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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass


Auto lock + one hit pistol > infinite RPGs

Of course you can. You just have to clear some of the crowd before you do. It would be utterly ridiculous if on crushing you could swing through an open part of an arena with 3-10 guys all shooting at you, and get through it scott free.

Sure, if you want to swing at 1-2 people to finish an encounter, why not? But at that point it's practically won. Mobility is severely hampered on higher difficulty, no question about that.


Gotta say, Neil Druckmann saying the ending would be divisive...
was that a troll? Even the people who dont like the game thought the ending was great. They hit every beat right on the head for every character and every theme the game worked towards.

nadine though...

Dude...what the heck?! Just beat the game and I never heard it, at least not the classic version of Drake's Theme I'm thinking of. Still a great game, but I can't believe they left it out.

it pops up when the title credits start playing and when the end credits play
I think half of the fanbase was expecting
SOMEBODY to die or have an insane betrayal or something.

Further escalated with the story they had with TLOU. Even hollywood movies might have thrown a death in there for good measure.

Basically this. I was expecting that Sam would die or that there would be some crazy twist, but the ending was pretty straightforward.


nadine though...
I kinda liked it though.
even though she was a villain per say, she was smart enough to realize how foolish all of this was. I feel like it would have been a waste of a cool character to just off her at the end


Gotta say, Neil Druckmann saying the ending would be divisive...
was that a troll? Even the people who dont like the game thought the ending was great. They hit every beat right on the head for every character and every theme the game worked towards.
I'm guessing
He thought some people were expecting a big death and anything less would be a cheap cop out. Which would lead to some divisive opinions. I'm sure there's some people who think that, but there's a far bigger majority who loved the ending.
I wonder how well this is going to sell. I have to say (based purely on anecdotal evidence) that I'm ever so slightly worried. I have at least ten friends and coworkers who are big into gaming and play mostly on PS4, and only ONE of them bought it. Most of them said it looked good but they were saving for Overwatch or didn't play the earlier games or whatever. Also purely anecdotal, but I didn't sell a single copy yesterday. I work in electronics department at a retail store. Granted, I didn't start there until 4pm, so I'm sure some copies were sold earlier.

Obviously it will sell well (would be crazy to think it wouldn't), but I did find those experiences really odd. I was trying to tell them how amazing the game was, but no such luck.

That is super anecdotal. This game is gonna sell gangbusters.


Auto lock + one hit pistol > infinite RPGs

Sure, if you want to swing at 1-2 people to finish an encounter, why not? But at that point it's practically won. Mobility is severely hampered on higher difficulty, no question about that.

Not necessarily if you want to swing at just one or two people, but swing to get to a new cover or vantage spot, only when there aren't a large group of enemies all with visibility to that exact point. Don't forget you can regenerate when you get to the next cover spot after the ropeswing.

And of course mobility will be hampered, that's the case just by virtue of you having less health, enemies being more aggressive and them having better aim. Also, whilst it's more precarious being mobile, the game actually incentivises mobility on higher difficulties, at least on crushing, as staying in one cover spot for too long will lend in the AI pinning or flanking you, or lobbing nades at you till you die. Not to mention you'll run out of ammo very quickly too. You're basically forced to be more mobile in a way.
I'm guessing
He thought some people were expecting a big death and anything less would be a cheap cop out. Which would lead to some divisive opinions. I'm sure there's some people who think that, but there's a far bigger majority who loved the ending.

THAT would have been the cop out. Having someone die would've been cheap emotional heat, what they actually did is way better and arguably took more guts.


Man... Playing through the game again on crushing without modifiers is quite the damn challenge.
Scarce ammo and the lack of checkpoints during combat encounters isn't helping. I've also noticed that you slide a lot faster compared to moderate difficulty.

I'm on chapter 14 and I'm dreading the combat sequences to come.

