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Uncharted |OT|

PistolGrip said:
I sware if the real game doesnt have pop in I will personally write an angry letter :( Thats right bitches thats how I roll.
Yeah I didn't see any in the demo, other than statue textures loading for like quarter second right at the beginning.

Anyways, other than that, the review says exactly what I wanted it to say, AAA all the way.
Wollan said:
The demo of Uncharted wiped it's ass with COD4 but oh well. Just a minor logic error between two reviewers.

I dunno about that man...screen tearing and texture pop in sorta ruins the polish. Although I agree Cod4 definately is not a 10.

I think both games are pretty equal in terms of look. COD4 just looks more polished.
Wollan said:
The demo of Uncharted wiped it's ass with COD4 but oh well. Just a minor logic error between two reviewers.

I disagree, but hey, each to his own. I think both games look amazing and have such different styles I wouldn't compare them.


sex vacation in Guam
Ynos Yrros said:
Yeah I didn't see any in the demo, other than statue textures loading for like quarter second right at the beginning.

Anyways, other than that, the review says exactly what I wanted it to say, AAA all the way.
Yeah even in their video review I expected them to show the "pop in" or screen tearing and they didnt. Why? They did for Assasin's creed but why couldnt they come up with it for Uncharted? its fishy! or maybe its shown but I am blind!?


Since IGN reviewed Uncharted, does that mean the game is coming out this week on the 15th after all?

Now that AC sounds crappy, Kane & Lynch doesn't sound much better, and Contra IV is something I'll mainly play in the bathroom, it would be nice to have an awesome game to play this weekend.

Also, people shouldn't bother comparing the visuals to CoD4. CoD4 is the most overrated game this year (though Mass Effect could be if it's another Jade Empire). The graphics are ok, but not in the A-calibur group like Gears of War, Uncharted, PGR4, GT5p


Worships the porcelain goddess
Great score for great game. Don't care about graphic score. They can lick my sweaty balls on that one (inconsistent scores ftw?). Game is HOT!


Bebpo said:
Since IGN reviewed Uncharted, does that mean the game is coming out this week on the 15th after all?

Now that AC sounds crappy, Kane & Lynch doesn't sound much better, and Contra IV is something I'll mainly play in the bathroom, it would be nice to have an awesome game to play this weekend.

Also, people shouldn't bother comparing the visuals to CoD4. CoD4 is the most overrated game this year (though Mass Effect could be if it's another Jade Empire). The graphics are ok, but not in the A-calibur group like Gears of War, Uncharted, PGR4, GT5p

Bebpo said:
Since IGN reviewed Uncharted, does that mean the game is coming out this week on the 15th after all?

Now that AC sounds crappy, Kane & Lynch doesn't sound much better, and Contra IV is something I'll mainly play in the bathroom, it would be nice to have an awesome game to play this weekend.

Also, people shouldn't bother comparing the visuals to CoD4. CoD4 is the most overrated game this year (though Mass Effect could be if it's another Jade Empire). The graphics are ok, but not in the A-calibur group like Gears of War, Uncharted, PGR4, GT5p
Freedom Fighters got some horrible scores and it was outstanding IMO. Kand and Lynch is going to be hawt, believe. Agree about CoD4.


I'm just learning to ignore these reviews anymore. For this game, from the very minor tearing in it to receive 1 full point less than CoD4 is getting rediculous. CoD4 is not a 10, it has it's own problems with pop-in and such, and though 60fps, it has drops in it. Uncharted is superior to every other graphical aspect of CoD4 outside of framerate from what i've seen on my own TV. Unless there's major issues in the other segments of Uncharted, I don't know what to say.

It's honestly like the industry is trying to put a fork in the PS3. I'm not even joking. Uncharted is the most impressive game I've seen on consoles. Period. Graphics are a major part of the videogame experience for people, and they know it. They can try to sell the "different reviewers-different scores" all they want, but they need to establish a medium. In this situation, they just look stupid.

I'm not going to debate other things, since I don't know the story and such, but just from what the demo shown, which displays how awesome the graphics are. I won't doubt for one second, if this game was a 360 exclusive, it would've pulled even higher scores.

Eh, whatever... I'm still buying it, I'm still having high hopes for it.


Bebpo said:
Since IGN reviewed Uncharted, does that mean the game is coming out this week on the 15th after all?

Now that AC sounds crappy, Kane & Lynch doesn't sound much better, and Contra IV is something I'll mainly play in the bathroom, it would be nice to have an awesome game to play this weekend.

