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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection

This is sarcasm right? Because sliding into cover solves none of this issues he said and having recently played all three back to back for the first time I experienced the exact same issues.

I went from
U1 = fun romp
U2 = wow huge step up, great game
U3 = wtf happened.

I'm pretty sure I will be going for plat on 1 & 2 but have my doubts about bothering with 3.

My biggest issue with U3 was I THINK Amy Hennig being in charge. I know her philosophy was gameplay moments first, story second. So she'd go in with her designers and think, "What is the craziest gameplay set piece we can think of?" decide on those and then try and build a story around it. So then the game lacks context and urgency, which then makes it feel disjointed and unimportant in the process. Which was my big issue with Uncharted 3.

I can see that being an issue why they had constant disagreements on U4 and it seems like now they are more interested in the story and finding interesting things to do in that time frame, which makes me excited.


Well you can have something grounded and still come up with new scenarios. Yeah stuff like the sniper sequence is exactly what I am talking about. I just wanted more variations to the base game like that one. Look at RE4.

The game has zombies but look at how many varied and interesting scenarios Mikami provided in that game. I was hoping for some thrilling sequences with the infected in TLOU but the only one I remember was the first encounter ( because it was the first ) as well as the brilliantly designed generator room sequence. The game could have really used more variety in terms of infected enemy types as well as the infected enemy scenarios. The Ellie sequence when she first meets David was an obvious homage to the RE4 cabin sequence but fell short of RE4's greatness.

Re4 is far more campy and less grounded than the Last of Us. If they kept ratcheting things up and introducing new and weird zombies it would have negatively impacted the tone and storytelling. If we kept getting new zombie types like 'crawlers','squelchers' then 'jumpers' it would have taken me out of the story and made Joel and Ellie's journey less character driven and more "gamey", if that makes sense. There is a fine line between telling a grounded narrative, and creating cool gameplay and obviously compromises have to be made for both to be a cohesive experience. This isn't me dismissing that there could have been more variety in enemy types, but they should have been far more subtle than the craziness of some of Mikami's creations. However I do agree that the scenarios could have had more variety.

Also the scene where you first meet David, while you may have not enjoyed it as much as the Re4 section, was so brilliant because of the context and how it deceived players into
trusting David
making the revelations later on feel far more evocative.


My biggest issue with U3 was I THINK Amy Hennig being in charge. I know her philosophy was gameplay moments first, story second. So she'd go in with her designers and think, "What is the craziest gameplay set piece we can think of?" decide on those and then try and build a story around it. So then the game lacks context and urgency, which then makes it feel disjointed and unimportant in the process. Which was my big issue with Uncharted 3.

I can see that being an issue why they had constant disagreements on U4 and it seems like now they are more interested in the story and finding interesting things to do in that time frame, which makes me excited.

While I agree that is exactly how Uncharted 3 felt, without all the facts it would not be prudent to make such claims. (Regarding Hennig and Uc4 stuff)

Luckily, the Last of Us didn't feel like that at all so Uncharted 4 is in amazing hands with Druckmann/Straley.


That comparison isn't really consistent since the one for UC4 is a Maya render with flat lighting, as opposed to the actual in game model. Maybe use something like this instead:

Here are a couple of better ones





Edit: Wow, sorry for spamming this thread :p
Started my UC3 playthrough ... .Wow the lack of hit detection on enemies is absolutely horrible. It's very jarring playing through the games back to back and seeing enemies hardly react in 3.

As I said before, the whole globe trotting aspect of 3 really feels kind of disjointed narrative wise. I dont know what it is, but 2 just captures every thing perfectly. From the battles through the Nepali streets, to the temple, back to the streets and then from the train all the way to the mountains... It felt very organic and and natural. Doesnt stop me from enjoying the game though, it's just disappointing coming off Uncharted 2.

I also went back and watched the vids of the Uncharted 4 gameplay vids and now I'm even more hyped for the game, it looks absolutely incredible and I love that you can see the evolution of the games.

I urge everyone to go back and watch the UC4 vids again, you'll appreciate it and get hyped even more.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
All the points you mention on 3 are what makes me rank it way below the other 3 games. When I originally played 1 and 2, I played on hard and then turned around and played them again immediately on crushing, then platinumed both. I was so excited for 3.