Deku Tree

Auto lock + one hit pistol > infinite RPGs

Sure, if you want to swing at 1-2 people to finish an encounter, why not? But at that point it's practically won. Mobility is severely hampered on higher difficulty, no question about that.
Which pistol is one hit?


For the record I disliked every UC game, but I loved TLOU and bought UC4 on the strength of that game -- hoping they had learned something.

I can put up with little or no gameplay if I care about the characters or find the story interesting. I can also put up with a bad story if the gameplay is engaging and satisfying. The problem is that UC4 is barely interactive, but also doesn't give me anything to care about.

I don't feel engaged by the story at all. At this point in the game I'm basically going to go lie, steal, cheat, and kill to get a treasure while cracking jokes and laughing along the way. I don't relate to that. I don't understand in what universe this makes sense.

I am fine with a high body count, but in a game that prizes its lifelike characters, it is downright immersion shattering that they don't react to this in any way. It doesn't even slightly damage the levity. I know people have a long history of pointing this out about UC, but there's a reason for it. It's bizarre. The game feels off.

I was frankly feeling my connection to the game severed necessarily nearly from the very beginning.
Kid Sam leads Kid Nathan through a serious of truly death defying stunts just to show him a bike. It makes no sense. I can't take this schlock seriously, even though it asks to be take
n seriously.

A story whose believability is being strained at every turn could be overlooked if I was rooting for the characters or cared about them at all, but
Nathan is a wholly unlikable douche, a lying fuckboy who gleefully lies to his wife to go o a murderous lying cheating rampage.

ALL of it could still be forgiven if the gameplay was fun, but it's not. Every climby part at the outset fills me with dread at the sheer tedium involved with playing the "spot the next notch on the wall they want me to suck into". It's not meaningful. My jumps are guided and the camera directs me yet further. My existence is an annoyance to this game.

For as engaging and detailed as the combat was in TLOU -- they've taken almost none of that to UC4. In TLOU I coud gather igredients, craft things, and upgrade my arsenal. The combat felt tense and engaging wtih meaningful choices to be made aout how to approach enemies or whether to appraoch them at all.

I don't understand how designers who succeeded so spectacularly with their formula in TLOU could fail so miserably in their very next game, I see a lot of peopel in the thread love the game. I dont know what that says about things but I worry if it means UC4 is contributing to the death of the art form.

They didn't fail they just didn't pander to your tastes

Also combat is dope


I think this game has the best "treasure" narrative because
Avery's story actually had me interested all the way through the game. How he seemed so noble in the beginning. Wanting to start a colony with all the other pirates. A better life for them. And then slowly watching him descend into madness. The events happened several 100s of years before Uncharted 4 but it still unfolds perfectly from the first to the last chapter.

When you enter the pirate village for the first time, you can't help but wonder what the heck went down. Who did this. Where is everyone? It was so good.

Indeed. And I also loved
the stories about adventurers of the past seeking Avery's treasure. And Evelyns story, which forms its own condensed sidestory spread troughout her house, which also has a similar build up to the end, where you actually see her. And all of these past stories draw parralels with what is happening at the time you are playing
This is an aspect of TLOU I am really glad they took to UC.

The only thing I wish ND would've added to make the general treasurehunt a bit more meaningful, is brief decriptions of the item (origin, use, Nate's opinion). Just in plain text form next to the items, for me it would've made it more interesting than just looking at a list of nicely rendered stuff.

I think it's serviceable for a non-stealth game. Not much more.

The strength of the stealth system comes with how natural it flows with the combat. Giving the ai a line of sight for most encounters works greatly. A lot of games (most?) have the enemies magically find you when you are in alert state (previous UC games as well). And the verticality of the levels is done really well, with swimming/swinging/sliding all integrated in the optional stealthy routes.

I do still prefer TLOU in this regard, which is more of a (slower) stealth/survival shooter than a shooter with stealth mechanics.
I see a lot of peopel in the thread love the game. I dont know what that says about things but I worry if it means UC4 is contributing to the death of the art form.
"I didn't like the three prior games in the series but somehow figured the FOURTH game would somehow do it for me."