Also, people shouldn't bother comparing the visuals to CoD4. CoD4 is the most overrated game this year (though Mass Effect could be if it's another Jade Empire). The graphics are ok, but not in the A-calibur group like Gears of War, Uncharted, PGR4, GT5p
:lol wat?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
From that interview:

CB: There's one thing that we did -- and I don't know if anyone will really notice it -- but when we play a movie, the sound keeps going even after the movie ends, back into the game. So there's things like that we're going to try to push even more next time.
There we go! Yeah, I really appreciated that, and was impressed by it. I can't think of another game that had that, even those that use fully realtime cutscenes.

Oh and btw, I'm not 100% sure, but I think that interview has a HUGE spoiler... It mentions
Nazis on a tropical island
but it doesn't say if it really ended up in the game or just that it's similar to what was the initial idea for Bioshock apparently. Well, it's not like I did't suspect there would be something like that with
U-boat on the island, neo-nazi looking military guys and Indy inspiration
, and reading it again, I'm not sure if it's really a spoiler or just a 'kind-of' comparison.


Marconelly said:
From that interview:

There we go! Yeah, I really appreciated that, and was impressed by it. I can't think of another game that had that, even those that use fully realtime cutscenes.

Oh and btw, I'm not 100% sure, but I think that interview has a HUGE spoiler... It mentions
Nazis on a tropical island
but it doesn't say if it really ended up in the game or just that it's similar to what was the initial idea for Bioshock apparently.
Absolutely. The design of the game does so many things right, it's really tough to find anything to complain about. It truly is uncharted territory we're in here.
I put this in the review thread replying to someone who has seen videos and has not played the demo. Basically he said that from what he has SEEN the gun play and feel of Gears was more exhilarating. Of course he precursed that by saying people who have played should be better judges than him. Here is my reply, and let me know if you are experiencing the demo the same way I am:

Yeah, you have to play it (multiple times even) to fully experience it. I have played through the demo maybe 10 times (all but one on Hard). I enjoy it more and more each time. The AI employed in the game is pure genius. It makes it very enjoyable. You really have to think about where the enemy is coming from and how they can flank you and exploit your cover. The only way to explain it is, they are very smart.

One enemy will provide cover fire and the other move in to flank you. You can hear the enemy verbalize the commands and help each other out. It makes it very gratifying (and exhilarating) to kill the pirates as it really isn't easy. Overall, I think the AI and story are what will set this game apart. Unfortunately for people reviewing the game on a schedule, they probably aren't going to see a lot of these idiosyncrasies. Hell, I am still finding them on a small part of the game after 10 plus playthroughs of the demo.

I still will never understand the 9 for graphics when there are games rated higher with less graphical awe. Oh well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I don't think it's really possible to appreciate how nice it is to have a character this agile in a shooter just from watching videos.


cjtiger300 said:
I put this in the review thread replying to someone who has seen videos and has not played the demo. Basically he said that from what he has SEEN the gun play and feel of Gears was more exhilarating. Of course he precursed that by saying people who have played should be better judges than him. Here is my reply, and let me know if you are experiencing the demo the same way I am:

The funniest thing is that the guy reviewing Uncharted said that it was the best looking game this year for him, personally, on the IGN podcast.

Then he goes and gives it a 9. :lol

Who hires these guys? :lol


Snah said:
The funniest thing is that the guy reviewing Uncharted said that it was the best looking game this year for him, personally, on the IGN podcast.

Then he goes and gives it a 9. :lol

Who hires these guys? :lol

IGN does
Snah said:
The funniest thing is that the guy reviewing Uncharted said that it was the best looking game this year for him, personally, on the IGN podcast.

Then he goes and gives it a 9. :lol

Who hires these guys? :lol

Yeah, you have to wonder what the hell he is smoking. That Podcast was recorded what, 3 or 4 days ago? Why the change?
Ok, gave it another shot, and liked it a little bit more. I think though that the whole blend of third person and over the shoulder aiming is throwing me off; I have different vertical and horizontal movement preferences for aiming and just moving around, which makes it a bit jarring to switch between the two. One thing that this game does better than any other game, ever, is the movement of enemies. It's exaggerated like mad, but it's awesome nonetheless. Enemies will strut around, slide into firing position with guns drawn in pure cheese action style, and so forth. It's awesome.


Snah said:
The funniest thing is that the guy reviewing Uncharted said that it was the best looking game this year for him, personally, on the IGN podcast.

