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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


Neo Member
Is there a comparison of the face before and after?

Here's a quick one I made from YouTube videos.



Neo Member
I mean I see the differences but don't really know which I prefer over the other. Maybe for the sake of consistency I'd say this version is fine with me since I didn't notice a huge difference between UC1 and UC2 elena.

Yeah, maybe I'm overreacting. Everything else about this collection is great though and I'm glad they released it.
Man, who thought of having a medal that requires you to get 200 kills with the fucking chain gun in Uncharted 2. Even with the weapon rewards giving you instant access whenever, it's such a drag to switch between moving slowly while carrying it and having to drop the gun to actually move anywhere constantly.

And this is the last medal in game I have left. I honestly thought Steel Fist Expert would have taken me longer. Gonna take me a little while, but after that's done I can finally move on to 3. Kinda sad it'll reach that point just because Among Thieves is so good, and now I'm bracing myself for Drake's Deception and it being not as good.


I mean I see the differences but don't really know which I prefer over the other. Maybe for the sake of consistency I'd say this version is fine with me since I didn't notice a huge difference between UC1 and UC2 elena.

The original UC2 model is the best of the three. At least they nailed her look in UC4.


I think 1 was the best of the first 3 but agreed about 4. Has a bit of Ellie in her appearance now.


Yeah I guess I can see that a little haha.

I just started the collection tonight, about halfway through and man UC1 has held up a lot better than I thought it would. Crushing is not as bad as I thought it would be. I should be able to get it finished and platinum tomorrow and then move on to the masterpiece. Can't wait.

leng jai

The whole beginning few Chapters of UC3 are really refreshing and well done. Excellent writing and music. The Spanish'ified Uncharted theme tune is awesome, sounds really good on my headphones especially with maximum dynamic range set. Sound staging is excellent.

I think they still drag on the slower paced exposition a touch too much with the whole follow up London stuff, but the whole bar fight following on to the Sully intro and chase was great.

You should get the UC3 OST and listen to it on your T1s. The arrangements and details are off the charts, especially on the themes for Ubar and Yemen.



I still absolutely love the first 4 or so chapters of Drake's Fortune, almost 8 (?) Years later.

It's great, expertly done, fun to go through, sets up all these characters in a really fun way. The soaring soundtrack already works so well even in the first game.

And it's funny, playing through this again, relative to other games. Tomb Raider 2013 went as far back as DF for its intro, and it still didn't pull it off as well. So many of its intro parts are lifted from the first few chapters, from slow walks to burning wood planks.

I'm also positively surprised by the graphics. The only blemish on the remastwr Ican genuinely see so far is some of the draw distance in objects.
Never played UC before...about 60% through UC1 and it feels tedious. Walk into a room, firefight, traverse, rinse repeat. So tired of walking 10 feet to mow 5 more bad guys down.


Ok I understand all the hit detection/animation complaints now. Especially after coming immediately from uc2. Even uc1. Jarring.

For whatever reason I didn't remember this from my original PS3 play through of uc3. Surprising they took such a step back. The again it sounds like they were rushed.


Never played UC before...about 60% through UC1 and it feels tedious. Walk into a room, firefight, traverse, rinse repeat. So tired of walking 10 feet to mow 5 more bad guys down.

Chewy-don't give up. It seems like that but there are great payoffs and set pieces to come. I'm of the opinion Uncharted is actually the weakest(!) of the series and part 2 and 3 are even better.

Just got my copy last night. Playing through all of them again remastered. Man, 60fps feels and looks so damn good. I cannot wait for UC 4.


Anybody have any tips for chapter 22 on Brutal? Because my god... I can't get to the first checkpoint because I just can't get enough openings to take out these guys before the crates fall apart. It sucks because I'm so close to the end and I know it'll eat away at me if I don't just finish this.

This chapter is a prime example of how Brutal is just hard for the sake of hard with no respect for the player or the concept of fun.