"I don't like the protagonist to begin with and now am finding everything in the game to justify my opinion of that character"

"Why is this game, from a different franchise, not like this game in another franchise."

"Why isn't Uncharted like a different series mechanically and tonally when the two series aim for much different things"


To add to the ending discussion:
if Sam had died it would have made not only the whole game pointless but all of the character development around characters that weren't Nate, not to mention Nate himself. Instead, we get a permanent change to the status quo with Sam being an ordinary part of the big 3s lives and we got a happy ending. If he was dead the game would have felt way too self contained and pointless in terms of its overall impact on the franchises.


Which pistol is one hit?


Not necessarily if you want to swing at just one or two people, but swing to get to a new cover or vantage spot, only when there aren't a large group of enemies all with visibility to that exact point. Don't forget you can regenerate when you get to the next cover spot after the ropeswing.

And of course mobility will be hampered, that's the case just by virtue of you having less health, enemies being more aggressive and them having better aim. Also, whilst it's more precarious being mobile, the game actually incentivises mobility on higher difficulties, at least on crushing, as staying in one cover spot for too long will lend in the AI pinning or flanking you, or lobbing nades at you till you die. Not to mention you'll run out of ammo very quickly too. You're basically forced to be more mobile in a way.

Having played the game on hard and crushing, there's not a lot of sections where you can swing without most enemies having sight of you when you're not already in stealth.

Also there are plenty of places where they can't flank you and you can avoid grenades. I think most encounters have a choke point where. The end game encounters in particular have indestructible doors that you don't get flanked from (unless you let enemies walk directly past your line of sight) and you can switch from one door to the other to avoid grenades. Even the infamous house has a place where you can't get grenaded or flanked.
To add to the ending discussion:
if Sam had died it would have made not only the whole game pointless but all of the character development around characters that weren't Nate, not to mention Nate himself. Instead, we get a permanent change to the status quo with Sam being an ordinary part of the big 3s lives and we got a happy ending. If he was dead the game would have felt way too self contained and pointless in terms of its overall impact on the franchises.
we wouldn't get that great pic of Sam and Sully chilling with their guayaberas on.
Gotta say, Neil Druckmann saying the ending would be divisive...
was that a troll? Even the people who dont like the game thought the ending was great. They hit every beat right on the head for every character and every theme the game worked towards.

I assume it's because
a lot of people, including me, expected someone to die. I honestly believed they'd kill off one of the main characters. The pre-release media, the subtitle, the somber music we heard in trailers and the overall feel and tone led me and others to think this, especially with ND saying this was the last one and how it would be difficult to make a sequel based on what happens.

I personally
wanted Nate to die. It would be a massive risk but I thought if anyone could pull it off it would be ND. I don't dislike Nate, not in the slightest, but I thought it be extremely refreshing to see something like that happen in a big franchise such as this. I went in expecting to cry at the end :p As below though, I am actually glad this wasn't the case.

Having played and finished the game I can say that I do really like the ending we got. Maybe
it being different to what most people expected
is why Neil thought it would be divisive?

Spoiler tags galore.


I wonder how well this is going to sell. I have to say (based purely on anecdotal evidence) that I'm ever so slightly worried. I have at least ten friends and coworkers who are big into gaming and play mostly on PS4, and only ONE of them bought it. Most of them said it looked good but they were saving for Overwatch or didn't play the earlier games or whatever. Also purely anecdotal, but I didn't sell a single copy yesterday. I work in electronics department at a retail store. Granted, I didn't start there until 4pm, so I'm sure some copies were sold earlier.

Obviously it will sell well (would be crazy to think it wouldn't), but I did find those experiences really odd. I was trying to tell them how amazing the game was, but no such luck.

On the other hand everyone on my friend list have been playing the game for the last few days. There just wasn't a single one of them who was playing another game, maybe 1 or 2 sometimes. We're talking about 9-12 people on average. It's the first time I see this, not even with GTA V.


