Anyone notice the three lone graves in Madagascar? I know this isn't Souls but it felt like that really represented something.
Amy Hennng, Justin Richmond, and Todd Stashwick

Anyone notice the three lone graves in Madagascar? I know this isn't Souls but it felt like that really represented something.
Still shocked that people are putting UC2 over UC4.
Last of Us is still my fave NG game though.
are most people playing with the default control settings? I can't decide on aiming settings at all. Aim assist 1-10 feels all the same and the actual aim sensitivity feels strange when going between 3-5. I've tried going with aim assist 0 for a while but even on normal you tend to get swarmed a lot.
I am at 3 aim assist and 0 aim sensitivity.are most people playing with the default control settings? I can't decide on aiming settings at all. Aim assist 1-10 feels all the same and the actual aim sensitivity feels strange when going between 3-5. I've tried going with aim assist 0 for a while but even on normal you tend to get swarmed a lot.
My ranking is almost the same as yours:
TLOU > U4 > U2 > U3 > U1
Chapter 14....I don't even. GAF, How is this graphically possible? I don't think I have EVER seen a more mind blowing location than this in a game!
I'm loving the combat in this chapter too. Using your rope to quickly flee from some enemies at the last second is such a rush!
This game is so amazing. I love the amount of exploration this game has in relation to gun fights. I know that some are knocking the amount of exploration, but isn't that the argument that many people have been making for games like Uncharted and Tomb Raider? More exploration, less shoot bang. Here is a game that has a very large amount of exploration, and it is brought up as a negative.
Then, you take into account how some say the game is too long, and others wish it didn't end. I guess you just cannot win with everyone.
One Last Time.
Riiight, okay. So, if I wanna start a Crushing playthrough but I wanna keep my Normal stats, I should just overwrite the Normal save with the Crushing playthrough?
One Last Time.
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End review: This four-part series should have ended after Part One
"The Uncharted games have never excelled at storytelling. Instead, theyve used it an accompaniment to overwhelming visual technology."
Attention! It spoils the whole story.
I actually thought that this here is the review.
Nadine was such a disappointing character. She's soAnd I'm genuinely upset kinda that Nate'sunderutilized. I mean, she just leaves and that's it?daughter isn't named Lara.
Naughty Dog....we know you are going to do TLoU2...BUT...
What's Next?
Obviously Sony is going to allow you to create anything you want. (I mean, for gawdsakes look at Bloodborne)....
What is next for Naughty Dog? get the game on Tuesday?
4/10? Bruh. lol
And done, the end credits and music are still playing. Overall I loved it, they improved every aspect of the game and you can't ask for more than that. Technically it was a damn marvel, the visuals were incredible and performance for the most part was solid, and when it was running as intended it was the smoothest 30fps I've ever experienced, usually 30fps will greatly reduce my enjoyment of a game but it didn't this time, they did a really great job. I also felt much more attached to the characters this time around, I don't know if it was because they looked so lifelike or what, but I definitely felt more emotion this time around than any of the previous Uncharted games, not quite The Last of Us levels but still.
End spoiler:
I mentioned before how well the game ran but sadly not the final fight, that room was extremely choppy and it killed it for me, now I know a lot of you won't have noticed it but I most definitely did, at times it was really bad, especially when you were fighting close to one of the walls on fire. It's a shame the game shit the bed a little at the final hurdle when it was so great throughout barring a few slowdowns here and there. I did quite enjoy their spin on a QTE bossfight, it wasn't as offensive as just being told which buttons to press at the correct times. The actor who played Rafe was brilliant and really pushed the scene IMO
Now it's time to make dinner and then boot up the multiplayer for the first time, I'm looking forward to it!
TLoU > UC4 > UC3 > UC2 > UC1
PS: After experiencing this engine first hand I can't wait to play The Last of Us II using it, it's going to be incredible.
Cross posting because holy shit lol:
The thing that sticks out to me the most is:
"The Uncharted games have never excelled at storytelling. Instead, theyve used it an accompaniment to overwhelming visual technology."
I mentioned it a few pages ago. I think many people are missing it.Did anyone else get the (ch.20 spoilers)near the end? You know the one I mean, running into the screen jumping over those little brown gates. Classic.Crash Bandicoot reference
UC2 was special. It was a watershed moment for the series and action/adventure games in general. There's no way another Uncharted game could have the same kind of impact, regardless of quality. That's why a lot of people hold UC2 in such high regard (myself included). UC2 still has some of the best aspects of the series, most notably is its cast of characters and pacing, but UC4 is a relatively significant departure from the traditional Uncharted formula so it's hard to compare the games.
I was really satisfied with the final chapter but now my mind has thought of so many ways it would be way cooler >_> Hmmm I wonder if the cut set piece Druckmann/Straley talked about could have come from the later chapters. I'm really curious what it was.