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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection

nel e nel

I was mentioning this earlier. Sometimes Drakes voice and gun sounds are low in the mix, yet the music is loud, as are the ambient effects, like crickets. I thought it was my setup, but maybe not. I have options configured to 5.1 and wide sound, so idk.

I generally find the mix levels in most games to be pretty shit. I usually put the music at 50%, SFX at 70-75%, and dialogue at full. I also have tinnitus from DJing 19 years, and my dad and grandad both wore hearing aids, so YMMV.
Beat Drake's Fortune and Among Thieves, played both on Crushing for first run. As someone who played each game as they released, Drake's Fortune will always be special to me as the introduction to the franchise, and I absolutely loved my play through just now, but my goodness after just competing 2 again it only solidifies it's place as my favorite. I've played both many times, but never back to back (I did both in darn near 1 sitting, took a small break during 1 but once I started 2 there was no stopping).

The main difference, like everyone says, is pacing. Drake's Fortune it is just battle after battle with lots of goons in lots of waves, one wave nearly always spawns behind you, and you don't get much ammo, grenades, and many power weapons. On top of that stealth isn't an option so really is get your one free shot then go. With Among Thieves every combat scene is broken up with at least a small non combat scene, the battles have varying levels of goons,not always a lot, and many you can take out before being noticed. On top of that they are very generous with ammo and power weapons and the arenas in general allow for a lot more movement whereas in 1 you were mostly stuck behind the same piece of cover.

Just starting 3. I never actually played 3, watched my bro play it at launch and helped with some sequences, so this will be fun to be able to properly compare. So far I'm on chapter 6 at the chateau, having fun but enjoyed 2's opening chapters more (possibly because I've played it so many times before).


Well, half way done with Uncharted 1 and all of a sudden, the game crashed and I lost everything. FACK!!!! c'mon BluePoint!

Check your PS+ cloud if you subscribe, might be able to recover something.

Shitty bug to come across this early.


Check your PS+ cloud if you subscribe, might be able to recover something.

Shitty bug to come across this early.

Problem is that I have another PS4 as my primary so it didn't upload from the one I was playing on. We have 5 PS4's in our house so we strategically put some as primary so that others can take advantage of the primaries benefits. I was so f*cking pissed when I lost everything.
Jesus, that sucks. Thanks for the heads up. Luckily doesn't affect the plat though!

I forgot to add that if you die... the game will give you some more ammo.... at least for your pistol weapon...... not sure about the long weapon, don't think it adds ammo to that.

I think that's how it works in the game overall too.

But that basically only works at checkpoints, so the game on Brutal is very frustrating regardless.


No 3D support at all I'm afraid.

3D is not supported any more.

Unfortunately not. I had my fingers crossed that all 3 would get 3D support. Alas, they dropped the feature entirely... Which is a shame considering how spectacular it was in the PS3 version of Uncharted 3.

I had forgotten how bad some of the platform controls can be sometimes when the camera is at a weird angle

Damn,would have been awesome.


Ya, I feel like that's still a pretty well-kept secret for people who haven't played it, yet. Even after 8 years.

I always forget about it then when I do remember it I realize that it's the worst part of the game. Just like the twist in UC2 is fucking awful.
I always forget about it then when I do remember it I realize that it's the worst part of the game. Just like the twist in UC2 is fucking awful.
I actually enjoyed it, because it was so easy and I used it as a breather. Drake's Fortune on crushing can be rough, nice to run and gun past simple opponents. Funny because I remember being so terrified when I first played it.
Problem is that I have another PS4 as my primary so it didn't upload from the one I was playing on. We have 5 PS4's in our house so we strategically put some as primary so that others can take advantage of the primaries benefits. I was so f*cking pissed when I lost everything.

Finally beat Uncharted 1. Had some struggles but still a lot of fun. Going to save Among Theives for another weekend. Great stuff though, really look forward to the improvements in UC2 over UC1.


I forgot to add that if you die... the game will give you some more ammo.... at least for your pistol weapon...... not sure about the long weapon, don't think it adds ammo to that.

I think that's how it works in the game overall too.

But that basically only works at checkpoints, so the game on Brutal is very frustrating regardless.

Brutal is a bit harder in U2 compared to U1 (because you can't abuse the aiming system behind walls and rocks as much as in U1) but it's more enjoyable imho because enemy encounters are better designed and you have more weapon choices.
Well, half way done with Uncharted 1 and all of a sudden, the game crashed and I lost everything. FACK!!!! c'mon BluePoint!

