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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
So about the "feels" with this series, spoilers for the end of Uncharted 2

Obviously playing the game now you've at least seen Uncharted 3 and Uncharted 4 videos (if not you've surely heard complaints about Elena's face in 3 vs 2)and know Elena is alive and kicking, but at the launch of Uncharted 2 it sure as hell looked like she died, and the scene following it up made it look like Nate was mourning her loss (though we find out he's really mourning the loss of Schaffer). I remember lots of people were a little shook during those 10 seconds.

Yeah, knowing she was fine definitely hurt the experience, had I not I would have probably been a little choked up. Same will Sully at the end of UC3.


Done with DF. Not sure if I want to do Brutal. I like how trophies allow you to Platinum and 100% a game. I don't need to always 100% my game. Plat is enough for this.



fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Does anyone else think they really overused the melee combat in UC3? I like the improvements but damn, how many big guys can I kick in the balls before it gets old?

I don't like the melee in 3 at all. You do that exact same fight so many times, and otherwise so many people just bullrush you in the game that you get kinda vacuum suctioned into a fist fight that usually kills you since it leaves you open to everyone else.


Does anyone else think they really overused the melee combat in UC3? I like the improvements but damn, how many big guys can I kick in the balls before it gets old?

Absolutely. They got way carried away, and the addition of the throw mapped to O messes up dodging when a guy closes in.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Absolutely. They got way carried away, and the addition of the throw mapped to O messes up dodging when a guy closes in.

Yes sir, that got me killed a couple of times for sure.
This collection is like the biggest breath of fresh air imaginable for me. All I've been playing lately is open world stuff so to play through such a fun epic and focused experience just feels so damn good right now. I just beat U1 on crushing, and platinumed it and I'm already craving my U2 play through. This franchise fucking rules lol.


I remember playing the demo of UC1 and not liking it, then my Ps3 broke,i never got it fixed . Then i played some of UC3 on PS Now beta and thinking i quite like it. I was going to wait until it was cheap before i bought it but i thought i ll get it while im waiting for Halo 5.
I must say im really enjoying it, im sort of glad my Ps3 broke now :)


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Only trophy for U3 platinum I have left is reload master. I've tried doing this with the checkpoint reload trick, but I don't think that works... Anyone got it using that? And I guess you can't use or throw back grenades in between kills? This is annoying trophy: I just replayed 19+20 and still didn't get it.

A bit off topic -- regarding Uncharted 4

How much do you guys think Uncharted 4 will change up the formula established through 2 & 3? Both games have their biggest set-pieces in the middle of the game
train & plane respectively
, followed by extended downtime
Escape from train (while wounded) followed by the quiet walk around the village, and the walk through the desert in 3
. With both games culminating in a trip through
a forgotten mystical city, Shambala & the desert city of 3 (Atlantis of the sands? I forget specifically the name)
. The marketing of U2 first showed the intro,
Drake waking up in the train
, and then 3 first showed the aftermath of the
plane crash, with Drake walking around the desert
. 4 was revealed with Drake presumably a little fucked up after waking up on the beach (of an island?), do we assume this follows on from a massive set-piece in the middle of the game? Or do we assume that ND are taking more than a few directions from The Last of Us? Mixing up the pre-established formula dramatically.

I hope they mix it up considerably, because after finishing all 3 games in order, you realize they're all pretty much structured the same. And the
supernatural element has become a staple of the series, but not necessarily a good one. In all 3 games the new enemies showed up too late and weren't that interesting or fun to fight. I hope they just do away with it entirely, or make them really engaging do deal with

I'm enjoying Uncharted 3 more than I did back in 2011

Me too. Gotta say, this collection was a weird trip for me: everything got turned around. Enjoyed DF more with the remaster, and was more impressed by 3 than 2. My old opinion of U2 towering above the rest is now gone, I'd have a hard time putting a top 3 together.
Is it just me or are the more bugs in this collection than in the original games?

UC1- enemy got stuck in a wall multiple times, prohibiting me from advancing due to the script being essentially broken.

UC2- Nate starting to spazz out on occasion and as such getting stuck in objects.
In Shembala, in the big room, one guardian didn't spawn, which caused the mercenaries to just spawn endlessly ( this wasn't helped by reloading either, had to restart the chapter)

UC3 - Nate's lower body half doing 360 spins when landing on several occasions. That one is actually quite funny to look at.

