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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection

From the 3 games my treasure stats from my first playthrough was:

UC1: 50/61
UC2: 77/101
UC3: 83/101

I spent a lot of time looking as well, and that was also with having platinumed all 3 years ago...
Back in 2009 I remember people had the skeletor guy skin in U2 multiplayer. I forgot how you obtained it. Did you have to platinum the game?


Uncharted 4 needs a new girl because the male cast is much better as it stands. Chloe and Elena have both overspent their welcome.

Finally someone else says this. I wish ND realizes this already too. So so sick of Elena and Sully (and Chloe by extension). I want Uncharted to have new companions each time. It doesn't have to be female either. It can be male. That way the interaction with the main character will differ with each installment.

All the Treasures in Uncharted 2 should have a bullet hole in them from when you shot it out of the tree or whatever.

How about the one where you have to swing by using a rope to get it? And it's in the middle of frozen nowhere, high up in some fucked up lost valley, locked by sealed doors. Then when you get it, it's this humongous statue. LOL WTF? Who hid it there? Treasure fairy?


I dunno, I'm completely fine with "I am evil" as the motivation. Going even further, I think its the best approach.

These games are basically the old adventure serials (and Indiana Jones) taken to ridiculous extremes. They don't need complex villains because they barely need storytelling. Just an interesting mystery, some funny banter, good pacing, and clear resolution.

Just have some asshole murder someone on camera so I know he's evil and we're good. It worked in 1, it worked in 2, and it'll work again.

I think you can have the best of both. The original Star Wars trilogy is a good example where they managed to strike a balance between having believable, three-dimensional characters facing real conflict, both internal and external, and having it just be a fun romp with over the top battles and death defying escapes.

Finally someone else says this. I wish ND realizes this already too. So so sick of Elena and Sully (and Chloe by extension). I want Uncharted to have new companions each time. It doesn't have to be female either. It can be male. That way the interaction with the main character will differ with each installment.

Sam in Uncharted 4?
Back in 2009 I remember people had the skeletor guy skin in U2 multiplayer. I forgot how you obtained it. Did you have to platinum the game?
Yep. There was also a Marco Polo skeleton. The skeletons were great in MP as they didn't make any grunting noises when climbing etc. So it was easy to sneak up on people.
Yep. There was also a Marco Polo skeleton. The skeletons were great in MP as they didn't make any grunting noises when climbing etc. So it was easy to sneak up on people.

I think you mean the skeletons were terrible in MP as they didn't make any grunting noises when climbing etc. So it was easy to sneak up on people.

Silent, personality defunct high level characters in a multiplayer mode where every other lower tier character had grunts and quips was a very bad decision.
Just finished Drake's Fortune on Crushing and doing my Plat clean up now.

Even though I liked it at the time, I think I've had a less than stellar perception of the game because of the leaps Among Thieves made. It's still a very good game and the 2nd half is fantastic. Really enjoyed going back to it.

Least talked about great thing in this series: Greg Edmonson's score is so damn good.


Man right out the gate UC3 introduces melee mechanics and I remember how worthless melee was on previous games on harder difficulties. Really wish they kept that simple.


UC3 Hard down, now to circle back and platinum them all and maybe try Brutal runs?

Some additional thoughts on UC3 tomorrow when it's not super late lol.


Just finished U1 on Crushing & got all the treasures. Just need to do the speedrun trophies. I probably should have played 1 before 2 as it doesn't hold up compared to it. It's still a good game, just not amazing like 2.


Because Sully is an unimaginative character even by uncharted standards. He sucks.


Nate and I still love ya, Sully!


I'd be in the dick
Just finished plaything through all three games back to back. This series has always been one of my absolute favorites and I've always meant to do a trilogy playthrough but never got around to it so this collection was the perfect opportunity. Going to go through my impressions of all of the games but first wanted to just say that Bluepoint did a phenomenal job in remastering these games. The higher res assets really show off ND's artistry and even though they tweaked some effects here and there, the overall impression is very accurate to the original vision, which is of the utmost importance to me in any kind of restoration. And yeah, 60fps looks glorious in these games.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Starting this one off with a little story. Back in 2008 I bought a PS3 solely for the purpose of playing through MGS4. I didn't really want the console much and wasn't planning on keeping it but figured I would give some of the other exclusives on the console a shot. I played Resistance and liked it but it didn't change my mind. A local shop had this game on sale so I bought it knowing nothing about it other than I kind of liked Naughty Dog's PS1 and PS2 games and am a fan of pulp adventure. I fell in love with it immediately. Going into it unspoiled and without anyone else's impressions was a great experience and made me hold onto the console just in case there were more. After that, the PS3 exclusive train really got going and it became my favorite console ever but I wouldn't have played any of them if it wasn't for this game.