When 3 actually came out, and I ran into the issues you mentioned (aiming, no enemy reactions, guys keeping lasers sighted on you even though you are shooting them, constant bull rushes and melee), I stopped my hard playthrough halfway through because it was such a slog. It took me over a month to go back and actually finish the game. And I haven't touched it since because it left such a bad taste in my mouth.

I've beaten 1 and 2 on crushing and have almost platinumed both again in the remaster. I'm debating 3 though. I was hoping they made some changes to some of these things, but it sounds like they only fixed aiming. Ugh.

Yeah, I played all three on hard so those videos were from that. Sadly the stuff is too deep rooted for Bluepoint to really fix.

On the plus side the aiming still did do a lot either way. I was actually more negative on UC3 previously, lol.


Is it me or is there something wrong with the gamma in this game?? I'm having trouble seeing in some parts as it's REALLY dark. My PS4 is on limited RGB and my TV I'm sure doesn't support FULL. I crank the brightness up and there's some scenes that's just impossible to make out. Specifically the later chapters where you're in the monastery and later. I literally feel like I'm running in the dark.

The blacks seem pretty crushed to me. Noticed it in the demo. In the full game, so far, crushed in part 1 and 2. Haven't played 3 yet.

Have checked 2 displays, monitor and Sony TV. Have tried both full rgb and limited on both displays (switched to correct color range on the ps4 as well). Crush crush crush.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The blacks seem pretty crushed to me. Noticed it in the demo. In the full game, so far, crushed in part 1 and 2. Haven't played 3 yet.

Have checked 2 displays, monitor and Sony TV. Have tried both full rgb and limited on both displays (switched to correct color range on the ps4 as well). Crush crush crush.
Can you point to some scene where you've noticed this? I'm alergic to crushed blacks, so I noticed that quite easily, and I haven't noticed any in these games so far. At least nothing different to what it was in the original games.


Just finished Uncharted 2 this afternoon, Gamma looked fine on my end. I didn't play that far on PS3 to compare, but I know what crushed blacks look like and it would have driven me crazy if I saw them, but nope.

Also yeah, comparisons to RE4 in pacing are very apt. Game was fantastic, overall, and the ending put a big smile on my face.


happy to see so many uncharted first timers liking/having fun with the games because UC1 and UC2 have a special place in my memories.


Just bought my digital copy and the download is blazing fast, only 40 minutes for 44gb.
Finally I get to play 2 and 3, liked the first one on PS3 so really excited.

Do the difficulty trophies stack on these games? So for example if I play on Hard do I get the trophy for beating the game on Normal too? Thinking whether I should go for that or just normal for first playthrough..


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Just bought my digital copy and the download is blazing fast, only 40 minutes for 44gb.
Finally I get to play 2 and 3, liked the first one on PS3 so really excited.

Do the difficulty trophies stack on these games? So for example if I play on Hard do I get the trophy for beating the game on Normal too? Thinking whether I should go for that or just normal for first playthrough..

Yeah, they stack. I think Hard is done pretty well in these games and are a fine starting point.


I don't know if the blacks are crushed but I was definitely having gamma trouble in Uncharted 1. I fell down one or two bottomless pits towards the end of the game because I simply couldn't see them.

I'm better now that I've adjusted my TV's gamma to compensate but now other games are washed out.

Gotdamn man, what a post. Not the first time you've dissected the issues with UC3, but definitely the best because the footage makes it plainly obvious for the people who still don't seem to get it. I have no idea how some people can't feel how much combat regressed in UC3. Every time I read "They're basically the same" I have to wonder if anyone actually cares about shooting mechanics at all. The lack of stagger animations is such a big deal in this series where one pistol bullet can buy you the time you need to make your move.

Good stuff.


uncharted 2 looks so freaking dark, i have set my tv to limited and cracked the brightness all the way up and still cant even see drakes teeth when he talks because the shadow covers it lol


uncharted 2 looks so freaking dark, i have set my tv to limited and cracked the brightness all the way up and still cant even see drakes teeth when he talks because the shadow covers it lol

That's dependent on the lighting, Drake's teeth in later cutscenes aren't dark.


Man for all the praise uncharted 2 gets it has the worst hit detection of the three. I spent the entire game wondering why my headshots wouldn't register. I don't even remember it being this bad back in 09.


Man for all the praise uncharted 2 gets it has the worst hit detection of the three. I spent the entire game wondering why my headshots wouldn't register. I don't even remember it being this bad back in 09.