Might be just the memory clouding my judgement as I also didn't remember how floaty and imprecise the controls were. It's especially bad in UC3 where certain scripted stealth scenes
syrian citadel
are almost impossible due to the game misinterpreting your button inputs (grab instead of cover)


I hope they mix it up considerably, because after finishing all 3 games in order, you realize they're all pretty much structured the same. And the
supernatural element has become a staple of the series, but not necessarily a good one. In all 3 games the new enemies showed up too late and weren't that interesting or fun to fight. I hope they just do away with it entirely, or make them really engaging do deal with

To comment on your spoiler comment, I really hope they bring that back for U4. I loved those parts and it's what always made Uncharted, Uncharted for me. But I do agree on introducing it a bit earlier. Each encounter was always in the last 5% of the game, maybe introduce it earlier, and make the last 15%-20% of the game whatever that will be mixed in with your standard baddies. That should hopefully open up some interesting combat dynamics.


It's weird, I have the impression that everyone who play Uncharted for the first time prefer 3 to 2 (whereas it's the opposite for those who played them when they released).

I don't really understand it, since just from the story, flow of the game and enemy encounter design, 2 is so much better and I haven't really seen many arguments for why 3 is better than 2. Plus 3 has those awful melee fights.

3 is a much easier game, i'll give it that.


UC2- Nate starting to spazz out on occasion and as such getting stuck in objects.
In Shembala, in the big room, one guardian didn't spawn, which caused the mercenaries to just spawn endlessly ( this wasn't helped by reloading either, had to restart the chapter)

UC3 - Nate's lower body half doing 360 spins when landing on several occasions. That one is actually quite funny to look at.

These two were in the original. I especially remember the UC2 one because I had to do the same thing that you did. Pissed me off.


I thought it might be worth checking in here and sharing my thoughts as I complete each game for the first time. From what I hear I'm exactly the type of person they were aiming for with this re-release as I have never played any of the Uncharted games before, but always heard good things.

I've just finished Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on Normal difficulty, and looking forward to starting the second game up. Here's what I thought of the story and gameplay:

The Story was pretty great for what was basically the outline of a Not-Indiana Jones movie, and I mean that in the nicest way possible because they definitely pulled it off; I really like the characters I've met so far and I'm hoping they show up and do more in the sequels. I also really enjoyed the story of their search for El Dorado and the reality of what the treasure really was. Also, Navarro is a *Dick* for what he intended to do with it.

The Platforming and Treasure Hunting part of the game was very enjoyable. This is mainly what I was looking forward to going in and it did not disappoint. I took my time exploring every little nook and cranny and found all 61 treasures (I had to look at a guide one particularly hard to get one) and I'm ready to do it again in the next one. I kind of hope they render the treasures in the actual game world and maybe give some more priority toward their presence in the game. The white flashes were convenient and I liked looking at the treasures in the menu, I'm just saying it would make everything even better. I'll find out soon enough! Platforming was great with a tiny bit of jank here and there where I expected my actions to do something and Nathan.. Did not agree with me to say the least. I laughed pretty much every one of those deaths away though. Shit happens!

As for the Gunplay... Looking back, starting out with a extended shooting gallery segment on a boat should have clued me into how much I was going to have to rely on extended firefights in cover against swarms of enemies, but every time it happened I just kind of groaned a little on the inside and went with it. Early on the game the difficulty was perfect, about what I'd expect, but I really started to dislike these shooting segments toward the end, especially the final shootout that had very little room for error. I'd have to say most of the problem is on my end. I'm only decently good at shooting games on the PC with a mouse; with a controller I'm basically "serviceable", which is why I did choose Normal. Only during the maybe last quarter of the game did it really start ramping up the difficulty and asking me to be super precise with shots and knowing where to be in cover and definitely where NOT to be. I had some deaths here and there throughout the entire game because I ended up getting flanked, but hey, points to the AI for doing that. I kind of hope I get a dot in the middle of the screen in the second game because I really need it apparently; there were many times where I wanted to pop out of cover with my reticle on the guy I intended to shoot only to find I was way off because the enemy wasn't dead center on my screen.