All that said, goddamn this game is showing it's age and really illustrates ND's lack of experience with the genre at the time. It was still a fun game to revisit, especially since I haven't played a cover shooter in a while but it is a basic one by every standard and the jetski segments, mainly Heading Upriver, are some bullshit. Despite that, this game has the best sense of mystery and discovery of the series. Even though Nate's finds aren't as big, there's substantially more surprise in them. The U-boat find is still one of my favorite moments of discovery in a game.

I also do like the way melee is handled in this game. Obviously it's kind of sloppy but the different combos resulting in added ammo drops is something I've missed from the other games. It was fun to go back to this game and see the core of what the series blossomed into and it still has it's own charm.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Playing this back to back with the first game demonstrates just how much of a leap in quality the series made. I still can't believe this was released only two years after the first. The moment to moment gameplay is hugely refined and is, on average, the best in the series. Combine that with the addition of the bombastic setpieces that have become a series hallmark and it really stands the test of time. In fact, I was shocked at how little the game seems to have aged. Feeling the combat difference between the first game, where you really did have to spend much of the time in sitting cover, and this where you can move more freely gives the combat sequences far more of a unique identity that's a lot of fun.

The sense of pacing is still top notch for about 90% of the time. I only really felt that the pacing was off toward the end, when the game becomes a series of continuous firefights. It kind of became a slog toward the end, especially with Guardians and the Gatling gun guys in the mix. Despite that I would say that this is overall the most consistent in quality of all the games and I understand why so many say it's they're favorite. There honestly isn't too much interesting to say about this one, it's just a damn fine game.

The train sequence is still one of the best action scenes ever in a game.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Playing this back to back with Uncharted 2 was an odd experience. Given the slower paced start and the weak Syria segment, it feels like a step back at first. Thankfully the quality chateau chapters break up some of the weaker moments. After Syria though, the game grabs me and never lets go. I pretty much marathoned this one, which I didn't even come close to doing with the other ones. The presentation, location variety, art direction, and more personal story all hook me in a way the other games in the series don't and the late game setpieces still get me every time. The character moments also strike me pretty deep and have added and emotional weight to the series that I adore.

I also love the approach to combat in this game. I know there are legitimate complaints about it, many of which I agree with, but I think this one allows the most player freedom in determining how to approach situations and is best about keeping you on your toes so you don't fall into the trap of just sitting in cover. There's a greater distribution of power weapons and each gun feels more unique than they did in previous games, leading to a more thoughful approach to how you want Drake loaded out in order to deal with certain threats. The improved gun sound effects add so much to the combat as well, the shitty pewpew sounds in the first couple games really hurt the punch the combat could have.

This post wound up being more of a ramble than I planned. GAF post boxes make it hard for me to organize my words well but I just wanted to type up my thoughts after going through the series again. 2 and 3 are still tied for me and are two of my all time favorite games. Eventually I'll write up some thoughts on where 4 is going but I'll save that for a more appropriate thread.

I have other favorite series and other favorite games but none put a smile on my face as much as Uncharted.


I'm liking Drake's Fortune a lot more than I thought I would. I did like the game when it came out, but I suspected it wouldn't hold up as well after knowing what comes after. Still, I haven't hit the final third of the game this time, which I remember is where most of my issues stemmed from during my original playthrough, so I'll see how that goes.

Also, I don't know why, but there's something incredibly satisfying about lining up headshots in the Uncharted series that I don't quite get from other shooters. It's always made the combat of these games so enjoyable for me.
Guys. I've come across a glitch on Targets website that's quite clearly so absurd that idk what to think of. Uncharted PS4 Collection Bundle... For $29.99

Go to targets website, set your location to Chicago South Loop, go to their weekly ad and go to page 19. Click the ad, click Back to The Future and voila!