Then he goes and gives it a 9. :lol

Who hires these guys? :lol
Must've been peer pressure. PS3 games are not allowed to suprass 360 in graphic fidelity until 2008. That would be against the rules.
Awntawn said:
Must've been peer pressure. PS3 games are not allowed to suprass 360 in graphic fidelity until 2008. That would be against the rules.

Cue the tinhoilhat.gif, but at some point you've got to fucking wonder what's going on.


What the hell is going on on this forum? What's with this absurd fascination with scores? Every other thread is about scores. Now we even have people bitching about a 9 instead of a 10 in the graphics department, just because a reviewer didn't think much of tearing and texture pop-up. Jesus. Holy. Christ. It's a great looking game, the demo proved that at least. Isn't that enough? For the love of all that's lovable, please just stop. Read the review, comment on that. Everybody's happy.
Zabojnik said:
What the hell is going on on this forum? What's with this absurd fascination with scores? Every other thread is about scores. Now we even have people bitching about a 9 instead of a 10 in the graphics department, just because a reviewer didn't think much of tearing and texture pop-up. Jesus. Holy. Christ. It's a great looking game, the demo proved that at least. Isn't that enough? For the love of all that's lovable, please just stop. Read the review, comment on that. Everybody's happy.

Technically a sound argument, but not applicable to this particular review. Score or text, the review is flawed. It should certainly not be too much to ask of these so called professional review sites to actually establish and follow common standards across reviews tagged as official site brand reviews. These are not individual bloggers we are talking about.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Cue the tinhoilhat.gif, but at some point you've got to fucking wonder what's going on.
Anyone who's ever seen this game in action should understand after seeing this review that we are at least entitled a half-serious joke on the subject. It's clear that they are very cautious about handing out that first graphical 10 on a PS3 exclusive.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Technically a sound argument, but not applicable to this particular review. Score or text, the review is flawed. It should certainly not be too much to ask of these so called professional review sites to actually establish and follow common standards across reviews tagged as official site brand reviews. These are not individual bloggers we are talking about.

Every review is flawed slightly in some matter. That's the excuse for a 10 page thread on every game. "Oh but he's objectively wrong about these things!"

It's like there's not a single review in the world that can escape scrutiny when looked at by the fanbases of 3 competing systems.
Bebpo said:
Every review is flawed slightly in some matter. That's the excuse for a 10 page thread on every game. "Oh but he's objectively wrong about these things!"

It's like there's not a single review in the world that can escape scrutiny when looked at by the fanbases of 3 competing systems.

This one certainly can't, as it is fundamentally flawed. Floaty, aimless arguments be damned, this is one flawed review, and its rooted in a seriously flawed system that IGN is using. And before anyone bothers even bringing it up, the individual reviewer crap can take a hike. If there is no common standard, then IGN should stop publishing official reviews.
Snah said:
The funniest thing is that the guy reviewing Uncharted said that it was the best looking game this year for him, personally, on the IGN podcast.

Then he goes and gives it a 9. :lol

Who hires these guys? :lol

Does it really matter? If he calls it the best looking game he's seen, doesn't that matter a lot more than a number?


SolidSnakex said:
Does it really matter? If he calls it the best looking game he's seen, doesn't that matter a lot more than a number?

Does it matter? To me? No. I've played the demo and I know it's the most incredible looking game I've ever seen.

However, the contradiction here of one of the biggest videogame websites on the internet, with all of its influence, is simply inexcusable.


On paper it sounds horrible, tearing and pop-in omg! But we've all played the demo, and you can never say everyone, but likely 90% would agree that 1 full point docked for just the slight amount that is present if any (I've still personally yet to see any tearing at 720p, and only pop-in for the statue at the beginning after skipping the cutscene) is nothing short of absolutely absurd considering all of the graphical features that have been packed in and overall how smoothly the game runs.

Ultimately it's only 1 point in 1 category, it's not that big a deal. The overall review is fairly positive and the score is very good. The 1 point doesn't matter, it's the manner in which that point is docked. It nothing short of screams obligatory, especially considering that the same person who reviewed it and assigned the scores was talking on a podcast released just days before calling this the best looking game on a console this generation so far. So it looks better than <insert any other game from this gen that scored 9.5 or higher in graphics>, but it gets a lower score in visuals. What? If that's not docking for the sake of docking, I don't know what it is.

Sho Nuff

Zabojnik said:
What the hell is going on on this forum? What's with this absurd fascination with scores? Every other thread is about scores. Now we even have people bitching about a 9 instead of a 10 in the graphics department, just because a reviewer didn't think much of tearing and texture pop-up. Jesus. Holy. Christ. It's a great looking game, the demo proved that at least. Isn't that enough? For the love of all that's lovable, please just stop. Read the review, comment on that. Everybody's happy.

