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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass

I chose crushing from the start and it's been alright. On chapter 10. I'm a little bummed out that I don't get access to the stealth ui and marking in this.


Where abouts in the game does this reference appear?

Right at the start when
Sam hooks back up with Drake when he shows him the picture of the cross that he took off the internet the "website" he got it off of is clearly modeled after NeoGAF right down to the topic title being an "OT" topic.


Gold Member
"It's amazing what you can find on the Internet" - Shows a cutout of a GAF post.

What. A. Game.


Just started chapter 6.
I had seen screenshots, tons even, but I wasn't prepared for this.
Holy shit. And the IQ, no idea how they did it.
Now that I'm done with Uncharted 4 I can finally sell my PS4. I'm just thinking about any other games that might make me stick around but I can't.. I'll probably watch The Last of Us 2 cutscenes on YouTube.


Some people really trying to find logic and responsibility in a freaking ACTION video game? Sorry folks but I can't take anyone serious who says this. Ever asked one of the hundreds of heroes in other video games why they kill so much bad guys? No because it's pointless. Why on fucking earth should Nate now be an exception? It's no different than jumping on a Goomba or anything else. And it's not like Nate uses the cruelest way to defeat his enemies so you can satisfied yourself at the gore. It's a silly action game with over the top action and combat scenes. Take it what it is and if you don't like it okay but don't stir up a controversaly where is non.
Oh man, at chapter 17.

That silent small jeep ride did it's thing way better than it should have, spectacular work. This chapter is just amazing because it brings back all that UC1 memories. The back and forth dialogue as well between Elena and Nathan are masterfully done.

This part was so good and when thee music kicks in it was perfect .
I really going to miss the two of them .

I definitely thing the naughty gods are using some processing tricks in the cut scenes. Fact is, if you pin the current viewpoint to one vector you save potentially a huge amount of calculation, while still giving the ability to do limited photo mode with depth of field.

There would be just too much incentive to do it this way, it brings the cut scenes up to an amazing level for human rendering that simply isn't necessary in-game when everyone is looking at a small Nate.

In-game the detail is still gob smacking but Not on the people (doesn't have to be): The auction house with the ice sculptures and chandeliers etc is just amazing. But I don't believe all that Nate stubble goodness and polygonal detail is even in memory, at that point. I wager after the dust settles (and why didn't digital foundry figure this out its the sort of thing they would gleefully highlight) that the cut scenes have a certain dose of computation short cut built into them. Some hybrid, like streamed baked gpu rendering fragments. And why not do it this way?, there is no need for physics collision detection, occlusion, LOD, or orbiting camera flexibility. Even the material shaders can be baked (except for depth of field) because the view point is fixed..

Sorry this is just a bit geeky but I am surprised it isn't being analyzed by pixel peepers already.


so i'm guessing the whole direction that the reveal trailer for this game had, with sam resenting drake for abandoning him in that prison was amy henning's direction?

reveal trailer here

the story must have changed drastically from what they were doing at first


so i'm guessing the whole direction that the reveal trailer for this game had, with sam resenting drake for abandoning him in that prison was amy henning's direction?

reveal trailer here

the story must have changed drastically from what they were doing at first

Probably for the best. That reveal trailer made it seem like a cheap revenge flick

Also, thank god for Troy Baker
why did Nate forget how to toss back grenades?

and block or parry punches?

that was getting me killed so much at first. Honestly I dont mind the parrying and blocking, but tossing grenades back is more important in this game than any other.

It seems that grenades and dynamite have twice the AOE now.

That said, blind fire is actually useful now. You can see a grenade and run blindfiring to the next piece of cover. Before cus the enemies had little to no hit reaction, that was not a good idea.


I hate the way the Uncharted game does saves. Do I have to remain on the same save in order to get the "Kill 1000 enemies" trophy?

It feels like there's barely a 100 enemies in the game.


I definitely thing the naughty gods are using some processing tricks in the cut scenes. Fact is, if you pin the current viewpoint to one vector you save potentially a huge amount of calculation, while still giving the ability to do limited photo mode with depth of field.

There would be just too much incentive to do it this way, it brings the cut scenes up to an amazing level for human rendering that simply isn't necessary in-game when everyone is looking at a small Nate.

In-game the detail is still gob smacking but Not on the people (doesn't have to be): The auction house with the ice sculptures and chandeliers etc is just amazing. But I don't believe all that Nate stubble goodness and polygonal detail is even in memory, at that point. I wager after the dust settles (and why didn't digital foundry figure this out its the sort of thing they would gleefully highlight) that the cut scenes have a certain dose of computation short cut built into them. Some hybrid, like streamed baked gpu rendering fragments. And why not do it this way?, there is no need for physics collision detection, occlusion, LOD, or orbiting camera flexibility. Even the material shaders can be baked (except for depth of field) because the view point is fixed..

Sorry this is just a bit geeky but I am surprised it isn't being analyzed by pixel peepers already.

As was stated on the last page, the game does, on purpose, in several instances, literally seamless transitions from gameplay to cutscene to gameplay again, with no camera cut.