Hope this doesn't get buried, im not making this a thread just cause


Guys. I've come across a glitch on Targets website that's quite clearly so absurd that idk what to think of. Uncharted PS4 Collection Bundle... For $29.99

Go to targets website, set your location to Chicago South Loop, go to their weekly ad and go to page 19. Click the ad, click Back to The Future and voila!


lol...they aint selling you the uncharted bundle for 29.99
There's a greater distribution of power weapons and each gun feels more unique than they did in previous games, leading to a more thoughful approach to how you want Drake loaded out in order to deal with certain threats.

I just found this interesting because it's actually something I don't like about UC3. Because of how bad the hit reactions are, how the enemies are set up, and the seemingly higher frequency of overwhelming (and annoyingly placed) special enemy types, you almost feel obligated to find and use the power weapons in 3, and it takes a lot of fun out of the combat scenarios for me. It lends the the game a rigid and arcade-like sensibility that feels both at odds with where Uncharted 2 was taking the series (until the terrible enemies at the end), and at odds with the attempt at widening the arenas to create more dynamic combat. They essentially give you some bigger and more complex play spaces, but do EVERYTHING they can to box you into corners with enemies who don't actually promote dynamic play because they A.) Abuse invincibility frames/non-reaction, B.) Rush you down incessantly to get stuck in melee brawls, C.) Take pot shots from elevated vantage points with all manner of power weapons, and D.) Spawn in ridiculous areas

This is one of the reasons I say the PSX UC4 demo is the best slice of combat they've ever shown off. They manage to capture all the movement and variety they feign in UC3's arenas without resorting to gamey grenade launcher/sniper/RPG/armored shotgun/Gau combat setups, yet it still has a lot more weight and punch than anything they've done in the series so far. It looks like a sequence (hopefully the entire game as well) where playing through with just the basic pistol/AR combo will still be entertaining, viable, and most importantly- satisfying, and can be enhanced with a sprinkling of power weapon usage. UC3 needed to be slapped with a heavy dose of restraint.

Daffy Duck

I'm such a wuss now in gaming, I got to the bunker level in UC1 with the descendants last night and noped out of there.

its not even scary lol.


I just found this interesting because it's actually something I don't like about UC3. Because of how bad the hit reactions are, how the enemies are set up, and the seemingly higher frequency of overwhelming (and annoyingly placed) power weapon enemy types, you almost feel obligated to find and use the power weapons in 3, and it takes a lot of fun out of the combat scenarios for me. It lends the the game a rigid and arcade-like sensibility that feels both at odds with where Uncharted 2 was taking the series (until the terrible enemies at the end), and at odds with the attempt at widening the arenas to create more dynamic combat. They essentially give you some bigger and more complex play spaces, but do EVERYTHING they can to box you into corners with enemies who don't actually promote dynamic play because they A.) Abuse invisibility frames, B.) Rush you down incessantly to get stuck in melee brawls, C.) Take pot shots from elevated vantage points with all manner of power weapons, and D.) Spawn in ridiculous areas

This is one of the reasons I say the PSX UC4 demo is the best slice of combat they've ever shown off. They manage to capture all the movement and variety they feign in UC3's arenas without resorting to gamey grenade launcher/sniper/RPG/armored shotgun/Gau combat setups, yet it still has a lot more weight and punch than anything they've done in the series so far. It looks like a sequence (hopefully the entire game as well) where playing through with just the basic pistol/AR combo will still be entertaining, viable, and most importantly- satisfying, and can be enhanced with a sprinkling of power weapon usage. UC3 needed to be slapped with a heavy dose of restraint.

Added to that the climbing looks far less janky and much easier to exploit for vertical combat scenarios.


Edit: Don't know why gif is so sped up.


