Just finished Uncharted Drake's Fortune and, what the hell. I though it would be way better.
Here are my main problems:
- Plataforming is bad. The level design is not quite there and the game suffers from that. Nathan feels so loose and imprecise, it's pretty hard to get where you want with him.
- Jetski is just brainless.
- Characters are "ok" and just weirdly bad. Nathan and Elena are quite allright, but their story arch is pretty null. Sully doesn't show up for 70% of the game, he does very little in it. The bad guys are just bad guys... Eddy is someone who Nathan knows not sure why, just a bad guy with an army. The old guy is just an old guy that Sully owns money, and there's this Navarro guy that doesn't get almost none screen time. The story is a mess, from nowhere the old guy shows up in the beggining, from nowhere Elena shows up, from nowhere most of the things in this game happens.
That's not even my main problem, my problem is the almost non-stop hordes of enemies that you have to defeat. Is pretty amazing how the game is made by this simple and dumb game design. Sometimes nothing happens for several chapters, is just Nathan going from point A to B killing some "bad guys".
For a franchise known for it's narrative and cinematric feel, Uncharted Drake's Fortune it's pretty shallow and soulless.
For sure was better in 2007 when the bar was so lower than it's right now in video-games, but nevertheless, a simple and messy game.
P.S. The Last of Us is one of my favorite games ever, it's amazing to see how Naughty Dog evolve.