Other than that, DF was very fun and I'd give it a 8/10 if I actually rated things, which I don't, so just go with "Very Fun Game™"

Onto the second one now.


It's weird, I have the impression that everyone who play Uncharted for the first time prefer 3 to 2 (whereas it's the opposite for those who played them when they released).

I played them all when they released and am replaying them on PS4 now. I have always preferred 3 to 2. It's a bit disjointed but that surrogate parent dynamic and the more emotive moments do it for me.
3 > 2 and I played 3 first so you can put me in that camp too. I was LTTP to the series last year. 2 is still fantastic though, so if U3 was a 10/10 for me (which it is IMO), Uncharted 2 is a 9.8 maybe.


So about the "feels" with this series, spoilers for the end of Uncharted 2

Obviously playing the game now you've at least seen Uncharted 3 and Uncharted 4 videos (if not you've surely heard complaints about Elena's face in 3 vs 2)and know Elena is alive and kicking, but at the launch of Uncharted 2 it sure as hell looked like she died, and the scene following it up made it look like Nate was mourning her loss (though we find out he's really mourning the loss of Schaffer). I remember lots of people were a little shook during those 10 seconds.

This. I was like, please.....no.
I just finished Drake's Deception on Crushing and for some reason it felt much more easier that it did before, granted I died a few times but not as much as I was used too. I loved replaying the series back to back, great fun.I will do a platinum run sometime soon.


I thought it might be worth checking in here and sharing my thoughts as I complete each game for the first time. From what I hear I'm exactly the type of person they were aiming for with this re-release as I have never played any of the Uncharted games before, but always heard good things.

I've just finished Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on Normal difficulty, and looking forward to starting the second game up. Here's what I thought of the story and gameplay:

The Story was pretty great for what was basically the outline of a Not-Indiana Jones movie, and I mean that in the nicest way possible because they definitely pulled it off; I really like the characters I've met so far and I'm hoping they show up and do more in the sequels. I also really enjoyed the story of their search for El Dorado and the reality of what the treasure really was. Also, Navarro is a *Dick* for what he intended to do with it.

The Platforming and Treasure Hunting part of the game was very enjoyable. This is mainly what I was looking forward to going in and it did not disappoint. I took my time exploring every little nook and cranny and found all 61 treasures (I had to look at a guide one particularly hard to get one) and I'm ready to do it again in the next one. I kind of hope they render the treasures in the actual game world and maybe give some more priority toward their presence in the game. The white flashes were convenient and I liked looking at the treasures in the menu, I'm just saying it would make everything even better. I'll find out soon enough! Platforming was great with a tiny bit of jank here and there where I expected my actions to do something and Nathan.. Did not agree with me to say the least. I laughed pretty much every one of those deaths away though. Shit happens!

As for the Gunplay... Looking back, starting out with a extended shooting gallery segment on a boat should have clued me into how much I was going to have to rely on extended firefights in cover against swarms of enemies, but every time it happened I just kind of groaned a little on the inside and went with it. Early on the game the difficulty was perfect, about what I'd expect, but I really started to dislike these shooting segments toward the end, especially the final shootout that had very little room for error. I'd have to say most of the problem is on my end. I'm only decently good at shooting games on the PC with a mouse; with a controller I'm basically "serviceable", which is why I did choose Normal. Only during the maybe last quarter of the game did it really start ramping up the difficulty and asking me to be super precise with shots and knowing where to be in cover and definitely where NOT to be. I had some deaths here and there throughout the entire game because I ended up getting flanked, but hey, points to the AI for doing that. I kind of hope I get a dot in the middle of the screen in the second game because I really need it apparently; there were many times where I wanted to pop out of cover with my reticle on the guy I intended to shoot only to find I was way off because the enemy wasn't dead center on my screen.

Other than that, DF was very fun and I'd give it a 8/10 if I actually rated things, which I don't, so just go with "Very Fun Game™"

Onto the second one now.

I enjoy reading opinions for the first timers in the series. Glad you liked DF because the second one will blow your mind :D


- I didn't feel any attachment to any of the characters, where are my feels? Comparing this to The Last of Us which choked me up a few times and made me generally care for the characters on screen, Uncharted just didn't even come close to this level of story telling.