That sucks.


The Nepal section including
the train ride
, is just fantastic. Still one of the best paced sections in a game.

Damn, that whole 'level' is the best thing that Uncharted has come out with.
Not done with UC1 so I can't comment yet but if they did this don't you think they'd have done the same to UC1 Elena? Which they didn't sooooo.... you guys may just be seeing details you didn't before because the model has been updated, just like Nate's.

Maybe it's the fixed eyes throwing you off. (They're no longer glassy).
Maybe that's it.


Yup. The water room is just as annoying as I remembered it.

Good news! The spawning exploit still works. If you don't remember what that is, after you get to the water room entrance DON'T drop down. Instead run all the way back outside where the previous firefight happened and get on the mounted-gun there and fire it. After which battle music should start, when you get back to the entrance the guys are out and you can simply stay out of the room and pick them off from the high ground. Enemies will even appear and freeze behind you, before animating and jumping into the room.

It's cheating, but hey that room is bullshit. Besides obviously both Naughty Dog and Bluepoint would know it exists by this point and didn't fix it, so they probably agree.

Is this the best update to the collection? Maybe.

Gonna make getting that platinum for Drake's Fortune so much easier.

YES! I wished for this.


Is PSN acting up for anyone else? Downloading is bouncing around from 80 minutes to 5+ hours at random.
That's normal for PSN. People have all sorts of crazy fixes for that, like selecting the download from the timeline and letting the progress bar go fullscreen or whatever. Nothing I've tried has ever helped any, so I've just accepted it. I've done all sorts of port forwarding and DMZing and shit, nada.
Finished water room on crushing third attempt no exploits (and only stupid mess ups on my part). I mean, I do recall having immense trouble with this section on the ps3 in 2008, but it felt way easier now. Maybe the 60 FPS and improved aiming? It also feels like there were less enemies, but that's probably just bad memory.


It is not necessarily easy to go through 26 pages of comments so can someone give me the low down on the Save bug that appears to exist? I just started playing today so if there is something I should be aware of it would be appreciated.


It is not necessarily easy to go through 26 pages of comments so can someone give me the low down on the Save bug that appears to exist? I just started playing today so if there is something I should be aware of it would be appreciated.

All I've read is that reloading a checkpoint manually might be a cause of it (but not a definitive cause, just a possible factor). So avoid pressing "Restart Checkpoint" unless you really need to.
Man uc 1 final boss is more annoying than i remember.
Yeah he was a real bastard. I had to play that section multiple times because he kept getting me with the sniper. The best strategy is to use coverfire as much as possible. The thing that's anticlimactic is that the final encounter is a simple QTE sequence lol.
Was Uncharted 1 always closer to 5 hours than 10? I finished it in 6 and I'm not the type that rushes. I did it at a normal pace. I'm not complaining because the pace is pretty much perfect. I just remember it being a longer game.

I'm on Uncharted 2 now and that train section is still fantastic and unrivaled by any other game but maybe Uncharted 3. It's the kind of playable spectacle only this series does well. You never feel hampered by the cinematicness of it. Which is what every other game trying to replicate it fails at.
This section would have made for a better demo than the helicopter section they used.


Was Uncharted 1 always closer to 5 hours than 10? I finished it in 6 and I'm not the type that rushes. I did it at a normal pace. I'm not complaining because the pace is pretty much perfect. I just remember it being a longer game.

I'm on Uncharted 2 now and that train section is still fantastic and unrivaled by any other game but maybe Uncharted 3. It's the kind of playable spectacle only this series does well. You never feel hampered by the cinematicness of it. Which is what every other game trying to replicate it fails at.
This section would have made for a better demo than the helicopter section they used.
Nah that would have spoil a major setpiece for people.
Nah that would have spoil a major setpiece for people.
It's a non-story section. There's nothing to spoil.
And as far as giving away a good piece, there's more set pieces that are just as good. They're hardly giving away the best part. These games are good because the entire games are good. People who have never played this series need to see why a 6 year old game is so acclaimed.


It's a non-story section. There's nothing to spoil.
And as far as giving away a good piece, there's more set pieces that are just as good. They're hardly giving away the best part. These games are good because the entire games are good. People who have never played this series need to see why a 6 year old game is so acclaimed.
Not talking about story is one of the best ones in the series.


