Sam as more of an antagonistic role previously. In all honestly, not sure if that would have worked for this series given the past entries tone.
At the very least, even if it was loading purposes... Mix it up some with some other menial task. Why is the same crate with wheels scattered across the entire world? For the painstaking efforts they made to try and justify everything in this game and make it feel more grounded, it seemed ultra silly/eyerollworthy everytime one of those crate sequences came about.
Especially since Sam has a rope in his back pocket haha. Just throw the damn rope down.
Chapter 19 is over with pretty quickly on repeat play throughs tbh. As you sort of already know what to expect, you're not taking it so cautiously and actually run through all the exploding shit really quick. I actually enjoyed that chapter a whole lot more on my second play through, and the gunfights in that chapter actually took up a much larger bulk of the play time.
When I say replay ability I'm talking about having a video game specifically designed to accommodate to be played again rather than something being just plain good so that you want to play it again regardless of some loop. I watch TFA again because it's awesome. Same goes for Uncharted 4 if it's well made.Wait, you find a problem with someone seeking replayability from a piece of entertainment?
Am I reading this right?
Because not only does this sound remarkable but it doesn't even follow from your comments regarding TFA