We don't know how they are doing it, they are just magicians.

I really think the limitations of photo mode in cutscene is simply to avoid ruining the immersion. Many scenes take place where Nate isn't, they probably aren't fleshed out at all.


There's a few instances where the climbing isn't linear. You can actually go up the wall in different ways and it feels so much better than the normal climbing.

Why isn't this the norm, Naughty Dog?
Photo mode is fantastic. So much beauty to doctor into some nice PC wallpapers.

Although the best (only good) of the series I've experienced, the plot writing is incredibly consistent with conveniences and coincidences. Spend a long time reaching a special place? Boom, just when you reach it the other people blast their way into the scene. It's hilariously terrible, but I'm willing to excuse it here since I'm actually having fun with a Naughty Dog game after over a decade.


So is this better than Witcher 3 on console ? "graphically" of course

Well, this has your typical "shitty console hardware" issues.

But the animations, the scenery, the locations, the atmosphere, the colors, and the characters, all do things that have never been seen before in any game, that even surpass Witcher 3.

Some places are just drop dead gorgeous.


that was getting me killed so much at first. Honestly I dont mind the parrying and blocking, but tossing grenades back is more important in this game than any other.

It seems that grenades and dynamite have twice the AOE now.

That said, blind fire is actually useful now. You can see a grenade and run blindfiring to the next piece of cover. Before cus the enemies had little to no hit reaction, that was not a good idea.

Same here, I was trying to counter punches and getting my arse kicked. I think it's because they hammered the mechanic home so hard in UC3, it's surprising to see it missing here. I miss grenade throwback, just because I think it's fun.


Finished it yesterday and i've had some time to digest... This game just doesn't work for me, i think it's a disappointment.

Sticky cover, box puzzles, linear climbing, stealth grass, explosive barrels... U4 feels like such a regression from TLOU. I've replayed U2 half a dozen times, i've beaten TLOU at least 4 times, but i never want to go back through U4, there just isn't enough game to sink my teeth into.

This game has serious passing issues. I don't mind puzzles, i don't mind platforming, but when both those elements are brain-dead easy, you probably shouldn't let them take up 70% of your game. Then there's combat... when i died in TLOU i felt eager to get back to the checkpoint and try things differently, when i die in U4 i mostly just feel frustrated. The gunplay usually feels fluid and fast, but the enemy encounters are so few and far between that i never really got in to a good rhythm with it.

I still enjoyed playing through it all, i just wish it had a little more gameplay depth.

How long did it take to finish ?


Really not digging the gunplay at all but when you go the stealth route it can be pretty satisfying. Reminds me a lot of The Last of Us when you play it like that.


I definitely thing the naughty gods are using some processing tricks in the cut scenes. Fact is, if you pin the current viewpoint to one vector you save potentially a huge amount of calculation, while still giving the ability to do limited photo mode with depth of field.

There would be just too much incentive to do it this way, it brings the cut scenes up to an amazing level for human rendering that simply isn't necessary in-game when everyone is looking at a small Nate.

In-game the detail is still gob smacking but Not on the people (doesn't have to be): The auction house with the ice sculptures and chandeliers etc is just amazing. But I don't believe all that Nate stubble goodness and polygonal detail is even in memory, at that point. I wager after the dust settles (and why didn't digital foundry figure this out its the sort of thing they would gleefully highlight) that the cut scenes have a certain dose of computation short cut built into them. Some hybrid, like streamed baked gpu rendering fragments. And why not do it this way?, there is no need for physics collision detection, occlusion, LOD, or orbiting camera flexibility. Even the material shaders can be baked (except for depth of field) because the view point is fixed..

Sorry this is just a bit geeky but I am surprised it isn't being analyzed by pixel peepers already.

Gameplay -> Photomode -> zoom in
There's a few instances where the climbing isn't linear. You can actually go up the wall in different ways and it feels so much better than the normal climbing.

Why isn't this the norm, Naughty Dog?

This actually made treasure hunting a lot more difficult for me! Lots of times I would think I'd picked out the way forward and would start doing "alternate" routes just to find out it was an entirely different way forward. It feels extremely organic but it does make sating my collectible OCD much more difficult.

Mr Git

Finished it last night. Brilliant game but definitely marred by things that annoyed me in the rest of the series. The inconsistency as to what height kills Drake is still frustrating, I think most of my playthrough deaths were from dropping down to a very droppable-height ledge only to die because it wasn't quite the right ledge.
Just finished it and absolutely adored it. Not as much as U2 but it was still spectacular. The pacing, visuals, dialogue were great and the gunplay was solid. Took me just under 13 hours to finish and it was worth all my time. Only problems I had was the amount of pushing same looking crates near walls and melee combat and that's not even that big of a problem.
Also after the last 3 having a fantasy inclusion, I was a little saddened it was left out. Pirate Ghosts would have been cool.
I'm honestly shocked by all the pacing complaints about the game, and I'm genuinely curious if the people complaining about the beginning have played UC games before. I get that it is slow, but there is so much character building going on in that period of time, and it feels so organic. It might be one of my favorite first few hours of a game I've ever played, strictly because it felt genuinely cinematic. If you wanna complain about the pacing towards the end I can understand, but the beginning is just so good.