Finished Uncharted 2 on the remaster. Such a masterpiece. I didn't even mind the last boss fight as much as I remember. Managed to get it on my first try on Crushing! Even got a random trophy for beating that level without dying! Was pretty cool. Need to go clean up some trophies before moving onto 3.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Also, I don't know why, but there's something incredibly satisfying about lining up headshots in the Uncharted series that I don't quite get from other shooters. It's always made the combat of these games so enjoyable for me.
There is nothing quite like a UC1 pirate saying "Right Between the Eyes!" in his piratey voice, a moment before you shoot him... right between the eyes :p


finished. such great games that have held up well. even more hyped for uncharted 4 now. march is so far away.

luckily we're just about to get hit by a tsunami of games to kill some time


finished. such great games that have held up well. even more hyped for uncharted 4 now. march is so far away.

luckily we're just about to get hit by a tsunami of games to kill some time

And the beta! Thing I am most excited about is that we will be able to test out the movement, climbing and gunplay because both demos have looked incredibly smooth and lacking in jank.


Got my third and final platinum today, Uncharted 3. I have much more respect for that game than I did before. Final stats for each game are about 15-16 hours each title, 3 took me the longest. I had more difficulty with the trophies, they were a little bit harder or I was much less familiar.

I wish uncharted multiplayer was included with this... Or that the beta was on now for a lot longer. Sigh, was reminiscing about all the maps in UC2, had some fun times there... Ah well.

I watched that Uncharted 4 extended trailer from this summer again... Ugh... Cannot wait for greatness. Well I'm back to MGSV until I get my Pip boy.


Are stats completely broken for anyone else? They were fine earlier this evening, but for the past hour or so while I'm trying to play Uncharted 2, I keep getting a message interrupting me saying "Stat tracking is not available in offline mode." And I only have the option to select "Okay" to dismiss it, and it's followed immediately by a system error screen saying "An error has occurred. (NP-31828-2)" that I also have to dismiss.

If I actually try to compare stats, it spends about 20 seconds "Retrieving stats" and then gives me the same system error. I don't know what it means about offline mode because I can use live from PlayStation, check Communities, What's New, and my friend list without any issues, so I'm pretty certain my system is online.

I don't care if I can't look at stats but the pop up message is really killing the train section and my enjoyment of it on Crushing at the moment. I've tried closing and restarting the game, as well as resetting my router and PlayStation. Anyone else having this problem?


Is the Uncharted 4 beta included in all UC collection copies?

I thought it was only included in preorders, but in my copy there's no code, it just says I can download the beta from the game overview when it becomes available.


Uncharted 2 down, and it's easily still one of my all-time favourites, besides the gatling gun guys and the big blue bastards, I have almost zero issues with it, from the almost perfect pacing, to the great action set-pieces, characters, story and fun gameplay. Very few games have I enjoyed more.

Is the Uncharted 4 beta included in all UC collection copies?

I thought it was only included in preorders, but in my copy there's no code, it just says I can download the beta from the game overview when it becomes available.

You just need the disc, and when it's ready, you insert the disc, highlight the title, select overview and select the Uncharted 4 MP beta, to start the download. (according to the pamphlet in the box)


Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Playing this back to back with Uncharted 2 was an odd experience. Given the slower paced start and the weak Syria segment, it feels like a step back at first. Thankfully the quality chateau chapters break up some of the weaker moments. After Syria though, the game grabs me and never lets go. I pretty much marathoned this one, which I didn't even come close to doing with the other ones. The presentation, location variety, art direction, and more personal story all hook me in a way the other games in the series don't and the late game setpieces still get me every time. The character moments also strike me pretty deep and have added and emotional weight to the series that I adore.

I also love the approach to combat in this game. I know there are legitimate complaints about it, many of which I agree with, but I think this one allows the most player freedom in determining how to approach situations and is best about keeping you on your toes so you don't fall into the trap of just sitting in cover. There's a greater distribution of power weapons and each gun feels more unique than they did in previous games, leading to a more thoughful approach to how you want Drake loaded out in order to deal with certain threats. The improved gun sound effects add so much to the combat as well, the shitty pewpew sounds in the first couple games really hurt the punch the combat could have.

This post wound up being more of a ramble than I planned. GAF post boxes make it hard for me to organize my words well but I just wanted to type up my thoughts after going through the series again. 2 and 3 are still tied for me and are two of my all time favorite games. Eventually I'll write up some thoughts on where 4 is going but I'll save that for a more appropriate thread.

I have other favorite series and other favorite games but none put a smile on my face as much as Uncharted.