It isn't a one hit headshot if the guy has a helmet. Are you sure that wasn't what was happening?

Review and thoughts by a Newbie

I came into this game with very very high expectations. Hard not to when the whole Playstation community almost unanimously ranks this as one of, if not the number 1, best game from the PS3 era. You know it's funny too. I'm such a story driven guy and always complained as I played games on my 360 back in the days that not enough games had well written stories. Never did I expect that I'd find a series that would give me that in a package of the best of Indiana Jones in video game form.

Uncharted 2 did not disappoint. It was a masterful ride in an epic adventure that spawned many hours, and it managed to stumble not too often to the point it became annoying. As always I won't really discuss the characters or plot as those have been discussed to death since PS3, so onto the game itself:

The temples and puzzle sections were of course the highlight. The one in the snow was my favorite because of just how fucking big it was. Then comes the one with the giant
as I really enjoyed figuring that one out. And of course the fire/earth/air/water one was fun too (though I felt stupid when I finally figured it out took me too long).

When I started the game I was saying that I enjoyed the shooting of the first game more due to the enemies' stagger if you miss the head by an inch making them jiggle their head around all over the place but after beating the game I take it back. The shooting felt more solid, it required more strategy (the AK-47 sucks ass in this game with accuracy) and it felt tighter in variety. Having said that though, there are three aspects of the combat the bother me a lot:

1. Just how much combat there is. I mean yeah it's a third person shooter but it feels like Naughty Dog is selling themselves short with how fun their puzzles can be at points. I wish the games, both UC1 and this, had less combat than they currently do. It's a pain in the ass playing on hard and reaching an arena with wave after wave after wave of enemy. This was especially bad in Shambhala when you enter
the temple floor
and there's a massive firefight going on. I swear to god I must've killed about a 100 enemies because they kept spawning and spawning and spawning. I ran oyt of bullets and had to pray to God as I jumped around grabbing weapons in the middle of enemies and it's a miracle I didn't die. That wasn't fun. In fact these encounters would be better if they weren't so obvious all of the time. If the map starts opening up, you see cover everywhere and weapons scattered around the map be prepared for like 15-20 minutes of dealing with wave after wave of enemies.

2. The AI. Now the AI isn't the worst by any means compared to other series, including big ones, but it has issues. Enemies should know better than to pop their head out in the exact location I've been attempting to shoot at them. They should know when they have an advantage and rush at me together instead of letting me pick them off easy. And if you're an armored guy and are approaching me with a shottie and I'm spamming grenades in your direction, not to mention aiming at your head with a long range weapon from like WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down your direction at least attempt to take some cover man. Or fucking serpentine what do I know. Have some regard for your life, I'm sure you have family.

3. I appreciate reaching harder enemies but fuck off with those bullet sponge bosses/enemies. No seriously that shit isn't fun or clever, just annoying.

Moving away from combat the visuals were spectacular especially when you consider it still blows away many games that are being released now, and it's only a remaster of a last gen game. The argument can be made that linear games have this advantage, but still give some credit over how much effort was put into it.

The platforming was better than UC1's, which is a given but still not perfect. Sometimes you have to aim for a very particular narrow wall or roof/platform and you miss due to jank. Jumping was better though. But the game needs to work on sections where you have to find a way to climb being better. So many times the shit you had to do it's like completely out of the box and you can't figure it out and then the game outright tells you "do this shit" and points the camera at it. Hint system should be an actual hint not the answer outright unless you request it.

I loved everything having to do with the train level, and like I said previously, the tibet snow temple and everything you had to do.

Having played 1 and 2 back to back can I say that, while it doesn't bother me as I enjoyed these aspects in the Indiana Jones movies, the way the games are paced so far is starting to be noticeable? And what I mean is how the plot is unfolded. I won't get this accurately likely as I just beat the two games but it seems to be something along the lines of:

> Nathan begins game in out of context situation, slowly learn context of what you will seek in this game.

>Have some early platforming that is pretty whimsical and fun for the most part

> Oh no, enemies are introduced main baddie oh boy ooh eeh they have a whole army behind them how convenient so you can have people to shoot at.

> Run away from main baddie but he took something from you. Never fear Nathan knows how to be one step ahead of them for the next puzzle

> There's this thing that only you have, either knowledge or object, so you go do that and solve a puzzle, a door or something opens and it just really works to show you places you could have reached normally via other means but with more context. I don't think that's how secret doors work guys.