At its heart its a fun Indiana Jones styled story/action movie. Characters are memorable in their own right but they aren't going to make you feel the same way as something like TLOU.


Finally. 100% trophies for UC1 done. 1/3 of the way there.

How was it? Any tips, tricks, or quality-of-life suggestions for those yet to take up the challenge?

It wasn't that much worse than Crushing difficulty. Let's get the big challenges of brutal out of the way. One, you go down in 2 shots as opposed to 3. Sometimes even 1 so you have to be on point. Two, ammo pickups are limited to 2-3 bullets so EVERY SHOT COUNTS!

With that out of the way lets discuss brutal. If you managed to keep your sanity in crushing then you can take the lessons learned from that and apply it to brutal mode.

1) Default pistols are godly. Due to limited ammo and every shot counting, headshots are more crucial than ever. There are ways to exploit the ammo system (more on that in a second) but the first 4ish chapters are going to be a struggle.
2) Cover system blows don't use it. Instead stand behind a wall and hard aim just enough so you can see them but they can't hit you. This will get you through 75% of the game. If you are going to use the cover system chances are it will be for a shotgun kill or you need to recover health.
3) Grenades should be used defensively or to clear out one last troublesome enemy. I honestly used them a lot less in the end that I thought I would.
4) If you can backtrack from an encounter do it. It tends to funnel the enemies into one place giving you a huge advantage. This is how I got past the chapel fight towards the end.
5) Juggle weapons, don't pick up ammo. Since ammo is so limited it is unwise to pick up a gun for ammo. Instead pick up a fresh gun from the same slot. Say you are carrying an ak47. Instead of ammo pick up a shotgun THEN the fresh ak47. You practically get a full clip (or more in the case of pistols).
6) Avoid power weapons for the most part. The limited ammo tends to put you in a very bad spot if an encounter goes south.
7) For the most part I went through with a pistol and shotgun. Enemies have a nasty habit of charging and the shotgun did great for taking them down in one hit or blindfire covershots.
8) Chapters 1-4 and the sewers are a bear to get though. You have been warned.


Finally. 100% trophies for UC1 done. 1/3 of the way there.

It wasn't that much worse than Crushing difficulty. Let's get the big challenges of brutal out of the way. One, you go down in 2 shots as opposed to 3. Sometimes even 1 so you have to be on point. Two, ammo pickups are limited to 2-3 bullets so EVERY SHOT COUNTS!

With that out of the way lets discuss brutal. If you managed to keep your sanity in crushing then you can take the lessons learned from that and apply it to brutal mode.

1) Default pistols are godly. Due to limited ammo and every shot counting, headshots are more crucial than ever. There are ways to exploit the ammo system (more on that in a second) but the first 4ish chapters are going to be a struggle.
2) Cover system blows don't use it. Instead stand behind a wall and hard aim just enough so you can see them but they can't hit you. This will get you through 75% of the game. If you are going to use the cover system chances are it will be for a shotgun kill or you need to recover health.
3) Grenades should be used defensively or to clear out one last troublesome enemy. I honestly used them a lot less in the end that I thought I would.
4) If you can backtrack from an encounter do it. It tends to funnel the enemies into one place giving you a huge advantage. This is how I got past the chapel fight towards the end.
5) Juggle weapons, don't pick up ammo. Since ammo is so limited it is unwise to pick up a gun for ammo. Instead pick up a fresh gun from the same slot. Say you are carrying an ak47. Instead of ammo pick up a shotgun THEN the fresh ak47. You practically get a full clip (or more in the case of pistols).
6) Avoid power weapons for the most part. The limited ammo tends to put you in a very bad spot if an encounter goes south.
7) For the most part I went through with a pistol and shotgun. Enemies have a nasty habit of charging and the shotgun did great for taking them down in one hit or blindfire covershots.
8) Chapters 1-4 and the sewers are a bear to get though. You have been warned.

Nice tips dude!
Stopping for the night at chapter 20 in U3.

What the hell happened?