40% in UC1, I am impressed by how good it looks. Bluepoint has done an amazing job but ND really are amazing because those 7 years old+ assets and textures still hold up really well.

And Uncharted is so special to me, it feels great to play again.


It is not necessarily easy to go through 26 pages of comments so can someone give me the low down on the Save bug that appears to exist? I just started playing today so if there is something I should be aware of it would be appreciated.
Keep multiple saves and you should be fine.

All I've read is that reloading a checkpoint manually might be a cause of it (but not a definitive cause, just a possible factor). So avoid pressing "Restart Checkpoint" unless you really need to.
It also happens when the game auto-reload after you die.


The music in UC1 is incredible. Still really enjoy all the climbing sections. The bit where you monkey swing across the great wall, and jump around to get to the tall tower, all really well done. Gives me vertigo, especially given I'm scared of heights lol.


About halfway through Uncharted 1. This game will always be special to me for introducing me to one of the best cast of characters ever. That really hit home in a few scenes from tonight. I guess I will put these in spoilers. I think it is from the Chapters 6-8 area.

The jailbreak scene is where I think I fell in love with Elena. Her mocking Drake. The wink. Her reaching up to put the hook on the bar while Drake is talking to Eddie. And then a few scenes later the line, "We can argue about it later. It'll be great!" She is just the best. And then of course in that scene I mentioned we have the introduction of Eddie Raja! Still my favorite Uncharted villain. Him and Drake's relationship is a lot of fun too.

There are definitely some things that are a step back from the the next two games in the series from a gameplay standpoint, but I still have a lot of fun with this one and I can appreciate it for the base it built for the later games. It is a wonderful adventure.

leng jai

About halfway through Uncharted 1. This game will always be special to me for introducing me to one of the best cast of characters ever. That really hit home in a few scenes from tonight. I guess I will put these in spoilers. I think it is from the Chapters 6-8 area.

The jailbreak scene is where I think I fell in love with Elena. Her mocking Drake. The wink. Her reaching up to put the hook on the bar while Drake is talking to Eddie. And then a few scenes later the line, "We can argue about it later. It'll be great!" She is just the best. And then of course in that scene I mentioned we have the introduction of Eddie Raja! Still my favorite Uncharted villain. Him and Drake's relationship is a lot of fun too.

There are definitely some things that are a step back from the the next two games in the series from a gameplay standpoint, but I still have a lot of fun with this one and I can appreciate it for the base it built for the later games. It is a wonderful adventure.

The banter was just as good in UC2. It's in the third game where it takes a noticeable hit in that department.


I wish Eddy Raja was a recurring villain rather than a one and done. Dude is great and the whole frenemy dynamic he has with Drake is entertaining.
The U1 jungle. Takes me back. The crows flying at the first platforming arena.... Despite its age, this remaster really makes the game shine. Did they rework/improve lighting? I feel like they must have.

Day swimming animation though...
Playing U1 on crushing. Enjoying it but the game has some serious issues with enemy spawing and placement. You could finish a really difficult section and have an enemy pop out and kill you because he was just taking cover but wouldn't attack until you walk by after killing 10 waves.
Playing U1 on crushing. Enjoying it but the game has some serious issues with enemy spawing and placement. You could finish a really difficult section and have an enemy pop out and kill you because he was just taking cover but wouldn't attack until you walk by after killing 10 waves.

You can usually tell when all enemies are dead as there's a musical cue inidicating the battle is finished. Does suck though that the enemy is still hard to find though.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, in-game counter was at exactly 7 hours after I finished on Hard, with a bit of putting down the controller to read Twitter and GAF, etc. I think it might not count cutscenes, because it was really more like 9 hours out of my day, yesterday.
If it's like the PS3 original, it also doesn't count any retries if you die towards the total time.
100% done with Uncharted 1.

Crushing was much easier than I remember it being, thanks to the rebalancing they've done but Brutal is even harder. There's a few points in the game where you're pretty much instantly dead straight after a cutscene/checkpoint. You just have to keep trying and hope they miss for long enough to kill them or get behind cover.

On the other hand, the speed run trophy was very easy if you play on Easy, are used to the game and know which fights you can run straight through.

I'll start Uncharted 2 tomorrow, though there's no way I'm going to get through it as quickly as I did the first game.
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