Syria has pretty much been the only low point for me in Uncharted 3. My lord how incredible the entire cruise ship level is. Mind blowing even today. Absolutely loved the ship graveyard area too, though I found it a bit easy even on Hard, as by chance I decided to stealth out the turret guys first (never done it that way before) and there was barely much threat after that. There's just so many cover and hiding options, especially when at any point you feel pressured, you can just dive in to the sea.

Also absolutely love the way the waves affect your aiming and play. Made aiming much more skill and patience demanding, and just added a cool new dynamic.

Uncharted 2 may be better, but Uncharted 3 is still incredible.


Just finished plaything through all three games back to back. This series has always been one of my absolute favorites and I've always meant to do a trilogy playthrough but never got around to it so this collection was the perfect opportunity. Going to go through my impressions of all of the games but first wanted to just say that Bluepoint did a phenomenal job in remastering these games. The higher res assets really show off ND's artistry and even though they tweaked some effects here and there, the overall impression is very accurate to the original vision, which is of the utmost importance to me in any kind of restoration. And yeah, 60fps looks glorious in these games.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Starting this one off with a little story. Back in 2008 I bought a PS3 solely for the purpose of playing through MGS4. I didn't really want the console much and wasn't planning on keeping it but figured I would give some of the other exclusives on the console a shot. I played Resistance and liked it but it didn't change my mind. A local shop had this game on sale so I bought it knowing nothing about it other than I kind of liked Naughty Dog's PS1 and PS2 games and am a fan of pulp adventure. I fell in love with it immediately. Going into it unspoiled and without anyone else's impressions was a great experience and made me hold onto the console just in case there were more. After that, the PS3 exclusive train really got going and it became my favorite console ever but I wouldn't have played any of them if it wasn't for this game.

All that said, goddamn this game is showing it's age and really illustrates ND's lack of experience with the genre at the time. It was still a fun game to revisit, especially since I haven't played a cover shooter in a while but it is a basic one by every standard and the jetski segments, mainly Heading Upriver, are some bullshit. Despite that, this game has the best sense of mystery and discovery of the series. Even though Nate's finds aren't as big, there's substantially more surprise in them. The U-boat find is still one of my favorite moments of discovery in a game.

I also do like the way melee is handled in this game. Obviously it's kind of sloppy but the different combos resulting in added ammo drops is something I've missed from the other games. It was fun to go back to this game and see the core of what the series blossomed into and it still has it's own charm.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Playing this back to back with the first game demonstrates just how much of a leap in quality the series made. I still can't believe this was released only two years after the first. The moment to moment gameplay is hugely refined and is, on average, the best in the series. Combine that with the addition of the bombastic setpieces that have become a series hallmark and it really stands the test of time. In fact, I was shocked at how little the game seems to have aged. Feeling the combat difference between the first game, where you really did have to spend much of the time in sitting cover, and this where you can move more freely gives the combat sequences far more of a unique identity that's a lot of fun.

The sense of pacing is still top notch for about 90% of the time. I only really felt that the pacing was off toward the end, when the game becomes a series of continuous firefights. It kind of became a slog toward the end, especially with Guardians and the Gatling gun guys in the mix. Despite that I would say that this is overall the most consistent in quality of all the games and I understand why so many say it's they're favorite. There honestly isn't too much interesting to say about this one, it's just a damn fine game.

The train sequence is still one of the best action scenes ever in a game.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Playing this back to back with Uncharted 2 was an odd experience. Given the slower paced start and the weak Syria segment, it feels like a step back at first. Thankfully the quality chateau chapters break up some of the weaker moments. After Syria though, the game grabs me and never lets go. I pretty much marathoned this one, which I didn't even come close to doing with the other ones. The presentation, location variety, art direction, and more personal story all hook me in a way the other games in the series don't and the late game setpieces still get me every time. The character moments also strike me pretty deep and have added and emotional weight to the series that I adore.

I also love the approach to combat in this game. I know there are legitimate complaints about it, many of which I agree with, but I think this one allows the most player freedom in determining how to approach situations and is best about keeping you on your toes so you don't fall into the trap of just sitting in cover. There's a greater distribution of power weapons and each gun feels more unique than they did in previous games, leading to a more thoughful approach to how you want Drake loaded out in order to deal with certain threats. The improved gun sound effects add so much to the combat as well, the shitty pewpew sounds in the first couple games really hurt the punch the combat could have.

