Chapterhas a massive17going on. It made me realise that Nate's dynamic with Sam doesn't really compare to any of the classic characters.UC1
Nadine's accent isn't shifting, it's just South African.
let's make an incredibly beautiful game and then completely drain the color from it the second you get shot!
this is one of those cases where I'd prefer a simple health bar
I feel like the story in this game retroactively improves the previous games'. The angle U3 took with Nate reluctantly lusting for treasure at Sully's expense and Elena suddenly wanting him to leave the adventure behind was hard for me to buy after how on-board every character was in U2 for exploration.
U4 really sells the idea that it's time for everyone to grow up and let go, and it makes U3's pivotal themes more believable and cemented in a progressive timeline of each character's development. The weariness has built up to this point. And this game clarifies U3 by saying yes, Nate and them need to move on, but let's not undersell how much they truly miss treasure hunting. I feel like U3 tried to make it feel like suddenly Nate was the only one who selfishly enjoyed treasure hunting at everyone else's expense and that was a hard sale for me. But U4 clarified that they all deep-down really love the adventure, they just can't summon that recklessness into their lives anymore.
Nadine's accent isn't shifting, it's just South African.
I just wish Sam's introduction hadn't retroactively reduced the importance of Sully in Drake's life. He went from being his only "real" family and father-figure while he was a kid to being a friend who Drake hung out with when his brother wasn't around.
At Ch. 12 right now
Hmmmmmmm, this game is strange. It hit me sometime during the massive Chapter 10 that this Ch. 8-12 stretch isn't giving me as many pure Uncharted vibes/moments as past games, but something else entirely. This run almost feels like pre-reboot Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider done at an extremely high level. Like if Naughty Dog made Tomb Raider Underworld. The more spaced out combat, the vehicle, the winch/rope physics, the boat, the longer stretches of not difficult but still engaging climbing, the wider spaces... Is it just me?
What this leads to, especially the way I approach singleplayer games on the first playthrough, is a game that's less consistently white knuckle, but something that feels more like an actual adventure, much like The Last of Us. Like a 10 part mini-series adaption of Uncharted, which was previously a crazy action movie. It's more subdued, has more room to breathe, and really hammers home the journey. Notice how many times they use the "Need to get to location in the distance" progression (even compared to past ND games) or how many painstakingly detailed animations there are for EVERYTHING. Hell, they make you slow down to remove the winch from the jeep. Multiple times. It's scratching a completely different itch than the one I wanted scratched, but it's scratching nonetheless.
Also, Chp. 11 contains one of the more entertaining climbing sections of the series and a really clever wayThe art budget on this must be insane holy make a set piece out of basically nothing when the clock collapses.
And I'm glad that the superman punch is just as ridiculous in singleplayer as multi. (the music is also really good during this encounter)
And omg I had no idea you could go from jeep to jeep, and jeep to rope during the chase. Legit chills during this part of the set-piece even though I've had it memorized since E3.
let's make an incredibly beautiful game and then completely drain the color from it the second you get shot!
this is one of those cases where I'd prefer a simple health bar
Nadine's accent just reminds me of whatever Leo was going for in Blood Diamond.
Imo, all scores for the previous games are good. However Jackman's is perhaps a more suitable ambience to Uncharted. It seems more dramatic, large, and, cinematic.
'A thief's end' and 'Cut to the chase' are memorable.
Yeah, I'm enjoying the music so far. The scenes are matched nicely by the music.Agreed, the music is phenomenal in this.
It really is.Agreed, the music is phenomenal in this.
If you think that's UC1, just wait.
Imo, all scores for the previous games are good. However Jackman's is perhaps a more suitable ambience to Uncharted. It seems more dramatic, large, and, cinematic.
'A thief's end' and 'Cut to the chase' are memorable.
Urghhh everything about that part of the game is great,wish there was more of that.It's hilarious how much better the execution of the jeep ride betweenwhen you compare to the comical shit that was MGS5's jeep ride.Nate and Elena after a heavy conversation and the piano kicks in
Chapterhas a massive17going on. It made me realise that Nate's dynamic with Sam doesn't really compare to any of the classic characters.UC1
Personally I've been really disappointed in the music. The soundtrack for the previous three games always blew me away and really added to the experience whereas here I almost never notice any of the score so far.