Deku Tree

I feel like Uncharted Fortune hunter has some levels that are impossible to beat without using a mystical. Unless there is some game mechanic that I am missing...
[*]Performance - The last few levels feature severe FPS drops. I know that TLOU occasionally had issues maintaining 30FPS but this seems to dip far lower than that ever did. It was pretty distracting in spots.
Played through the game 3 times, didn't experience this once on my launch unit. Considering how much this game has been put through the ringer in terms of performance analysis, this seems like an anomaly.


After some thinking I've came to the conclusion that Libertalia is better than the lost cities of UC2 and 3 by far.

Because you get to it about 3/5 of the way through instead of at the end. By having the plot macguffin be treasure instead of the lost city itself they were able to flesh it out and slowly reveal the backstory instead of having to put its downfall all on a last-minute supernatural plot twist. Also I personally find pirates much more interesting than mythical cities.
Played through the game 3 times, didn't experience this once on my launch unit. Considering how much this game has been put through the ringer in terms of performance analysis, this seems like an anomaly.
There were noticeable performance drops in the later levels, but they were few and far in-between and certainly not "severe", just noticeable.
After some thinking I've came to the conclusion that Libertalia is better than the lost cities of UC2 and 3 by far.

Because you get to it about 3/5 of the way through instead of at the end. By having the plot macguffin be treasure instead of the lost city itself they were able to flesh it out and slowly reveal the backstory instead of having to put its downfall all on a last-minute supernatural plot twist. Also I personally find pirates much more interesting than mythical cities.
Agree with you wholeheartedly.
Ending spoiler
I am REALLY glad they didn't kill any of the main characters, I was expecting at least Elena and/or Sully to get killed or Nate sacrificing himself to save the others. I love happy endings, we get enough shitty endings in the real world. So to me it was perfect.
And it's MILES better than it was in the previous entries.
To be fair, that's not a particularly high bar but yes, the stealth is surprisingly good.

Except if you're playing on Crushing difficulty.

Fuck Crushing.

Fuck it with a passion.

It turns a game that was clearly designed around mobility and turns it into a "pop out and shoot then regain health and repeat" game.
Well, I finished the game again on Moderate to record a bunch of videos to make a list of my favourite set pieces. Here's a top list based purely on spectacle.


- Videos has subtitles in spanish since I was playing with my mother that don't understan english quite well.
- I didn't record the intro and chapter 5 but I'll rank them anyway.
- Beware of spoilers since some videos has story bits, and some of those are KEY to the story.
- In some videos there is a transition meaning that I died once and couldn't restart the whole sequence but I wrap it up quite well I think.
- I have my own concept of what a set piece is so you might disagree with my choices

TOP SET PIECES (IMO) - The first five are locked, the others I'm not sure of the order.

1- E3 Set Piece
2- For God and Liberty It was the most difficult parte of the game on hard the first time but now that I beat it on moderate and knew what to do, I realize it is amazing!
3- Pirates Never Change This one has HUGE SPOILERS AT THE END
4- Uncharted 4: Rogue Nation Some story spoilers
5- Cave Out Some spoilers
6- The Prologue Chapter 2.
7- Chapter 5
8- Zodiac Bells
9- Jeepwreck
10- The Intro
11- You Fight Like a Dairy Farmer HUGE END SPOILERS AHEAD
12- For Better or Worse HUGE SPOILERS AHEAD

Bonus Videos:

- Ambush
- Ambush Part 2


Played through the game 3 times, didn't experience this once on my launch unit. Considering how much this game has been put through the ringer in terms of performance analysis, this seems like an anomaly.

I definitely had some performance issues throughout the game too.
To be fair, that's not a particularly high bar but yes, the stealth is surprisingly good.

Except if you're playing on Crushing difficulty.

Fuck Crushing.

Fuck it with a passion.