This post wound up being more of a ramble than I planned. GAF post boxes make it hard for me to organize my words well but I just wanted to type up my thoughts after going through the series again. 2 and 3 are still tied for me and are two of my all time favorite games. Eventually I'll write up some thoughts on where 4 is going but I'll save that for a more appropriate thread.

I have other favorite series and other favorite games but none put a smile on my face as much as Uncharted.

I agree with every single point made.

Regarding Uncharted 3, aside from Syria in general, as well as some inconclusive and rather unfocused narrative elements, really the only main issue I have with the gane is the hit reactions, otherwise as you rightly said, the combat offers more freedom of approach, strategy and mobility compared to the other games.

The weapons sound and feel better (as you also touched on), there's more variety with them, and the combat scenarios are more diverse too. You can tell it was designed in a way to get you to be more mobile and explore options and terrain more. Given how often people play games like Uncharted and Gears by just sitting/standing behind one piece of cover an entire gunfight, I can see why they did it. They essentially take away your sense of security, and force you to be more intelligent and thoughtful in how you take on the gunfights, at least in a few of them anyway.

But yea, I sort of forgot how insane the set pieces are in Uncharted 3. I always go on about the collapsing building and train, but the cruise ship, man it was incredible. Even though the ship graveyard is a bit random narrative wise, I did enjoy scaling, climbing and jumping through it all. As someone who's scared of heights and who has also nearly drowned before (long story lol), it gave me an added sense of tension, fear and vertigo.


Uncharted 2 down, and it's easily still one of my all-time favourites, besides the gatling gun guys and the big blue bastards, I have almost zero issues with it, from the almost perfect pacing, to the great action set-pieces, characters, story and fun gameplay. Very few games have I enjoyed more.

You just need the disc, and when it's ready, you insert the disc, highlight the title, select overview and select the Uncharted 4 MP beta, to start the download. (according to the pamphlet in the box)

Ok thanks. I was just worried that you needed a code for it as I assumed the beta was only for preorders.

Im playing through Drakes Fortune atm, and Im amazed at how beautifull the game is. Bluepoint did a great job. Though there is a lot of clipping.


I agree with every single point made.

Regarding Uncharted 3, aside from Syria in general, as well as some inconclusive and rather unfocused narrative elements, really the only main issue I have with the gane is the hit reactions, otherwise as you rightly said, the combat offers more freedom of approach, strategy and mobility compared to the other games.

I hate to be one of those guys who is always hating on Uncharted 3 but hit reactions were not the only problem with the combat. I do this out of love as ND may be reading the thread so I don't want them repeating the same mistakes. This guy earlier in the thread summed up some of the other issues.

There are three main issues with the very strange combat changes in UC3. To preface this I think I get what ND was trying to do; utilize movement much more to make for active and exciting firefights where you aren't just plopped in cover. Being able to throw back grenades actually has a large impact against this, as it almost promotes camping. Previously, a grenade would be thrown to flush you from your cover, opening the enemy up for a killshot. With that no longer being a flush, it's now up to the enemy itself to do it. This leads into bullrush suicide charges where guys will go without any cover just to run directly where you are, which is...weird. I posted this in here before which is the type of thing that happens, but for an extended test I actually intentionally stayed back here. What happened? Lo and behold, literally every enemy in the entire encounter actually ran right over there to get beat up. You can hear Cutter almost constantly getting into fistfights, and it's particularly apparent around 2:03 as the enemies that were shooting at me just give up and run right in the open. The video got cut off a bit at the end, but you can still catch the final 2 people running towards me. It's ridiculous looking, and actually problematic because of the next combat change.