It's hilarious how much better the execution of the jeep ride betweenwhen you compare to the comical shit that was MGS5's jeep ride.Nate and Elena after a heavy conversation and the piano kicks in
It's hilarious how much better the execution of the jeep ride betweenwhen you compare to the comical shit that was MGS5's jeep ride.Nate and Elena after a heavy conversation and the piano kicks in
No way, man. Sam's dynamic with Nate is perfect. Especially because he sort of carves his own path/makes his own comments. He really comes off as a bit more independent, and it's perfectly written that they're both very similar and share the same sorts of quips/jokes with lots of self-referential undertones. It really is like two Nates adventuring at once.
Perfectly written.
I wish the whole game could've just been them. They have a real history behind every exchange and every glance. Sam is a plot device we're told has a history with us but it never feels earned. He's just there to get Nate back into action and to teach him a lesson about greed.It's hilarious how much better the execution of the jeep ride betweenwhen you compare to the comical shit that was MGS5's jeep ride.Nate and Elena after a heavy conversation and the piano kicks in
That's the problem with it for me - it's like having two clones of each other the whole time. No contrast.
That's the problem with it for me - it's like having two clones of each other the whole time. No contrast.
let's make an incredibly beautiful game and then completely drain the color from it the second you get shot!
this is one of those cases where I'd prefer a simple health bar
The previous games' scores combined with the feel of what was happening and enhanced it. This one just kind of exists... Barely noticeable, not memorable, and not really enhancing anything. It's the most disappointing thing about this game for me by far. After Uc1-3 and TLOU I've come to expect greatness.It's understated, but that's not a bad thing. The music in UC4 is there to combine with the overall feel of what's happening onscreen, rather than stand out by itself. Which is perfect.
I feel like the story in this game retroactively improves the previous games'. The angle U3 took with Nate reluctantly lusting for treasure at Sully's expense and Elena suddenly wanting him to leave the adventure behind was hard for me to buy after how on-board every character was in U2 for exploration.
U4 really sells the idea that it's time for everyone to grow up and let go, and it makes U3's pivotal themes more believable and cemented in a progressive timeline of each character's development. The weariness has built up to this point. And this game clarifies U3 by saying yes, Nate and them need to move on, but let's not undersell how much they truly miss treasure hunting. I feel like U3 tried to make it feel like suddenly Nate was the only one who selfishly enjoyed treasure hunting at everyone else's expense and that was a hard sale for me. But U4 clarified that they all deep-down really love the adventure, they just can't summon that recklessness into their lives anymore.
Hmm, sounds really variable to me. Like sometimes the voice actress is doing Australian, or even some variant of British. I noticed this particularly in her discussion w/ Rafe in chapter 9.
Presumably the voice actress is NOT South African, and I believe she's having trouble with consistency. It's really jumped out at me multiple times.
Edit, just checked and of course it's Laura Bailey. I've liked her a lot in other roles, so I think the issue here is just consistency, not general talent.
Chapterhas a massive17going on. It made me realise that Nate's dynamic with Sam doesn't really compare to any of the classic characters.UC1
Ch. 17-20>>>> Ch.12-16with Elenawith Sam
She makes everything better .
One of my favorite characters in any media really going to miss her
I'm listening to the UC2 soundtrack and I get what they were going for in 4, but man it' just doesn't compare
re: music. I dont think its as good as 2. The theme song of 2 is pretty great and i always loved booting up uncharted2 and hearing it swell up.
Mostly agree that it doesnt seem as memorable/seems like BG music
I just came off of Uc3 and so far Uc4 is not in the same ballpark as that either.
She makes everything better .
One of my favorite characters in any media really going to miss her
let's make an incredibly beautiful game and then completely drain the color from it the second you get shot!
this is one of those cases where I'd prefer a simple health bar