> Oh no enemies were already there or brute forced their way somehow to where you were.

> Rinse and repeat throughout the game

> You realize that the thing you were seeking is actually used for evil. Nazis are probably involved one way or the other to emphasize how evil it is. Nathan realizes that he has to save the world from bad guys.

> Magical element gets introduced and some tough to beat creatures now come in force.

> Beat the bad guy trying to take the item, destroy it or make it disappear for good.

Like I said it probably isn't accurate but the part that was really noticeable is the magical creature introduction at one point. Realistically these temples and mechanisms wouldn't be constructed without SOME sci fi or fantasy elements involved and I get that, but it goes a bit too far with the creatures at points. I'm waiting for Uncharted 3 to have like angels and unicorns.

Now comes the part I tell you guys that as someone BRAND new to the series who just played 1 and 2 back to back, y'all are exaggerating how bad UC1 is. It's not bad by any fucking means. It's basically the low budget movie that becomes hugely succesful and then the next film int the franchise gets like all of the money and it's this huge epic with amazing ratings so people who haven't seen the first in a while and/or already have built bias immediately start remembering the first as being horrible. It's not. You can see where they improved the game in many aspects but that's to be expected from a brand new series in a developer who had never ventured into these territories before. I can only imagine how mechanics are even better in UC3 can't wait to play.

In summary UC2 gets a 9.5/10 (for comparisons sake I gave UC1 like an 8.5/10 I believe). Unlike UC1 I could've seen myself paying like 30-40 for this game and not regretting it though. So to think I got it for like 20 bucks a game, it's a good sale to me.

Onwards to Uncharted 3. I know many fans were disappointed with Uncharted 3 after Uncharted 2 so I'll be going as unbiased as possible and see if the complaints hold up.


It isn't a one hit headshot if the guy has a helmet. Are you sure that wasn't what was happening?

I'm 100% sure and it only happens in uncharted 2. I got the 100 headshot trophy within a few hours of playing uncharted 1 and 3 but I didn't have it at the end of uncharted 2.
Woooo just finished UC3. Finally I have Charted. I definitely see where the praise comes from. These games are wild rides competing with the best of action adventure movies. UC2 is clearly the best but the others are no slouches. It just makes me more excited for 4.


uncharted 2 looks so freaking dark, i have set my tv to limited and cracked the brightness all the way up and still cant even see drakes teeth when he talks because the shadow covers it lol

Drake ate the blue resin, that's why he's a killing machine.

Real Spoiler:
He's a dick, but I always feel bad for Eddy when he dies. He seems to actually care about what happens to his men.



Review and thoughts by a Newbie

I came into this game with very very high expectations. Hard not to when the whole Playstation community almost unanimously ranks this as one of, if not the number 1, best game from the PS3 era. You know it's funny too. I'm such a story driven guy and always complained as I played games on my 360 back in the days that not enough games had well written stories. Never did I expect that I'd find a series that would give me that in a package of the best of Indiana Jones in video game form.

Uncharted 2 did not disappoint. It was a masterful ride in an epic adventure that spawned many hours, and it managed to stumble not too often to the point it became annoying. As always I won't really discuss the characters or plot as those have been discussed to death since PS3, so onto the game itself:

The temples and puzzle sections were of course the highlight. The one in the snow was my favorite because of just how fucking big it was. Then comes the one with the giant
as I really enjoyed figuring that one out. And of course the fire/earth/air/water one was fun too (though I felt stupid when I finally figured it out took me too long).

When I started the game I was saying that I enjoyed the shooting of the first game more due to the enemies' stagger if you miss the head by an inch making them jiggle their head around all over the place but after beating the game I take it back. The shooting felt more solid, it required more strategy (the AK-47 sucks ass in this game with accuracy) and it felt tighter in variety. Having said that though, there are three aspects of the combat the bother me a lot:

1. Just how much combat there is. I mean yeah it's a third person shooter but it feels like Naughty Dog is selling themselves short with how fun their puzzles can be at points. I wish the games, both UC1 and this, had less combat than they currently do. It's a pain in the ass playing on hard and reaching an arena with wave after wave after wave of enemy. This was especially bad in Shambhala when you enter
the temple floor
and there's a massive firefight going on. I swear to god I must've killed about a 100 enemies because they kept spawning and spawning and spawning. I ran oyt of bullets and had to pray to God as I jumped around grabbing weapons in the middle of enemies and it's a miracle I didn't die. That wasn't fun. In fact these encounters would be better if they weren't so obvious all of the time. If the map starts opening up, you see cover everywhere and weapons scattered around the map be prepared for like 15-20 minutes of dealing with wave after wave of enemies.

