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Uncharted 4 street date broken as thieves steal copies

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Gold Member
Uncharted 4 is already GOAT for me but playing it again with bullet time... GOAT Holy mother of fuck! Ha.

First run I am soaking it ALLLLLL in. Exploring everywhere, being wow'ed, absorbing Nate's last adventure and the amazing world ND crafted.

Second play-through, I am using the 'cell shading' filter with bullet time!!!


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
I just can't wait any longer, and I capped my early copy price at $100. From everything I've read online, the game will still be in English with English text since PS4 discs have multiple regions / languages and adjust to whatever language your PSN account is running.

Can anyone confirm this?
I think I'm going to hold off. $120 and it says estimated delivery is Thursday. Also, not a big deal but I'd rather have the English case and be sure before I buy it about the region.


Ok so im going to pick up my copy from this ebay guy now. I'm going to get 2 for $180 in case another GAFer wants one. I'm in Miami so if you want it let me know




Guess my gameplay will be around 40 hours or something. That's what it took me TLOU hard mode / Listen mode off.

Week off work!! here we come!!


Nobody that finished the game has answer me about the "dialogue choices" you can make. Are there a bunch of them? Are they fun? Well implemented? Surprising in any way?
Nobody that finished the game has answer me about the "dialogue choices" you can make. Are there a bunch of them? Are they fun? Well implemented? Surprising in any way?

They simply appear depending on context,etc. They offer more dialog, simply as that. Some are funny, some informational. Just depends.
Nobody that finished the game has answer me about the "dialogue choices" you can make. Are there a bunch of them? Are they fun? Well implemented? Surprising in any way?
They're like five of them, they're all very minor. It's not exactly a bioware game, they're just like "oh neat" things


Gold Member

Hahaha, that reminded me of my pup.

I have a Min-Pin named Carter. They are very smart like most terriers. So smart they get stubborn. Anywho, I taught him 'bro fist' about 2-3 months ago for haha's when he wants snacks, lol.

He learned it in minutes... my GF, just shook her had at me, lol. All in good fun.

So I say 'sit', then 'bro-fist' and he takes his right paw, and lifts it up and pushes it agains my fist and holds it on there all suave, lol.

9 more days for my Libertalia Drake statue! Oh yeah and I guess the game too. :p

Same! Wait, 9? 7 here!






Its on, finally got it! Got 2 from this ebay guy, got the second one in case a gaffer wants it.
If youre in south florida and want it let me know

Its on, finally got it! Got 2 from this ebay guy, got the second one in case a gaffer wants it.
If youre in south florida and want it let me know

Heck yea! Glad it worked out for you :) I should have mine tomorrow.

Even though it's in Spanish, text and language can be English, right?
Almost done with the game and I'm still floored. Absolutely my favorite in the franchise, the set pieces are not as long but just as exciting and thrilling and feel spread out but just right. The Jeep gameplay is fun mixed in and the battles and ability to move around, stealth, and agility all get bigger and better. Also this is pretty much Indiana Jones meets Goonies.. and I.. I just can't say enough. Holy shit. Also took my ps4 to my folks this afternoon, my Father watched me play the game for a few hours. He never does that. Ever!

Two of my favorite movies. This game will be my GOAT.


Any other miserable who pre ordered digitally and have to wait until release? :(

Have to admit it stings a little seeing people getting it a week before release.
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