EDIT: never mind, I just made it. Didn't even die once at the quick time event part. I was forgetting the fact that in the second section you can hop back over the crates you hop over, back into the first section , where you can slowly pick off the enemies from left to right if you're careful. I highly recommend that to any other masochists who get to this point. I can't believe I forgot to do this in my Crushing play through.

leng jai

Chewy-don't give up. It seems like that but there are great payoffs and set pieces to come. I'm of the opinion Uncharted is actually the weakest(!) of the series and part 2 and 3 are even better.

Just got my copy last night. Playing through all of them again remastered. Man, 60fps feels and looks so damn good. I cannot wait for UC 4.

FYI UC4 wil be 30fps.


You should get the UC3 OST and listen to it on your T1s. The arrangements and details are off the charts, especially on the themes for Ubar and Yemen.

I have a pair of HD800's as well now. Might give them a go with it too. But yea, the sound separation and detailing is off the charts. Some of the instruments feel as though they're spread out as far wide as a large auditorium. Feels really grand.

So far, aside from the lack of hit reactions from enemies, I'm not really feeling any negative sentiment towards UC3. Seems as incredible as I remember it, though I've only just got to Syria. It's been really consistent, and the story has flowed great so far. I'm guessing it's from here onwards that the story starts to fall apart a bit, from memory I remember feeling like Talbot's character was undercooked, and that the narrative all got a bit too sporadic and imprecise later down the line.

Also finding it surprisingly easy on Hard. In-fact, so was UC2 for the most part. Only UC1 seemed to have posed any sort of testing challenge on this difficulty.
Is it just me or are Headshots considerably harder in Uncharted 2?

By playing on Hard I managed 245 in one playthrough of Uncharted 1, but only 195 in Uncharted 2's
Is it me or is there something wrong with the gamma in this game?? I'm having trouble seeing in some parts as it's REALLY dark. My PS4 is on limited RGB and my TV I'm sure doesn't support FULL. I crank the brightness up and there's some scenes that's just impossible to make out. Specifically the later chapters where you're in the monastery and later. I literally feel like I'm running in the dark.

The blacks seem pretty crushed to me. Noticed it in the demo. In the full game, so far, crushed in part 1 and 2. Haven't played 3 yet.

Have checked 2 displays, monitor and Sony TV. Have tried both full rgb and limited on both displays (switched to correct color range on the ps4 as well). Crush crush crush.

I don't know if the blacks are crushed but I was definitely having gamma trouble in Uncharted 1. I fell down one or two bottomless pits towards the end of the game because I simply couldn't see them.

I'm better now that I've adjusted my TV's gamma to compensate but now other games are washed out.

Finally others are having the same problem and not thinking i am crazy. I have my tv calibrated and never change the settings for any game, i had to do it for all 3 games on this remaster though.
I pulled out my old ps3 and checked to see if it was the same and the old games looks perfect on my normal settings, on the ps4 everything is 2-3 shades darker and i've had to increase the gamma on my tv and the in game brightness, something i would never even think of doing normally. It's really strange as so many people are not having this problem but it's clearly happening to others.

leng jai

I have a pair of HD800's as well now. Might give them a go with it too. But yea, the sound separation and detailing is off the charts. Some of the instruments feel as though they're spread out as far wide as a large auditorium. Feels really grand.

So far, aside from the lack of hit reactions from enemies, I'm not really feeling any negative sentiment towards UC3. Seems as incredible as I remember it, though I've only just got to Syria. It's been really consistent, and the story has flowed great so far. I'm guessing it's from here onwards that the story starts to fall apart a bit, from memory I remember feeling like Talbot's character was undercooked, and that the narrative all got a bit too sporadic and imprecise later down the line.

Also finding it surprisingly easy on Hard. In-fact, so was UC2 for the most part. Only UC1 seemed to have posed any sort of testing challenge on this difficulty.

Well yeah, it would sound even better on the HD800s.

The Tibetan village in UC2 looks better to me than Farcry 4 while having a similar aesthetic.


Finished uncharted 2 - looks so good. only got half the treasures though and I was looking quite hard. I think too many are hidden high up - not a fan of them being completely out of sight, you end up running around the level like a headless chicken looking for that glint which detracts fro the general enjoyment. I'd prefer to see it on a seemingly unreachable ledge, or down below me when I'm walking across a beam and have to remember to check when I get there.