2. The AI. Now the AI isn't the worst by any means compared to other series, including big ones, but it has issues. Enemies should know better than to pop their head out in the exact location I've been attempting to shoot at them. They should know when they have an advantage and rush at me together instead of letting me pick them off easy. And if you're an armored guy and are approaching me with a shottie and I'm spamming grenades in your direction, not to mention aiming at your head with a long range weapon from like WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down your direction at least attempt to take some cover man. Or fucking serpentine what do I know. Have some regard for your life, I'm sure you have family.

3. I appreciate reaching harder enemies but fuck off with those bullet sponge bosses/enemies. No seriously that shit isn't fun or clever, just annoying.

Moving away from combat the visuals were spectacular especially when you consider it still blows away many games that are being released now, and it's only a remaster of a last gen game. The argument can be made that linear games have this advantage, but still give some credit over how much effort was put into it.

The platforming was better than UC1's, which is a given but still not perfect. Sometimes you have to aim for a very particular narrow wall or roof/platform and you miss due to jank. Jumping was better though. But the game needs to work on sections where you have to find a way to climb being better. So many times the shit you had to do it's like completely out of the box and you can't figure it out and then the game outright tells you "do this shit" and points the camera at it. Hint system should be an actual hint not the answer outright unless you request it.

I loved everything having to do with the train level, and like I said previously, the tibet snow temple and everything you had to do.

Having played 1 and 2 back to back can I say that, while it doesn't bother me as I enjoyed these aspects in the Indiana Jones movies, the way the games are paced so far is starting to be noticeable? And what I mean is how the plot is unfolded. I won't get this accurately likely as I just beat the two games but it seems to be something along the lines of:

Like I said it probably isn't accurate but the part that was really noticeable is the magical creature introduction at one point. Realistically these temples and mechanisms wouldn't be constructed without SOME sci fi or fantasy elements involved and I get that, but it goes a bit too far with the creatures at points. I'm waiting for Uncharted 3 to have like angels and unicorns.

Now comes the part I tell you guys that as someone BRAND new to the series who just played 1 and 2 back to back, y'all are exaggerating how bad UC1 is. It's not bad by any fucking means. It's basically the low budget movie that becomes hugely succesful and then the next film int the franchise gets like all of the money and it's this huge epic with amazing ratings so people who haven't seen the first in a while and/or already have built bias immediately start remembering the first as being horrible. It's not. You can see where they improved the game in many aspects but that's to be expected from a brand new series in a developer who had never ventured into these territories before. I can only imagine how mechanics are even better in UC3 can't wait to play.

In summary UC2 gets a 9.5/10 (for comparisons sake I gave UC1 like an 8.5/10 I believe). Unlike UC1 I could've seen myself paying like 30-40 for this game and not regretting it though. So to think I got it for like 20 bucks a game, it's a good sale to me.

Onwards to Uncharted 3. I know many fans were disappointed with Uncharted 3 after Uncharted 2 so I'll be going as unbiased as possible and see if the complaints hold up.

Uncharted 3 is great. You wont be disappointed. The game has a 92 Metacritic. The thing is: it is just not as good as Uncharted 2. I guess you can say it is bigger in every single aspect, but somehow Uncharted 2 is more cohesive with its ups and downs.

But the game is great. Best puzzles in the series, biggest setpieces, fantastic visuals, etc. I guess the story is the only thing that can fall short. It starts great and builds to something even greater, but the execution is inferior in relation to UC1 and 2. The pacing is really weird too. There are some brilliantly paced sequences and others not so much.
Man for all the praise uncharted 2 gets it has the worst hit detection of the three. I spent the entire game wondering why my headshots wouldn't register. I don't even remember it being this bad back in 09.

Huh, I thought the opposite. I felt I was missing all the time in UC3 while UC2 I was dropping fools.
Uncharted 3 is great. You wont be disappointed. The game has a 92 Metacritic. The thing is: it is just not as good as Uncharted 2. I guess you can say it is bigger in every single aspect, but somehow Uncharted 2 is more cohesive with its ups and downs.