1 was great fun but flawed

2 was mostly fantastic

So far with 3 its got the fun set prices and good old witty banter and story but the encounter design has gone to shit.
- brutes
I mean seriously what the fuck? Your big so you can take 100 bullets to the face just fine? Forcing melee while people shooting at you sometimes
- spawns enemies next to you in so many encounters.
- way to many shield and armour dudes
- tons of bullshit deaths

Pretty disappointed with 3 so far and I only got 3 chapters to go so I don't think my opinion will change much. Shipyard was pretty good though.

For me its pretty much

U2 >> U1 = GA >>>>>>>>>> U3


Never played this series on PS3 for some odd as fuck reason, but the more I get to enjoy it now I guess. I'm 4 or so hours into the first one and loving it so far, although it can be frustrating at times, especially some of the awkward camera angles (PS1 Tomb Raider flashback anyone?)

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I'm watching Haven and it's amazing how much Elena looks like Emily Rose (she voices her), did they actually model her after her or is it just a coincidence? The funny thing is her boyfriend in Haven is named Nathan.


Never played this series on PS3 for some odd as fuck reason, but the more I get to enjoy it now I guess. I'm 4 or so hours into the first one and loving it so far, although it can be frustrating at times, especially some of the awkward camera angles (PS1 Tomb Raider flashback anyone?)

i think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you hit the sequels :)


Stopping for the night at chapter 20 in U3.

What the hell happened?

1 was great fun but flawed

2 was mostly fantastic

So far with 3 its got the fun set prices and good old witty banter and story but the encounter design has gone to shit.
- brutes
I mean seriously what the fuck? Your big so you can take 100 bullets to the face just fine? Forcing melee while people shooting at you sometimes
- spawns enemies next to you in so many encounters.
- way to many shield and armour dudes
- tons of bullshit deaths

Pretty disappointed with 3 so far and I only got 3 chapters to go so I don't think my opinion will change much. Shipyard was pretty good though.

For me its pretty much

U2 >> U1 = GA >>>>>>>>>> U3

The only way the armored dudes should be in Uc4, if at all, is if there are other tactics to taking them down over than spraying a shit ton of bullets into them. The Last of Us never had to resort to it so hopefully they take what they have learned from that game.


Guess I just got lucky then... As if I didn't hate the last 2 chapters in UC2 enough already.

UGH. Is the final boss battle still as annoying as it was? I'm just shocked at how easy UC1 last boss seem in comparison now I just completed UC1.

Man, some newbies have more patience than I did when I first played UC1. I remember swearing every god damned encounter and thought they were mostly badly done and ridiculously punishing.
It wasn't that much worse than Crushing difficulty. Let's get the big challenges of brutal out of the way. One, you go down in 2 shots as opposed to 3. Sometimes even 1 so you have to be on point. Two, ammo pickups are limited to 2-3 bullets so EVERY SHOT COUNTS!

With that out of the way lets discuss brutal. If you managed to keep your sanity in crushing then you can take the lessons learned from that and apply it to brutal mode.

1) Default pistols are godly. Due to limited ammo and every shot counting, headshots are more crucial than ever. There are ways to exploit the ammo system (more on that in a second) but the first 4ish chapters are going to be a struggle.
2) Cover system blows don't use it. Instead stand behind a wall and hard aim just enough so you can see them but they can't hit you. This will get you through 75% of the game. If you are going to use the cover system chances are it will be for a shotgun kill or you need to recover health.
3) Grenades should be used defensively or to clear out one last troublesome enemy. I honestly used them a lot less in the end that I thought I would.
4) If you can backtrack from an encounter do it. It tends to funnel the enemies into one place giving you a huge advantage. This is how I got past the chapel fight towards the end.
5) Juggle weapons, don't pick up ammo. Since ammo is so limited it is unwise to pick up a gun for ammo. Instead pick up a fresh gun from the same slot. Say you are carrying an ak47. Instead of ammo pick up a shotgun THEN the fresh ak47. You practically get a full clip (or more in the case of pistols).
6) Avoid power weapons for the most part. The limited ammo tends to put you in a very bad spot if an encounter goes south.
7) For the most part I went through with a pistol and shotgun. Enemies have a nasty habit of charging and the shotgun did great for taking them down in one hit or blindfire covershots.
8) Chapters 1-4 and the sewers are a bear to get though. You have been warned.
Probably won't get around to playing Brutal any time soon, the beginning areas being the toughest being a major detractor. But I'll keep these tips in mind for the future if I ever go back.

