It seemed strange that after all these leaks, Sony didnt adjust their reveal plans and simply confirm what had more or less become an open secret in the industry. And yet, with the release of Uncharted 4, that now makes a lot of sense.
If Sony had announced a for-sure PS4K to be released this fall, most of these people asking this should I buy? question would probably have a much tougher time justifying the purchase of a regular console now. Either they can wait to buy a PS4K in the fall, or by then, the PS4 could be even cheaper if a new variant is released.
It seems fairly obvious to me that there has to be an Uncharted 4K in the works. The game is a visual masterpiece, and I can think of no better title that could appear on a new PS4 pushing 4K. Honestly, Id be shocked if PS4K didnt debut with an Uncharted 4K bundle, thats how clear the connection seems.
But of course, Sony would not want to discuss any of that now, as it would detract from the release of regular Uncharted 4 on regular PS4. E3 is only a month away, and it seems likely that PS4K will be a big chunk of Sonys show there. But that leaves a month for Uncharted 4 to do its thing.