But the game is great. Best puzzles in the series, biggest setpieces, fantastic visuals, etc. I guess the story is the only thing that can fall short. It starts great and builds to something even greater, but the execution is inferior in relation to UC1 and 2. The pacing is really weird too. There are some brilliantly paced sequences and others not so much.

Uncharted 3's combat design is total ass.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Gotdamn man, what a post. Not the first time you've dissected the issues with UC3, but definitely the best because the footage makes it plainly obvious for the people who still don't seem to get it. I have no idea how some people can't feel how much combat regressed in UC3. Every time I read "They're basically the same" I have to wonder if anyone actually cares about shooting mechanics at all. The lack of stagger animations is such a big deal in this series where one pistol bullet can buy you the time you need to make your move.

Good stuff.

Thanks. The UC3 threads in the past always irritated me, so I'm glad it's easy to just quickly save video clips to help show the points I mean. Secret best feature on these new consoles.


> Oh no enemies were already there or brute forced their way somehow to where you were.
I know Uncharted didn't make the trope, but I can't recall a game or even movie that abused it as much. You'll climb somewhere, break half of your pathway in the process, occasionally falls or gets thrown to some direction, solve puzzles that will lock themselves back after you're done... just to get somewhere and find a dozen guys. How did they even climb in there on a suit or heavy armor?

ship graveyard
in UC3... Where the hell did everyone come from? Could they fly? Were they Na'Vi hybrids? Parkour proficiency required for the job?

Plus the other trope that walked hand in hand with it: the whole thing with you almost killing yourself to get through all that to find whatever, just to have the villain show up and take all your work. I was expecting a "man, that happens a lot" quip from Drake to come at some point.

But that's just me overanalyzing, still loved all 3 games. Well, half of UC1 at least.


Just finished Uncharted 2. Lazaravich wasn't too bad on Hard, beat him on perhaps the third try. That ending banter though, so good. This game was a 10/10 when I first played it seven years ago, and it's still a 10/10 today. A true classic, and one of only a handful of games I've ever given that score to.


Were the snow effects in Uncharted 2 better on ps3 or am I misremembering? I remembered tracks staying behind on that version of the game but I'm not seeing it on ps4.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the end of UC2 still bums me out. I don't really care for the blue-mans and the last boss. For a game that does such a good job of giving you different pathways through linear shoot-outs, the end really railroads everything again. Like, there is literally one viable way to beat the last boss on harder difficulties. It's boring at best and completely infuriating/RNG-based at worst.

That said, the Monastery is one of those areas I kind of forgot about but really, really liked playing again


Were the snow effects in Uncharted 2 better on ps3 or am I misremembering? I remembered tracks staying behind on that version of the game but I'm not seeing it on ps4.

It's very subtle on PS4. I was running around in circles in the snow and it left impressions, but fairly faint ones. Was probably better on PS3, but it is there on PS4 at least a little bit. Watching a LP of the PS3 version on YouTube leads me to believe the PS3 effect was slightly better.


Just platinumed Drakes fortune today.

As someone who never played UC1 on PS3... wow, what a rough game.

It really doesn't hold up compared to today's standards. The hit detection on you and the enemies is incredibly shoddy here. There are moments where I am getting shot at even though I am fully in cover.

The cover system is ridiculously sticky, and I can't count the number of times I died in crushing due to the cover system getting me stuck on a wall I want nothing to be a part of.

I am kinda worried my rose colored goggles of uncharted 2 will break, because that game was the last game that truly wowed me when I played it for the first time, but reading through some posts here it sounds like it still holds up, which is reassuring.

Although, I think my OCD is prompting me to do a brutal run of UC1... because I can't stand when I have a dlc pack, and the percent isn't 100%


Since its been a while and I might forget... but do the enemies in U2 and 3 have as many dynamic movements like the ones from U1?

Playing U1 for the first time, seeing enemies roll on the ground, do somersaults between cover, these weird little sidestep moves, etc.

I had conflicted feelings about this because while it is neat and the enemies have a range of behaviors, it makes them fucking annoying to shoot at.


Since its been a while and I might forget... but do the enemies in U2 and 3 have as many dynamic movements like the ones from U1?

Playing U1 for the first time, seeing enemies roll on the ground, do somersaults between cover, these weird little sidestep moves, etc.