Melee! UC3 seemed to really want to have Drake use melee attacks. There are multiple brawls where it's just him vs. a bunch of enemies you punch and counter out. In its own right these are fairly dull moments that mostly just have some cool camera work and a lot of interactivity in the environment, but the design in these sections actually seeped into the main game for some baffling reason. O, the button that is always used to take cover and/or roll is now mapped to GRAB AND THROW. This is unbelievably idiotic when you have a gun, as the standard melee fights in 3 take quite awhile to resolve. Naturally, this means one thing: An enemy is right next to you, and there is no escape. Try to roll away, and Drake now grabs and tosses the guy in that direction. The enemy throws a punch and suctions you into him, which is almost guaranteed to kill you. Two examples of this: here we see a guy punch me and the game might as well have killed me there--look how long the melee takes to do anything, and I'm under fire the whole time. Special note for this is it happened right after I died, it spawned me in this area I was not previously at while under fire(it's a stealth segment the first time), UC3 also does that a lot for some reason. Here is another one that shows how well and truly fucked you are. I threw a guy while I tried to roll...had this been UC2 I would have been able to roll away and blindfire once I saw all those people I ran into. Enemies that rush you mixed with this problematic melee is already a recipe for frustration, but what's the magical third piece?

Hit reactions! I keep seeing it mentioned in this thread, and yes, in 3 specifically the enemies love to shrug off bullets like they're no big deal. Like...I don't even know what happened here? How on Earth did the game coming after UC2 go backwards in such a key spot? This is primarily a TPS, which in its most simplest terms means you shoot many dudes with a bunch of guns. Feedback is, like, the most essential part, y'know? What the hell is this? That's an enemy that holds a laser sight on you, and after it being beaded in on you, leads to an instant kill. He manages to hold it in sight for long enough to pull this off while being pointblank blasted a whole bunch of times. Or this, again, power weapon user that isn't getting interrupted under fire. This is another compounding issue that despite the videos focusing on particularly rough occurrences is omnipresent in every shootout. We got bullrushing dudes with vacuum melee that also like to ignore bullets when they feel like it. Now that sentence is scarier than most horror games I've ever played.

Ultimately, even if 3 lacked the flow of 2, I would still be alright with it being a normal ass uncharted game, but the combat just outta nowhere is such a mess. Like I just wrote all those paragraphs and I still didn't cover multiple huge topics, like the spawning system. This is the worst occurrence in the entire game to me, in the cruise ship. First, you start here. A lot of pressure right off the bat, but eh. Once they're taken care of, there are immediately dots on your back as enemies came in from the door up above and almost cheap shot you in a super blatant fashion. But that room gets worse even after you switch sides pre-emptively for the backwards spawn. When a single enemy remains from that side, they do it AGAIN and have a bunch of people spawn behind this side. It's like you take a box, put the player in the corner, lock them in that corner with heavy fire, then punish them for not moving out of it by lighting them on fire until they have the magical ability to telegraph when the game pulls something like this. So now that's added into the mix above, where you have a frenetic combat system that wants the player to keep moving, but with actual backwards spawning on top of the enemies already running around like a bat out of hell makes it overwhelming and sloppy. If it isn't outright spawning like that, it's other power weapons out of nowhere. You can't have this happen to a player, where they fight through a combat wave, move up and trigger a spawn which lights them up with no damn warning. It's not like these are new to the series, there were plenty of rockets, grenade launchers, and snipers in UC2--they were just placed with tact in ways that didn't lead to TKOs outta nowhere. The moment the combat starts to become 'die, learn the spawns, kill the priority targets, breeze through' it should be apparent something is off. It feels videogamey as hell in some masochistic trial by fire with some of this stuff. Another example here. The enemy type near the end of the game is also a pain in the ass and is capable of teleporting right behind you. Thankfully they're only present for ~3 or so encounters.
I hate to be one of those guys who is always hating on Uncharted 3 but hit reactions were not the only problem with the combat. I do this out of love as ND may be reading the thread so I don't want them repeating the same mistakes. This guy earlier in the thread summed up some of the other issues.
That opinion isn't one that is necessarily "right". I've never had a problem with UC3's combat and I don't even think I've noticed the lack of hit reactions from the AI back when it released.

I watch some of those and I laugh at the salt poured simply because he died playing poorly. You don't sit behind cover following a target while scoped in and get mad that you didn't see the other guys coming.


That opinion isn't one that is necessarily "right". I've never had a problem with UC3's combat and I don't even think I've noticed the lack of hit reactions from the AI back when it released.

Well the fact that it has been keenly discussed by so many since the day it launched all the way up till now shows that there must be some credence to this argument. If you didn't notice the hit reactions then I really do not know what to say.
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