Having said that,50 is probably more than I've done in other plays, so I might actually check out a guide and grab the rest. I like how the ingame statistics show which have trophies associated with them so you can opt to ignore the others

Not sure whether to play UC3 yet - is it a decent improvement? Played it maybe 6 months ago and it was a bit annoying. Might just spend more time on UC2


Platinum for Uncharted 1 done.

Same here, got my platinum yesterday.
That speedrun trophy was bullshit. It ends with Drake doing a dramatic slow walk to the next cutscene... I got there at around 6' 55" and he starts doing the slow ass walk... 7.01. Screw you dramatic Drake.
Platinumed Uncharted 1 and 2! Wow!! it's feels good to play those games again! Can't wait to start Uncharted 3 which is my favorite one!

The trophy screenshot feature on PS4 captures many epic moments! Especially when you weren't expecting a trophy to pop.


Is it just me or are Headshots considerably harder in Uncharted 2?

By playing on Hard I managed 245 in one playthrough of Uncharted 1, but only 195 in Uncharted 2's

It seems harder to me too, It's like the headshot hitbox is at the very top of their head, and nowhere else.
Uncharted 2 - Just got to
and again i am stunned by how good this game looks ! I also love all the pysics going on during the shootouts.
This really is at least on the same level as Resident Evil 4 :D


On Brutal: Personally, I would love a new difficulty mode but Brutal isn't what I wanted.

What I wanted out of a harder difficulty above Crushing was the following:

1) Remixed combat arenas. What that means is, replacing enemies... this is a trademark of Platinum Games' highest difficulty modes (think Revengeance in Metal Gear Rising or Infinite Climax in Bayonetta 1 and 2). This means putting, say, armored guys in Chapter 3/4 of Uncharted 2, for example, instead of the regular grunts. Or, putting a few Riot Shield guys with some snipers or rocket launcher guys. This would at least, certainly, be more fair than Brutal but also still difficult and gives the arenas something new. And you could even make more use of some enemy types that aren't very common until the very end of the game (such as the GAU guys).

Agree with your post on the whole, but this is a far taller order than you realise. Bluepoint don't have the authority to do this. This would only happen if Naughty Dog themselves did the remaster because they are the auteurs. Even if they did do the remaster, they probably wouldn't remix the combat scenarios, because each of them will be tightly designed, play tested and curated to fit the exact enemy set up.

I think UC1 is the only game which fails at that anyway.

My biggest issue with U3 was I THINK Amy Hennig being in charge. I know her philosophy was gameplay moments first, story second. So she'd go in with her designers and think, "What is the craziest gameplay set piece we can think of?" decide on those and then try and build a story around it. So then the game lacks context and urgency, which then makes it feel disjointed and unimportant in the process. Which was my big issue with Uncharted 3.

I can see that being an issue why they had constant disagreements on U4 and it seems like now they are more interested in the story and finding interesting things to do in that time frame, which makes me excited.

I think you've got this wrong. IIRC Amy Hennig was involved in all three games. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure she was a big influence on Uncharted: DF, and Uncharted 2, where she had the big arguments about potentially killing off
. (Perhaps that happened on Uncharted 3, though?) I could be wrong about this, but I don't think its Hennig's fault.

Never played UC before...about 60% through UC1 and it feels tedious. Walk into a room, firefight, traverse, rinse repeat. So tired of walking 10 feet to mow 5 more bad guys down.

Uncharted 1 is the only one which suffers from bad pacing. Don't worry.

I'm replaying it now for the first time in 6+ years and the whole middle of the game is shocking. Seriously wave upon wave of enemies. Once you start going for the skill game - trying to nail headshots and be mobile - it gets a lot more fun, but it's still terrible pacing. There's a solid hour when you just want story stuff to happen but it doesn't.

Just wait for Uncharted 2. Flawlessly paced. A lot more story embedded every 5-10 minutes.

leng jai

To me they've failed to capture the essence of the original characters in the new UC4 models. They've all lost their charm and look completely different.


To me they've failed to capture the essence of the original characters in the new UC4 models. They've all lost their charm and look completely different.

Needs more of this ;)


I disagree with your point but these types of things are highly subjective.
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