I had conflicted feelings about this because while it is neat and the enemies have a range of behaviors, it makes them fucking annoying to shoot at.

No. The enemies in UC1 are the most annoying ones and it's weird how they seem to anticipate / manage to guess where you're going to shoot.


Neo Member
Anyone else upset that they changed Elena's face in Uncharted 2? It's kind of ruining the Uncharted 2 Remaster for me. It just looks so off. Why did they have to mess with her face? This could have been the definitive version of Uncharted 2 if it wasn't for that. Now I'm sad that there's no definitive version of Uncharted 2.
Having started UC3 I have two quick comments before I end for the night:

- The hair graphics were taken from medium to high from UC2 to UC3. Chloe's hair looked like it was drenched in really black tar in UC2. In UC3 I can actually see like hair.

-Found another plot point to add to my list of things UC games always do:

> After intro areas/prologue the next major area is a trek in some forest with Victor God damn Sullivan.

Anyone else upset that they changed Elena's face in Uncharted 2? It's kind of ruining the Uncharted 2 Remaster for me. It just looks so off. Why did they have to mess with her face? This could have been the definitive version of Uncharted 2 if it wasn't for that. Now I'm sad that there's no definitive version of Uncharted 2.

Is there a comparison of the face before and after?
Since its been a while and I might forget... but do the enemies in U2 and 3 have as many dynamic movements like the ones from U1?

Playing U1 for the first time, seeing enemies roll on the ground, do somersaults between cover, these weird little sidestep moves, etc.

I had conflicted feelings about this because while it is neat and the enemies have a range of behaviors, it makes them fucking annoying to shoot at.

I actually forgot about the slides and rolls the enemies will do sometimes, or even that amazing lying down behind cover shooting animation, and really enjoy that aspect of UC1. Enemy behaviors in shooters are so boring most of the time, and I appreciate what Naughty Dog was trying to do with these evasive moves, especially considering it was their first attempt. it makes headshots much more satisfying because these guys move like crazy people.

What makes it annoying at times it that shooting them doesn't cause real reactions like, say, the Euphoria physics in Max Payne 3. In UC1 the hit staggers are simply an animation that plays for a second before the enemy goes back to ducking and sidestepping as if they never got hit. So instead of knocking someone back with a physics based reaction, or even knocking enemies on their ass before finishing them off, it feels like they're anticipating your shots when they're actually just going through the motions.

Still though, with the adjusted aiming in this collection, I don't really have an issue with the way enemies move in UC1 anymore.
I actually forgot about the slides and rolls the enemies will do sometimes, or even that amazing lying down behind cover shooting animation, and really enjoy that aspect of UC1. Enemy behaviors in shooters are so boring most of the time, and I appreciate what Naughty Dog was trying to do with these evasive moves, especially considering it was their first attempt. it makes headshots much more satisfying because these guys move like crazy people.

What makes it annoying at times it that shooting them doesn't cause real reactions like, say, the Euphoria physics in Max Payne 3. In UC1 the hit staggers are simply an animation that plays for a second before the enemy goes back to ducking and sidestepping as if they never got hit. So instead of knocking someone back with a physics based reaction, or even knocking enemies on their ass before finishing them off, it feels like they're anticipating your shots when they're actually just going through the motions.

Still though, with the adjusted aiming in this collection, I don't really have an issue with the way enemies move in UC1 anymore.

but then you have UC2 where if you miss the headshot by a smidge they tend to react the same way where they stagger like if someone gut punched them over and over again.
but then you have UC2 where if you miss the headshot by a smidge they tend to react the same way where they stagger like if someone gut punched them over and over again.

I don't recall having issues with headshots in UC2, I'll get back to you when I get there.

Can we at least agree that a reaction is better than no reaction though? *cough*Uncharted 3*cough*


The whole beginning few Chapters of UC3 are really refreshing and well done. Excellent writing and music. The Spanish'ified Uncharted theme tune is awesome, sounds really good on my headphones especially with maximum dynamic range set. Sound staging is excellent.

I think they still drag on the slower paced exposition a touch too much with the whole follow up London stuff, but the whole bar fight following on to the Sully intro and chase was great.
Why is photo mode so bad in this game? You can barely zoom in compared to the one in the Last of Us and it doesn't work half the time.

Edit: Can you it while aiming, drops framerate to 30, and so on.
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