Yeah, but he scored the graphics 9 out of 10, dude. I don't know how you could possibly give that kind of number to a graphical package with the breadth of Uncharted's.
Snah said:
Does it matter? To me? No. I've played the demo and I know it's the most incredible looking game I've ever seen.

However, the contradiction here of one of the biggest videogame websites on the internet, with all of its influence, is simply inexcusable.

What's the contradiction? That CoD4 got a 10 and Uncharted got a 9 in the graphics department? That was reviewed by Hilary who gave Jade Empire a 9.9 overall. His standards are...Shall we say very different from anyone elses.


SolidSnakex said:
What's the contradiction? That CoD4 got a 10 and Uncharted got a 9 in the graphics department? That was reviewed by Hilary who gave Jade Empire a 9.9 overall. His standards are...Shall we say very different from anyone elses.
I'll admit that the 10 for CoD4 is making this a bigger issue than it should have been. That was a big slap in the face to pretty much any other game that didn't get a 10.
hmmm, its prob the impressive game Ive seen...who cares about the score, a 9 is good anyway...Personally I was never that impressed by COD4 so thats a non factor for me (it still looks good, weak textures though)


SolidSnakex said:
What's the contradiction? That CoD4 got a 10 and Uncharted got a 9 in the graphics department? That was reviewed by Hilary who gave Jade Empire a 9.9 overall. His standards are...Shall we say very different from anyone elses.

The contradiction that the best graphics he's seen all year doesn't constitute a 10 in that category.
Snah said:
The contradiction that the best graphics he's seen all year doesn't constitute a 10 in that category.

I don't think having the best graphics someone has seen all year automatically means it should get a 10. He pointed out some flaws that hold it back from that. And it's kind of hard to give it a 10 when you see KZ2 which, from what we've seen at least, is somehow throwing a ton of shit around without any of the flaws Uncharted has.


I agree that Uncharted deserves more than a 9 for graphics. 95% of the games this gen have mild tearing / framerate problems and none look remotely as good as Uncharted.

I have little to no interest in the game because the setting / story / gameplay doesn't really appeal to me but I'll definitely buy it when I get my PS3 just for the graphical orgasm it provides.

SolidSnakex said:
I don't think having the best graphics someone has seen all year automatically means it should get a 10. He pointed out some visual flaws that hold it back from that. And it's kind of hard to give it a 10 when you see KZ2 which, from what we've seen at least, is somehow throwing a ton of shit around without any of the flaws Uncharted has.

You can't score games by using unreleased, unplayed titles as a frame of reference. Uncharted is the best-looking game available *today*, nothing short of repeated, sub 20 fps, gameplay-hindering framerate drops should prevent it from getting a 10 in graphics.


SolidSnakex said:
I don't think having the best graphics someone has seen all year automatically means it should get a 10. He pointed out some visual flaws that hold it back from that. And it's kind of hard to give it a 10 when you see KZ2 which, from what we've seen at least, is somehow throwing a ton of shit around without any of the flaws Uncharted has.

Perhaps not to everyone, but to me it sure as hell should. If I was reviewing a game that I felt had the best graphics all year, you can sure as hell bet I'd give that game a 10 in graphics.

Games aren't given scores based upon what future games look like; they're compared relative to what we are seeing and playing at the time.

It's natural for graphics to progress as developers become more accustomed to the hardware. A 10, IMHO, does not imply that the developers can't do better. I think it's more of a testament to how well a game looks relative to its peers at its current place in time.


IronicallyTwisted said:
He had a valid reason for giving the graphics less than a 10.

Wipe the bitter tears from your faces and move on.

Uh. Anyone could come up with valid reasons or flaws in every single game they review. Nothing is perfect. But if you're going to claim this is the best game you've seen all year long, and then go ahead and give it a 9.0 in graphics...it appears disingenuous.
Kildace said:
You can't score games by using unreleased, unplayed titles as a frame of reference. Uncharted is the best-looking game available *today*, nothing short of repeated, sub 20 fps, gameplay-hindering framerate drops should prevent it from getting a 10 in graphics.

People have played KZ2 though. It's hard not to look at upcoming games when you're taking current scores into account. It's why a 10 for Crysis makes complete sense. Not only is it the best looking game currently available, there's nothing on the horizon that we've seen that stacks up to it.

But this is again a reason why I think sites should just dump scores in general. Just write a review and let people go off that instead of trying to giev a score to everything.
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