It turns a game that was clearly designed around mobility and turns it into a "pop out and shoot then regain health and repeat" game.
On Crushing the expectation seems to be 'completely stealth this or at least 90% of it' when you can. A lot of the other close quarter combat sections are predictably shitty/not balanced.

exploding mummy room
on Crushing is horrendous and seems like it might not have even been play tested. I had to look up a video on how to cheese it it was so frustrating.


"I didn't like the three prior games in the series but somehow figured the FOURTH game would somehow do it for me."

"I don't like the protagonist to begin with and now am finding everything in the game to justify my opinion of that character"

"Why is this game, from a different franchise, not like this game in another franchise."

"Why isn't Uncharted like a different series mechanically and tonally when the two series aim for much different things"

It's even more amusing when you lay it out like that. Like with anything, you can't please everyone. Some people wanted an even bigger departure from the franchise, others think it's already too much of one. Some want more combat encounters in the game (like me), others already think there's enough. Some think the pacing is too slow, others that it's exciting enough. Some that there's too much exploration, exposition and platforming, others that there's not enough.

I do think though that if you already greatly dislike the characters and franchise, expecting something radically different from Uncharted 4 is rather foolhardy.

The Lamp

Ending spoiler
I am REALLY glad they didn't kill any of the main characters, I was expecting at least Elena and/or Sully to get killed or Nate sacrificing himself to save the others. I love happy endings, we get enough shitty endings in the real world. So to me it was perfect.

Someone brought up in another thread that Nate has a lot of enemies in his stories (he's killed hundreds) and I'm actually shocked that he and Elena at the beginning of U4 were able to buy a normal house and live normally without some fuckwad kidnapping one of them like some Taken movie. Or (ending spoilers)
kidnapping Cassie and forcing Nate and Elena back into crime to save their daughter's life


THAT would have been the cop out. Having someone die would've been cheap emotional heat, what they actually did is way better and arguably took more guts.
Agreed, when Sam was about to die in the ship I was disappointed, but I'm glad they didn't go that route. That ending was perfect.
After some thinking I've came to the conclusion that Libertalia is better than the lost cities of UC2 and 3 by far.

Because you get to it about 3/5 of the way through instead of at the end. By having the plot macguffin be treasure instead of the lost city itself they were able to flesh it out and slowly reveal the backstory instead of having to put its downfall all on a last-minute supernatural plot twist. Also I personally find pirates much more interesting than mythical cities.

While the supernatural elements are an Uncharted staple, the idea of a more down to earth setting and treasure made the whole thing more appealing. The main vaillain was man's greed and hate and that's a much better villain than any supernatural element.


Someone brought up in another thread that Nate has a lot of enemies in his stories (he's killed hundreds) and I'm actually shocked that he and Elena at the beginning of U4 were able to buy a normal house and live normally without some fuckwad kidnapping one of them like some Taken movie. Or (ending spoilers)
kidnapping Cassie and forcing Nate and Elena back into crime to save their daughter's life

Nate doesn't have any enemies because they're all dead by his cold genocidal hands.
In between the ending and epilogue he probably recreated this scene from Breaking Bad with anyone unlucky enough to survive the first time around.

The Lamp

Agreed, when Sam was about to die in the ship I was disappointed, but I'm glad they didn't go that route. That ending was perfect.

So glad because (ending spoilers)
it was like
Sam: (dying) bye Nate
Nate: lol fuck that action movie cliche (saves Sam)
like I always get mad when action movies have a character die in a situation that could have been salvaged if you just tried
Someone brought up in another thread that Nate has a lot of enemies in his stories (he's killed hundreds) and I'm actually shocked that he and Elena at the beginning of U4 were able to buy a normal house and live normally without some fuckwad kidnapping one of them like some Taken movie. Or (ending spoilers)
kidnapping Cassie and forcing Nate and Elena back into crime to save their daughter's life
The three prior games ended with the antagonists
completely eliminated though. Like, without a trace.
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