Almost done with my second playthrough on Crushing, and it's starting to feel more rewarding in the sense that the latter chapters aren't as frustrating as the earlier ones. Gives me flashbacks to playing through Ninja Gaiden on Very Hard & (attempting) Master Ninja and what slogs those first areas were, but then growing so accustomed to things as it went on. Only three more chapters, and based on what medals/trophies I have left I'll see about doing a repeat of Normal to clean things up.


I think the chateau is my favourite set piece in Uncharted 3. Although it may not have the scale of the ship/plane I feel it is the best designed and has a really nice flow to it. The person who designed it, Emilia Schatz, also designed the psx Uncharted 4 level so I am not surprised that level looks so rad!
After playing The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne, the fast loading times after a death are a HUGE plus for this game. There's literally only 1-2 seconds of waiting after a death. It's wonderful for people playing on the higher difficulties.


you guys are crazy with your higher leveled difficulties. i dont have time for that shit...props for enduring.

i think the last time i played on a difficulty level higher than normal in any game was when i used to care about achievements on 360 and would play COD games on Veteran.
I'm watching Haven and it's amazing how much Elena looks like Emily Rose (she voices her), did they actually model her after her or is it just a coincidence? The funny thing is her boyfriend in Haven is named Nathan.
Welcome to 2009/10 brah. Love watching the show even it isn't the greatest. It's just a feeling and it certainly had to do with it's Uncharted connection initially what with Claudia Black and Nolan North both having small roles along side Emily. Haven't watched the premiere(s) from last week yet but I can't wait.

BTW, I've enjoyed reading your impressions and reactions as you played through this trilogy for the first time. Curious if you'd consider getting 2 or 3 for multiplayer on PS3 or PS Now (if applicable).
After getting hooked on Star Wars beta I'm really excited to see how UC4 beta turns out to be. It's really soon too, I wonder if we get the first look at multiplayer at PGW.


I'm just about to give up on DF's Brutal Mode. I've been in the "blue room" and damn this mode is fucking horrid. Two shots and you're dead. You just spend hours on single shootouts and get flanked by one lone enemy when you think you're safe. Stop this bullshit of turning good games into Dark Souls, please.
To add to the ranking conversation, I played each game at launch and preferred each subsequent game, including liking 3 better than 2 at the time.

I'm about to replay all 3 so I'll reevaluate after. But so far I have to concur with those first timers who think 3>2
Just finished UC1. I forgot how cool and scary the last few chapter are. Man what a great game. I know it doesn't top U2 but man.. It's a really awesome game. Goosebumps on that soundtrack
Holy moly, Uncharted 2 is so much better than the first. Might update my ratings.

UC1: 6.5/10
UC2: 9/10
UC3: 8/10 (might change after playing through again)


I'm just about to give up on DF's Brutal Mode. I've been in the "blue room" and damn this mode is fucking horrid. Two shots and you're dead. You just spend hours on single shootouts and get flanked by one lone enemy when you think you're safe. Stop this bullshit of turning good games into Dark Souls, please.

More like Chicago Enforcer.


I'm just about to give up on DF's Brutal Mode. I've been in the "blue room" and damn this mode is fucking horrid. Two shots and you're dead. You just spend hours on single shootouts and get flanked by one lone enemy when you think you're safe. Stop this bullshit of turning good games into Dark Souls, please.

Check to see if the blue room spawn glitch still works.


Check to see if the blue room spawn glitch still works.

It does still work. I did it on my playthrough.

Also, I learned some new stuff in UC2 during the train segment:
the jungle area can, for the most part, be stealthed through (at least up until you get to the turret). There's a certain way you have to do it, though, and one of the parts forces you to kill someone lethally because of a cutscene trigger (otherwise if the trigger didn't appear until you killed everyone then you'd be able to stealth it completely). The part I'm talking about is when one of the goons jumps through the window of the car and attempts to melee you.

I saved it and plan to possibly upload it if I get the time.
Also got a sick sniper shot on the turret guy in the process.

Saved some other stuff I might upload but not until I've uploaded some of my MGSV videos that I haven't yet lol.
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