UC3 was my fave before this one, but UC4 clearly takes the cake for best in the series, as the narrative is fantastic and the gun play finally feels good after all this time.


So is this better than Witcher 3 on console ? "graphically" of course

I personally think there's quite a few things that look better than Witcher 3.

Uncharted 4 looks better than pretty much anything. Even than stuff like the Order, which is much more limited in scope.
I hate the way the Uncharted game does saves. Do I have to remain on the same save in order to get the "Kill 1000 enemies" trophy?

It feels like there's barely a 100 enemies in the game.

If you start a new save it resets the stats.
Overwrite your save even with chapter select. It will keep your stats AND your progress. Trust me. Backup your save in case you're worried that you'll lose progress.


Just got to the beginning of chapter 8 and am really enjoying it so far. Had to stop or it would have kept me up all night.

So, there is this one little thing that I can't figure out. What year is this supposed to take place in - more or less? The games never quite say so I can't place the decade. It kind of contradicts itself with the details it includes. I'll put it in spoiler tags even though I don't discuss any story details.

* Nate and Elena have a PS1 which the play Crash Bandicoot on. This would be around 1996. So mid to late nineties if you go by that.
* Before they play on the PS1, Elena is shown working on a pretty modern looking laptop. Looks like a MacBook. That takes us way past the late nineties.
* The PS1 is hooked up to a modern looking flat screen TV. My memory is fuzzy but in the late 90s these were either not around or prohibitively expensive.

So, I almost came to the conclusion that they just had a retro console hooked up to a modern TV. But then, a little later on...

* Nate is seen using what looks like a Motorola RAZR flip phone instead of a smartphone. This zooms us back to at least 2004/2005. Pre smart phone but in the PS2 era, and where those thin LED TVs are still not around.

LOL yes I know, none of this really matters much. But my OCD ass can't help it. So what is it GAF? When is the story in the game supposed to be taking place. It's killing me!
At Ch. 12 right now

Hmmmmmmm, this game is strange. It hit me sometime during the massive Chapter 10 that this Ch. 8-12 stretch isn't giving me as many pure Uncharted vibes/moments as past games, but something else entirely. This run almost feels like pre-reboot Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider done at an extremely high level. Like if Naughty Dog made Tomb Raider Underworld. The more spaced out combat, the vehicle, the winch/rope physics, the boat, the longer stretches of not difficult but still engaging climbing, the wider spaces... Is it just me?

What this leads to, especially the way I approach singleplayer games on the first playthrough, is a game that's less consistently white knuckle, but something that feels more like an actual adventure, much like The Last of Us. Like a 10 part mini-series adaption of Uncharted, which was previously a crazy action movie. It's more subdued, has more room to breathe, and really hammers home the journey. Notice how many times they use the "Need to get to location in the distance" progression (even compared to past ND games) or how many painstakingly detailed animations there are for EVERYTHING. Hell, they make you slow down to remove the winch from the jeep. Multiple times. It's scratching a completely different itch than the one I wanted scratched, but it's scratching nonetheless.

Also, Chp. 11 contains one of the more entertaining climbing sections of the series and a really clever way
to make a set piece out of basically nothing when the clock collapses.
The art budget on this must be insane holy hell.

And I'm glad that the superman punch is just as ridiculous in singleplayer as multi. (the music is also really good during this encounter)


And omg I had no idea you could go from jeep to jeep, and jeep to rope during the chase. Legit chills during this part of the set-piece even though I've had it memorized since E3.



Probably for the best. That reveal trailer made it seem like a cheap revenge flick

Also, thank god for Troy Baker

Wow, I forgot all about that trailer. It would be really interesting to hear about all the changes that were made from the original story. You said it though, I'm so glad they didn't go that route and I'm even more thankful that they used Troy over that actor in the trailer. Sure the character would have been different but Troy is the right choice regardless. Not only is he one of the best voice actors around, but him and Nolan have so much chemistry that they sold Sam and Nathan's relationship as brothers instantly for me.
LOL yes I know, none of this really matters much. But my OCD ass can't help it. So what is it GAF? When is the story in the game supposed to be taking place. It's killing me!

It takes place in 2015, you can tell by the calender in Drake's office. Elena just likes retro games and Drake probably buys cheap-ass phones due to how often he likely loses/breaks them.
Anyone know the sales numbers for UC4?

by the way, THIS GAME IS AMAZING! I have no idea how ND can create such a beautiful game on PS4. this is simply amazing.


I absolutely don't mean to nitpick about the visuals -- they're quite possibly the best ever, but I do have a technical question about an effect I frequently noticed throughout the game. I don't what to call it, I guess dithering fits. It's kind of a mesh like texture that appears on objects and characters when they're further away from the camera, is it the shadows thinning out, like an level of detail thing? I noticed a similar effect on the edges of the flashlight in some segments, it looked like the ms paint spray paint effect. I also noticed it on hair, but it didn't look like traditional aliasing either -- in fact the image quality was spectacular throughout.
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