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Uncharted 4 street date broken as thieves steal copies

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If this is widespread and it appears to be, Naughty Dog just needs to lift the street date now and let retailers sell it. It's about fairness with businesses. Not cool for Amazon shipping/selling them already when other companies like Best Buy are being made to adhere to the street date. Generally once a major retailer breaks street date, the other competitors will follow or the publisher will ok it. Come on Naughty, it's out there, just lift the street date.

Amazon didn't ship shit. It was a glitch in their system and they sent emails to everyone with updated release date.

Mikey Jr.

WELP, gameplay is on youtube...

Ohh dear god really??!?!

Ohgh we are fucked.

Expect people to power through and finish the game in the next day.


For anyone who missed the Namco Dark Souls 3 mess and upset, there's your proof nothing will officially be released early. Time to cry and wait, or hope you get lucky early.

Don't buy it from eBay scalpers guys, you'll regret that extra expense in a few weeks.


Come on Sony, release the game early everywhere! Let us all play it now! Release the embargo and open the flood gates! We are all thirsty!

And 2 weeks avoiding spoilers will be a lifetime. ughhhhh
Done. Beware though, the guy is uplading non stop I am afraid he will show the entire game. I've seen too much already (and what I've seen looked amazing), I am out until the game releases.

pass me the link, ill watch it from the beginning to the end and save $60.


Spoiler thread time, methinks.

The game will be known end to end by the Internet before the weekend.

Isnt the spoiler thread supposed to go up along the official OT of the game though? I dont really know the rules for spoiler threads. Maybe someone should PM a mod about it.
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